The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 116 Every sentence is digging a hole

Chapter 116 Every sentence is digging a hole

Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun accompanied Lu Bu around the barracks.

Hearing many benefits from attacking Huainan from Lu Bu, the morale of the soldiers was high, and almost everyone was polishing their weapons.

The barracks was filled with the sound of grinding weapons.

When Lu Bu walked to a certain place, the soldiers would stand up and pay attention.

Walking around the barracks, Lu Bu felt the fighting spirit rising in the chests of the soldiers.

Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun walked on either side of him.

About to walk out of the barracks, Lu Bu explained to the two of them: "The Qingzhou Army is from the Yellow Turbans, and the soldiers still have banditry in their bones. It is not easy to lead them, and the two generals have to worry about it."

"If it wasn't for Wenhou, we wouldn't even be able to mobilize." Zhang Liao shook his head: "I've never seen such a difficult soldier."

"The more difficult a soldier is, the easier it is to surprise us." Lu Bu responded casually.

Neither Zhang Liao nor Zhao Yun quite understood what he meant.

The two glanced at each other, and both turned their attention to Lu Bu.

Lu Bu didn't explain, left this sentence, and left with a few bodyguards.

The bewildered Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun stood side by side.

Watching Lu Bu's back, the two of them didn't understand, how could it be possible that the harder it is to lead the soldiers, the easier it is to surprise them?
It was almost dusk when Lu Bu left the barracks.

The Pengcheng government assigns different people to work in different industries every day.

Those with special skills were left in the city.

According to their respective skills, the government allocated houses, shops, and workshops in the city.

Pengcheng, which was once dead and silent, gradually became alive with the opening of workshops.

Those who have no skills and can only live by physical strength are screened out and sent to coal mines.

Civilians who were unwilling to go to the mines or participate in the screening were assigned to villages outside the city.

People abandoned the barren villages created by the war, and new villages sprang up one after another.

Hundreds of thousands of civilians were diverted day by day, and on the day when Lu Bu was about to go on an expedition, Pengcheng was already in order.

Pengcheng has a long history. Although the Han Dynasty intentionally or unintentionally forgot about this city that once carried the glory of the overlord of Western Chu and witnessed his rise and fall, its heritage is still there.

In terms of floor area, it is much larger than Xiapi.

When Lu Bu returned home, the setting sun had already dipped below the horizon, and the sky had turned from orange to gray.

Just after entering the front yard, a servant trotted over with his head down: "Report to you, Mr. Xun and General Xu have been waiting for a long time."

"Invite them to meet in the front hall," Lu Bu ordered.

The expedition was due in one night, and Xun You and Xu Huang's visit was nothing more than to ask him if he had any plans to attack Huainan.

Not long after Lu Bu sat down in the front hall, servants brought Xun You and Xu Huang over.

When the two of them entered the room, Lu Bu stood up to greet them: "Grand Xun, General Xu, welcome from a distance!"

"We've been here for quite a while." The two returned their salutes, Xun You said with a smile, "I heard that Marquis Wen went to the barracks, how are the preparations going?"

"The army will go out tomorrow morning, and we won't delay for a moment." Lu Bu said solemnly: "I assure you, if you don't enter Huainan, you won't garrison troops!"

"With Wen Hou's words, the two of us will be able to explain to Cao Gonggong when we go back." Xun You smiled brighter: "Dare to ask Wen Hou, what else do we need to do?"

"Although Yuan Shu is dead, there are still [-] to [-] elite soldiers in Huainan." Lu Bu said, "The two of you sent a lot of food and grass, but..."

"Mr. Cao dispatched the Qingzhou Army to Marquis Wen. The number is already better than that of Huainan. What else is there to worry about?" Xun You said, "Huinan is so small that even Yuan Shu is gone. Does Marquis Wen take them seriously?"

"Of course I will pay attention to it." Lu Bu said solemnly: "Yuan Shu is no more than a single husband. After his death, Yang Hong, Zhang Xun and others devoted themselves to revitalizing Huainan, and now the Huainan army is more powerful than ever. Don't dare to underestimate Mr. Xun. killed them."

"What Wen Hou said is exaggerated." Before Xun You responded, Xu Huang said, "Three thousand elite soldiers are enough to break through Huainan..."

"General Xu bravely crowns the three armies, and taking the head of a general from among thousands of troops is like picking something out of a bag." Lu Bu said with a serious face: "How about this, please lead the general to lead the army to attack Huainan, and I will lead the army to cheer, what does the general think? "

Cao Cao wanted Lu Bu to lead his army to defeat Huainan, Xu Huang just answered a sentence, and he almost piled things on his head.

Xu Huang, whose hair was full of black lines, felt resentful, and was about to defend himself when Xun You winked at him.

Seeing Xun You's wink, Xu Huang kept silent.

"Wen Hou also said that there are still 3000 to [-] elites in Huainan. With the number of Qingzhou troops, it is still difficult to defeat them. What's more, General Xu only leads two to [-] people?" Xun You said with a kind smile: "General Xu is outspoken and eager Take Huainan earlier to relieve the Lord's worries, please forgive me if I offend Wen Hou."

"Grand Xun's words are serious." Lu Bu waved his hands again and again: "What I said just now came from the bottom of my heart. You and I are both working for Duke Cao. General Xu has that ability, of course I am willing to give credit for it."

"Don't joke, Marquis Wen." Xun You smiled and waved his hands repeatedly.

He then asked Lu Bu, "Dare to ask Wen Hou, what else do you need?"

"Soldiers, armor, food, and grass." Lu Bu said, "food and grass can be slowed down. What I lack most now are weapons and armor. Xun Gong must have seen it when he came to Pengcheng. Although there are many soldiers in the Qingzhou Army, they The weapons used are already outdated. If they are not replaced, I’m afraid..."

Having said that, Lu Bu shook his head.

With 3 soldiers in the Qingzhou Army and [-] weapons replaced, even Cao Cao would have a headache.

Iron smelting technology in the late Eastern Han Dynasty was still relatively backward.

It is not easy to make weapons and agricultural tools.

To Xun You, Lu Bu's conditions are no different from a lion's mouth.

"More than 3 weapons..." Xun You shook his head, "I'm afraid the Cao family won't be able to get them out either."

"I also know Duke Cao's difficulties." Lu Bu seemed to be very understanding and said, "Why don't Duke Xun help me solve the [-] cases."

Lu Bu chopped off [-] weapons when he opened his mouth, which was already full of sincerity.

Even though Xun Youzhi was slightly superior, he couldn't respond with a shy face.

Xun You pinched his chin and pondered for a moment: "Wen Hou will go out tomorrow, and [-] weapons will be delivered, but it will take a long time..."

"The defense of the surrounding cities in Huainan is relatively lax." Lu Bu replied: "I will lead the army to occupy one or two cities first, and wait for the weapons in Huainan. Xun Gong can only deal with [-] weapons, so I have to lead [-] soldiers Let’s go on an expedition. The difference in strength between the two sides is small, so the outcome is hard to predict!”

Lu Bu made it clear that he meant to bring as many soldiers as he wanted.

Xun You suddenly had black lines all over his head.

It was not that he didn't know Lu Bu.

In his impression, Lu Bu in the past was very foolish, as long as he was given a candied date, he would smack it and say it was sweet.

And this one in front of him, although he has a young face, is scheming, every word he says is digging holes for others.

(End of this chapter)

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