Chapter 195 Retreating into Bagong Mountain
Facing Lu Bu's provocation, Zhou Yu could bear it, but his group could not.

Especially Zhou Tai, he has a fiery temper, how could the general be able to stand being humiliated like this?

While Lu Bu was still yelling and cursing, Zhou Tai yelled, "Lu Bu, don't lie, I'll meet you!"

As soon as the shout fell, Zhou Tai had already charged up on his horse.

Seeing him rushing out, Lu Bu secretly called out hello.

When he came out to scold, he was not targeting Zhou Yu, but wanted to draw Zhou Tai out.

Who would have thought that Zhou Tai would be so unsteady.

After only cursing a few words, they were about to jump out and fight.

Zhou Tai rushed out, Zhou Yu yelled badly, but it was too late to stop him.

Seeing Zhou Tai coming to kill him, Lu Bu swung his painting halberd and charged towards him.

The two fought in front of the battle.

Lu Bu painted halberds and tigers, and Zhou Tai was not an ordinary general.

Although his martial arts were extraordinary, he was facing Lu Bu after all.

Not long after fighting, Zhou Tai gradually felt a little powerless, and the strength in his hands was much weaker than before.

Zhou Yu, who was watching the battle from a distance, was always concerned. When he realized that Zhou Tai was about to lose his strength, he hurriedly told his left and right: "Mingjin retreat!"

Zhou Yu called for gold, which happened to give Zhou Tai a step.

He blocked Lu Bu's halberd and shouted: "Come here first today, and fight with you next time!"

Swinging away Lu Bu's weapon, Zhou Tai turned around and left.

The purpose was to catch him, how could Lu Bu let him run away, so he urged his horse to catch up.

Zhou Tai was riding a short-legged pony that grew up in the south, while the red rabbit under Lu Bu's crotch was a BMW horse that traveled thousands of miles a day.

The two horses ran one after the other for a few steps before Lu Bu caught up with Zhou Tai.

With a loud shout, he swept his halberd towards Zhou Tai's waist.

A strong wind came from behind, and Zhou Tai quickly raised his weapon to block it.

The painted halberd slammed on Zhou Tai's weapon, causing him to stagger and dodge several steps to the side.

Before Zhou Tai could stabilize, Lu Bu pounced on him like a ghost, and hugged him off the horse by the waist.

Being hugged by Lu Bu, Zhou Tai was about to resist, but felt that he was suspended in the air, and Lu Bu actually clamped him under his arm, and rode his horse towards the main formation.

Lv Bu caught Zhou Tai in a split second.

There was an uproar in the Jiangdong Army, and all the soldiers felt a chill in their hearts.

It's not that they don't know what kind of character Zhou Tai is.

Looking at the Jiangdong army, there are not many who can beat Zhou Tai.

Lu Bu actually put him under his arm lightly and captured him back to the front line.

Based on Zhou Tai's brave calculations, to what extent has Lu Bu's strength become abnormal?
Facing such an opponent, who would dare to expect a slight chance of winning?
Lu Bu returned to the formation with Zhou Tai in his arms, and threw him to the ground.

He was thrown so badly that Zhou Tai hadn't had time to get up when several soldiers came up and bound him into a rice dumpling.

The scene of Lu Bu capturing Zhou Tai not only shocked the Jiangdong army, but even Zhao Yun and Chen Dao felt guilty for a while.

They always thought that their martial prowess was extraordinary, and the two thought to themselves that although they might win a fight with Zhou Tai, they would not win so easily.

Capturing a fierce general like Zhou Tai was like a game to Lu Bu.

The two of them stepped forward and said to Lu Bu together, "Congratulations to Marquis Wen on the victory!"

Lu Bu chuckled: "I went to the challenge to capture Zhou Tai alive, but I didn't expect him to actually send it up."

Looking down at Zhou Tai who was bundled into rice dumplings and lying on the side, Lu Bu asked with a smile, "General Zhou, didn't you realize that my goal is actually you?"

Knowing that he had been duped, Zhou Tai turned his face aside in annoyance.

He has long heard that Lu Bu is the number one fighter in the world.

At that time Zhou Tai was still a little dissatisfied, and even thought that Lu Bu's number one fighter was boasted.

He even told people a few times that he had never had the chance to meet Lu Bu, and if he did meet him, he must give Lu Bu a good look.

Now that we really met, Lu Bu is not very good-looking, but he has become someone's prisoner...

"Take it down, and I'll have a good talk with General Zhou when I get back to Shouchun." Lu Bu waved his hand and ordered the soldiers to take Zhou Tai down.

"Marquis Wen, do you want to take advantage of the victory and fight?" Chen Dao said, "I would like to lead the Red Flame Army to clear the way for Marquis Wen."

"Let's talk later." Lu Bu said, "Without Zhou Tai, there will be turmoil in Zhou Yu's army. When they show chaos, it won't be too late for us to rush up and fight."

Lu Bu didn't intend to lead his army to fight immediately, but Zhou Yu and his generals were in a hurry.

Summoning the generals to the central army, Zhou Yu said, "I didn't expect Youping to be captured by Lu Bu so easily. Now without him, none of us can defend against Lu Bu. Do you have any way to resist Lu Bu? Delay him here?"

The generals looked at each other.

Which one of them doesn't know Zhou Tai's ability?
Not to mention fighting alone, even if they fight together in three or five, they may not necessarily be Zhou Tai's opponent.

However, Lu Bu captured Zhou Tai lightly...

Facing such a powerful and ruthless person, the generals could not think of any way.

Looking around the faces of everyone, Zhou Yu's face became a little ugly: "Could it be that you can't even think of a way?"

Ling Cao replied: "Even Zhou Tai is not Lu Bu's opponent. We really don't know how to deal with it. Please calm down, General."

"Calm your anger?" Zhou Yu sneered, "I wish I could get angry!"

He said to the generals: "Without Youping, we can only change our deployment."

Looking at Ling Cao, Zhou Yu ordered: "Kuntao, you will succeed Youping, it's just that the former army has changed to the latter army, and we will retreat to Bagong Mountain!"

Zhou Yu decided to retreat into Bagong Mountain. The generals knew very well that the situation before them was already very serious.

In terms of martial arts, Ling Cao is definitely not Zhou Tai's opponent.

But right now Zhou Yu has no one else available, so he can only be transferred temporarily.

After receiving the military order, Ling Cao rushed to the front army.

When he arrived at the front of the formation, he shouted to the soldiers: "General Zhou has an order, the front army will change to the rear army, and retreat to Bagong Mountain."

Zhou Tai was captured, and the Jiangdong soldiers were in danger. When they heard that they were about to withdraw to Bagong Mountain, the soldiers were relieved.

No matter how brave Lu Bu was, he would not be able to use it in the mountains and forests, and the chances of Jiangdong Army soldiers surviving would be greater.

After Ling Cao gave the order, he did not immediately withdraw with the soldiers.

Behind their formation, Zhou Yu's central army moved first, and then the left and right wings also began to move.

But Ling Cao and the soldiers behind him faced Lu Bu's army, ready to fight at any time.

Watching Jiangdong's army from a distance, and noticing that they were starting to move, Lu Bu smiled slightly, and said to Zhao Yun and Chen Dao, "Zhou Yu knows that he is not our opponent, so he plans to withdraw to the mountains and confront us."

(End of this chapter)

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