The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 106 A good thing that can completely counterattack

Chapter 106 A good thing that can completely counterattack
Pengcheng was once designated as the capital by Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu.

Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, won the world, and this ancient city, which was once full of the dreams of Jiangdong's children, was gradually forgotten by people.

After hundreds of years of wind and frost, the thick city walls vaguely retain the grandeur of the past, but they are already dilapidated.

When Cao Cao slaughtered the city, Pengcheng had a population of only tens of thousands.

Lu Bu moved 40 to [-] people from Qingzhou and Mount Tai, and the city, which had been empty for a long time, suddenly seemed crowded.

As the army entered the city, there were crowds of onlookers everywhere on both sides of the street.

Kneeling was not fashionable in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the people did not kneel to greet Lu Bu, but stretched their necks one by one, wanting to see what the world-famous Lu Wenhou looked like.

The young Lu Bu was tall and handsome, with a vigorous and heroic figure everywhere.

The girls and young women on the side of the road saw him from a distance, and their faces were flushed.

Women always say they like handsome guys just out of admiration.

However, seeing a young general as handsome and graceful as Lu Bu, which woman doesn't want to be crushed by him?

Ever since he returned to his youth, Lu Bu has long been used to this look.

Not to mention the ordinary women on the street, which of the several peerless beauties in his back house has not fallen for him?
"Can the Pengcheng Barracks house [-] troops?" Lu Bu asked Chen Gong as they walked along the street.

"Since Emperor Gaozu established the dynasty, there has been no military camp in Pengcheng." Chen Gong replied: "It is said that the overlord of Western Chu built a military camp here, which can station [-] troops."

"It's been almost 400 years since the Overlord of Western Chu. I'm afraid there are no traces of the barracks at that time." Lu Bu shook his head.

"Really." Chen Gong's answer surprised Lu Bu quite a bit.

The Western Chu military camp 400 years ago is still preserved?

You must know that even after more than 2000 years, many people clamored for the protection of cultural relics, but many historical sites have been vandalized maliciously.

Some people even deliberately falsified the contents of the monuments in order to earn profits, so that many ordinary people who don't know much about history mistakenly think that everything after the falsification is the history that once happened.

Even in an age of advanced civilization, the barracks of the Overlord of Western Chu can still be preserved for 400 years in the Eastern Han Dynasty...

Lu Bu was really surprised.

"Would you like to go over and have a look?" Chen Gong asked.

"It's good to have a look." Lu Bu nodded.

The [-] Qingzhou Army and the [-] soldiers from Zang Ba's troops followed Lu Bu and others.

The site of the Western Chu Army Camp is in the northwest corner of Pengcheng.

Chen Gong personally led the way, and came to a desolate ruin, he pointed to the ruin: "This is the military camp."

In front of me is a piece of ruins that have long been unable to identify what style of building it used to be. The only thing that can prove that it was once a military camp is the dilapidated Dianjiangtai.

Surrounded by ruins, Dianjiangtai looks so desolate, like an old man in his dying years, telling people the stories he has experienced.

"It's all in ruins, and the people in Pengcheng didn't know how to clean it up." Lu Bu looked at the messy scene in front of him.

"People in Pengcheng have an inseparable feeling for Xiang Yu." Chen Gong said: "After 400 years, although no one dared to repair it, no one cleaned it up."

Lu Bu said: "Order the soldiers to clean up this place and build a barracks on the spot."

"Wen Hou really wants to build a military camp here?" Chen Gong asked.

"I don't know how many unwilling souls lingered in the former Western Chu military camp." Lu Bu said: "The fighting spirit they left behind can just inspire my soldiers."

"Wen Hou still believes this?" Chen Gong said with a smile: "It has been hundreds of years, even if there was something left behind, it has long since disappeared."

"I have passed middle age, but I can return to my youth overnight." Lu Bu asked, "What else is impossible in this world?"

Chen Gong was speechless when asked, and smiled awkwardly.

"Please Xuan Gao pass the order on your behalf." Lu Bu looked at Zang Ba who was beside him.

Zang Ba then shouted: "We have an order to wait for the temperature. The soldiers cleared up the ruins and built the barracks on the spot."

Everything had to start again, and Lu Bu didn't have much money to transfer to Pengcheng, so the soldiers could only go out of the city to cut firewood and transport back stones.

Before soldiers in the army, they were either farmers or artisans who relied on their craftsmanship.

Many of them were carpenters and stonemasons.

The construction of the barracks happened to use the skills of these people.

The people who came to Xuzhou were all the families of the officers and men in the army.

Among them, the family members of the Qingzhou Army accounted for more than half.

The soldiers were so busy that many people came to help.

Lu Bu didn't pay the common people for their help, but invited them to share with the soldiers two meals a day.

If you help, you can have food. People who came to Pengcheng, including adults and children, came to help build the barracks.

The so-called more people easy to do things.

Originally, it took many days to see the scale of the military camp, but with the cooperation of the whole city, it took shape very quickly.

To build a barracks, the foundation must be excavated.

Lu Bu led Chen Gong and Zang Ba to the construction site, watching people build barracks.

"Why is the soil here black?" A childish voice reached Lu Bu's ears.

He looked back and saw a child playing at the scene with stains on his face and hands covered in black mud crawling out of a foundation pit that was much higher than him.

Seeing this scene, Lu Bu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Go and have a look!" He greeted Chen Gong and Zang Ba.

Walking quickly to the foundation, Lu Bu was immediately happy when he saw the dark soil below.

Pointing to the black soil in the foundation, he laughed loudly: "As expected, even God is helping me. I've heard that there is such a thing in Pengcheng, but I didn't expect it to be found out after a few digs."

So he was so happy because Lu Bu knew what the black soil was.


It has been recorded in history books for a long time, but it was not until many years later that Shanxi merchants discovered the resources that were exploited for value.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, firewood was still used for fire, and there was no record of coal development.

No one knows what the black soil is for.

Chen Gong looked at Lu Bu in astonishment: "It's just black soil, why does Wen Hou look like he saw a baby?"

"Don't you know what this is?" Lu Bu asked with no concealment of joy.

Chen Gong shook his head.

Nobody yet knew what the coal was for, and he certainly didn't know what.

"It has a name called coal." Lu Bu said: "Put it in the furnace and burn it longer than firewood, and the flame will be hotter. With it, we can refine tougher steel, and even create many Something unexpected."

Can the black soil be burned?
Not only Chen Gong, but even Zang Ba didn't quite believe it.

Seeing that the expressions of the two were not right, Lu Bu ordered to the side: "Get some coal up, and I will prove it to them."

(End of this chapter)

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