Chapter 102
More than 100 Qingzhou troops surrounded Lu Bu and his guards and walked for more than two hours.

Until dawn, Lu Bu saw a camp in front of him.

The officer pointed to the tent, "That's the barracks."

The number of tents is not very large. Based on Lu Bu's experience, at most one to two thousand people can be stationed there.

"How many people are there?" Lu Bu asked.

"One thousand three hundred and four hundred people." The officer replied.

Lu Bu probably understood.

The Qingzhou Army was indeed stationed in Mount Tai, but they were divided into many independent military camps and placed in different areas.

Divide and rule the Qingzhou army, even if they make trouble, it is impossible to make a big mess.

But in this way, the combat effectiveness of the Qingzhou Army will be greatly affected.

As time goes by, this army will become less and less cohesive, and will eventually be reduced to a group of rebels.

"How long will it take to contact other barracks?" Lu Bu asked the officer as he walked towards the barracks.

"The whole Mount Tai is everywhere." The officer thought for a while: "It will take seven or eight days to say the least."

"Call other military camps to gather here, what proof do the people who send out need?"

"The general has a tiger talisman, so go to one place and gather another." The officer replied: "Earlier, Mr. Cao issued an order that all Qingzhou Army units are not allowed to leave the garrison unless the tiger talisman is used."

After occupying Xuzhou for several years, it was the first time that Lu Bu knew that the situation of the Qingzhou Army was so bleak.

Even though he was wearing armor and holding a sharp blade, he had no chance to go into battle and kill the enemy.

Even if you go to battle to kill the enemy, you will not be rewarded for your contribution.

He understood immediately.

Including Cao Cao, although heroes from all over the country recruited the remnants of the Yellow Turbans, they never reused them.

Like Yang Feng and Han Xian who were killed by Liu Bei earlier, the Yellow Turban remnants who can gather a large army and play a certain role in the general situation of the world are Fengmao Lingjiao.

Their survival is difficult, even far more than that of Lu Bu back then.

"Where are your family members?" Lu Bu suddenly asked the officer, "I heard that when Duke Cao reorganized the Qingzhou Army, there were 30 troops."

"The old and the weak, women and children are all farming at home." The officer replied: "The Qingzhou army now grows their own food, weaves their own cloth and wears it. They want weapons but no weapons, money and food but no money and food. If it is not for grabbing some good things, Who would run to the general's camp in the middle of the night."

"General Xiahou never cared about you?" Lu Bu asked again.

When mentioning Xiahou Dun, the officer bowed his head and dared not say a word.

In name Xiahou Dun was their chief general, but he never fought for their interests.

Even though many soldiers made great contributions back then, he never said even a single good word for them.

The soldiers of the Qingzhou Army were extremely disappointed with Xiahou Dun, but no one dared to speak out.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." The officer didn't dare to say anything, Lu Bu said, "I also just joined Duke Cao not long ago, and I heard that the Qingzhou Army has been idle all year round, so I specially asked General Xiahou for a talisman to take over the soldiers."

"Did the general ask for the soldier talisman specially?" The officer was surprised and couldn't help blurting out.

"If I don't ask him for it, will he still send it?" Lu Bu asked, "Tell me the truth, is the Qingzhou Army willing to fight?"

"Who would want to fight?" The officer shook his head: "There is no reward for military exploits, and wounds on the battlefield are just sent home to be raised. If it weren't for the few acres of land on Mount Tai, I don't know how many people would have starved to death."

"From now on, it will never be like this again." Lu Bu said, "No matter who makes military exploits, I will ask Duke Cao for a reward. If Duke Cao doesn't give it..."

He said three words with emphasis: "I'll give it!"

Lu Bu's reputation is not small, but the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army have never seen him.

When he reported his family name, the officer was still puzzled.

Why does a fierce general who has been famous for many years look like he is only seventeen or eighteen years old?

"Actually, we have heard of the general's prestige..." The officer said hesitantly, "I don't know if I should ask..."

"Do you want to ask me why I look like a teenager after being famous for so many years?" Lu Bu asked for him before he could ask.

"It turns out that the general knows what I want to ask..." The officer was very embarrassed.

"Would you believe me if I said that heaven would bless me and make me return to my youth?" Lu Bu asked.

"There is such a thing in the world?" The officer obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't dare to say it directly.

"Of course there is." Accompanied by officers, Lu Bu said as he walked towards the barracks, "A strange thing happened to me. Actually, there is one more strange thing."

Looking at Lu Bu in astonishment, the officer didn't ask any questions.

He knew very well that since Lu Bu spoke, he would tell the matter even if he didn't ask.

"Before you surrounded the tent, I was woken up by a voice." Lu Bu asked, "To be honest, what are you going to do if I don't wake up?"

The officer's expression showed panic: "We originally wanted to..."

"Needless to say!" Lu Bu interrupted him: "I understand."

From the officer's answer, he was even more sure that the voice in his sleep was just to wake him up.

If he hadn't woken up, he probably wouldn't have had the chance to come here.

Before arriving at the barracks, the officer sent two soldiers back to inform the soldiers in the camp that the new leader was coming.

Two Qingzhou troops ran to the barracks quickly.

When Lu Bu and others arrived, the soldiers in the camp had already lined up and waited.

Having not experienced battles for years and lacking training, the Qingzhou Army's ranks are very scattered.

Some people obviously put on their armor in a panic, and the leather armor on them was crumpled and did not look mighty at all.

Lu Bu took out the Tiger Talisman and shook it at the Qingzhou Army lined up: "You all heard it just now. I am the new chief general who took over the Qingzhou Army. Tell me my name, you should be familiar with it!"

Raising his voice, he shouted: "I am Lu Bu from Jiuyuan, Lu Wenhou who had been entangled with Duke Cao in Xiapi for several months!"

It is no exaggeration to describe Lu Bu as a household name.

All the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army present looked at him in astonishment.

No one believed that the young general standing in front of them was really Lu Wenhou!
Back then, Dong Zhuo, in order to control the government and suffered from Ding Yuan's opposition, sent Zhong Lang General Li Su to use the red rabbit horse as bait to rebel against Lu Bu.

Lu Bu, who has followed Ding Yuan for many years and recognized him as a adoptive father, but has never been reused, has long been determined to choose another master.

Dong Zhuo treated each other with courtesy and gave him a good BMW horse. Lu Bu, who had been depressed all the time, would have no hesitation.

For the sake of his future, he had no time to tell whether Dong Zhuo was loyal or traitor. Not only did he kill Ding Yuan, he even recognized Dong Zhuo as his adoptive father.

Although authoritarian and domineering, Dong Zhuo treated Lu Bu really well.

Since then, Lu Bu has gradually become known to the world.

From the astonished eyes of the Qingzhou army, Lu Bu could see that they didn't believe it: "I know what you are wondering, and I will explain it to you. I don't want to say the same thing over and over again. After I give the answer, you should know how to tell other Qingzhou soldiers. military!"

(End of this chapter)

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