Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 595 The bamboo shoots that appeared at the premiere

Chapter 595 The bamboo shoots that appeared at the premiere

October 31st is Halloween in the West. This day happens to be October [-]st of the lunar calendar, and it is also the Chinese Ghost Festival.

In Huaxia No. [-] Cinema, a premiere ceremony is in full swing.

"As we all know, Queen Lin is already an international actress, may I ask what prompted you to grab the director's job?" On the stage in front of the screen, the host Shen Yi was asking the people around him.

Many people in the audience were very curious about this question, even every fan of Lin Yan was extremely curious.

A very simple white shirt, wearing it on Lin Yan, has a shirt-like feeling of temptation. Lin Yan also noticed it, so she wore Mu Yunzhe's black suit jacket on her shoulders.

His long black and thick hair was combed behind his head and tied into a high ponytail. The makeup on his face was not obvious, but his exquisite facial features were still amazing.

A pair of dark blue jeans and a pair of high-top white canvas shoes, simple and ordinary, look like the girl next door walking on the street.

It doesn't match the heavy makeup, high-slit evening dresses, and well-tailored suits of the people around them.

But the attention is not lost to anyone, and the growing momentum can attract everyone's attention just by standing there.

Sharp, powerful, but with a deadly temptation, like a blooming poppy, it blooms brilliantly and is astonishingly beautiful, making people want to get close, but afraid of becoming addicted.

And this simple dress added a touch of innocence to her, she looked like a student who hadn't entered the society yet, and she didn't feel like a mother of two children at all.

"Probably, I was scolded miserably when I was on the set, so you want to direct yourself?" Lin Yan hadn't said anything yet, Qingfeng, who was invited to the premiere, said narcissistically;
He was wearing a bright red custom-made suit, the color was gorgeous, but he didn't find it ugly, on the contrary he looked several years younger.

This red body symbolizes that the movie is booming and the box office is selling well.

Everyone laughed, and the leading actors of this movie laughed even more happily, especially the actors who had participated in the Qingfeng movie, they were even more emotional.

As far as the aura comparable to the king of hell and the meticulous and focused attitude during the shooting, Lin Yan is really the true biography of Qingfeng.

"That's right, so everyone will come to me if they want to film in the future. I'm much easier to talk to than the youth director." Lin Yan stood in the middle of the group, with the corners of her mouth curled up, smiling slyly.

Qingfeng looked very helpless: "This is an aboveboard poaching. The saying of teaching disciples to starve to death master is the truth, the truth!"

Xiao Yan looked cute, but smiled happily: "Haha, then you can come and grab our actor's job as a young director!"

"Uh,,," Qing Feng choked for a moment, looked at his own attire, and looked at Lin Yan's appearance: "It's fine as an actor, I don't have the face of an actor!"

"Haha." Everyone roared with laughter.

"Look how happy our audience is laughing, but, Queen Lin, "Future War" is still in release, so you are fighting with yourself, right?" After all, it is my family, Shen Yi is still very concerned about the box office results of.

"Um, to be a good actor and director, one must not be afraid of any difficulties." Lin Yan said something specious, avoiding this question.

Shen Yi also tactfully changed the subject: "I heard that Queen Lin's movie premiered, and we had a lot of big names at the scene to join us. Let us invite the one we are looking forward to the most."

"Papa papa" applause came, and a red banner suddenly appeared in the sky.

It is printed in white letters: I wish "Ghost Land and Spiritual Journey" a big box office hit.

After this banner was erected in mid-air, another red banner suddenly appeared.

The font on this sentence is obviously bold: Husband will always support you!
Along with the appearance of this banner, Mu Yunzhe also walked to the front of the stage.

He was wearing a red and white casual clothes, in the applause and cheers of the crowd, he looked back.

A little embarrassed, but also a little helpless and surprised, when she saw Shen Yi approaching teasingly, she smiled slightly, and then gave Lin Yan a big hug.

As soon as Shen Yi came up, he laughed loudly: "Wow, is the film emperor showing affection? Show affection!"

Lin Yan was also a little speechless at the sudden appearance of these two banners. Mu Yunzhe was with her all day today, and was busy promoting with her before, how could he have time to prepare for this?
What's more, the content of this banner is not in line with the style of the actor, okay?

Sure enough, Lin Yan thought so, and heard Mu Yunzhe say: "Enxiu doesn't need to show off, but the above two sentences are true."

Without denying it, he squeezed Lin Yan's hand secretly, motioning her to look to the left.

There, Xiao Yan was smiling happily, Wei Wei behind her was a little at a loss, she was still holding the red corner in her hand.

Shen Yi said with a serious face: "You still say that you are not showing affection, but you are showing affection in full view!"

The people in the audience were amused by Shen Yi's deliberately serious face, and everyone laughed from ear to ear.

And Zhou Yanfeng, who came up from behind, made everyone laugh so hard that he walked over in a black tuxedo, holding a tender green bamboo shoot still stained with dirt in his hand.

Shen Yi smiled and bent down, and after a while, she calmed down: "Yan Feng, come here, I want to ask, what are you holding in your hand?"

Zhou Yanfeng was dressed as a domineering president, but he smiled shyly. This look was quite shocking: "I hope that the box office of Queen's movie will be as high as bamboo!"

"Pfft, haha" It's okay not to say it, but when I said it, everyone laughed even more with stomach cramps.

Lin Yan couldn't help herself from laughing, and Mu Yunzhe couldn't help but laugh too.

As the host, Shen Yi's on-the-spot ability is quite good. He held back the indecent laughter, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "This, is this bamboo? If I'm not mistaken, it's a bamboo shoot, right?"

Zhou Yanfeng nodded affirmatively: "Bamboo is not easy to bring here, so I dug up a bamboo shoot."

"Puchi, hahaha"

Shen Yi exhausted all her life's endurance not to burst out laughing immediately: "Yan Feng, I thought you didn't have dinner and planned to have fried bamboo shoots."

The people in the audience were already laughing so hard that they couldn't make a sound.

Zhou Yanfeng said cheerfully: "Isn't bamboo grown from bamboo shoots?"

Shen Yi finally couldn't help laughing and squatted on the stage: "Pfft, haha, Yan Feng, are you here to make a joke? This is a supernatural movie, not a comedy!"

After everyone laughed enough, Zhou Yanfeng said: "I'm afraid that everyone will be scared later, besides, there is not much difference between bamboo and bamboo shoots!"

(End of this chapter)

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