Chapter 110 Xuzhou is Poor
"Sold all the coal?" Lu Bu asked Chen Gong when he entered the official residence.

"Zhang Shiping brought some merchants here, and they bought them all." Chen Gong replied, "Actually, even more would not be enough to sell."

"What's the price?" Lu Bu asked again.

"It's a bit higher than the selling price given by Wen Hou."

"Still looting?" Lu Bu asked.

Chen Gong replied: "If there are so many more, I guess they can have them all."

"Raise the price next time." Lu Bu said, "If anyone asks, just say that we sold it at a loss for the first time for people to try it out. After all, we still have to make money, so we won't be able to keep that price in the future."

"What price does Hou Wen think is right?" Chen Gong asked.

"It's cheaper than charcoal, and more expensive than firewood." Lu Bu said, "Although we are making money right now, as the mine gets deeper and deeper, the cost will also increase. In the future, the price of coal will have to go up all the way."

"These can be postponed." Chen Gong reminded: "The important thing is that Xun Gongda is here."

"He came here to urge us to attack Huainan earlier." Lu Bu responded casually.

"Are you hanging him out for a few days like Xiahoudun did?" Chen Gong asked.

"No!" Lu Bu immediately denied, "Xun Gongda is different from Xiahoudun, and there is no benefit in letting him go."

"If Hou Wen intends to see him, I'll contact him right away."

"Invite him to meet at the official residence." Lu Bu said: "We will arrange a banquet for entertainment, but the dishes will all use wild vegetables, and no meat will be served."

Lu Bu said that he would entertain Xun You with wild vegetables, and Chen Gong immediately understood his intention: "Does Wenhou want to cry poor to Xun You?"

"Although we have some money now, we need money to rebuild Xuzhou, to feed the army, and to refurbish the soldiers and equipment." Lu Bu said, "Don't say that, even if we open a few more coal mines, I'm afraid Still not enough."

"I've been staring at the coal mine these days, what happened to toothpaste, toilet water, etc?" Lu Bu asked.

"Zhang Shiping and others are also doing it." Chen Gong replied: "Can they let go of those who can make money?"

"Preach the order and recruit more manpower." Lu Bu ordered: "Build a daily chemical factory in Xiapi, specializing in the manufacture of daily necessities such as toothpaste. If you want to make money, these things must eventually become low-priced civilians."

Chen Gong nodded and wrote down one by one.

Lu Bu also ordered: "It is best to use women in the place where toothpaste is made, and they can give them a relatively low return. Using men in that kind of place is really a waste of labor."

"Women?" Chen Gong was startled: "I'm afraid it's not easy to recruit."

"People's life is hard. Women can make money, so no one wants to let them out." Lu Bu said: "When Xuzhou becomes rich, it has become a habit for women to go out and do things, and the people of Xuzhou will not change anything."

Chen Gong looked blank: "Wen Hou really wants women to come out to do things?"

"Women are human beings too." Lu Bu replied, "There have been many men and women in wars and chaos. If so many women can be mobilized, Xuzhou will be prosperous sooner."

Chen Gong memorized everything Lu Bu said.

The two discussed storing grain and hoarding money in Xuzhou to prepare for future conquests and expenses. They sent Xun You's guards to come outside the door: "Report to you, Duke Xun is here."

"Come in!" Lu Bu stood up.

Xun You came in from the door, greeted Lu Bu and asked, "How is Hou Wen?"

"Thanks to Duke Xun, everything is fine," Lu Bu replied.

He then told the guards: "Go and invite the generals. Today I will arrange a banquet for Duke Xun."

"When I came to Xuzhou, I saw devastation all the way, and even Pengcheng was in a mess." Xun You said, "Wen Hou should not waste money."

"Mr. Xun finally came to Xuzhou. No matter how poor I am, I still have to entertain him." Lu Bu grinned, "Mr. Xun, please take a seat!"

After taking his seat, Xun You said, "There has been an accident in Xudu, has Wen Hou heard about it?"

It has long been heard that Dong Cheng and others were killed because of the clothes belt edict, but Lu Bu pretended to be dazed: "Mr. Cao is always in charge, what can happen?"

"It is precisely because Cao Gong sits in the town that we cause trouble." Xun You replied: "Dong Cheng and others intended to murder Cao Gong, but Cao Gong captured and killed him at the entrance of the market. Concubine Dong secretly contacted Dong Cheng in an attempt to make troubles inside and outside the palace. In one breath, His Majesty has given him death."

Lu Bu just kept silent while listening, muttering in his heart, why was His Majesty bestowing death on him.

I'm afraid that the little emperor in Xudu will cry more bleakly than Liu Bei because of Concubine Dong's death.

He also secretly sighed in his heart, Concubine Dong's appearance is outstanding, although she can't be regarded as a national beauty, she is also a beauty among women, it is such a pity that she died like this...

"Something like this happened in Xudu, and someone will use it as an excuse to be unfavorable to the lord." Xun You said, "The lord asked me to ask Wen, when will we use troops in Huainan?"

Speaking of using troops to Huainan, Lu Bu smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Xun has just arrived, so we can have a banquet later."

Lu Bu's attitude was clearly evasive.

If it was Xiahou Dun who came, I'm afraid he would be furious on the spot.

After all, Xun You is not a reckless general, and he still spoke calmly: "What is Wen Hou planning, it's just a sentence, as for waiting until the banquet?"

"Some words are really hard to say." Lu Bu shook his head helplessly: "Xuzhou needs food, food, money, and money. I recently borrowed the Qingzhou Army from General Yuan Rang, and the soldiers are very armored. Outdated, unable to cope with the battle at all. I know Cao Gong is eager to attack Huainan, but I really don't have the ability at the moment..."

"Wen Hou promised the lord, and the lord also allocated food and grass." Xun You asked, "I'm afraid it's not good to go back and forth?"

"Mr. Cao did allocate some food and grass, but I didn't expect Liu Xuande to come to make trouble." Lu Bu looked even more helpless: "If he hadn't made trouble, I would have dispatched troops to Huainan long ago. Why would I need Mr. Cao's repeated urging? "

Xun You was about to say more when several attendants came in with dishes and wine in wooden barrels.

The dishes were placed on the table, and Xun You looked at Lu Bu in surprise, "Wen Hou eats this on weekdays?"

Lu Bu smiled awkwardly: "If it wasn't for Gong Xun's arrival, I wouldn't even be able to eat these. I can only make do with gruel like the soldiers."

The dishes placed in front of Xun You are all wild vegetables cooked with water.

The wild vegetables are boiled into black and green, and they look very ugly. If you don't eat them, you can guess that the taste will not be very good.

"The dishes are not very good, but there is still some wine." Lu Bu scooped out a spoonful of wine from the barrel and poured it into a cup: "Mr. Xun, please drink a full glass first."

Xun You also poured a glass of wine and drank with Lu Bu.

He had just taken the wine, but he spit it out with a "poof".

(End of this chapter)

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