Chapter 192 Shouchun is Ours

Xiahoudun promised that he would take on everything.

Yan Xiang planned to persuade him again.

Xia Houyuan next to him said: "Gong Yan, you also know my elder brother, and what he believes will never change. With me accompanying my elder brother, you can rest assured."

"Both generals are going?" Yan Xiang asked.

"Our army is not large, of course we all go." Xiahou Dun said: "Don't worry, Lord Yan, I will leave thirty or fifty soldiers to protect."

"I'm not worried that no one will protect me." Yan Xiang replied, "I'm just..."

"Brother, please rest assured, Lord Yan, so don't say any more." Xia Houyuan said with a smile: "Please wait for news from us both."

The two brothers were full of confidence in the battle, so Yan Xiang had no choice but to bow his hands: "I wish the two generals a great victory!"

Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan believed that Lu Bu had sent a vanguard, and they were actively preparing to fight.

Zhou Yu ordered the soldiers not to take any action.

He was ordered to make a batch of battle flags for Lu Bu's army. Zhou Tai ordered five thousand soldiers and horses to wave the flags where he could see from Bagong Mountain.

The precarious Lu Bu army stands under the flag, and the Jiangdong army is actually lining up, which is actually a unique scenery.

Zhou Tai held the big knife and looked into the distance.

He sent many scouts to inquire about Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan.

But the scouts never sent back the news that the two men led the troops to leave Bagong Mountain.

Standing next to Zhou Tai on horseback is a Captain Jiangdong.

The captain was about the same age as him, and his big face with Chinese characters gave off a steady and upright impression.

This person's surname is Ling Mingcao, and he holds the post of school lieutenant.

His school lieutenant is not the same concept as a small military school.

Zhou Tai lured Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan this time, and Ling Cao played together as his lieutenant general.

Looking into the distance, Ling Cao asked: "General, Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan are not afraid to come, are they? After all, we came too early, and we always show them some mistakes."

"Gongjin said that although Yan Xiang has some skills, he is Lu Bu's man after all." Zhou Tai said: "Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan kept him in the army just to take him as a hostage. No, the two of them won't listen. I've been with Gongjin for so long, so why don't I believe what he said?"

Zhou Tai had absolute trust in Zhou Yu, so Ling Cao couldn't say anything more.

The two waited for a whole day, and it was not until the next morning that they got the news that Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan had left Bagong Mountain with their troops and were rushing over here.

Hearing that Xiahou Dun was coming, Zhou Tai suddenly became energetic.

Washing up in a hurry, he immediately issued an order: "The three armies are on alert, and the enemy will start fighting as soon as they arrive!"

After the order was given, he was wearing the armor with the help of the guards, when Ling Cao came over.

"General, I heard that Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan are here." Ling Cao asked.

"Here we come." Zhou Tai replied, and then ordered Ling Cao: "You lead 2000 troops to ambush, and when I launch an attack, you cover and kill me from behind."

"Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan are also powerful generals in the world." Ling Cao said, "With this little army, I'm afraid it will be difficult to capture them!"

"Even if they can't catch them, they will be seriously injured." Zhou Tai said: "When our army came to Huainan, all the news from Bofu was bad. The morale of the soldiers was very low, and there was a need Only a big victory can boost morale and regain glory!"

Hearing what he said, Ling Cao clasped his fists and said, "I am willing to obey the general."

Ling Cao ordered 2000 troops to leave, and Zhou Tai asked the soldiers to plant the battle flag in the open space, and he led the soldiers to lurk nearby.

Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan led their troops here.

What they saw was not the vanguard of Lu Bu's army, but the battle flags planted on the ground.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Xia Houyuan asked suspiciously: "Brother, do you feel that something is wrong?"

"I don't think anything is right." Xiahou Dun frowned.

He looked around: "Why is there only a battle flag, not even a ghost?"

"Let's withdraw quickly." Sensing that something was wrong, Xia Houyuan said, "Maybe it was Zhou Yu who set it up..."

As soon as Xia Houyuan said that it might be a game, there was a burst of horns from all around.

As the horn sounded, I don't know how many Jiangdong troops rushed out shouting.

The first person to carry the knife astride the horse was Zhou Tai.

Rushing towards Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan, Zhou Tai shouted: "The thieves don't go away, let me kill you."

There were Jiangdong troops in all directions, Xiahoudun shouted to Xiahouyuan: "Miaocai, you lead the army to break through, and I will fight Zhou Tai!"

"There are many enemy troops, brother, don't love to fight!" Xia Houyuan responded, calling the soldiers to launch a counterattack in the direction they came from.

There was a scuffle between the two sides, and Xiahou Dun rushed to meet Zhou Tai.

Zhou Tai is a strong general in Jiangdong, and Xiahou Dun is also a powerful general under Cao Cao.

The two fought together, and none of the nearby soldiers from both sides dared to step forward.

Xiahou Dun entangled Zhou Tai, and Xiahouyuan led the soldiers to break through.

Just as he was slashing with a knife, there was another sound of horns in front of him.

When the horn sounded, Xia Houyuan saw a group of people and horses appearing in front of him.

It was Ling Cao who led this team.

He pointed his weapon at Xia Houyuan who was breaking through the siege: "Soldiers, capture Xia Houyuan and reward women with money!"

With a heavy reward, there must be a brave man. When Ling Cao shouted, the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army howled and rushed towards Cao Jun as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan had fewer troops than the Jiangdong army brought by Zhou Tai.

Zhou Tai entangled Xiahou Dun, while Xiahou Yuan was trapped by a group of Jiangdong troops commanded by Ling Cao.

After fighting for two or three full hours, Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan got rid of the Jiangdong Army and fled to Shouchun with a handful of two or three hundred people.

When he came outside Shouchun City, Xiahou Dun shouted: "The guards on the city listen up, open the city gate!"

Yan Xiang poked his head out from the top of the wall.

He shouted at Xiahoudun: "General Yuan Rang, Zhou Yu is nearby, we dare not open the city, you should hurry back to Xudu, but don't be surrounded by the enemy."

Seeing Yan Xiang, Xia Houdun and Xia Houyuan were surprised for a while.

The two brothers glanced at each other, and Xia Houyuan asked, "When did Lord Yan come for Shouchun?"

"The two generals just left, and I came to Shouchun." Yan Xiang replied: "The enemy army is nearby, and the city gate must not be opened. Please leave the two generals as soon as possible, and don't be captured by the enemy army." ! So as not to disgrace Duke Cao's reputation!"

When things got to this point, Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan knew that it was impossible for Shouchun to let them in.

What Yan Xiang said was true.

If they stayed here, they would probably be captured alive by Zhou Yu.

"What should I do?" Xia Houyuan asked Xiahou Dun.

"Let's go!" Xiahou Dun glanced up at the top of the city annoyedly, and took Xiahouyuan and more than 100 remnants of soldiers, and flew towards Xudu.

on the city head.

Zhang Liao came to Yan Xiang's side: "They're gone, Shouchun is ours now!"

(End of this chapter)

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