Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 513 Virtuous, virtuous and innocent

Chapter 513 Virtuous, virtuous and innocent

Mu Yunzhe ignored Shen Yi, but squatted down next to Lin Yan: "Xixi, can you give me a hug from brother?"

Xixi hesitated for a while, then was defeated by Mu Yunzhe's handsome smile, turned around, and rushed towards him: "Brother, is sister working hard?"

Such a big house belongs to my sister, so my sister must have worked very hard to earn money.

Mu Yunzhe picked up Xixi: "That's right, sister is working hard, so Xixi can't just ask her to hug her in the future, Xixi is very heavy."

The corner of Shen Yi's lips twitched, which deepened Mu Yunzhe's understanding of Lin Yan's possessiveness.

Xu PD was very excited, Xu PD was very excited, since he turned off the camera, he surrounded Lin Yan and asked various questions.

"Mr. Lin, do you need to cut the picture about Wei Yihang?"

"Boss Lin, can Xiaoyan keep some of Xiaoyan's revelations at the right time?"

"Boss Lin, can some of the wedding photos of the two of you be properly broadcast?"

"Boss Lin, is there any chance to cooperate in the future?"

One question after another, she kept asking Lin Yan, Lin Yan just smiled, and answered after all the questions were over: "All the recorded content can not be deleted, Xu PD must understand our reason for participating in this program. intention."

Xu Mingwei nodded. To be honest, if Shen Yi hadn't been in trouble right now, they wouldn't have had the opportunity to interview Lin Yan, and they wouldn't have allowed international film stars and actresses to participate in their programs for free.

"Idol Breaking News" has been on the air for two years. During this period, the host has also changed several times, and the content of the program is constantly innovating.

This program was planned by him alone, and he put a lot of effort into it. He can be said to be both the director and screenwriter of this program.

If the broadcast is stopped like this, he will not only feel a pity, but also feel sorry for this single-handedly built team.

The interview between Lin Yan and Mu Yunzhe didn't talk about these contents, these revelations, but the arrival of these two people can save the program that is about to be suspended.

With this rich content, Xu Mingwei can almost imagine that after the broadcast, the ratings will rise steadily, and one topic after another will be discussed.

He had a hunch that this would be the most successful and brilliant program recording since he entered the industry!
And the subsequent development was indeed as he expected.

"Thank you everyone." Shen Yi clapped his hands, and everyone looked at him: "It's getting late, my wife has already fixed the location, let's go together!"

Shen Yiding's place is naturally not bad, this can be regarded as the industry's rules, when new to a place, first of all, we should invite everyone to have a big meal together, to get acquainted with each other and get to know each other.

The staff are very happy, and it has been a long time since I have been invited to dinner by an artist.

In their line of work, what people see is always the scene on the screen, those big stars, they are only behind the scenes, unknown.

The salary is not high, and I do the most tiring work, and I don't have time for three meals a day.

Everyone's eyes turned to Xu Mingwei, seeing him nodding his head and cheering, he even packed things up a lot faster.

Lin Yan didn't want to go, Xi Xi was afraid of strangers, although she looked much better now, but thinking about yesterday's scene, she was still a little worried.

Helpless, the hospitality is hard to turn down, Shen Yi said that Li Yu had to thank them, so this dinner must be attended.

Along the way, Xixi hugged Mu Yunzhe's neck tightly, her sallow face pressed against his shoulder, looking very pitiful.

Shen Yi sat in the same aircraft as them, saw this scene through the rearview mirror, and frowned deeply: "Yanyan, did your uncle abuse Xixi?"

Lin Yan and Mu Yunzhe kept silent about Xixi's specific life experience, only saying that he was Lin Chenming's son, even to Shen Yi, they didn't say much.

Lin Yan touched Xixi's head: "Yes, Xixi suffered a lot before, but it wasn't caused by my uncle."

Seeing that the eyes of the two were not right, Shen Yi winked and didn't ask any more questions.

Li Yu is a very intellectual woman, she looks gentle and generous, if she was a model of virtuous and virtuous in ancient times.

Lin Yan had never been in contact with her before, but she had only seen her photos. Her first impression was that the photos were unbelievable!

If Li Yu was really that mature, he wouldn't be fooled by Xiao Xianrou with such a small trick!
When meeting her in person, Lin Yan's first impression was that she was innocent and youthful, as if she was a college student who hadn't entered the society yet. She looked very mature and steady, but in fact, she was very deceitful if she was dazed.

It is very simple and comfortable to get along with such a person, speak very straightforwardly, don't have to sway, and don't have to think so much!
This also made Lin Yan understand why Shen Yi has always tried her best to protect Li Yu and prevent her from getting involved in this circle.

But such a simple and innocent girl was still involved.

His expression was exhausted, his complexion was abnormal, and he looked as if he was desperately ill and trying to exert himself.

"Lin Yan, I heard Shen Yi mentioning you often, thank you." Li Yu took a glass of red wine and drank it down to Lin Yan.

Lin Yan also got up hurriedly: "Sister-in-law, why are you polite, brother Shen has helped me a lot before."

"It's different." Li Yu murmured, his voice was weak, but it was still clearly heard by Lin Yan beside him.

Lin Yan didn't know how to comfort her, so she just smiled at her: "Sister-in-law, please thank brother Chen!"

That's right, Li Yu shifted his gaze to the man not far away, who was smiling happily with the staff who didn't know what to say.

More and more rumors and foul language made her dare not even go out, hiding at home every day, and even had the idea of ​​committing suicide.

Fortunately, she has a husband who loves her deeply, who will never leave her, and will not be dissatisfied with her because of rumors.

Not to mention scolding her and insulting her at this time, instead, they are gentle towards each other, with tenderness like water.

After a meal, the host and guest had a great time, and when they finally got home, they found a figure at the door.

Mu Yunzhe hugged Xixi to Lin Yan, and finally protected the two of them behind his back.

Although this is a wealthy area, with magnificent decoration and perfect security facilities, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no skilled thieves sneaking in.

Although this possibility is very small, just in case, after Mu Yunzhe protected Lin Yan and Xi Xi, Lin Yan took out her smartphone.

When he was about to connect to the security system, Mu Yunzhe said, "Uncle, why are you outside the door?"

The street lights were a little dim, and only a shadowy figure could be seen there.

After Mu Yunzhe said this, Lin Yan realized that when she was holding the smartphone, Lin Chenming walked a few steps, and the light happened to shine on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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