The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 154 The Qingzhou Army Is Going to Dig Coal

Chapter 154 The Qingzhou Army Is Going to Dig Coal
The layout of the front hall of the Pengcheng government is also very simple.

Summer is just over, but there is a brazier next to the low table in the room.

The brazier was not lit, and there were some black stones in it.

They are said to be stones, but they look a little soft, and there are even a lot of debris scattered around them.

When everyone entered the room, Lu Bu greeted Xiahou Dun, "Yuan Rang, please sit down!"

Thank you for sitting down, Xiahou Dun's gaze could not help but be attracted by the black stone in the brazier.

"Have Yuan Rang never seen such a thing?" Lu Bu grinned, as if he didn't care at all, and said, "This is a kind of burning stone. I named it coal."

Coal is just a copy of what he said after 2000.

But in this era, no one knows.

Lu Bu copied a name that would only appear in later generations, with a calm look on his face, and he didn't feel ashamed at all.

When he named the coal, Chen Gong and others admired him very much.

Even Chen Gong couldn't think of a more suitable name after much deliberation.

At that time, Lu Bu seemed to mention it casually, and actually said a very suitable name. People like Chen Gong who pay more attention to intellect will certainly admire him!

But Xiahou Dun happened to be a general.

He has no particular pursuit of names.

Lu Bu named the black stone in front of him Coal, which sounds very common to him.

He didn't think so, but Xiahou Dun flattered him: "Only Marquis Wen can think of such an exquisite name."

"Of course!" Knowing that he was just flattering him casually, Lu Bu replied with a shameless smile, "I spent a lot of effort to get this name!"

"Wen Hou is very wise and thoughtful, so he probably won't put much thought into it." Xiahou Dun laughed along with him unnaturally: "Wen Hou is too modest!"

"Come here, light the brazier." Lu Bu greeted the guards.

The guards entered the house and poured some oil into each brazier.

When they lit the fuel, flames burst into flames in the brazier.

It took Lu Bu an entire summer to attack Huainan. Although it was already autumn, it was not cold enough to light a brazier.

Xiahou Dun asked blankly, "What is Wenhou lighting the brazier for?"

"The meat served at the banquet is usually already cold. In order to catch up with some hot food, I specially ordered someone to bring a brazier." Lu Bu said, "Wouldn't it be extremely beautiful to eat while grilling?"

Xiahou Dun had eaten a lot of banquets, but he had never really experienced eating while grilling meat.

He was at a loss as to what to do, and a maid had brought wine and meat.

The maid did not leave after placing the wine and meat on the table, but went to sit by the brazier and set up a shelf on the brazier.

The maid sitting by the brazier carefully skewered the meat on the rack and gently grilled it.

The room was soon filled with the faint smoke of barbecue.

"Actually, the meat is all cooked." Xiahou Dun looked at the maid's barbecue, and Lu Bu, the chief seat, explained to him: "The cooked meat is baked on the rack, and it will be ready to eat after a while. Add more condiments and eat it." It tastes very refreshing!"

I have never eaten barbecue like this before, Xiahou Dun replied: "Marquis Wen still has more ideas, and I can tell him about this method when I go back to see the lord."

There is not much oil in the brazier, and it will burn out soon.

The oil was burnt out, and the flames gradually died down, but the coals in the basin were burning red.

The flames of the coal did not rise very high, but the temperature of the brazier was not low.

Feeling waves of heat rushing from the side, Xiahou Dun asked: "Coal is just a stone, how can it burn?"

"Coal burns more heat than charcoal." When mentioning coal, Lu Bu suddenly became interested: "I wonder if Yuan Rang will use charcoal for heating in winter?"

"Charcoal is expensive, and my lord uses more. We mostly use firewood." Xiahou Dun replied honestly.

Charcoal is fired with firewood, which has the advantages of high combustion temperature, small flame, and little green smoke.

But after all, it is a product of half-burned firewood, and its burning time is far inferior to that of coal, or even that of firewood.

There wasn't much coal in the brazier by the low table, but it seemed like it wouldn't burn out no matter how hard it tried.

When the maid put the grilled meat in front of him, the brazier was still red.

Xiahou Dun looked at Lu Bu in astonishment: "This kind of stone can be burned for so long..."

"Coal has a wide range of uses. Not only does it burn for a long time, but it is also better than charcoal for forging weapons." Lu Bu said in a low voice, proudly, "With this thing, I can forge more good weapons in a short time. How can I forge weapons?" Do you need to trouble Mr. Cao to bring it to me?"

Lifting the weapon, Xia Houjun was shocked.

Coal has a long burning time and does not need to be replaced frequently. Forging weapons will indeed be better than charcoal with a short burning time.

Lu Bu has this kind of thing in his hands alone, and it will definitely not be a good thing for Cao Cao in the long run.

He tentatively asked: "When Marquis Wen got the coal, have you ever thought about sending some to the lord?"

Speaking of Cao Cao, Lu Bu waved his hands again and again: "Coal is rare, and it is not easy for me to get such a small amount. If I send it to Duke Cao, I will not have much."

There are abundant coal resources underground in Pengcheng. Not to mention that the production capacity of the coal mine he built cannot be opened up much. Even the comprehensive mining after 2000 can last for 200 years without being exhausted.

The mining volume of the mine is just a drop in the bucket for Pengcheng's coal resources, but it is impossible for Lu Bu to say that he has a lot in front of Xiahou Dun.

Every man has no fault, but he is guilty of his crime.

A small amount of coal output can earn huge profits. Once the resources that it claims are inexhaustible, it is hard to tell whether it will be a benefit or a disaster.

"Wen Hou has such good things and doesn't send some to the lord, isn't he afraid that he will be unhappy?" Xiahou Dun's tone showed threats.

Lu Bu squeezed his chin in embarrassment: "To be honest, I don't dare to offend Mr. Cao, but coal is mined from the ground, and I don't have much..."

"Even if it's not many, there should be three to five hundred cars." Xiahou Dun didn't give up.

"Three to five hundred vehicles..." Lu Bu pretended to be surprised and said, "There is so much coal, even if I ask all the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army to dig, it is impossible to get it within a year or two..."

"Xuzhou has a lot of labor, is it possible that the Qingzhou Army is still needed to get coal?" Xiahou Dun was puzzled.

The Qingzhou army is not what it used to be under the training of Lu Bu. If it were placed on him, they would never send this powerful army to mine coal. After all, they will really be like ducks in water on the battlefield!
"Xuzhou's labor force is not as much as Yuan Rang imagined." Lu Bu said with a bitter face: "I have invested all the Qingzhou Army, but it is still not enough..."

"What does Marquis Wen mean?" Xiahou Dun asked after hearing something from his words.

"I know what Yuan Rang is going to do, but I really need manpower." Lu Bu said sincerely, "If we can keep the Qingzhou Army in Xuzhou and let them all engage in coal mining, we can provide Duke Cao three to five people a year." A hundred carts of coal."

(End of this chapter)

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