Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 533 Su Hui's Wedding

Chapter 533 Su Hui's Wedding

In the blink of an eye, another week passed, and Lin Yan was almost in good health.

Even if Mu Yunzhe was treated like this or that, he wouldn't have such a weak fever like after the first time.

Mu Yunzhe is no longer restricting Lin Yan's activities, those push and push notifications finally have time to pay back!
While Lin Yan was busy announcing, Su Hui and Qingfeng also worked hard and finally achieved a positive result.

With Qingfeng's marriage proposal without any romance at all, let alone any surprises, Su Hui finally let go of the new house and agreed.

As one of the top directors in the country, Qingfeng's connections are not built, and Su Hui, who is a top musician, is even more famous than him.

The marriage of the two has attracted much attention since it was announced, and now that the entertainment industry is calm and there are few major events, the wedding of the two has attracted even more heated discussions.

The public has also heard about Su Hui and Zhang Liaojie's marriage. When the two divorced, countless people said "I don't believe in love anymore."

Now, the second marriage is coming as scheduled. Many loyal fans who have followed Su Hui from the big hit to now stand behind the scenes, many of them shed tears and sincerely wish her well.

On the day of the wedding, Wei Yihang flew back from country Y on a special trip, and Su Wen also pushed back the very important endorsement from country H, just to attend the teacher's wedding.

Lin Yan, as a junior junior sister, did her part. The wedding was basically arranged by her. She participated in everything from the wedding process to the arrangement of flowers.

On the day of the wedding, half of China's entertainment circle came. Although there were not as many international celebrities as Lin Yan and Mu Yunzhe's wedding, they were still the top power in Huaxia's entertainment circle!
All the well-known, popular, purple-red, or pink trainees, those who just debuted, and trainees who have not debuted but were taught by Su Hui are all here.

Half of the director world also came, Qingfeng's team, those cameramen, sound recordists, post-production staff, etc. who had followed him for a long time.

Standing under the stage, watching Su Hui and Qingfeng exchange rings, Lin Yan felt her hands tightened, but was held back by Mu Yunzhe.

At that time, the warm sun penetrated directly into the bottom of my heart, and Mu Yunzhe's smiling face was warmer than it.

Wei Yihang on the side smiled after seeing it: "You two, it's the wedding of the teacher and the youth director, you want to show your affection, go home and show it off!"

His expression was natural, and he was no longer bitter as before. It seemed that he had really come out!
Mu Yunzhe took Lin Yan's hand, and the other hand wrapped around her waist, full of sovereignty!

Wei Yihang spread his hands and said to Lin Yan: "Little Junior Sister, it seems that I have to be careful when talking to you in the future!"

Lin Yan cast a reproachful glance at Mu Yunzhe, and then said to Wei Yihang seriously: "Brother, if you want to show your affection, you should quickly find one. The teacher has his own master, and the senior sister and brother Su are also close to good things." It's up to you!"

Wei Yihang sighed: "Hey, the famous flower has its own owner. Senior brother has such a high vision, so he fell in love with you, and he was a step too late, and was preempted by a bucket of vinegar!"

Mu Yunzhe glared at him angrily, but put his hand on Lin Yan's shoulder without saying a word.

The two probably really did not get along, and Lin Yan never saw Mu Yunzhe and Wei Yihang get along peacefully.

It is normal to choke each other, and the smell of gunpowder is full of gunpowder. Maybe this is the case when strong encounters?

After Mu Yunzhe married Lin Yan, he no longer gets angry easily, even if he meets Wei Yihang, he will not speak quickly, but only show it with actions.

Wei Yihang has no chance, so he can only take advantage of it. Although the two of them dislike each other, they can get along without incident.

Feeling that a certain hand that was wandering on her body was restless, Lin Yan glanced at him, and then looked at Wei Yihang: "Brother, let's go and congratulate the teacher together."

Wei Yihang immediately beamed with joy: "Okay, why don't we perform a song for the teacher?"

"Yes." After Lin Yan finished speaking, she and Wei Yihang walked towards Su Hui.

Mu Yunzhe was left standing there, with a smile on his face, without the slightest anger, watching the two walk away, he began to greet the people around him politely.

Don't worry, my wife is too thin-skinned and shy, let's clean her up at night!

Lin Yan, who had no idea what Mu Yunzhe was thinking, walked up to the bride with Wei Yihang.

Su Hui was wearing a white wedding dress, and her already well-maintained face looked much younger. At this moment, there was some indelible blush on her cheeks, and her queenly look faded away, like a little woman.

All the words of praise from the two of them tried their best to put Su Hui on Su Hui's body. Su Huixi smiled when they said it, and even Qingfeng was very happy.

After drinking a cup, Wei Yihang received Lin Yan's wink, and said to Qingfeng and Su Hui, "Teacher, Director Qing, my junior sister and I will sing "Forever" for you, I hope you will be happy forever!"

"Okay!" Qingfeng applauded, and Su Hui laughed from ear to ear.

Wei Geshen seldom returns to China for activities. His natural voice is rarely heard, and Lin Yan hasn't released a song for a long time. People around are very excited when they hear that the two of them are going to collaborate on a song.

Although they are all friends in the circle, and there are many singers present, they are also looking forward to the cooperation between the two, and even hope that I can participate in it and cooperate with them.

In the auditorium, Wei Yihang and Lin Yan dressed up and sang together.

"Forever and ever is an endless tomorrow"

"The sky is so far away, the sun is so warm"

"Eternal remains the same"

"Forever and ever is my love for you"

"Love everything about you, your smile, the corners of your mouth"

"Forever and ever, endless emotions"

"Vigorous, plain, my heart for you will never change"


A very old love song, the long-lost cooperation between the two, the fusion of the sound of nature and the sound of the soul, made everyone shed tears of happiness, but they didn't know it.

In an inconspicuous corner, Zhang Liaojie held a wine glass and looked into the distance. Today's two protagonists have complicated eyes, and even he himself doesn't know what it feels like.

All kinds of feelings were intertwined, accompanied by the song "Forever" that had left a strong mark on them when they were young, and finally merged into a tear, which slipped on the suit and wet his coat.

Whose youth is not frivolous, whose youth is not flamboyant?
Those good and bad, gained and lost, have now become dusty memories.

It's not yours, even if you force it, there will be no good results.

Things like fate, huh, who can say clearly?Who can see it?
(End of this chapter)

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