Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 550 The queen's nickname can only be called by the actor

Chapter 550 The queen's nickname can only be called by the actor alone
Passing through the corridor of the hospital, Mu Yunzhe unceremoniously occupied Expert Li's office.

Ye Yifan sent a message to everyone, and the few fans who distracted everyone came back one after another.

After everyone arrived, Mu Yunzhe bowed deeply at [-] degrees. This move really scared all the fans!

"Ying, actor, what are you doing!"

"That's right, get up, actor!"

"Mu Yingdi, don't do this, I, we can't afford it!"

Yun Yan's faces were flushed, several of them went to help Mu Yunzhe up, and several of them hid aside, not facing him.

The hulking male fan said: "My lord, if you do this, I will have nightmares at night and be hacked by your fans with knives!"

The word "poof" successfully made everyone laugh, and Mu Yunzhe couldn't help laughing.

Fortunately, Yunyan's sense of restraint has also been reduced a lot.

The room is very big, more than 20 people are more than enough to stand, Mu Yunzhe stood up, and said very sincerely: "Thank you for your concern, thank you for your love for Yan'er!"

"Film King, please don't say that!" Ye Yifan walked over after hearing this, "Lin Yan is our idol and our belief. We like her so we care about her!"

"Yes, yes!"

"Yes, yes."

"We should care about her!"

"Who made her our idol!"

"It's our own business to like idols, you don't have to thank the actor!"

The people around followed suit.

Even if there are fans who care about idols, they shouldn't be like them.

Staying awake in the middle of the night, running to the hospital, searching from house to house, and some sticking to their online positions, all comments that hacked them were deleted or brushed down in seconds.

Even some people who work in the entertainment media secretly spread the news.

Mu Yunzhe has never had any idols since he was a child, and he doesn't know much about the power brought by faith. He just likes his fans very much and is willing to interact with them.

But he really didn't expect that the fans would do this for him. He had seen how unbearable the media reports were, not to mention the photos of him throwing away the trophy.

If the protagonist hadn't been him, he would probably feel the same as ordinary people, thinking that this celebrity is too rude and owes a lesson.

But his fans and Lin Yan's fans are all unswervingly believing in them, and using their own abilities to fight back!

For the first time he felt ashamed, ashamed of being a public figure!

He doesn't think he has done any great things, and the films he shot are not based on his own efforts, but other actors, directors, producers and so on.

To say that his biggest contribution is Fengyun Group, but this has not been fully disclosed, and these fans are not very clear.

All the fans know is his status as actor and actor.

Even so, he still liked him and supported him as always, and after his relationship with Lin Yan was made public, there was no strong objection.

When she married Lin Yan, fans even sent their blessings with tears in their eyes.

They can do this for their idols, Mu Yunzhe's heart is still very touched.

A very thin girl said timidly in the crowd: "Ying, Lord Actor, we, we want to know, how is the Queen doing now?"

Even though the volume is low, even though the body is thin, even though he looks timid, his eyes are firm.

Mu Yunzhe smiled: "Yan'er is in good health now, but she was too tired a few days ago, and she will be fine after a few days of rest."

After finishing speaking, he heard a few obvious sighs of relief: "Oh, that's good."

Ye Yifan suddenly said: "Actor, have you always been called Queen Yan'er? The programs you recorded together seem to be Yan'er, Yan'er."

The corners of Mu Yunzhe's mouth rose, and he smiled brightly at Ye Yifan's inexplicably shining eyes: "Yeah, it's always been Yan'er."

The hulking male fan said: "Then can we be called Yan'er?"

"go with!"


As soon as the male fan finished speaking, before Mu Yunzhe could answer, he received disgust from the fans around him.

The thick-backed male fan smiled ingratiatingly, his eyes were squeezed out with too much flesh on his face: "Hey, I just said that casually."

"You can't even say it!"

"Little San will be struck by lightning!"

"That's right, the queen's nickname can only be called by the actor!"

Yunyan and others despised this male fan so much that Mu Yunzhe wanted to laugh.

Ye Yifan pushed with a big hand, and the male fan took a few steps back. She looked at Mu Yunzhe: "One more question, Mr. Film King, is Her Majesty the Queen really pregnant with twins? Is there really going to be a little princess and a little prince?"

There was light in their eyes, and the eyes of the fans around them brightened instantly when they heard the words, and they held their breath with anticipation on their faces.

"En." Mu Yunzhe nodded with certainty: "It's been a month and a half, so it's definitely twins."



"The queen deserves to be the queen! Awesome!"

"So happy, the queen is so handsome!"

"Haha, in the future our children will have idols to feed on!"

Yun Yan, you glanced at me and chattered non-stop, but Mu Yunzhe just listened there and laughed.

When everyone's voices became quieter, Mu Yunzhe said: "I can take you to see Lin Yan, but..." Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted.


"Can you really go?"

"Wow! So happy!"

"I can see the idol with my own eyes!"

"I will definitely be envied to death by others!"

Cheers, laughter, one louder than the other.

"Quiet!" Ye Yifan roared, and everyone fell silent instantly.

Ye Yifan said hesitantly: "My lord, the movie king, if we go over, we will disturb Her Majesty the Queen."

I wanted to go but I was afraid that Lin Yan would be disturbed.

"It's okay." Mu Yunzhe waved his hand: "Listen to me!"

Everyone held their breath and looked at Mu Yunzhe with a very pitiful expression.

"I can take you to see her, but everyone must keep quiet, don't make loud noises, and don't get too close to her. It's best not to have a pungent smell on your body, and you can't smoke cigarettes."

After Mu Yunzhe finished speaking, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Ye Yifan said: "We all understand, after all, Her Majesty the Queen is pregnant, and we will pay attention to it if the film emperor doesn't tell me!"

"Well, that's good." Mu Yunzhe nodded: "Then, everyone, come with me."

"Wait." The hulking male fan called out to everyone: "Well, Mr. Actor, can we take a photo first?"

"Okay." Mu Yunzhe didn't refuse, everyone stood up, and this must-see photo for new members of the fan club came out.

(End of this chapter)

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