Chapter 204 Is It Like Miss Said?
Lu Bu came here for his two daughters, at first Qiao Xuan only felt that there was a thunderbolt, and he almost passed out.

But when Lu Bu said that there is a need for support in troubled times, he suddenly felt that this sentence made sense.

Lowering his head and not responding, Qiao Xuan wondered whether he should agree to Lu Bu.

"Mr. Qiao should think about it carefully." Lu Bu said with a smile: "The army is stationed not far from here, and I am not in a hurry to leave. If you have made up your mind, you can come and tell me at any time."

"If Mr. Qiao still thinks that I'm not good enough for the two ladies, I'll just leave." Although Lu Bu had a smile on his face when he said the last sentence, his tone made Qiao Xuan feel uneasy.

"Marquis Wen rest, I'll take my leave first." Really not knowing what to say, Qiao Xuan bowed and left.

After Qiao Xuan left, Zhang Liao walked in from the door.

He glanced back and asked Lu Bu, "Has he agreed to Marquis Wen?"

"How could he agree." Lu Bu chuckled, "I want to marry both of his daughters back. No one would agree to such a matter too easily."

"Just now I walked around the courtyard and found the boudoir of the two young ladies." Zhang Liao asked, "Do you want to go and have a look, Marquis Wen?"

"Miss' boudoir?" Lu Bu asked, "Where is it?"

"It's not far behind." Zhang Liao said, "I asked the guards to block it, and no one is allowed to come or go."

"It's too ostentatious." Lu Bu said with a smile: "We are guests, how can we not allow people from the master's house to come in and out? But it's quite to my liking if you do so."

Zhang Liao laughed a few times in embarrassment.

Just said that as a guest you can't restrain the host, Lu Bu said again that these actions are in line with his wishes.

It's really not easy to grasp Wen Hou's mind.

Zhang Liao didn't know how to respond, so Lu Bu stood up and walked to the door: "Come with me to Miss's boudoir."

The two left the room, and Zhang Liao accompanied Lu Bu to the boudoir of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

When they came to the round door leading to the boudoir, the two guards guarding the door bowed and saluted.

"Have all the people inside been kicked out?" Zhang Liao asked.

"The servants have all been driven out, leaving only some maids to take care of the two ladies." The guard replied.

Lu Bu walked over, and Zhang Liao told the guards: "Keep an eye on it, no one can come near."

The guards took orders and respectfully sent Lu Bu and Zhang Liao to Xiaoqiao's residence.

When they were about to reach the boudoir of the two young ladies, Zhang Liao whispered, "Marquis Wen, I will not go any further."

"Alright, Wen Yuan is waiting here, I'll go see the two young ladies." Lu Bu agreed, and walked to the door alone.

He was about to knock on the door when he heard a woman's voice from inside the room: "Just now the servant girl said that the small door coming this way was blocked by Lu Wenhou's guards, what does my sister think he is trying to do?"

The woman's voice is like a ding-dong mountain spring, which makes people feel refreshed and pleasant when listening to it.

The other woman's voice was much gentler and softer than hers: "I've heard that Marquis Lu Wen is greedy for money and lustful. If he comes here, I'm afraid you and my sister will suffer."

"After all, my father is also the head of the patriarch. Could it be that he will just sit back and watch you and my sisters be harmed?" The woman who is obviously the younger sister asked puzzledly: "If you and my sisters don't follow, is it possible that Lu Wenhou will still rob us?"

"How many good rumors have you heard about him?" My sister replied: "He was brave and invincible back then, but he was short-sighted. He killed Ding Jianyang first and then Dong Zhuo, and he was despised by the world. The sisters are in their prime, if he snatches them away..."

As my sister was talking, Lu Bu opened the door: "The two ladies seem to have misunderstood me deeply."

It was Big Qiao and Little Qiao in the room.

Lu Bu entered the room suddenly, and the two sisters stood up quickly, their expressions inevitably showing panic.

They lowered their heads, not daring to look at Lu Bu.

Lu Bu's eyes fell firmly on the two sisters.

Big Joe and Little Joe are about the same height.

Although they couldn't see their faces clearly with their heads down, their fair necks were as pure as snow, but they couldn't hide the fact that they were stunning beauties.

The two sisters, who are only fifteen or sixteen years old, have long since grown up.

With full bosoms and slender waists, the anxious sisters still exuded infinite amorous feelings from top to bottom, which made Lu Bu want to step forward and hug them into his arms to have fun.

"The two young ladies may wish to raise their heads first." Lu Bu said, "See if I am the half-century old man you mentioned."

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao didn't dare to raise their heads, they still lowered their heads, not daring to look him in the eye.

The more panicked they were, the more pity Lu Bu felt, and he wanted to hug them into his arms.

After taking two steps forward, Lu Bu said again: "You two ladies, please look up. Although I have a good temper, I will not easily forgive those who speak ill of me behind my back. If I don't look up again, I will be annoyed!"

Lu Bu's impression on Big Qiao and Little Qiao was obviously very bad.

He said he was going to be annoyed, and the two young ladies raised their heads in fear.

They raised their heads, and what appeared in front of Lu Bu were two faces as bright as a bright moon.

Both Diao Chan and Zhen Mi are stunning beauties, it's not that Lu Bu has never seen beauties before.

But Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao have a different charm from them.

Both Zhen Mi and Diao Chan were born in the north, and their beauties carry the boldness and wildness unique to northerners.

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao were born in Jiangnan.

Jiangnan women are full of style, gentle as jade, bright eyes like water, and every gesture reveals the gentle atmosphere of the southern water town.

His eyes fell on the faces of the two sisters, and Lu Bu was a little dazed for a while.

Although they are sisters, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao don't look very much alike.

What's rare is that the two sisters who don't look alike are as beautiful as each other.

Lu Bu looked at one and then the other, not knowing which face to focus on.

The moment they raised their heads, Big Qiao and Little Qiao also saw Lu Bu clearly.

Who is standing in front of them is a middle-aged man over half a century old?He was obviously a young general who was at most seventeen or eighteen years old.

Lu Bu was much taller than the average person, and he was handsome, and he was even more heroic in armor.

They hadn't expected him to look like this at all, and the sisters were clearly taken aback.

Surprised expressions flashed across their faces, and then they lowered their heads again.

What was different from before was that they lowered their heads just now, showing fear and anxiety in their expressions.

But this time when she lowered her head, her pink face was flushed with blush.

"Am I not the same as the rumors?" Lu Bu smiled and took two steps closer: "But the two ladies are not far from what I heard. The lady is beautiful, and there is no one else in the world except me." A man can be worthy. I came here to lead the two ladies to the right path."

(End of this chapter)

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