Chapter 173 I just want to live
Cheng Yu had already entered Pengcheng and was waiting outside the gate of Lu Bu's residence.

Accompanied by Chen Gong, Lu Bu went out to greet him.

Seeing Cheng Yu, he smiled and bowed his hands: "Why is Cheng Gong here?"

"It's not that Marquis Wen caused trouble." Cheng Yu replied with a smile: "I sent so much coal to the lord, and the lord was very happy when he saw it, but he just felt that Marquis Wen gave less, so he asked me to come to Pengcheng , Marquis Wen please give me more."

"Coal is very difficult to get." Lu Bu said with a bitter face: "I mobilized a lot of civilians, and I can only get so much every day. The [-] Qingzhou Army only exchanged [-] cars of coal, but Wen Hou gave up yuan to cheat so bitter."

"I didn't lie to him." Lu Bu replied with an innocent face, "I promised him, two hundred carts of coal every year..."

"If the coal is used for burning, how long can two hundred carts burn?" Cheng Yu said with a smile: "According to my lord, it is unreasonable not to have [-] carts per year."

"The entire Pengcheng Coal Mine can only produce a few hundred cars a year." Lu Bu's expression became even more miserable: "Mr. Cao wants [-] large cars, but I really can't afford them. Even if it's [-] cars, I can't pay the wages." It still has to be given to the craftsmen..."

"What Marquis Wen wants is nothing but money." Cheng Yu replied: "My lord said, as long as the asking price is not unacceptable, you can give some to Marquis Wen."

"We'll talk about this later." Cheng Yu's visit to Pengcheng was obviously intended to seek benefits, and Lu Bu didn't want to get entangled in this topic anymore, so he stepped back and asked him to enter the government.

Cheng Yu was not Xiahoudun, of course he could see that Lu Bu didn't want to get entangled in this topic.

Following Lu Bu into the official residence, Cheng Yu said: "Pengcheng was already a dead city, but what I saw this time is thriving. Marquis Wen is really not an ordinary person. He was able to bring Pengcheng back to life in such a short time."

"It's a pity that the people who were massacred back then couldn't be resurrected from the dead." Lu Bu said, "I can resurrect Pengcheng, but I can't resurrect many men, women, old and young!"

Cheng Yu didn't say a word, he also had a part in massacring Cao Cao in Pengcheng back then, not to mention that the whole world believed that Cao Cao did it, even if he excused Cao Cao, it would be impossible to convince everyone.

In many cases, the more you explain, the more others will think that you are trying to cover up something.

"I know that Liu Xuande actually did it." Lu Bu sighed, "It's a pity that Duke Cao has given him a bad name!"

Cheng Yu looked at him in surprise: "Marquis Wen heard about it from Yuan Rang?"

"Of course." Lu Bu replied, "I was trapped in Xiapi back then, so it was impossible for me to know what happened in Pengcheng."

"Whatever Yuan Rang says, Marquis Wen will believe it?" Cheng Yu smiled slightly: "Don't you suspect that he lied?"

"Yuan Rang is honest and honest, so he would never lie to me." Lu Bu said with a smile, "If Cheng Gong explained it to me, I might be a little confused."

He then added another sentence: "Cheng Gong is a man of wisdom and consideration. He always considers Cao Gong's interests in everything he says and does. When talking about Pengcheng's affairs, of course he will deliberately excuse Cao Gong. Yuan Rang is different. He is a general. He speaks more frankly. Many times he will be straightforward, even if he lies, there will be loopholes in his words. People like Yuan Rang are more trustworthy!"

"Wen Hou said so, I hear it very well." Cheng Yu said with a smile very calmly: "No wonder I firmly believe that the lord did not personally slaughter Pengcheng. It turned out to be because of Yuan Rang."

"It's also because Marquis Wen is honest and honest, that's why General Yuan Rang can confide in his heart." Chen Gong who was next to him said, "General Yuan Rang came to Pengcheng, and getting along with Marquis Wen is pretty good."

"Oh?" Cheng Yu asked, "Could it be that Yuan Rang didn't say why he came here?"

"What else can it be for?" Lu Bu curled his lips: "For the Qingzhou Army."

"Since Marquis Wen knows it's for the Qingzhou Army, how can he get along well with him?" Cheng Yu asked: "Shouldn't we set up obstacles everywhere and try to prevent him from bringing the Qingzhou Army back?"

What Cheng Yu said was exactly what Lu Bu did to Xiahou Dun.

Lu Bu chuckled: "Mr. Cheng's words are serious. How can I trip him up? Yuan Rang is sympathetic to my difficulties and is willing to lend me the Qingzhou Army for another ten years."

"Two hundred cars of coal every year are exchanged for ten years of loyalty to the Qingzhou Army." Cheng Yu shook his head: "General Yuan Rang is really honest and pitiful!"

"If Cheng Gong said that about General Yuan Rang, if he heard it, he must be very depressed." Lu Bu said with a smile: "If you don't, Cheng Gong can rest assured, neither Gongtai nor I will tell him!"

Cheng Yu laughed loudly: "So I bear the favor of Wenhou Tianda."

"That's not enough." Lu Bu blinked his eyes twice: "I just ask Cheng Gong not to tell Cao Gong everything he saw in Pengcheng. If it's important, you can say it. If it's not important, just open and close your eyes."

"It shouldn't be important?" Cheng Yu asked: "I don't know what Wen Hou said is not important, what do you mean?"

"For example, I have a few more beauties here." Lu Bu laughed: "Cheng Gong also knows that I don't love anything but beauties. After Pengcheng, there are so many beautiful women. If Cao Gong knows, he wants mine. And if I refuse to give it, wouldn’t it be provoking him to beat me?”

Cheng Yu was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Don't worry, Marquis Wen, my lord will never use weapons against Xuzhou for the sake of a few women. My lord always has sufficient reasons for using troops."

He then lowered his voice: "Unless Marquis Wen has done something that the lord cannot bear."

"Like the battle of Xiapi?" Lu Bu asked, "To vent your anger on Liu Xuande, send troops to Xuzhou to beat me?"

Lu Bu brought up the battle of Xiapi again, and Cheng Yu asked, "Could it be that Marquis Wen still remembers the lord's crusade against Xuzhou?"

"I can't bear grudges." Lu Bu shook his head. "If you are weak, you will be beaten. This is an eternal truth. Back then, I was single and weak, and I didn't have many troops under my command. It was reasonable to be beaten."

"If Marquis Wen becomes powerful one day, will he still be an enemy of the lord?" Cheng Yu's question was very tricky, no matter how Lu Bu answered, he could find loopholes in it.

What he didn't expect was that Lu Bu actually said frankly: "I voted for Cao Gong, but Cao Gong didn't treat me sincerely. No one can tell what will happen in the future."

The thieves grinned at Cheng Yu, and Lu Bu said again: "Hebei Yuan Benchu ​​defeated Gongsun Zan, and he will send troops south sooner or later. Cao Gong is in Henan, and Yuan Benchu ​​is in Hebei. It seems that the Cao and Yuan families are going to fight..."

"What does Marquis Wen mean?" Cheng Yu's face turned cold.

"Nothing interesting." Lu Bu pouted, "I just want to live."

Lu Bu already understood what he meant. Once the Cao and Yuan families went to war, he would vote for whoever gave him the most benefits.

Cheng Yu's expression suddenly became uneasy: "Could it be that Marquis Wen intends to betray the lord?"

(End of this chapter)

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