Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 497 The Tragic Newlywed Husband

Chapter 497 The Tragic Newlywed Husband

The life after marriage is no different from before marriage, it is the same for Lin Yan, and it is still the same for the actor.

I thought that after getting married, there would be a reason to eat tofu openly, but Mu Yunzhe sighed deeply when he looked at his wife who was wearing sportswear and still couldn't hide his beauty.

He's been living the life of an ascetic again since he ate his ben hard on the wedding night.

You can't eat meat, you can only watch it every day, at least you can smell and taste some meat before marriage!

Now, not to mention meat foam, even smelling it is a luxury!
Mu Yunzhe wanted to cry, but looked at the beautiful figure running on the treadmill, turned his head, and continued to sweat on the fitness machine, venting his firepower.

Lin Yan in front of him clearly saw Mu Yunzhe's helpless look through the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the corners of his lips were raised, and he couldn't help but secretly smiled.

Since the wedding day, Lin Chenming has come to see her at home every day, and every time before leaving, he will give Mu Yunzhe a warning glance.

The honeymoon that Mu Yunzhe imagined was all in vain. Although the two of them had fewer announcements, they had a lot more work.

Originally, Lin Yan didn't plan to travel abroad, this fever just happened to save her honeymoon!
After the wedding, on the third day, Lin Yan, whose fever subsided, insisted on going to the nursing home with Mu Yunzhe to see Mu Lin.

It seems that the result has been decided, and Mu Lin has taken a lot of light. Before that, he was not optimistic about Lin Yan. After the constant nagging by the nurses some time ago, he has gained some understanding and changed his opinion.

Seeing a pair of Bi people walking towards him, Mu Lin suddenly smiled. He who had no facial expressions actually smiled, which surprised everyone.

Mu Lin really looked away. Although he still couldn't get out of bed and walk, he was able to carry out simple activities.

After visiting Mu Lin, the two went to the Qin family. If it wasn't for the Qin family's help, Mu Yunzhe would definitely not be able to handle this wedding by himself!
After staying in Qin's house for a day, it is inevitable to be teased, especially at night when Qin Ruting insisted on dragging Lin Yan outside, Mu Yunzhe refused to let her go, and then said the matter of having a fever .

As a result, it was naturally criticized by the whole family!
Lin Yan, who was a little shy at first, finally began to laugh unkindly.

Being told by the whole family every day, even if Mu Yunzhe had a wicked heart, he didn't have the guts. Although he loved Lin Yan very much, he didn't plan to have a big meal!
Sweat ran across the side of his face from his forehead, and finally fell on the ground. His handsome face became much more resolute, and he was no longer the image of the boy with fair skin and tender face.

The bulging biceps showed the man's strong physique. Through the shadow of the floor-to-ceiling windows, every movement of Mu Yunzhe could be seen clearly.

That sunny and cheerful boy back then has now become a mature and stable man!

Just as Lin Yan was about to turn her head, she saw Mu Yunzhe on the window smiling at herself, and then a teasing voice came from behind: "Honey, I'm right behind you, I can let you see enough anytime!"

With all these changes, Mu Yunzhe and before must have become more obvious hooligans. However, he used to be a restrained hooligan, but now he is a real hooligan!
After turning off the treadmill, Lin Yan walked into Mu Yunzhe step by step, looking at him unscrupulously.

Mu Yunzhe didn't feel the slightest embarrassment, and showed off his strong muscles: "How is it, is your wife satisfied?"

Lin Yan looked at him with a half-smile, from head to toe, from top to bottom, looking at him inch by inch.

Mu Yunzhe was showing off at the beginning, but in the end, almost half an hour had passed, and Lin Yan still looked like he was teasing and looking at the goods.

Even if he thinks that he is as thick-skinned as the Great Wall in front of his wife, he is still a little embarrassed: "Wife, I'll let you see it when I get home, this is a gym, if you do this again, I won't be able to bear it! "

This gym is owned by Fengyun Group, and it serves the upper-class people. People who can enter here are either rich or expensive. Except for artists who have a good relationship with the two, neither artists nor paparazzi can enter.

I thought that when I said this, Lin Yan would blush and call him a "hooligan" like before, or turn a blind eye and ignore him and continue to be herself.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yan folded her arms around her chest, walked forward a few steps, and said with a half-smile, "My lord, have you forgotten that this is the VIP room?"

Mu Yunzhe: "..."

Even if it's a VIP room, even if no one dares to come in, he can't do Lin Yan here!

Not to mention the environmental problem, even Lin Yan's body can't bear it!

Although this period of time looks much better!

Thinking of these things, Mu Yunzhe is full of resentment. The honeymoon is gone, the benefits are gone, and he could kiss and touch before, but now the two of them are half a meter apart. If Lin Chenming and the Qin family see him, they will keep him away!
How is this a newlywed!
It is agreed to eat meat every day, and mix oil with honey!
What a feast you can't escape!
Not to mention everything, even sleeping together at night will be disgusted by Lin Yan and opposed by the whole family!

How can a newlywed look like it should be?

Sorry for the first time!
If time can be turned back, Mu Yunzhe hopes that he can restrain himself a little on the wedding night!

I was happy for a while, but it has been a week since I regretted it!

Mu Yunzhe sighed inwardly as he looked at his lovely wife who looked at him jokingly.

It was not easy for the two of them to spend time alone, but his wife saw through his little thoughts at a glance.

Reluctantly got up, put down the dumbbell in his hand, walked to Lin Yan, and put his arms around her shoulders: "Honey, let's go home!"

Who knew that Lin Yan didn't move at all, but still looked at him jokingly: "My lord, have you forgotten that you can't come within half a meter of me?"

"Who said that! Why can't I even get close to my own wife!"

Angrily, Mu Yunzhe covered Lin Yan's mouth with his mouth, looked at the playful eyes, and plundered mercilessly.

Lin Yan, who was so angry, didn't expect Mu Yunzhe's counterattack. She thought she would endure it like the previous few times, but she didn't expect that she couldn't bear it in just a few days!

Uncle Cheng's secret recipe is indeed very effective. In just a few days, he feels back to the way he was when he was not injured.

Domineering plunder, strong attack, Lin Yan deeply understands a truth.

Wolves cannot be provoked casually, especially hungry wolves who have not had meat for a long time!

What finally saved Lin Yan from the mouth of the hungry wolf was the ringtone of the smart phone. When the music of Angelica rang, not only Lin Yan heaved a sigh of relief, but even Mu Yunzhe secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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