Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 600 Lin Che Looks Stupid

Chapter 600 Lin Che Looks Stupid
Bestfriends' new album promotion and playing songs, etc., have just come to an end within a week of the release of "Ghost Land Spirit".

This album called "THANKS" contains a total of eleven songs.

Among them, five songs came from Lin Che, and three of these five songs were written for Lin Yan.

The song "My World Is Changed Because of You", has never been sung on any occasion since I sang it when I played it for the first time, but it has always occupied the TOP1 position on the new song list.

Based on this song and what Lin Che said, many people tried to figure out his previous experience.

Both of his parents died, he was recognized by Lin Yan as his younger brother, he became a trainee for a period of time, and finally formed the bestfriends group with Su Ling, Ji Yu, Chen Xi, and Ouyang Long.

The appearance is somewhat similar to Lin Yan, and the singing skills can reach [-] out of [-] in the old artist's mouth. He is quite talented in writing lyrics and composing music. He has become super popular since his debut, and is called a "fan harvester" by the media.

Fans were shocked when they saw the news of the death of their parents!
Lin Yan protected Lin Che very well. His private information has always been kept confidential. Even the information about Lin Che in the major search engines is the one released by Yunyan Entertainment.

Lin Che has been calling Sister Lin Yan all the time. Many people think that the two are siblings of the same father and mother. Even though everyone knows that Lin Yan is an orphan, they didn't say that she can't have a younger brother!

Besides, didn't she find her uncle later?Business legend Lin Chenming!
This is just the thoughts of the fans. Although everyone is curious about the idol's family privacy and other news, it is not the kind that must be known.

But the media know it well, they are very sure that Lin Yan is an orphan, and there is absolutely no such thing as a real brother.

Some media even suspected that the relationship between Lin Che and Lin Yan was not pure siblings when Lin Che debuted.

When the news came out, not only Lin Yan and Mu Yunzhe were angry, but even the fans stood up to defend their idols.

The incident was not small, and finally ended with the media apologizing and compensating a lot of Huaxia coins.

Afterwards, everyone saw Lin Yan's protection of Lin Che, and even Mu Yunzhe was very kind to Lin Che, so there was no media talking nonsense.

What Lin Che said when she was playing on the Huaxia Music Chart, as well as the straightforwardness of the lyrics, aroused everyone's curiosity.

The media picked up Lin Che's past one after another, and they were no longer as restrained as before. After all, this was Lin Che's self-exposure.

Paper can't contain fire, no matter how well Lin Yan kept Lin Che's background secret, it will still be exposed.

When the news of the parents' death in a car accident came out, it aroused the sympathy of many fans. Coupled with the few thank you songs, many of Lin Che's fans made up some suffering content similar to Xiaobaicai, and Lin Yan finally recognized him as his younger brother. , life began to get better.

Then, Lin Yan won the love of a large number of fans, especially Lin Che's fans, who collectively called Lin Yan "Queen Sister".

The sales volume of the album is also constantly rising, one record after another is broken, and in the end, the physical sales volume of this album alone has reached 500 million copies!
This does not include the click to download the audio source!
The shooting time of the movie "Ghost Land Spiritual Journey" is relatively short, and the money invested is not that much. Even if Lin Yan strives for perfection, she only spent an extra one million yuan.

A total of 5000 million was invested in this movie, including the remuneration of the actors!
5000 million is quite a lot for other sponsors, but in Lin Yan's opinion, it is not as good as half of "Swordsman"!

The first part of "Swordsman" performed very well, and the investment in the second part was also very large, including the actors' remuneration, which has already reached more than [-] million yuan.

Although the final box office results were quite good, the movie "Ghost Land" with a total investment of only 5000 million actually reached [-] million at the box office in the first week. It is still a situation where everyone is unanimously bad-mouthing. This box office result can be regarded as a miracle. up.

In order to celebrate the big sale of the bestfriends group album, it happened to catch up with the statistics and announcement of the first week's box office of "Ghost Land Spiritual Journey", and they were all from Yunyan Company, so the two celebrations were held together.

When Lin Che finished playing songs, he had already returned to school for class. The high school entrance examination was coming soon, and he had to study against the clock!
After all, he is half a hero for this celebration banquet, and he needs to relax properly after studying in the dark. After asking Lin Yan for instructions, he also rushed over.

Different from other celebration banquets, you need to pay attention to this and that, and you have to be courteous and flattering. It's all the celebration of Yunyan Entertainment's own family, and they are more open-minded.

Even Mu Ran and Mu Mu rushed over to join in the fun. The two babies became the focus of the celebration banquet, and everyone competed for it.

While everyone was laughing, Lin Che quietly walked to Lin Yan's side: "Sister."

With a shy expression on his face, he stared at her with piercing eyes.

Lin Yan smiled, the little boy back then is now as tall as her: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Under the light, Lin Che seemed to have returned to the time when she was still in the hospital and on the bed, and Lin Yan was also smiling like this.

Today, she is more mature than before, but she is still the light that illuminates his heart.

Lin Che sat next to Lin Yan and whispered, "Thank you."

Just a simple thank you three words, but expressed all his gratitude.

Lin Yan rubbed his black and smooth short hair: "Thank you to my sister, don't you think it's too alien?"

Lin Che smiled, from the bottom of her heart.

"Don't talk about it in the future, my sister will be angry!" Lin Yan pretended to be angry and said to him;

"Okay." Lin Che said and leaned on Lin Yan's not generous shoulder.

There was a faint fragrance, but it smelled like a mother. Lin Che closed her eyes, enjoying this rare moment of acting like a baby.

Mu Yunzhe, who was taken to the center of the crowd by Mu Mu, accidentally saw this scene, and very calmly handed Mu Mu to Xiao Yan, who had been following him all along, and walked away slowly with his slender legs past.

Lin Che, who was squinting his eyes and thinking about what happened when he was a child, was suddenly covered by a big hand, and then unceremoniously pushed him away from Lin Yan's shoulder.

Lin Che opened her eyes, and what she saw was Mu Yunzhe with his usual expression, and his big hand touching her face.

Before he could react, he saw Mu Yunzhe's hand leave his face, pulled a chair from the side, squeezed between him and Lin Yan, picked up chopsticks and put some of each into Lin Yan's bowl: " Yan'er eat more."

Lin Che looked dumbfounded: "..."

Lin Yan, who was already full: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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