Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 559 The Deep and Introverted Love

Chapter 559 The Deep and Introverted Love
On the virtual screen, there are many pictures of Mu Yunzhe, all of which are all kinds of snapshots and uglification without exception.

These alone are not enough to make Lin Yan angry, what is even more excessive is the text accompanying these pictures.

Lin Yan couldn't read out those obscenities, and felt that her eyes were dirty when she saw them.

Moreover, these swear words were undoubtedly not aimed at Mu Yunzhe.

Lin Yan was so angry that she completely forgot that she was a pregnant woman and couldn't be angry. She pushed away the emaciated female publicist, and rushed to the virtual screen angrily.

This is a well-known social software, especially famous in the West, and some public figures in many Eastern countries also have their own accounts on it.

The situation in Huaxia is a bit special. Many people know about this social software, but not many people use it.

As a top artist in Huaxia Kingdom, Lin Yan naturally knows that if she wants to gain popularity in Western countries, it is still necessary to register and authenticate in it.

Although Lin Yan's FL authentication account has not been registered for a long time, it already has 5000 million fans, of which only 5000 million are from Huaxia.

Mu Yunzhe's FL authentication account has been registered since his debut, and now the number of fans has reached 50 billion, and these 50 billion Chinese Xia fans do not even account for [-] million, and many of them are fans from Western countries.

And on this virtual display page, the number of fans of this actress is only 200 million, not to mention Mu Yunzhe, even Lin Yan's number of fans can't reach it!
But most of the people who pay attention to this actress are white people who have the same serious racial discrimination as her, and some people even have extreme ideas.

Everything she publishes is highly praised, and very few people express disapproval.

Lin Yan, who was dizzy from anger, snatched the smart computer, and was about to log in to her account when Mu Yunzhe held her hand: "Yan'er, what are you going to do?"

Lin Yan was so angry that her eyes turned red, those words that insulted Mu Yunzhe came into her eyes, it was like cutting her heart with a knife, one knife after another, each knife made her tremble so much that she couldn't even express the pain out.

Over the years, she has always seen what Mu Yunzhe has done to her and his undisguised love for her.

Before we were together, I saw my heart clearly, and I knew that I had no feelings for Mu Yunzhe. After we got together, this feeling gradually fermented.

Those sweet memories, the bits and pieces of getting along, are engraved in her heart, making the heart that has been hurt by love seem to be stitched with stitches until it can no longer feel the pain.

Mu Yunzhe's love is ostentatious and strong, like endless sea water, containing everything about her, yet it is turbulent and undisguised.

Lin Yan is deep and introverted, she knows better than anyone else, if you want to talk about love, if you want to talk about love for Mu Yunzhe, she loves Mu Yunzhe no less than Mu Yunzhe loves her!
Just as Mu Yunzhe didn't want Lin Yan to be wronged, Lin Yan couldn't tolerate someone slandering him like this.

When Mu Yunzhe looked at Lin Yan with lowered eyes, but the corners of his eyes were so red, he really felt his heart twitch suddenly: "Yan'er, what's wrong?"

The tone was so gentle, but that inadvertent glance made the female publicist next to her tremble uncontrollably, trembling and fear from the bottom of her heart.

Lin Yan lowered her eyes and was silent for a full minute. During this minute, Mu Yunzhe just looked at her with concern, and the public relations beside her had already left.

In the huge room, apart from the sound of the phone and various prompts, there were only those voices deliberately lowered by the public relations.

No one pays attention to this place, they are all busy, but they are sensitive to the atmosphere here, they don't dare to be as loud as in the past, and there is no usual excitement.

It wasn't until Lin Yan raised his head that Mu Yunzhe moved, hugged her shoulders, and quickly entered the code on the keyboard with one hand.

Soon, all the news that Lin Yan had browsed were presented in front of Mu Yunzhe.

When Mu Yunzhe looked at the news of insulting him and insulting him expressionlessly, Lin Yan said, "Zhe, I want to make a movie."

Mu Yunzhe turned to look at her, Lin Yan's anger had obviously dissipated, but the corners of his eyes were still red.


Lin Yan lowered her eyes when she said this, so Mu Yunzhe couldn't see the surge in her eyes.

"I want Huaxia to be more famous than Hollywood in my previous life. What kind of star-making factory and special effects technology, the first thing that people think of is Huaxia!"

Lin Yan looked straight at Mu Yunzhe, the firmness in his eyes touched Mu Yunzhe very much.

Easier said than done, how difficult is it to achieve?

He also thought about changing the status quo of the entertainment industry, especially the low status of the entertainment industry.

Even if it's not like in the previous life, when everyone rushes to get in, wants to be popular, wants to be famous, everyone should mention it, so that they won't think that being an artist is a very contemptuous profession.

He has worked hard for so long, he has gained status, fame, lover, and children, and the entertainment industry is gradually developing in the direction he wants.

But Lin Yan thinks more than her, it may take a long time, but who knows it won't become a reality?

After all, the two of them have past life memories!
Although there are only a few years left for such golden fingers, but with their own efforts, the ability of golden fingers can be regarded as an addition at best.

"Okay!" Mu Yunzhe looked into Lin Yan's eyes and said in a deep voice.

Lin Yan smiled, a very shallow smile, but it was as bright and warm as a ray of sunlight melting ice and snow in winter.

The actress despised him and belittled him because she undoubtedly felt that she was superior to others. Even if she failed to realize what she wanted today, she still wanted to destroy her self-confidence and step on her dignity with actual practice.

There will be a day when she puts all her efforts into thinking about entering the Chinese entertainment industry!

When Lin Yan didn't pay attention, Mu Yunzhe had already rested his chin on her shoulder, and breathed into her ear: "Okay, I'm not angry at all, my wife shouldn't be angry, it's not good to make the baby angry! "

The warm breath spread directly from the ears to the heart, Lin Yan hid for a while, and then walked out.

This is the PR department!

Mu Yunzhe chased him out, and the noisy public relations department instantly became lively.

In the corridor, Lin Yan watched her award-winning movie on the TV screen: "Zhe, I want to learn to be a director!"

"Director?" Mu Yunzhe raised his eyebrows: "Back then Director Su seemed to have said that you are very talented as a director."

(End of this chapter)

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