Chapter 563
There is a lot of shooting in a day, and the time is very long. With Lin Yan's current state, it is impossible to follow from morning to night.

Even if Lin Yan thought it was okay, Mu Yunzhe would definitely not agree.

With the passage of time, the progress of filming gradually got on the right track, and Lin Yan's career as a director also made progress.

Real knowledge comes from practice, this sentence is the truth in Lin Yan's view.

Watching Qingfeng shoot from the side, his habits, his techniques, and the intention of every movement, Lin Yan learned a lot from a blank novice in just a few days, which are not in books. .

Every day at four o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Yan would be forced to go home, and Mu Yunzhe would go to cook and she would learn knowledge.

In textbooks, courses on the Internet, and even lectures by professors from well-known universities, Lin Yan signed up to watch them from the Internet.

Many of the professors in the directing department are well-known directors, and many of them are former mentors of these directors!
Qingfeng's father, Qingwen, is a tutor in the director department of a certain university. He doesn't have classes every day, and it's not bad to hear him give two classes every month.

Ke Lin Yan can basically have a long exchange of experience with him every week, as well as answering questions.

Qingwen, like Su Rui'an, can be regarded as an older generation of directors in China.

Back then, Qingwen and Su Rui'an were both known as the morning stars of the Huaxia world, illuminating the future path of many people!It is the hope of China's entertainment industry!
Lin Yan didn't have morning sickness very much, and her pregnancy reaction was much less, but her stomach was getting bigger and heavy every day, and it was inconvenient to do anything.

It seems to be due to the twins, Lin Yan's belly is several times larger than that of pregnant women of the same age, and her small face is also much rounder.

Apart from a bigger belly, her figure is not out of shape, her long legs and arms are still so slender, but her motherly aura has grown a lot, and her temper has grown a little bit.

Many reporters squatted at various exits where Lin Yan might appear, just to take a picture of Lin Yan.

Ever since the news of Lin Yan's pregnancy was revealed, no reporter gave up on a single day.

Every day, whether it is Yunyan Entertainment Company, or around the ancient store, or on the streets outside the villa area, you can see reporters everywhere, whether they are hidden, or dressed in casual clothes, or are looking for targets them.

But no matter how hard the reporters tried, they didn't get a single photo of Lin Yan in the past few days.

Even Mu Yunzhe and the others haven't been photographed at the same time!

No matter how strict the news is, it will be spread. There is no impenetrable wall. The first film independently funded by Yunyan Entertainment is still very popular.

The news that this novel is being made into a movie has already been posted on the Fengyun Literature website. Although the cast has not been announced, all book fans are looking forward to it.

One after another speculated about the best hero and heroine in their hearts.

"Shangguan Liufeng, the world or me, you choose one!" Lin Zixuan asked, holding a silver and white long sword with a cold light, beside the cliff on the top of the towering Tianshan Mountain.

On the opposite side of her is the same as when we first met, wearing a long robe, ethereal like a banished fairy, handsome and uncommon, spotless.

Shangguan Liufeng frowned helplessly: "Zixuan, you have asked this question thirty times!"

"Is thirty times a lot?" The tense atmosphere changed in an instant, and Lin Zixuan was like a cat with fur, the thorns all over her body stood up: "I will ask a thousand times ten thousand times in the future, until I get you Ask until you die!"

While speaking, Lin Zixuan put away her long sword, put it on her back, turned around, and jumped towards the cliff.

Behind him, Shangguan Liufeng smiled helplessly: "Jiangshan has already been given to Jiang, and according to your instructions, I specially gave him a big bucket of ginger!"

Lin Zixuan curled her lips, and a smirk appeared on her face: "Liu Feng, I want to try the wind on the top of the sky!" Then she jumped down without hesitation.

Seeing this, Shangguan Liufeng hurriedly jumped and chased after him: "Zixuan, slow down, I won't be able to catch it later!"

Suddenly Lin Zixuan's body froze, and her falling speed became much faster: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Shangguan Liufeng flew down helplessly, Lin Zixuan's cry for help echoed throughout the Tianshan Mountains.

Then, the screen turned, and fragments of memories flashed on the screen one by one.

The first meeting of two people, various accidents and various misunderstandings, turned from enemies who did not like each other to mandarin ducks of you and me.

Accompanied by the sound of music, it seems that she followed Lin Zixuan to the ancient times, witnessing her growth all the way.

The sound of the music stopped abruptly. On the land, Shangguan Liufeng was walking in front with a smile like a spring breeze on his face. Behind him was Lin Zixuan who was trotting closely following his footsteps.

"Liufeng, no wind is as good as you, Feng, you are the best." Lin Zixuan trotted along, flattering her at the same time.

Shangguan Liufeng's footsteps did not stop, his sleeves were fluttering, adding a touch of dust, with a faint smile on his face, but the curvature of the corner of his mouth was obviously deepened: "There is still time for a stick of incense, if you don't go out, next time you want to go out, you will have to go!" A year later!"

Lin Zixuan jumped up in surprise when she heard the words: "Ah? Feng, why didn't you say it earlier! Ah! Wait for me! Wait for me!"

On the mountain road with beautiful mountains, clear waters, singing birds and fragrant flowers, and green grass, the man in silver robe walked forward step by step very calmly. A few meters behind him was a girl in purple who was trotting over.

The music of the ending song suddenly sounded, and it ended like this.

Lin Yan turned her head to Mu Yunzhe and said, "It's over like this, I feel a little unfinished!"

Mu Yunzhe smiled and climbed onto the bed: "So, this is Qingfeng's brilliance. If the box office of the first movie is high, the second movie will be released soon!"

Lin Yan naturally rested her head on Mu Yunzhe's stomach: "When the second part is about to be filmed, I probably won't be able to go."

At that time, it seemed that she was having a baby?Or, confinement?
Mu Yunzhe patted Lin Yan's shoulder lightly: "Don't think too much about it, this one hasn't been released yet, this product was brought to you first, and it hasn't been sent to the General Administration of X-rays for review yet!"

"Zhe, Zhe, I, my leg hurts, it hurts, I have a cramp." Suddenly, Lin Yan stretched out her leg in pain, and her upper body curled up.

Mu Yunzhe stood up, pinched Lin Yan one by one, and finally helped her up and walked two steps before slowing down.

There are still several months before the due date, and Lin Yan already feels uncomfortable even sleeping every day: "Zhe, we won't give birth in the future, okay?"

 I wish you a happy new year~Happy every day~Wealth is abundant~Gong Xi Fa Cai~Go forward every day~Auspicious Year of the Monkey
(End of this chapter)

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