Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 589 The film king wants domestic violence?

Chapter 589 The film king wants domestic violence?
When Lin Yan, Sberg and others were carrying out global publicity, Mu Yunzhe was not with her all the time.

There are still two babies at home that need to be taken care of. Even though Qin Guomin, Lin Chenming, Sun Ru and all the nannies are there, Lin Yan still misses them and still can't rest assured.

Like this, Mu Yunzhe flew around the world at the strong request of his wife, more frequently than Lin Yanfei.

There are many places to promote, even if you bring your baby, you can't take care of it all the time, not to mention that the baby is still young, and it is troublesome to encounter a climate change.

Therefore, none of the whole family asked Mu Yunzhe to follow Lin Yan with the two babies.

The promotion is over and the movie is released, but that doesn't mean the event is over.

Even if the movie is released, there will still be promotions, but Lin Yan's will be pushed.

Her "Ghost Land Spiritual Journey" is still in the final stage of completion.

In the duel between the two major films, the outcome is already clear, and Lin Yan's reputation is also constantly improving with the box office data.

"Yan, Ranran and Mumu haven't seen you for a week. These two days, I often call mom in my ear, mom, you can take a day off and go home with me to see the babies." Lin Yan buried her head in pain When editing the film, Mu Yunzhe finally couldn't bear it anymore.

After returning from country M, Lin Yan devoted herself to the post-production of the movie. Although the two lived in the same country, they didn't spend as much time seeing each other as they did when flying back and forth!
Lin Yan is now living in Yunyan Entertainment Company, and her daily task is to keep an eye on the progress in the later stage, and by the way, she is also constantly learning.

As for Mu Yunzhe, Fengyun Group needs him to appear on many occasions during this time. The places developed with Movid in Country Y and Country F a few years ago are about to be completed. Although there are special people watching, but He is also going to have a look.

The two little babies, Mu Ran and Mu Mu, couldn't see their parents at the beginning, and they were so sad when they cried. The two babies have been taken care of by Lin Yan and Mu Yunzhe personally since they were born. long time?
Every time Mu Yunzhe came back, the two babies were very excited, and they hugged him when they slept, afraid that he would leave again.

Now, even though they have gotten used to it, it doesn't mean they won't miss it.

Especially the mother Lin Yan, who spends more time with them than Mu Yunzhe. Before, she would cry every day if she couldn't see them, but now she would yell if she couldn't see them for a few days.

The two babies will keep calling "Mom" and "Mom" in your ears.

That soft voice full of grievances and longings can make Mu Yunzhe, a big man, feel very sad every time, as if he has done some heinous and bad things.

This feeling finally erupted when he saw the bruises in Lin Yan's eyes. He felt that he was too conniving with Lin Yan, but Mu Yunzhe still couldn't bear to get angry when facing his wife.

This euphemistic statement is already at Mu Yunzhe's limit, not to mention it is also true.

After Lin Yan heard the words, she was indeed silent for half a minute. As a mother, how could she ever miss her child?
Just watching these staff members work overtime every day and night, just for the movie to be released before the Ghost Festival, if she goes to rest, she will still feel guilty in her heart.

Moreover, here, she also gave some encouragement to these staff members.

What's more, the editing of each scene and the selection of each piece of music must be done through her!
"Zhe." Lin Yan turned her eyes away from the virtual screen and looked at Mu Yunzhe: "Otherwise, why don't you bring the baby here?"

Mu Yunzhe looked at her silently. It was not at 01:30 that Lin Yan was haggard from the promotion of "Future War".

Even though she was using all kinds of skin care products every day, she still looked like this, which showed how tired she was.

Leaving aside the change in appearance, Mu Yunzhe felt that Lin Yan was weak when talking to him now.

Staring at the screen every day, eating convenience products without much nutrition, the meals he brought from home were all distributed to these employees by Lin Yan!
"Zhe~" Mu Yunzhe remained silent, and Lin Yan felt guilty for some reason with that look in his eyes, and couldn't help but yelled again.

The surrounding staff were busy with their own affairs, no one noticed this, and Mu Yunzhe was not afraid of being seen by others, he bent down and picked up Lin Yan, and walked out with big strides.

Before Lin Yan could react, she was already hugged by Mu Yunzhe, still in the princess hug!

"Put me down! Mu Yunzhe!" Lin Yan struggled, and Mu Yunzhe hugged him tightly. Even though Lin Yan's posture changed from horizontal to vertical, he still didn't let go.

The people around glanced at it, and then quickly turned their eyes away. The boss's joke is not so good!
"What the hell are you doing! Mu Yunzhe! Let me go!" It's embarrassing to be hugged like this, not to mention there are so many people around, okay?

"Lin Yan!" This was the first time Mu Yunzhe called Lin Yan's full name so harshly after marriage.

Lin Yan froze for a moment, and his tone softened: "You need to rest now!"

"But..." Before he finished speaking, Mu Yunzhe interrupted: "No but, what you have to do now is to go home, rest, and accompany the baby!"

Before Lin Yan could answer, Mu Yunzhe slashed the back of Lin Yan's neck with a knife. Lin Yan's head sank, and then she closed her eyes and passed out.

Just like that, Mu Yunzhe walked out with Lin Yan in his arms, leaving behind a group of people who looked very busy but secretly observed here, they were extremely shocked.

"Then, could it be the Tathagata palm that has been lost for a long time in the Jianghu?" A stared and muttered, and B beside him rolled his eyes speechlessly: "You have watched too many martial arts movies!"

Editor A held the smartphone and whispered to the people around him, "Should we call the police?"

"Call the police? Why?" The people around were at a loss.

Editor A quietly said: "Under the broad daylight and the world, Mu Yingdi dares to do this, what if he comes home to violence after returning home!"

The people around were speechless: "You think too much, Lin Mu is a role model for a husband and wife, how could a wife slave like Yingdi Mu be willing to hurt the Queen even a single bit!"

Editor A looked disbelieving: "The rumors are unbelievable. After all these years, why are you still so naive? Are there any wives and slaves in reality? Are you?"

The person watched by editor A shook his head hastily, and the people around him also shook their heads hastily, even a wife slave can't admit it!

Then, the topic was completely distorted, from whether the film emperor Mu is a wife slave, to whether there is a wife slave in the world, a godlike discussion started.

(End of this chapter)

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