Chapter 526 The First Date

That kick didn't use much force, at least for Mu Yunzhe, it was just scratching his itch.

The corners of Mu Yunzhe's lips deepened. Well, my wife is too thin-skinned and shy.

However, can the meaning of this sentence be understood as that you can do whatever you want at night?

Thinking of this, Mu Yunzhe's eyes were full of smiles, he let go of Lin Yan's restraint, and helped her tidy up her clothes by the way.

The pure white cotton T-shirt is full of wrinkles, Lin Yan's long hair is also very messy, her eyes are a little reddish, with water in them, she looks like a pitiful little white rabbit who has been bullied.

Can the queen be described as a gentle and harmless little white rabbit?

In less than two seconds, Mu Yunzhe withdrew his description, and saw Lin Yan raised her head, stepped on his left toe with her right foot, with a self-righteous glint in her eyes, gritted her teeth and said, "Tonight! Tonight! Me! Sleep! Sand! Hair!"

Where is this little white rabbit?It's clearly a kitten that got pissed off, okay!
The look of raising his head and showing a fierce look on his face was short of bristling his fine hair and hair. Although he didn't feel the slightest danger, he was extraordinarily cute.

However, the left foot really hurts!
A kitten with fried hair is still a bit dangerous!

Mu Yunzhe stroked her long hair for her: "Okay, don't be angry, we are a couple protected by the Marriage Law, isn't such a thing very common?"

The wife is sure that he won't let her sleep on the sofa at night, so what if the wound bursts open? (Mu Yingdi, do you think Lin Yan is made of tofu?)
But, speaking of it, who invented the sofa?It's simply one of the worst inventions in the world. Of course, if Lin Yan recovers from her injury and can sleep with him, then...ahem, just imagine nosebleeds!

Lin Yan's cheeks were red, a couple protected by the Marriage Law?usually?Hmph, it's not you who can't get up every morning, that's why you say that!

Mu Yunzhe, Yun Tianwang, Mu Yingdi, heh heh heh, why didn't I realize that you are such a beast!
Lin Yan kept complaining, but she couldn't say anything. She was on guard against Mu Yunzhe every day, afraid that if she was not careful, she would be eaten again.

In the end, he took all precautions, and in the end he took the initiative to send the **** to Mu Yingdi to eat.

Fortunately, I finally woke up a little bit, and I didn't get wiped out, so I made it to the end!
Lin Yan was not talking, Mu Yunzhe smiled even more, his lovely wife is so sweet, but she guards him like a thief every day, doesn't she understand that the more he is like this, the more irrepressible he is?

Well, let's take this as the love-interest between husband and wife!
Lin Yan patted her shoulder lightly, as if a little dust had fallen on it, frowned, glanced at Mu Yunzhe, and walked aside.

Mu Yunzhe rushed to pour water for Lin Yan before Lin Yan's arrival: "Yan'er, Aaron's movie was released globally yesterday, and he gave me some tickets. Let's go see it together later?"

After drinking some water, Lin Yan felt that she had finally come back to life, when she heard Mu Yunzhe's words, her heart moved.

Speaking of which, the two have never dated normally like ordinary couples, let alone now that they are married.

I used to be busy all the time, and I had to pay attention to everything, because I was afraid that some news would be exposed by the media.

After the announcement, the two people's announcements were full, especially her, dating?Not even enough time to sleep!
After getting married, she became free. Mu Yunzhe went to the company for a few hours every day to be busy, and sometimes he didn't come back until midnight, although only one day came back at midnight.

Seriously, the relationship between the two of them seems to be a matter of course, and they don't even have the romance of going shopping and watching movies like other couples.

When people go shopping, they endorse, and the clothes are tailor-made for them by designers, or even the clothes of the endorsers. They can use the time for shopping to do many things.

When people watch movies, they are the people on the screen, and they have their own activities to participate in movie premieres. Even in concerts, they are also people who perform on stage, not people who sit down and watch.

However, when did Aaron, the world-class king of actors and actresses, shoot a movie?Why doesn't she know?
During this period of time, Mu Yunzhe ordered him to stay at home, and he was out of touch with society.

Since "Idol Big Bang" was broadcast, she hasn't been online much, so she doesn't need to think about what the fans will say.

These days, I cultivate myself at home and don't have to worry about the company. I really look like a housewife!
Thinking of this, Lin Yanxiu frowned slightly: "What movie? Why don't I know?"

How can I let you know everything, there are so many scoldings on the Internet these days, the reason why Lin Yan doesn't use the Internet much, speaking of it, is because of Mu Yunzhe's inducement and hard work every night!
"It's rare for Aaron to shoot a commercial film. I heard that the box office of the premiere in Europe and America yesterday reached [-] million Chinese dollars, and the evaluation is also very good!" Mu Yunzhe replied evasively.

Lin Yan also didn't intend to get to the bottom of it. After being told by Mu Yunzhe, she really wanted to see it.

After all, Aaron, a world-class superstar, is her idol!

The two were fully armed, with hats and masks and other equipment. It was still summer and the weather was very hot. There were many people wearing sun hats and masks on the street.

Half an hour later, they set off from the villa, boarded the aircraft and went directly to the largest movie theater in S city.

Mu Yunzhe's VIP ticket does not show the time and date, as long as it is in theaters, no matter when you watch it, it will not be invalid!
Seeing Lin Yan moved, Mu Yunzhe dragged Lin Yan away vigorously.

If you don't hurry up now, what if my wife doesn't want to go at night?
Sitting in the movie theater, with popcorn in her right hand and Mu Yunzhe in her left, Lin Yan was still a little curious watching the scene on the big screen.

In the past, apart from sitting in the front row to watch the premiere of his or Mu Yunzhe's movie, he watched it in a small theater at home.

Sitting in a movie theater as an ordinary audience, this is the first time since she was reborn.

The scale of the theater is large, and the hardware and software equipment is also relatively good, but compared with the previous life, it still looks a bit crude.

There were a lot of people sitting around, and no one knew that the two people sitting in the middle of the crowd were famous celebrity couples in China and even the whole world.

"This is the last time is say love you" When Aaron's magnetic voice sounded weakly in the theater, everyone shed tears.

Lin Yan couldn't eat any more popcorn in her hand, and leaned her head against Mu Yunzhe involuntarily, even though she knew it was a movie, her tears still blurred.

(End of this chapter)

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