Chapter 584

Following Sberg's promotion of the film, country M, country Y, country F, country D, each country's itinerary is fully arranged.

At the same time, "Super Agent 3" is also undergoing global promotion.

The release dates of the two movies are on the same day, and the promotional place is also where you sing and we come on stage.

There are even more times when two films are promoted in the same country at the same time!
Various variety shows, talk shows, etc., are all places where the two crews compete!

The directors are equally capable, and the actors are equally famous. Although the leading role of "Future War" is heavier, what we are looking at now is popularity!

In Country M, Lin Yan's reputation is not very high. Although she has the awards of Will and Green Queen, she rarely develops in Country M. Naturally, her reputation is not as good as that woman from Country M who is racially discriminatory.

But in countries other than M country, Lin Yan is more at ease.

In country F, the clothes endorsed by Lin Yan are still being shown on TV, and the show at Mousse Fashion Week has even amazed this country which has always been known for its fashion and romance!
Country Y and Country D also made Lin Yan famous because of the Green Film Festival!
As for Asia, it is definitely Lin Yan's world!
Especially the woman from country M who uttered nonsense before, who offended people from a country like Huaxia?
Just based on her previous remarks, there were countless black fans before the film was released, and she firmly stated that no matter how amazing the filming is, she will have firm confidence not to watch it!
Later, this has risen to the dignity of the country and the dignity of the nation, so much so that all the Asian trips of the M country woman were cancelled.

Because when I participated in the event before, I was attacked by people with speech many times, throwing banana peels and rotten eggs everywhere!

"Today's guest is a long-awaited guest, the much-anticipated big shot, who is it?" On the stage, Luna was wearing a white cloak and a shiny battle robe, looking heroic!
"Lin Yan!" "Sberg!" "Robo!" "Anli!"

One name after another blurted out from among the [-] people in the audience, louder and louder each time!

The expressions of the people in the audience were full of fiery madness, and they smiled rigorously: "Let us welcome the crew of "Future Fight" with applause!"


There were screams one after another, Lin Yan, Sberg, Justin Rob, three people came out one by one.

"Hello everyone, I'm speaking lightly." Before Lin Yan could finish her introduction, she was interrupted by the audience's shouts, "Lin Yan! Lin Yan!" "I love you, Queen!"

On the stage, everyone was smiling, Lin Yan also curled her lips, and waited for the screams to subside before saying: "I have never said anything lightly in my life, and Qu Yin died, but I am protecting Huaxia with my life." And the patron saint of the earth!"

After an introduction, everyone excitedly shouted: "Ah!" "Queen!" "Queen!"

The voice didn't dissipate for a long time, Luna shrugged her shoulders, and made a playful expression: "It seems that the audience at the scene is as excited as I am, but, can everyone wait for our idol to finish the introduction and cheer?" ?”

"Okay!" With a single word, the scene fell silent instantly.

"Hi everyone, I'm Justin Rob." The male lead gave a brief introduction in Chinese, which he was not proficient in.

There was an obvious sound of breathing from the auditorium, and everyone was trying to restrain themselves.

Sberg stepped forward, put his hands on the shoulders of Lin Yan and Justin Robert, one left and one right, as if hugging a playboy from left to right: "Hi everyone, I'm Director Sberg! "

"Ah - Rob!"

"Carrot loves you forever!"

"Sberg! Let go! Let's go!"

After Sberg's introduction, there was a scene of out of control for 5 minutes.

There were shouts of all kinds, and even some people couldn't help but wanted to rush to the stage, but they were stopped by the fierce security personnel in the audience!
Actors from Western countries seldom go to Asian countries for promotion, and even the promotion of movies, Asia is not in their consideration.

However, this time, many people have taken a fancy to such a big market in Asia, this delicious cake.

Those faces that could only be seen on the screen, those characters that only existed on TV, now appear alive one by one, and the fans are the most excited!
Justin Robb and Sberg are also well-known in China!
Including Lin Yan who hasn't shown up for a long time, the 5-minute out-of-control scene is already considered rare!

After the restless hearts of the audience calmed down a bit, Luna said: "Today's audience is really too enthusiastic!"

Rigorousness also echoed: "Yeah, I'm actually very excited too!"

After finishing speaking, the host, who is known for his poisonous tongue, hugged Sberg like lightning: "I finally met my idol!"

Without any surprise, 5000 people screamed again.

Even Luna was a little surprised, she didn't expect that the rigorous person who had always lived up to her name would actually make such a move.

Justin Robb and Lin Yan looked ambiguously at the two of them, causing the crowd to scream even more enthusiastically.

Sberg let her be rigorously hugged for a while before joking: "This is the first time I have met such enthusiastic fans!"

Rigorously let go of Sberg, his cheeks turned a little blush: "Actually, since the debut of the work directed by Sberg, I've had a crush on you!"

"Wow!" Luna raised her eyebrows and laughed teasingly, "Our poisonous tongue king still has such an innocent side!"

Everyone laughed, and although Yan Jing blushed, he didn't make any gestures: "It's understandable for everyone to be a little excited to see an idol!"

Luna slyly: "Yes, yes, yes, absolutely yes!"

Sberg was quiet for a while before suddenly asking: "Is that "Whose Spring"?"

Yan Jing stared and nodded with certainty: "That's it, that's the only TV show you starred in. I liked Arthur very much when I was young!"

"When I was a child?" Sberg said depressedly: "Ah, that's how I exposed my age!"

"Ha, haha." Everyone, including the strict on stage, laughed: "This movie seems to be more than 20 years old, right?"

Sberg nodded depressedly, and Luna was surprised: "More than 20 years? Yanyan wasn't born at that time, right?"

Lin Yan hesitated: "I was just born 20 years ago. If it was more than 20 years ago, I would not have come to this world yet!"

"The years really haven't left any marks on Director Sberg's face!" Luna exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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