The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 197 In fact, Shouchun has long been lost

Chapter 197 In fact, Shouchun has long been lost
The army was stationed only a few miles away from Shouchun for several days.

Lu Bu sent countless scouts, but they never got any news about Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu and the Jiangdong Army led by him seemed to have evaporated out of thin air.

Still not giving up, Lu Bu sent many more scouts.

Finally, he was rewarded.

Zhou Yu, who fled into Bagong Mountain, left Huainan and entered Lujiang under the cover of the mountains.

When Lu Bu got the news, Zhou Yu had already passed Hefei and was heading towards Wancheng.

Lu Bu was very disappointed when he failed to capture Zhou Yu.

The soldiers have been stationed in the field for too long, so they should go back to the city to eat a few decent hot meals and rest for a while.

Knowing that it was impossible to catch Zhou Yu again, Lu Bu had no choice but to order the army to return to Shouchun.

When they arrived in Shouchun, Yan Xiang, Chen Dao, and Zhang Liao were already waiting outside the city gate.

Going forward to greet him, Yan Xiang said: "Congratulations to Marquis Wen for his successive victories. Now there are rumors in the army and the local area that Marquis Wen is invincible in all battles descended from heaven."

"Invincible, I accept it, and the heavenly generals will forget it." Lu Bu laughed loudly, and said to Yan Xiang: "If I have to say that I am a mortal, I think I should be a demon king."

Lu Bu raised his head and looked ahead: "Once the generals are successful, all bones will be destroyed. When I pacify the world, I don't know how many people will die in the chaos. The world has become like this, and only people like me can bring it back." Unity!"

When he said these words, Lu Bu was full of confidence.

Zhao Yun and others didn't think much after hearing this.

When Yan Xiang heard this, his heart twitched.

He heard some unusual meanings from Lu Bu's words.

He had experienced the same feeling from Yuan Shu before he proclaimed himself emperor.

Lu Bu has the heart of a hero.

Since the battle of Xiapi, he reversed the way of heaven and escaped from death, and there has been an extra hero in the world.

It's just that he hasn't fully grown up yet.

"Let's go into the city." Lu Bu greeted everyone and walked to the gate of Shouchun City first.

After entering Shouchun, Zhang Liao asked, "Marquis Wen, did you let Zhou Yu run away?"

"Zhou Yu is terrible." Lu Bu smiled: "He knew that he was not our opponent. After he got into Bagong Mountain, he never came out again. When I got news about him, he had already escaped Hefei. Even I sent cavalry to chase, but it was impossible to catch up. What's more, just cavalry, there is no chance of winning at all."

"What is Marquis Wen's plan?" Zhang Liao asked again.

"Sun Bofu retreated to Wancheng, and Zhou Gongjin must have followed." Lu Bu said: "The soldiers have been exhausted for a long time after fighting for days. If we go to attack Wancheng, it will be a laborious battle. Shouchun rests for two days before going to crusade against Wancheng."

"Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan have returned to Xudu for a few days. Isn't Marquis Wen worried about them at all?" Zhang Liao said: "If Cao Cao raises up swordsmen, with our current capabilities, we may not be his opponents."

"Now I am not what I was before the Battle of Xiapi." Lu Bu smiled and said, "I reorganized the [-] Qingzhou Army, and there are many soldiers who were recruited later. There are tens of thousands of troops in Xuzhou alone, and we still have [-] in Qingzhou. The soldiers are being trained by General Gao and General Sun. With an army of tens of thousands, no matter how strong Cao Cao is, he will not be able to wipe us out in one fell swoop. I can afford it, but how long can he spend with me?"

"The number of our army is indeed not too small, but Marquis Wen led his troops to Wancheng. If Cao Cao comes..." Zhang Liao asked, "Should we transfer Zhongli's troops to Shouchun? After all, Shouchun is a big city. And Zhongli is just a small town."

Lu Bu turned to look at Zhang Liao: "Wen Yuan reminded me that I will send an order for General Ji to lead the troops here."

Not to mention that Lu Bu is preparing to send troops to Wancheng.

Just talk about Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan.

They will Xudu, Cao Cao guessed what happened.

In Cao Cao's study, Xia Houdun and Xia Houyuan stood side by side in front of him.

Guo Jia, Xun You, Xun Yu and others were divided into two rows and sat on both sides.

"Is Shouchun lost just like that?" Cao Cao asked the two of them already knowing the whole story.

His tone was very light, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"It's all my fault." Xiahou Dun lowered his head guiltily and replied, "Miao Cai once persuaded me, but I didn't listen..."

"It's not my brother's fault alone." Xia Houyuan replied: "I strongly agree with my brother's proposal to go to war. On the contrary, it was Yan Xiang who dissuaded us..."

"Has Yan Xiang tried to dissuade you?" Cao Cao said, "That's interesting. They want Shouchun, but Yan Xiang will persuade you two not to fight. No matter how you think about it, you will feel that this matter is very strange."

"It's actually not that strange." Guo Jia interjected, "Although Lu Fengxian wants to have a birthday, he doesn't want our army to be ambushed by Jiangdong's army. Yuan Rang and Miaocai stay in Huainan, so they can restrain Zhou Yu and help him He also has advantages. In fact, before they fell into Jiangdong's ambush, Shouchun had already been captured by Lu Bu."

Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan looked astonished, and they glanced at each other.

"No way..." Xia Houdun swallowed, and said in disbelief, "It was Yan Xiang who advised us to send troops to stop Zhou Yu. I considered that we should not be too far away from Shouchun, so I set up defenses on Bagong Mountain, but I didn't notice it. There's something wrong with Shouchun."

"The fact that the two generals didn't notice it doesn't mean that nothing happened there." Guo Jia shook his head: "They can enter Shouchun by strengthening the city defense. The defenders are defenseless, as long as they open the city gate, Shouchun will be theirs." gone."

Staring at Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan, Guo Jia then asked: "The two generals have entered Bagong Mountain, have you received any news from Shouchun?"

It was fine if he didn't ask, but when he asked, Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan were stunned.

After the two entered Bagong Mountain, they really didn't get any news from Shouchun.

According to Guo Jia, when they entered Bagong Mountain, Shouchun had already fallen into Lu Bu's hands.

"Is that the case?" Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan looked at each other in astonishment. Cao Cao understood it completely, but he still asked them a question.

"Exactly." The two of them lowered their heads in agreement.

Fully understanding what was going on, Cao Cao's face changed not very well: "It seems that Lu Fengxian wanted Huainan a long time ago, otherwise he would not have worked so hard to capture Shouchun before."

"But we really can't do anything to him now." Guo Jia said: "It's better to let him go, and when the time comes, we can take Xuzhou in one fell swoop."

"When does Feng Xiao think the time is right?" Cao Cao asked.

"It's not too late to deal with Lu Feng until the lord stabilizes the Central Plains." Guo Jia said: "Now the lord has to stabilize him, let him stand by our side first, so as to avoid future accidents."

(End of this chapter)

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