Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 568 Sister Mu Ran and Brother Mu Mu

Chapter 568 Sister Mu Ran and Brother Mu Mu
Mu Yunzhe hesitated and hesitated for a long time, but Lin Yan just looked at him eagerly.

His pitiful eyes blinked, although they were not watery, but there was a hint of mist.

Those moist lips were pursed into a straight line, with an unshakable stubbornness.

Mu Yunzhe looked at her, one second, two seconds, three seconds, and within a minute he was defeated.

"I'll take you to have a look, shall I?" Standing up, he hugged Lin Yan helplessly in the posture of a princess hugging her.

The hospital bed can be rolled out, but Lin Yan would never want to lie out like this on the hospital bed, and she cannot sit in a wheelchair, so that's the only way.

Ignoring the persuasion of a group of nurses and doctors behind him, Mu Yunzhe pursed his lips and said nothing, while Lin Yan in his arms curled his lips.

Because of the premature birth, the two babies looked thin and small, but it can still be seen from the comparison that one is slightly larger and the other is slightly smaller.

Mu Yunzhe pointed to the slightly bigger one and said: "This is my sister, I carried it out first."

The thinner one is the younger brother, Lin Yan nodded: "Okay, then let's go back."

Mu Yunzhe didn't refuse, and he didn't say anything else. Although the distance was not far, and Lin Yan wasn't too heavy, but after such a long time, there were still some fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Carrying Lin Yan back, a group of people followed of course, including doctors, nurses, and several bodyguards.

Lin Yan was hugged by Mu Yunzhe, listening to the persuasion from the people around her and the accusations against Mu Yunzhe, she didn't blush at all.

The corners of the lips are raised, and happiness is nothing more than this. With a lover and a child, this life is really complete, but...

After walking about five steps away, Lin Yan suddenly asked, "Zhe, have you decided on the baby's name?"

Mu Yunzhe paused, then continued to walk forward: "I'll talk about it later."

This private hospital has very good secrecy measures, and the people around them are all around the two of them. If there is anything that needs to be told to them, they will never leak any information.

Everyone walked out knowingly, leaving a quiet environment for the two of them. After putting Lin Yan on the hospital bed, Mu Yunzhe said: "Mu Mu, Mu Ran."

"Ah?" Mu Yunzhe suddenly called out, Lin Yan didn't realize it for a while, and it took a few seconds to understand: "Is the baby's name?"

Mu Yunzhe nodded: "My elder sister's name is Mu Ran, with a sweet smile, my younger brother's name is Mu Mu, I love you, I love you."


Lin Yan was embarrassed, she dared to bet [-]% that this name was definitely thought of by Mu Yunzhe, but Qiao Xiaoyanran, isn't this in line with her?

As for admiration.

It can only be said that Mu's best actor Xiu Enai is addicted...

The Qin family, Mu Lin, Lin Chenming and his son, and Mo Weide were naturally the first to know about the news that Lin Yan had given birth.

Mo Weide flew here a long time ago, and the Qin family also stayed close to each other. Lin Chenming and Lin Xi also took charge of the hospital, and everyone was in the hospital. Compared with when they found out that Lin Yan was pregnant, they had to be more careful and careful. lively.

On April [-]st, the birth date chosen by the baby himself, no one believed it, but the family believed it.

No one would think that Mu Yunzhe would make fun of Lin Yan, especially something as big as having a baby.

Compared with the speculation of the outside world, the family members must believe it very much.

The two names were thought of by Mu Yunzhe on the way back when Lin Yan asked him.

It was so concise and clear that the parents of both parties didn't want to complain, but seeing that Mu Yunzhe and Lin Yan both thought the name was good, they didn't refuse it. (Lin Yan: How did you see that I think this name is not bad? Hey!)

The baby born at eight months of pregnancy is premature, but the baby is very healthy and can come out after a few days in the incubator.

Lin Yan also returned home from the hospital a week later. The recovery from natural delivery was fast, and Lin Yan was allowed to walk on the ground by the doctors that night.

It's just that Mu Yunzhe was worried, and he dragged on for a week before returning home.

The clothes and milk powder for the two babies have been prepared a long time ago. I wasn't sure if they were boys or girls before, and I didn't do the identification, so I prepared a lot for boys and girls.

In this way, it happened to be fully used.

Mu Yunzhe, who is a new father, is extremely anxious, not as happy as he imagined, two babies, if you don't cry, I will cry, and if you cry, I will cry too.

After Lin Yan finished her work, Sun Ru also waited on her.

Mu Yunzhe couldn't bear Lin Yan's tiredness, so he greeted her every day, even taking care of the baby's eating and drinking.

Changing diapers, feeding milk powder, putting on clothes, washing diapers, the dignified international film star has become a full-time baby daddy, and he is still a baby daddy who is said to be incompetent.

"Mu Yunzhe, Xiao Ran is hungry! She didn't pee! You have changed her diapers three times in an hour!" Lin Yan yelled.

Mu Yunzhe: "...I see, you go and rest!"

"Xiao Zhe! It was Xiao Mu who was crying just now, go and check it out, he must have peed!" This is Sun Ru's Lion Roar.

Mu Yunzhe: "...Good!"

Since becoming a baby daddy, Mu Yunzhe feels that his status in the family has plummeted!

Now even the robot at home has a higher status than me!

The two babies are very cute and healthy. The consequence of this is that Mu Yunzhe is half dead busy and Sun Ru is exhausted.

The only Lin Yan who is better is because she has little milk, so she is constantly asked to eat some food such as stewed pig's trotters and other blood-enriching and milk-enriching foods.

Because they don't trust others to take care of their children, so the nanny, confinement wife, etc., under Sun Ru's strong request, the two of them didn't consider it.

Now I feel that Sensen is not enough.

Lin Chenming and others can only come over for a while during the day, and the clumsy ones can't help take care of the children.

Later, Movid found two professional nurses from the Antonio family, and it was better.

Lin Yan didn't have to eat those vomited and vomited foods, and Mu Yunzhe didn't have to be exhausted every day, and he could sleep well at night.

The one who loves babies the most is Lin Xi. This little person who has been abused since childhood has not grown crooked. What he likes to do most every day is to watch the two babies spit bubbles.

Lin Xi has already started to go to school. The tutor he hired before taught him a lot of elementary school knowledge, and Lin Chenming taught him every day.

Lin Xi, who is 11 years old, is in the fourth grade of elementary school. Although she is a bit old for her peers, she is considered a genius in the eyes of everyone.

After all, before he couldn't even write his own name, he couldn't count one plus one, and he could barely recognize numbers up to twenty!

Maybe it's a problem with the Lin family's genetics, or maybe Lin Xi worked hard enough. Even though he is too old for his peers, his grades have always been among the best.

(End of this chapter)

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