Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 557 A Taste... Strange!

Chapter 557 A Taste... Strange!
After staying in the hospital for three days, Lin Yan returned to the villa. Although it is a VIP ward, the environment is not bad, but it is a hospital after all!
After meeting the fans at the hospital, the fans were so excited, they started to show off at the fan support club after returning home.

There are so many people in the support club, one spreads the news to ten, ten spreads to hundreds, and finally, the media also know the news about Lin Yan in Tongji Hospital.

Every day there are many dutiful paparazzi, stalking day and night.

It's not uncommon for people to pretend to be sick to go in, but if you want to know which ward Lin Yan is in, it will be as difficult as heaven.

There is no way, they can only divide their troops and wait for the rabbits the most!
Living up to the expectations of the reporters, in the middle of the night on the third day Lin Yan was admitted to the hospital, she finally blocked the two of them in a certain corner.

Lin Yan was wearing Mu Yunzhe's windbreaker, she couldn't see her figure at all, with a peaked cap on her head, sunglasses and a mask, Mu Yunzhe was much more recognizable, he didn't make much of a disguise, he hugged Lin Yan all the way waist forward.

Naturally, it was impossible for the two of them to go home alone. It was long expected that there would be reporters squatting and guarding, and more than 20 bodyguards who looked majestic and mighty, but were actually quite skilled, followed closely!

"Lin Yan, are you really pregnant?"

"Lin Yan, I heard that you are pregnant with twins, is it true?"

"Mu Yingdi, tell me how it feels to be a father soon!"

"Lin Yan, are you really pregnant? Isn't it an excuse to escape responsibility?"

"Mu Yunzhe, did you really throw away the trophy on purpose?"

"Are you married with a child? Lin Yan is already pregnant, right?"

"Film Emperor, you were forced to marry Lin Yan because she was pregnant, right?"

"Lin Yan, is it really Mu Yunzhe's that you're pregnant? Isn't it Wei Yihang's?"

One question after another, there are traps everywhere, and if you accidentally get angry, you will fall into the trap.

But Lin Yan and Mu Yunzhe have been in the circle for so long, how could they fall for this little trick, even though some words are really ugly!
Lin Yan's brows were frowned tightly covered by the sunglasses. If it weren't for being pregnant and not easy to get angry, she would really want to get angry!

Mu Yunzhe was afraid that Lin Yan would get angry, so he protected her very carefully, and whispered in her ear: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, babies don't want their wives to be angry either!"

The bodyguards formed a circle in front of the two of them, forming a human wall and driving forward. Fortunately, although the paparazzi were a little bit poisonous, they were still concerned about Lin Yan's body, and did not rush forward recklessly.

After escorting Lin Yan to the aircraft, Mu Yunzhe sat beside her, and opened the car window next to him, and all the reporters rushed over in an instant, shooting non-stop.

But he didn't knock on the car window and pull the artist's hair and clothes like those crazy fans.

Mu Yunzhe took off his sunglasses, and the camera could easily capture him. On the contrary, Lin Yan inside could only capture his clothes.

"It's been hard work for you to guard for such a long time, but Yan'er's current situation is not suitable for any interviews. If you have any questions, everyone can go to the Yunyan Entertainment Public Relations Department." After finishing speaking, she flew away.

A group of reporters were left behind, looking at the scene captured in the camera, excited.

As long as there are photos, no one cares what you say, we are naturally free to tell.

It's a pity that the wish is very beautiful, but the reality is extremely cruel. The explosive titles and eye-catching content that I thought of all turned into what Mu Yunzhe wanted in the end.

"Lin Yan was discharged from the hospital, escorted by Mu Yunzhe"

"Model Couple, Enviable"

"Believe in love, believe in men"

"Who Said There Is No True Love in Your Circle"

"Four Years of Love, Blooming and Bearing Fruits"

One title after another, or literary, fresh, or plain, although not so eye-catching, but full of warmth, and also have good sales and hits.

In the first few days when they went home, Sun Ru came every day, and Mu Yunzhe went on strike to take care of Lin Yan at home. Later, Lin Yan couldn't bear the cautiousness of the two of them, so Sun Ru went back.

Mu Yunzhe was also pushed to the company by Lin Yan, but he went around every day and came back.

Lin Yan's daily activity range is the villa, or the villa of Lin Chenming's family, even if she closes her eyes, she can't go wrong!

Yunyan Entertainment has been handed over to Zhang Xian, Lin Yan trusts him very much, and Mu Yunzhe is not afraid that he will sell Yunyan Entertainment, but Zhang Xian will still report to Lin Yan if there are any big or small matters.

Every day, people came to her house to congratulate her, whether it was from the circle or business, although Lin Yan was only pregnant and hadn't given birth yet, they received gifts from several rooms!
In the end, Mu Yunzhe found someone to sell all those things, and the money from the sale was donated to the children in those poor areas!

As time passed, Lin Yan's pregnancy reaction became more and more serious, but compared to those pregnant women who vomited so faintly that they couldn't even eat, Lin Yan was considered lucky.

It's just that the taste is a little strange, people are sour and spicy, some like sour, some like spicy, but Lin Yan likes salty and sweet.

If you combine these two flavors together, or if you add a little more spicy, more sour, and more bitter, it will be even better!

Lin Yan ate with joy, but Mu Yunzhe didn't know what to eat. It's been almost a month since he was in the hospital, and he lost five catties, but Lin Yan didn't change much.

The daily food caters to Lin Yan's taste, and he feels that his sense of taste is about to fail, and his cooking skills are also gone forever in Lin Yan's wonderful taste.

Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, what is the feeling of the five flavors intertwined?
If someone asks Mu Yunzhe, he will answer: "Hehe, as long as my wife likes it!"

Such a man who hurt his wife to the bone, hesitated to face Lin Yan one day.

In the end, she couldn't meet Lin Yan's eyes, and handed her the newspaper. Although she couldn't participate in any activities, Lin Yan still had a lot to do with the entertainment industry, and the daily entertainment newspaper was a must-read.

In between, it reads in bold bold characters: ""Super Agent 3" was launched in country M yesterday."

The content inside is the lineup of actors and the huge investment, and the role of Li Yue that Lin Yan wanted to audition for was won by an unknown M country actress.

However, this actress still has serious racial discrimination, and she uttered nonsense at the launch conference.

When the media asked director James why he chose to use Westerners for Eastern roles, she took the lead: Naturally, it is because the Eastern actors have no acting skills, and they are ugly and naive.

As soon as this remark came out, it undoubtedly offended all Asians, but it seemed that the financial backer behind this big-chested and brainless actress was very big, even though she said it so badly, she was not replaced.

(End of this chapter)

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