Chapter 520 Eaten up again!
As "Idol Breaking News" became more and more popular, there were more and more controversies about Lin Yan.

The broadcast of the TV series version of "The Military Master of Crossing the World" also reminded everyone of the time when Lin Yan just announced that she was Fenglin Tianxia.

It seems that Lin Yan stood up because the novel was made into a TV series without Lin Yan's knowledge.

And most people have a good memory. Although it was only a few days of publicity, everyone still remembered that the male lead of the TV series version of "The Soldier of Crossing the World" at that time is the current lead, Li Yan.

Some people think that Lin Yan is purely teasing Li Yan. He won't allow it to be broadcast after filming it. When you make a better one, ask him to re-shoot it!
At first, there were only one or two voices, but later they became more and more, as if someone was manipulating them.

Although Wei Yihang said that he confessed to Lin Yan, he said it lightly, like a joke, but under the instigation of someone with a heart, he gradually evolved into Lin Yan's bohemian and unruly flirtatiousness.

Even the rumors with Wei Yihang when he first debuted, and the things that he once participated in movies with Wu Yao and others were mentioned.

The indecent video made a lot of noise at that time, and today it was brought out to talk again. It is the lotus flower that emerges from the mud and is not stained. It is impossible for Lin Yan to be in the mud without any stains!

Why did Wu Yao and Mo Wei, a popular actress and a new actor all go down at that time, but she, a little newcomer, had nothing to do?
Instead, it went smoothly until now?
Inside and outside the words, they all imply that Lin Yan has tricks and scheming, playing with the actor and the palm of his hand, and even has abnormal deals with other directors!

The fire was ignited very slowly. No one noticed it at first, let alone Lin Yan. Now she is so idle that she is about to lose her hair!
Lin Chenming paid more and more attention to Lin Xi, and taught him hand in hand, as if he wanted to make up for what he missed before, and the two were basically inseparable.

In the beginning, Lin Xi's tutoring place was still at Lin Yan's home. Later, Lin Chen came every day and watched him all the time. Finally, Lin Yan couldn't stand it anymore, and the teaching place was changed to his home.

In this way, Lin Yan will have nothing to do.

The audition for "Super Agent" still has more than two months, which is enough for her to prepare, and Yunyan Entertainment Company has nothing for Lin Yan to make a decision.

Since Mu Yunzhe had a hard meal of meat last time, he became more and more energetic. Except for some necessary attendance, he just stayed at home and made Lin Yan with Lin Yan!
The ribbon on the waist was pulled away, but Lin Yan didn't notice it, and was still complaining to Mu Yunzhe: "Do you think I was born to work hard? The announcements have been reduced, but I can't stay idle any longer!"

It has been a long time since the novel has been published. Even though countless readers are urging updates every day, Lin Yan doesn't want to open it right away. It's too exhausting!

No matter where she goes every day, there are people watching her. She is doomed not to be able to attend school. Before she got married, Mu Yunzhe took a leave of absence for her.

Wu Mingyi said that as long as Lin Yan develops her ideas, such as 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D movies, and that unattainable holographic game that can only be imagined at present, she will be specially approved for graduation.

Stepping into the third year, there is no need for tutors to teach, and more students just do it themselves and create by themselves.

There are a lot of third-year students who drop out of school, and most of the girls go home to have children. As long as they complete their graduation works, they will be considered as successful graduates.

Lin Yan's situation is not special, it's just that she stands out a bit in Huaqing University, the second-ranked school in the world!

Some media even questioned whether Lin Yan could not keep up?Have you been dismissed by the school?
Now, listening to Lin Yan's nagging, Mu Yunzhe as her husband smiled: "Are you free? If you are free, let's do something."

Before Lin Yan could ask anything, Mu Yunzhe blocked his mouth with his lips, opened his big hazy eyes, and looked at him incredulously. Mu Yunzhe felt more itchy in his heart like that.

Lin Yan is wearing a lace nightgown tonight, which Mu Yunzhe bought specially. It is knee-length, but only a green ribbon is tied around her waist to bind her.

Every night after taking a shower, Mu Yunzhe would prepare pajamas for her, and Lin Yan didn't feel anything wrong when she changed into them.

At this moment, seeing the raging flames burning in Mu Yunzhe's eyes, Lin Yan realized that he had planned it long ago!
There was red light in Mu Yunzhe's eyes, like a beast, staring at the beauty below him.

The ribbon around Lin Yan's waist had slipped off, revealing her white belly, her eyes were misty, and her cheeks were blushing.

At this moment, the kissing stopped, but he was still panting heavily.

The lace pajamas half-covered her part of the spring, and because of panting heavily, her chest rose and fell obviously.

Mu Yunzhe suffocated for breath, couldn't bear it anymore, kissed Lin Yan passionately, and stretched out his big hand with well-defined bones
Uncle Cheng's traditional Chinese medicine was finished drinking today, and Uncle Cheng didn't prescribe it again, and he didn't reprimand him.

This means that Lin Yan's injury has been completely healed, and her body doesn't need to be recuperated anymore, just pay attention to nutrition at ordinary times!

The lights turned off automatically, and the moonlight shone in through the large floor-to-ceiling windows and the white gauze curtains, adding light to the dark room.

The temperature in the room was very high, and on the Kingsize bed, two figures were tumbling, and the love that could not be expressed in words was proved by actions.

Time and time again, until Lin Yan fell into a coma, Mu Yunzhe curled his lips and stopped, kissing her forehead, hugging the person in his arms, feeling extremely happy.

The next day, Lin Yan woke up again under the sunshine, her whole body felt sore and weak as if she had been crushed.

Lin Yan rubbed her waist, regretting extremely, why did she say that she was idle, why did she feel idle!
Woohoo, I'd rather get up early and be late to film a scene than be eaten up!
Although she is also happy, but the sequelae also need to be borne by her!

Hmph, God is not fair, why the person who eats it is so comfortable and has no after-effects, while the person who is eaten is sore and weak!
Seeing Mu Yunzhe walk in refreshed, Lin Yan murmured viciously: "Since I'm all reborn, why don't you let me be reborn as a man!!! Even if I change with Yunzhe!"

(End of this chapter)

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