The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 118 This city does not need to be fought

Chapter 118 This city does not need to be fought

Xun You didn't understand what Lu Bu wanted to do, so of course Xun You would not agree easily.

"Wen Hou asked me to be a military adviser, it really can't be justified." Xun You finally said: "If Wen Hou asks me anything, I will tell you everything, but I will not agree to the position of military adviser without Duke Cao's nod."

Xun You refused to be a military advisor, and Lu Bu seemed very disappointed: "Since Duke Xun refuses, I can't force you either. But there is something in the army, please don't refuse."

"It's easy, it's easy!" Xun You agreed.

Lu Bu no longer urged, and rode his horse to the team.

Watching his back, Xun You still felt that something was wrong.

He always felt that every word Lu Bu said was digging a hole.

The terrible thing is that he can't see where the pit is.

Xu Huang came to Xun You's side.

He first looked at Lu Bu who had gone to the front of the team, and then at Xun You.

"I always feel that it seems wrong to go to Huainan this time." Xun You said in a low voice.

"I thought it was just me who felt this way." Xu Huang said, "I didn't expect Gongda to notice it too."

"We should be careful when we go to Huainan this time." Xun You reminded.

Xu Huang nodded.

It's not that far from Pengcheng to Huainan.

Lu Bu led the army all the way south, and after more than ten days, they came to the border between Xuzhou and Huainan.

Zhu Ma stopped, Lu Bu raised his right hand.

"The whole army stops!" The army immediately conveyed the order to stop advancing.

Lu Bu pointed forward, and said to Xun You: "The next step is Zhongli, what does Mr. Xun think is appropriate?"

Xun You looked up at the sky: "It's still early, I think Wen Hou should lead the army to Zhongli as soon as possible."

"Wait until Zhongli, it will be too late." Lu Bu asked, "Is it possible to attack the city tonight?"

"Wen Hou thinks it's not good tonight?" Xun You asked.

"Xun Gong thinks it is feasible, so I will attack tonight." Lu Bu ordered: "Command, continue to march!"

The army then moved on.

Zhongli had been breached by Lu Bu, and he led his army here again, causing panic in the city.

The guards of the city were waiting in full force, and many civilians were running around, transporting stones and rolling logs to the top of the city.

When they arrived at Zhongli, the soldiers set up their tents.

Lu Bu took Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, and Xun You and Xu Huang to approach the city wall of Zhongli.

When they were about to shoot from the city wall, the defenders raised their bows and arrows one after another.

The crowd stopped.

"Who is the guard?" Lu Bu shouted.

The head of the city did not respond.

"I came to Huainan this time to get rid of the remnants of Yuan Shu." Lu Bu then shouted: "As long as Zhongli sacrifices the city, I guarantee that Qiu will not commit any crimes. If you dare to resist, once the city is destroyed, no one will be left behind! I will only give You three days, if you don’t surrender after the deadline, I will lead the army to attack the city.”

Lu Bu left after speaking.

Zhao Yun and others followed behind him.

The defenders on the top of the city looked at Lu Bu who was leaving, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Lu Bu once broke through Zhongli, and it has long been a nightmare for this city.

In three days, he will personally lead the army to attack the city.

Everyone in the defenders and the people in the city was in danger, and they were all worried about what would happen in three days.

Outside the city is the Qingzhou army, and the Zhongli defenders are only two to three hundred people.

Not to mention Lu Bu's bravery, even if he came for mediocrity, it would be impossible to defend the city!

Xun You accompanied Lu Bu back to the barracks: "Why didn't Marquis Wen give the order to attack the city just now?"

"Why should I fight a city that can be obtained without fighting?" Lu Bu smiled at him: "In two days, the defenders will open the city gate and welcome us in."

Zhongli's garrison was only two to three hundred people, but Lu Bu brought a full 300 people. Of course Xun You would not doubt his speculation.

It's just that Zhongli is too close to Shouchun, and the Huainan army will come here to help, and it will take only two or three days.

"Wen Hou gave them three days. What I'm really worried about is the reinforcements from Shouchun." Xun You asked, "Isn't Wen Hou worried at all?"

"If Shouchun doesn't come to help the army, Huainan will be difficult to fight." Lu Bu said with a complacent expression, "It's good that they come. Duke Xun just wants me to take Huainan."

He then told Zhao Yun: "Zilong, lead 2000 troops to set up an ambush between Zhongli and Shouchun. If the enemy troops come, just lure them to pursue them. Take them to Zhongli and have fun!"

Zhao Yun ordered 2000 people to leave overnight.

Lu Bu then ordered Zhang Liao: "Wen Yuan led 1 people to set up an ambush between the place where Zilong went and Zhongli. If Shouchun came to help, let them go first. I will personally lead the troops to stop them, and then cover them from behind." .”

When Zhang Liao led the soldiers to leave, Xun You shook his head and smiled: "Wen Hou said earlier that he wanted me to be a military adviser, but now it seems completely unnecessary."

"Why is it unnecessary?" Lu Bu said, "In terms of intelligence, even if there are ten of me, I'm no match for Duke Xun. With my little ability, I'm fine against Yang Hong and Zhang Xun, but it's nothing against Duke Xun."

"Wen Hou was joking." Xun You laughed dryly: "The army came to Zhongli. Taking advantage of our army's garrison and the enemy's understanding, they sent two generals Zhao and Zhang one after another. If Shouchun didn't send reinforcements, Zhong Li couldn't hold out for three days. If he sent reinforcements, he would be intercepted by the two generals halfway. When Wen Hou attacks Shouchun, it will be as easy as pie."

"I think it's unlikely that Shouchun will send reinforcements." Lu Bu chuckled.

Xun You was stunned: "Since you think Shouchun is unlikely to send troops to help, what did Marquis Wen ask the two generals to go out?"

"Shouchun can't see them, but the defenders can." Lu Bu muttered at Zhongli's city wall, "Tomorrow at the latest, they will send people to dedicate the city."

In fact, Xun You also felt that it was unlikely that Shouchun would send reinforcements.

The army brought by Lu Bu was [-], and when the news of Zhongli's siege reached Shouchun, anyone would think that it was impossible for a mere two or three hundred defenders to hold the city.

Yuan Shu is dead, Yang Hong, Zhang Xun and others who are in charge of Huainan only want to be stable, and dare not have any aggressive thoughts at all.

[-] Qingzhou troops besieged Zhongli, and Lu Bu personally led the troops. Who in Huainan could compete with him?
Xun You thought that the two generals sent by Lu Bu might be useless, so he taunted him, but he didn't expect that their purpose was not to besiege the city and fight for aid.

"It's Hou Wen who is thoughtful." Xun You smiled and said, "I thought the two generals were sent to stop Shouchun's reinforcements!"

Lv Bu laughed: "Yang Hong and Zhang Xun are not the ones who dare to advance aggressively. I asked Duke Xun for armor and armor for the purpose of fighting them for a long time. Huainan is not as easy to fight as I imagined."

Xun You nodded: "I will urge people to send the armor as soon as possible."

"Let them be sent to Zhongli." Lu Bu turned his head and looked at the city wall of Zhongli again, speaking confidently, "I will train my army here and wait for the best time to capture Huainan."

(End of this chapter)

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