Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 536 Her Majesty's Empress Mu

Chapter 536 Her Majesty's Empress Mu
Time soon came to October [-]st, the opening day of the China International Film Festival.

As one of the largest film festivals in Asia, the China International Film Festival has always been a place for all Asian actors to strive for and prove their goals.

On the red carpet, the stars are shining, and the stars are shining. In order to grab the headlines, the entertainers have their own unique tricks, showing their breasts, their backs, their thighs, which has long been common.

Hollow dresses, see-through dresses, and slit skirts are still must-haves for actresses on the red carpet.

Male stars no longer wear single suits. For the sake of reports, fame, and headlines, they deliberately sell corruption and cross-dress women's clothing everywhere.

Unknowingly, the original holy avenue has completely changed.

Fame, status, influence, for those things that are illusory but closely related to themselves, artists put aside their ego, lost their dignity, and lived for fame and fortune.

Of course, this is only part of it, and it is also the chief culprit who has muddied this circle and brought countless notorieties here.

But now, on this road that countless movie stars have walked, there are a few people who don't wear revealing clothes, don't have heavy makeup, don't flop, and don't steal the spotlight, but they are still the focus of the camera, and the crowd chases and shouts.

Lin Yan was dressed in a plain-milk-white floor-length dress, noble and elegant, dignified and generous, looking very extravagant, like a princess who just walked into the auditorium, with the inexperienced innocence and the desolation cultivated since childhood Generous.

Beside her, Mu Yunzhe in knight attire, turned a deaf ear to the cheers and screams of the people around him, with no expression on his face. pampering.

There are not many opportunities for two people to walk the red carpet together, but it is not impossible, but it was all for the promotion of the movie before, and there were directors or other actors beside them.

But this time, it was really just the two of them.

Lin Yan held Mu Yunzhe's arm, and every time she took a step, she could hear screams like mountains and tsunamis.


"Mu—the film king—Mu—the queen!"

The moment he heard the scream, Mu Yunzhe's expression was confused. He knew the queen, but why did he call him queen?

No matter how bad it is, it should be the king, the prince, even the male favorite is much better than the queen!

Naturally, it was impossible for the fans to explain the reason for him, but Lin Yan was very happy. The queen is so amazing, as soon as she got into Mu Yunzhe, she inexplicably poked a smile!

The three of Xuanhuo who had already walked the red carpet all smiled darkly when they saw this scene, and the cameras of the media also recorded this scene very well.

The journey to the red carpet was not long, but it was not short either. Both of them were familiar with the road, and soon arrived at the interview area.

Today is different, Lin Yan and Mu Yunzhe actually spent 10 minutes in the interview area this time!

It's not that the actors behind were more famous and high-status than the two, but they left without being interviewed for a few words.

There were only two people, and even after staying in the interview area for more than ten minutes, there were still hysterical fans who couldn't hide their enthusiasm, and there were still cameras to follow up, and no one was dissatisfied.

The 10-minute interview has set a record since the China International Film Festival was held. The previous record was set by Su Rui'an, eight minutes and 20 seconds!
By the time the two signed their names and walked the red carpet arm in arm, they were already the last few.

The familiar opening line, the same lines as before, and the unchanged official thank-you speech, did not attract the first small climax of the film festival until the best supporting actor award was awarded to Mo Fan.

This is not the first time Mo Fan has won the Best Supporting Actor award. This time he won the award because of the film he made last year. The box office was not high, the reputation was good, and his acting skills became more and more superb, which won the recognition of many people.

Dazzling fire is becoming more and more popular, and the Asian tour concert has brought them greater fame and popularity. Their super good looks, gorgeous dances, and passionate and sincere singing have already been called the number one in China by the outside world. The men's team is here!
This time, Mo Fan, Xiao Yan, and Li Yan were all shortlisted for Best Supporting Actor, and Mo Fan was also shortlisted for Best Actor for his movie at the beginning of the year.

After the words of thanks, Mo Fan stepped down from the stage, without saying anything, and only handed the trophy to Lin Yan.

This honor is not only his own, it is also dazzling, it belongs to Yunyan Entertainment Company!

Lin Yan received the trophy and hurried backstage. She and Lu Annian were going to present the Best Actor award together.

On the stage that could accommodate 1000 people without being crowded, the pure and elegant Lin Yan in plain clothes and long skirts and Lu Annian who broke through her own style and wore a fiery red suit stood together, the difference between an uncle and a niece!
Even so, Mu Yunzhe was still a little dissatisfied, the smile didn't reach his eyes, and the vinegar bucket began to sour again.

Heh heh heh, he never stood with Lin Yan to be awarded an award!
Maybe it was because his resentment was so deep that it alarmed the heavens, or maybe it was because the gods disliked him for being pitiful there. Before Mu Yunzhe's handsome face turned black, he heard his name from his wife.

"The person who won the best actor is - my husband, Mu Yunzhe!" Lin Yan announced with a smile, and Lu Annian also echoed: "Congratulations, congratulations to our 700 billion actor!"

Mu Yunzhe's award-winning film is the one that earned 700 billion box office. With this box office data and good reputation, no one dares to surpass the past, and no one can surpass the past!

He rushed to the stage with a happy face, not for the trophy, nor for separating the two people standing together on the stage, but for the "my husband" that Lin Yan said in front of everyone.

After receiving the trophy from Lu Annian, Mu Yunzhe first gave Lin Yan an instant kiss, which drew cheers from the audience.



"One more! One more!"

The uproar started, and Mu Yunzhe and Lin Yan looked at each other, one was smiling, the other was unsteady, and suddenly felt a little dizzy.

"I have a lot to thank, of course, my wife is the most thankful. Of course, it would be better if everyone stopped calling me queen!" Mu Yunzhe laughed and teased, Lin Yan cast him a reproachful look.

Which company's acceptance speech is like this!

People in the audience roared with laughter and applause, and some fans shouted in the distance: "Empress Mu, you will always be the main palace!" "The actor, I love you!".

Amid the applause of everyone, Lin Yan and Lu Annian stepped off the stage, and Mu Yunzhe and another well-known actor won the Best Actress award together.

Mu Yunzhe looked back at Lin Yan very reluctantly, but this glance made him tremble with fear, and he was grateful countless times.

(End of this chapter)

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