Chapter 164 Who Approves Loyalty
When Liu Xun opened his mouth, the four staff members did not dare to say more.

At this moment, everyone chose to stand in line out of necessity, and no one wanted to cause too much trouble for themselves.

Knowing that there would be no result, Liu Xun waved his hand: "You all step down."

The crowd stood up and left.

When they left, they glared at each other angrily, and there was already a grudge in their hearts.

Liu Xun knew that Cao Cao's arrival scared the courage of many people.

Of the four staff members who were present just now, at least three were inclined to join Cao Cao, but two of them did not say so.

When leaving the study, Liu Xun was in a very depressed mood.

Shouchun City is high and deep, but it can't resist Lu Bu's attack.

Lu Bu was besieged by Cao Cao in Xiapi at the beginning. If he hadn't reversed the situation at the last moment, he might have been killed already.

The Huainan army can't even resist Lu Bu, so how can Lujiang resist Cao Cao?

Full of thoughts, Liu Xun didn't even know how to get back to the bedroom.

Seeing him gloomy, Liu Xun's wife came up to him and asked, "My husband is gloomy, is there any trouble? I wonder if I can share some of it?"

"What can a mere woman do?" Liu Xun sighed, "Cao Cao's troops are stationed in Yijing, and they may come to Hefei at any time. I was thinking that Shouchun's many troops could not resist Lu Bu. How can he compete against Cao Cao with the Lujiang River?"

"Does your husband plan to live and die with Lujiang?" Madam's eyes turned red instantly: "If something happens to your husband, how can I live with my concubine and children?"

Madam's crying made Liu Xun even more upset: "Women know how to cry all day long, what is it like?"

Liu Xun's reprimand did not prompt Madam to stop crying.

She sobbed and said: "I just don't understand that my husband is clearly alive, but I don't know why he has to choose a dead end!"

Feeling irritable, Liu Xun was awakened by Madam's words.

He looked at his wife in astonishment: "Do you think I still have a way out?"

"It is said that Cao Mengde has the capacity to tolerate others. As long as the husband is willing to serve, he will never do harm." Madam said: "Looking at the general trend of the world, the Cao family is in full swing recently, and even Lu Bu is no match for them. Why should the husband be an enemy of him? "

Liu Xun didn't say a word, but what his wife said moved his heart.

Judging from the current situation, serving Cao Cao is indeed his only way out.

His mind was already a little moved, Liu Xun was frowning and considering how to choose, when a maid came in outside: "General, someone is asking to see you outside the gate."

"Who?" Liu Xun asked absent-mindedly as he was thinking about what to do.

"It's a merchant who said he came from the north." The maid replied.

"What can a mere merchant see?" Liu Xun waved his hands angrily: "Send him away, let him go!"

The maid did not retreat immediately, but said: "This man said that he has a way to relieve the general from the difficulties in Lujiang."

Just worried about this matter, someone came to pay a visit and offered to help solve the problem in Lujiang, Liu Xun paused and told the maid: "Please bring him to the front hall."

It was Jia Xu who met Liu Xun.

He was dressed as a merchant and came to the front hall.

Liu Xun arrived early.

Although Jia Xu is well-known, Liu Xun has never met him, but from his demeanor and demeanor, it can be seen that this person is definitely not an ordinary merchant.

Looking at Jia Xu, Liu Xun asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm just a merchant, why does the general ask such a question?" Jia Xu smiled lightly.

"I don't think you look like a merchant at all." Liu Xun stared at Jia Xu's face: "You have a very murderous aura about you."

"In troubled times, in order to survive, who can not kill?" Jia Xu responded flatly: "If I don't kill, I will be killed by others one day."

"Come here, are you not afraid that I will kill you?" Liu Xun's tone was colder than before.

"The general won't kill me." Jia Xu replied confidently.

Liu Xun was puzzled immediately: "Why do you say I won't kill you?"

"Kill me, and the general will lose his way of life." Jia Xu said, "Could it be that the general is willing to die with me?"

"What do you mean?" Liu Xun frowned.

"I can't understand what I mean." Jia Xu smiled: "The general should understand that judging from the current situation, if we don't find a solution as soon as possible, once the Cao family's army approaches the city, the general and Lujiang will be killed by the rebels. There are only two ways to survive before the general, one is to repel the Cao family and keep the Lujiang River, and the other is to join the Cao family to gain the capital to settle down."

Jia Xu's analysis was straightforward, and every sentence he said was indeed troubling Liu Xun.

Liu Xun's eyes lit up, and he changed his tone immediately: "Does sir have a way to defeat the enemy?"

"Destroy the Cao family?" Jia Xu asked.

"Exactly." Liu Xun replied: "Sir also said that the only way to survive before me is to defeat the Cao family..."

"I'm talking about two methods, how did it become one when the general said it?" Jia Xu asked, "Could it be that the general really intends to take Lujiang to die together?"

"You mean..." Judging from Jia Xu's words, Liu Xun's face was much uglier than before.

"I should be very clear about what I mean." Jia Xu said: "The Yuan family in Huainan has fallen, and Yuan Shu is dead. The general must also know whether Yuan Yao's ability can revive Huainan."

"Although Your Majesty is young, he will always grow up one day." Liu Xun said, "The late Emperor treated me well. Could it be that I want to betray his descendants?"

"The first emperor? Your Majesty?" Jia Xu asked with a smile, "Is the first emperor mentioned by the general the Emperor Ling of the Eastern Han Dynasty, or the traitor Yuan Gonglu? Is the His Majesty the current emperor in Xudu, or Yuan Yao in Hefei?" "

"What do you mean?" When Jia Xu asked, Liu Xun's expression turned ugly.

"The world cannot be without a king for a day, but there can only be one emperor." Jia Xu replied: "The big man is still there, who dares to be the emperor in the world? Just ask the general, Yuan Shu is the emperor, how many people agree and how many people Agree?"

Liu Xun was speechless when asked by Jia Xu and didn't know how to answer.

Jia Xu went on to say: "Under the whole world, is it the land of the king, and the shore of the land is the king's minister. Yuan Gonggong has received the favor of the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and he hastily proclaimed himself emperor without thinking of repaying it. He is a traitor. I have heard that the general is loyal and righteous. , is it possible that you also want to be a traitor with him?"

After all, Liu Xun has followed Yuan Shu for many years. Jia Xu said Yuan Shu was a traitor to his face, and his face suddenly became very ugly: "Sir, if you say so, you are not afraid that I will kill you before the Lujiang River is destroyed?"

"The general may think that killing me can show loyalty." Jia Xu said, "But you never thought, who is loyalty? For a traitor, you are an enemy of the world. How many people agree with the general's loyalty?" ? What is unrecognized loyalty?"

(End of this chapter)

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