Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 531 The Master Behind Brilliant Entertainment

Chapter 531 The Master Behind Brilliant Entertainment
The two went crazy on stage, looking at ease as if they were their own KTV, as if they didn't know that this was someone else's stage.

The faces of the judges were ever-changing, especially the head of the trainees of Brilliant Entertainment Company, who felt a little helpless towards these two big-name stars who stole their own stage but couldn't catch them off.

The managers of the two are not here, so they can't directly go on stage to discuss with the two: "This stage is ours, you want to sing home and sing", right?

If I really want to say this, regardless of the reaction of the two of you, these audiences will be able to spray him to death!

Singing duets of love songs, fighting wildly in hip-hop dance, the treble was higher than the other, and the two tried various styles of music, giving the audience a feeling that this was Lin Yan and Mu Yunzhe's concert.

The eight contestants didn't stop, they would accompany the two of them from time to time, and sometimes they would interact with each other for a while, so much fun that they forgot that they were in a competition.

After singing for more than half an hour, the two stopped sweating profusely.

Mu Yunzhe took Lin Yan's hand and saluted the contestants firmly: "I'm sorry for taking up your stage."

The eight contestants had never felt such a joyful singing. If it wasn't for the action of the two, the eight contestants would still be dancing and not regain their senses.

Zhang Lan was the first to reflect: "There is no need to apologize, we should feel honored that we have two big names to support us."

In a word, directly find the reason for the impulsive behavior of the two people, and help out!

"Yes, yes, the footsteps of idols are full of brilliance!" Liu Yan also blushed;

Several other contestants also had an expression of "getting up, idols, you are definitely not wrong as idols".

Mu Yunzhe and Lin Yan looked at each other and turned to the auditorium: "The eight contestants are all excellent, very good, everyone must support them."

"Okay! Ah! Yun Zhe!" The screaming sounded again.

The judges wiped the sweat off their cheeks, and Mu Yunzhe and Lin Yan left after talking.

The assessment continued, and the judges had already discussed the results, and they all failed the assessment this time.

Because of the comparison between Lin Yan and Mu Yunzhe's performances, the typhoon and singing that the eight of them felt pretty good before were brought to the ground!

Backstage, Lin Yan slyly said to the eight contestants: "I have seen everyone's performance, you have great potential, if anyone wants to come to our Yunyan Entertainment, you can directly contact my manager Zhang Xian, no Speaking of big hits and big purples, at least they can guarantee their debut!"

Fortunately, the person in charge of the trainees of Brilliant Entertainment Company was not here, otherwise Lin Yan would have been kicked out regardless of 21.

Needless to say, they took our venue and stole our limelight, and now they dare to steal people!

It's a pity that no one was there and didn't see it, which led to the hesitation of these eight players.

It’s not that Zhang Lan and Liu Yan didn’t want to go to Lin Yan’s entertainment company before, but Brilliant Entertainment and Yunyan Entertainment didn’t deal well with them at that time, they were watched very closely, and the liquidated damages of the trainee contract were not what they were at that time Can afford it!
Now, hearing what Lin Yan said, the two of them who thought they had no future in Brilliant Entertainment immediately sat down and made a decision.

The other six people also had their own thoughts and expressions.

Even Mu Yunzhe looked puzzled, he didn't know what he was thinking, he hesitated to speak to Lin Yan several times, but after seeing the people around him, he didn't say anything.

The next day, the headlines on the front pages of the entertainment sections of major newspapers were all about Mu Yunzhe and Lin Yan dressing up to attend the concert, and finally ran to the stage to sing a few songs.

There are praises and criticisms, some people are happy and some people are worried, both of them can hit the headlines casually, which makes the starlets who have planned to make a news headline with great difficulty but are suppressed, gritted their silver teeth .

The fans felt regretful one after another, and they were very resentful for not making it.

Someone who went there also recorded a video that was not very clear. The faces of the two people were a little blurry, the lights were dim, and only the chaotic sounds of the scene and the singing of the two people could be heard.

Even so, this video has hundreds of thousands of hits!

At the same time, not many people paid attention to why the comments abusing Lin Yan disappeared.

Several accounts of Hei Linyan were blocked before, and the scolding of Lin Yan on the Internet has completely disappeared.

"I just said, my queen is a natural beauty, she is still beautiful without makeup"

"Ahhh, I'm showing affection again, and I'm abusing my dog ​​again!"

"Haha, is this going to smash the stage? Are you smashing the stage? With the actor and queen, who cares about other people!"

"Have you noticed, those few are wearing white clothes, they are said to be judges, their faces are all blue, hahaha"

"The film king is mighty, the queen is domineering, and that dance is so handsome!"

"Actor Queen, you are so aggressive, won't Brilliant Entertainment find fault?"

All kinds of comments, even the attention to "Idol Big Breaking News" is much less.

At the same time, UMF officially held a board meeting, and the second shareholder, Li Huihuang, was dismissed and taken away because of corruption-bribery-bribery.

Time went back to nine o'clock last night. Lin Yan and Mu Yunzhe returned to the villa. After washing off their stinky sweat, Mu Yunzhe suddenly called Lin Yan to the study.

"Yan'er, there is something that I haven't told you." Mu Yunzhe's expression was very serious, and Lin Yan suddenly felt a thump in his heart. Could it be that Mu Yunzhe is having an affair?

Before she could start thinking about it, Mu Yunzhe took out a smartphone with many files: "This, what is this?"

Rao Lin Yan, who had already made all kinds of bloody preparations, was stunned when she saw this, didn't she cheat?

Lin Yan opened her small mouth, and her face was full of confusion. Mu Yunzhe, who rarely saw her like this, suddenly smiled: "What were you thinking just now!"

"No, it's nothing." You can't just say it directly. Seeing your serious expression, you think you have done something to be sorry for me!
After reading all the documents, Mu Yunzhe explained beside him: "Actually, I have been preparing since you left Brilliant Entertainment."

At that time, Mu Yunzhe didn't have the memory of his previous life, right?

"Later, with the memory of my previous life, I bought Brilliant Entertainment secretly according to the method of my previous life. Wife, now Brilliant Entertainment is under your name~" Mu Yunzhe blinked after finishing speaking.

Lin Yan opened her mouth, looking helpless, Mu Yunzhe has done too much in the past few years, and she just got another company?
Suddenly, Lin Yan's eyes flashed: "So, you also bought the Brilliant Entertainment in the previous life?"

(End of this chapter)

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