Chapter 544

For Mu Lin, Mu Yunzhe has long since lost his hatred, and the things in his previous life have already become a thing of the past. No matter how wrong he has done, at least in this life, he has not reached the point of being irreversible.

It's just that it's a bit difficult for Mu Yunzhe to get along with each other warmly and harmoniously like an ordinary father and son.

Don't care about it doesn't mean forgetting, the impression of the previous life was too bad, even if it didn't reach that level in this life, it left a bad impression in my heart.

Mu Yunzhe was able to face Mu Lin calmly, take care of him like a relative, and give him the highest treatment, this is already the limit of what Mu Yunzhe can do.

The news of Lin Yan's pregnancy was not because he deliberately didn't tell him, but because he was too excited for a while and forgot about it.

After all, human beings have a limited psychological area, so we always have to prioritize. If Qin Guomin didn't bring it up first, he might remember it in a few hours.

It's just that, after all, he is wrong now. His wife didn't think to inform his father when she was pregnant. He really didn't do well!

Qin Guomin patted him on the shoulder: "Xiao Zhe, the past is over. Even if your father did not do well back then, he has now received his retribution."

Mu Yunzhe raised his head and looked at Qin Guomin's face with age spots. He was still so amiable, but he no longer had the vigor he remembered when he was young.

Qin Guomin continued: "Little Zhe, let's look at it a little bit. He has experienced all kinds of ups and downs in the world. This man, who hasn't done something wrong? As long as he regrets If you realize your mistake, you can correct it.”

Mu Yunzhe looked up at Qin Guomin's cloudy eyes: "Grandpa, I know, I didn't do it on purpose, but I was too excited and forgot."

Qin Guomin smiled, how could father and son have an overnight feud?No matter how bad Mu Lin did, he would still be sorry to the Qin family and Qin Wan.

Of course, if Qin Guomin knew about those things in his previous life, he wouldn't think so.

Mu Yunzhe was still explaining: "I'll inform him later, actually, uh, my dad has long since objected to me being with Yan'er."

Qin Guomin stared at the words: "Hmph, he dares to object!"

Mu Yunzhe smiled: "Well, it's useless for him to object."

"That's right, when you know the news, you might be able to have fun!" Qin Guomin said, as if he saw Mu Lin's snickering, his face turned dark instantly.

Although he tried to persuade Mu Yunzhe, in fact, he didn't want to see Mu Lin feel better. Thinking about his daughter who died young, laughing at Mu Lin, hum, how angry you are!

Qin Guomin's performance was too obvious, and it was hard for Mu Yunzhe to do it without seeing it. No wonder others said that the old boy, the old boy, just tried to persuade him, and now he looks like this. Really, he can change his face faster than a child!
Mu Yunzhe helped Qin Guomin sit on the rest chair next to him, stood beside him and said: "My dad is still living in that nursing home. Yan'er said many times that he would be taken out, it was him I disagree, saying that there are still people talking there, but in fact..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Guomin interrupted him: "Hmph, why is someone talking? He feels guilty when he sees you. You are so busy, and the family is so deserted. He is used to being praised by others. No more ordinary days, hum."

Mu Yunzhe smiled helplessly. Didn't his grandfather persuade him? Why does he need him to persuade his grandfather now?

In the ward, Sun Ru was still talking to Lin Yan: "Yan'er, you need to pay attention to it in the first three months. If you have anything to do, just direct Xiao Zhe to do it."

Lin Yan nodded. There was nothing to do at home, and Mu Yunzhe was always doing it.

Sun Ru was afraid that Lin Yan would just listen perfunctorily: "Yan'er, my aunt told you that you can't feel sorry for Xiao Zhe, only us women know how tired pregnancy is, and we can't let their men fall in love so cheaply." Become a father!"

Lin Yan was embarrassed, this, is this what my aunt should say?
Why is Sun Ru still thinking about this? Her thoughts are all in the memories of how tired, painful and uncomfortable she was when she was pregnant, but Qin Ze couldn't accompany her due to work reasons: "Yanyan, remember, now it's your willful Whenever you feel unhappy, you can go to Xiaozhe, and if Xiaozhe is not around, you can call him crazily, now is the time for you to enjoy the privilege of being a woman!"

Uncle, aunt, you are really Yun Zhe's real aunt.

Lin Yan couldn't help but feel some sympathy for Mu Yunzhe, of course, it was only a little bit, after thinking about it carefully, Sun Ru's words were very reasonable.

Sun Ru, who has been a nephew for 1 years, glanced at Qin Ze, Qin Ze understood and said, "Yan, Yan, take a good rest, if you have anything to do, just tell your aunt, uncle still has some things to deal with at work, so let's go first." gone."

Lin Yan nodded: "Well, Uncle, go get busy, I really have nothing to do."

Qin Ze said to Sun Ru, "Take care of Yan'er, I'll go first."

Sun Ru waved her hand: "Go, go, don't delay our conversation here!"

Qin Ze shook his head helplessly, and then walked out. Before Lin Yan could sympathize with him, he heard Sun Ru say, "Yan'er, listen to me, the first three months are really important, even if Xiao Zhe No matter how much you beg you, you can't promise him, you know?"

Lin Yan was puzzled, please?What do you want?
With that confused look, Sun Ru instantly felt that she was dirty, but she still had to say what should be said.

Sun Ru looked her body up and down, and with a bang, Lin Yan's face instantly turned red.

"Don't be embarrassed, Auntie is talking to you again about something serious, you must remember, it's best, you two should sleep separately?" Sun Ru denied it herself while talking: "No, no, what if If you feel uncomfortable at night, you still need him to take care of you, or you should not sleep separately."

Lin Yan felt that her perception of Sun Ru was completely overturned in just a few minutes!
Sun Ruzai was still thinking about it; "Well, add a single bed in your bedroom, so you can still call him for anything."

Lin Yan didn't open her mouth. In fact, she didn't know what to say anymore. As a new mother, it's better to listen to the opinions of people who have experienced it, although this opinion is very unreliable.

Mu Yunzhe was about to catch fire, what's the use of a single bed!

However, Lin Yan was very impressed with his endurance. After all, the two had lived together for many years, and Mu Yunzhe was reluctant to hurt her.

Now that he is married and has sex, but with the scruples of the baby, I believe his endurance will be further improved.

Sun Ru was still talking there: "Well, this method is good, that's it, I'll arrange it later."

(End of this chapter)

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