Chapter 561 The Trial of Love
"When Ye Sheng slammed the table, his expression was too ferocious but his movements were too gentle. The plates were not broken, not even a corner was knocked off!"

"Fu Hengrui's expression is stiff, comparable to facial paralysis, he looks like he doesn't want to be exiled, but looks like a zombie!"

Lin Yan stared at the screen, on which was the replay of the scene just shot, and she spoke seriously while watching.


"Zombie, boo ha ha!"

"Banished immortals and zombies, hahaha"

As soon as Lin Yan's words fell, a group of staff laughed. The laughter made Fu Hengrui, a big man who was exposed to filming for the first time, blush.

Even if I have shot MVs before, how can it be compared with this kind of meticulous film?

"En, not bad." Qingfeng nodded approvingly.

Perhaps because she was an actor before, Lin Yan's focus is on the acting skills of the two leading actors, but the surrounding environment can also tell that it is not bad.

"Everyone can notice what you see, but a director, no matter what he wants to see, he also needs to look at the light, picture quality, camera angle and so on."

As Qingfeng said, he recalled this passage, saved it, and then asked everyone to continue the performance.

This time, the lighting engineer changed the angle, and the cameraman moved a little further away.

"Maybe, no credit at all?" Lin Zixuan was at a loss. What is 200 taels and why is there no credit? What about her little brother!She's the boss of the gang!
Just as Lin Zixuan was thinking this way, a man in black wearing a night suit flew in.

Lin Zixuan was overjoyed, this is the legendary wish come true, if you want to do it, you will do it, my brother is a godsend, just look at this momentum!

The man in black flew in and bowed respectfully to Shangguan Liufeng, the exiled immortal in white robes, then turned his head and said impatiently to Lin Zixuan, "Miss, the people from Zhen Gang are here!"

"A real gangster? There is a gang with this name?" Lin Zixuan was embarrassed, and before she could continue, Shangguan Liufeng walked up to her step by step: "Miss, please leave the shop's The loss has been compensated!"

"Crack!" Qingfeng yelled at everyone, then looked at Lin Yan: "You are watching how this time is going!"

The first thing Lin Yan paid attention to was the expressions of the actors. In fact, it was the costumes and the surrounding environment. After carefully watching it twice, she realized that although the performances of the actors were equally terrible, they were much better than before. up!

At least Fu Hengrui doesn't look like a zombie anymore!

In the first lesson Qingfeng gave, he didn't say a few words in total, but he used actions to let Lin Yan understand that as a director, you pay attention not only to the actors, but also the ability to control the entire scene!

A small change can make a huge difference!

Actors just need to be themselves, but the director has to control the audience, everyone must pay attention and make arrangements!
After some filming, Qingfeng gave the actors half an hour to rest, on the one hand to talk about the play, and on the other hand to improve the state of the actors.

Mu Yunzhe followed Lin Yan, no matter what she did, she had no objection, only occasionally encountered something Lin Yan didn't understand, and he happened to know, so he would explain a few words.

The rest of the time, he didn't say anything, just looked at her.

It was the first time for Ye Sheng to be the protagonist, and it was filming a play directed by Qing Feng, so he was inevitably a little nervous.

And Fu Hengrui, who debuted as a singer, was even more nervous, sitting there sweating and still reciting his lines, for fear of making a mistake!

Qingfeng was lecturing to Ye Sheng, guiding, Lin Yan came to Fu Hengrui's side, looked at him with a smile: "Nervous?"

Fu Hengrui nodded: "Actually, I am very nervous. If you are nervous, you can't be nervous anymore. I'm afraid that something will go wrong in a while!"

Fu Hengrui's manager is also his girlfriend Yang Xi, who is discussing something with Qingfeng at the director's place.

Mu Yunzhe stood behind Lin Yan, just like her shadow, never leaving, causing many staff members to peek at her!
Lin Yan comforted Fu Hengrui: "Actually, the more you are like this, the more nervous you are. What's the matter if you make a mistake? At worst, it's just a reshoot. Who hasn't had NG yet!"

Fu Hengrui pursed his lips: "It's easy to say, and I know it, but I'm just nervous!"

"It's the same for the first time shooting, just take a few more times, that's right," Lin Yan turned her head and glanced at Yang Xi in the distance: "You don't plan to announce your relationship yet!"

Fu Hengrui pursed his lips, then sighed, and he seemed helpless and decadent: "The brokerage company still has a contract, so it's not so easy to announce the relationship, you think everyone wants to be like you and the actor, and do whatever they want, No one will stop you from announcing your love affair!"

With obvious jealousy in her tone, Lin Yan patted Fu Hengrui on the shoulder, and Fu Hengru looked at Yang Xi who was beside him: "Do you think I don't want to? I hope to be with Xixi in a fair and honest way every day, but Xixi She disagrees!"

Two people who love each other deeply and are very considerate of each other have a conflict because of this.

The cause of the incident has to be talked about a month ago. At that time, the farce of "Super Agent 3" had just ended, and the news of Fu Hengrui's love affair with the female artist of the same company spread.

Known as the "Prince of Love Songs", Fu Hengrui naturally has a large number of fans who like him.

Those fans criticized the female artist for nothing, and some even sent an email to Fu Hengrui, who would jump off the building if he didn't break up.

The media like to catch rumors and exaggerate the facts. Fu Hengrui's matter was only suspected at first, but later he became very confident.

The female artist hadn't appeared in public for a long time and her reputation had declined drastically, and the company's senior executives were unwilling to give up on her, so they finally came up with such a method to create a scandal.

Everyone in the company should know about Fu Hengrui and Yang Xi's affairs, because the two people's confidentiality facilities are well done, and no one has discovered it so far, so the top management also turned a blind eye.

Now, Fu Hengrui has a use, such a big handle, it will naturally come in handy!
Fu Hengrui was very opposed, not to mention anything else, just talking about his feelings for Yang Xi, and he was not allowed to do such a thing, even acting!
Because of violating the company's contract, if you want to terminate the contract, the liquidated damages can be called sky-high!

Not to mention that Fu Hengrui can't afford it at all, but judging from his current income, he won't be able to afford it in another ten years!
Although the contract will expire at that time, are there still few artists who are forced to renew the contract because they violated the contract and cannot pay the liquidated damages?

Naturally, Yang Xi didn't want to see Fu Hengrui tear himself apart from the company. He agreed to the company's proposal long ago, and even won some other benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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