The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 269 Let Him Monopolize More

Chapter 269 Let Him Monopolize More

Lu Bu's way of controlling the locust plague was just to let the people know that locusts are edible and delicious.

Chen Gong couldn't understand how this method could easily control the plague of locusts.

On the way back to the government, Lu Bu told Chen Gong again what he had said to Zhou Yu and Sun Ce.

After listening to his explanation, Chen Gong was still a little confused.

There are so many locusts, how much can they eat in a day just relying on people to eat them?
"Gongtai doesn't understand, there are so many locusts, how many can a person eat in a day?" Lu Bu grinned at him and asked.

"I really didn't understand it." Chen Gong said: "Eating a hundred or ten locusts in one meal is not a lot for one person. Every year when there is a locust plague, the locusts cover the sky and cover the sky, and it is impossible to eat them all if people eat them. "

"People can store the locusts they catch." Lu Bu said, "No matter what a person's character is, there will always be greed deep in his heart. Not to mention those who are greedy in the first place, even if they have the best character, they will be greedy when they meet This kind of benefit that does no harm to others and can be easily obtained, is it possible to let it go?"

"How do you store the locusts?" Chen Gong asked suspiciously, "Put them there, they will always rot."

"When food is stored in the granary, it will become moldy and go bad after a long time." Lu Bu said: "Of course the locusts can be stored, and although there are a lot of locusts during the locust disaster, they think they are extremely delicious, and there are not a few people who are willing to taste them." .”

He then asked Chen Gong: "Has Zhang Shiping come to Pengcheng?"

"Zhang Shiping is really in Pengcheng these few days." Chen Gong replied: "He will go to the coal mine to guard every day, waiting for the coal to be shipped out, and transfer the coal away in batches."

"He now has a monopoly on Xuzhou's coal?" Lu Bu asked.

"Didn't Marquis Wen agree?" Chen Gong replied, "Zhang Shiping is using this banner to monopolize many industries in Xuzhou."

"Having monopolized so many industries, I have to let him monopolize one more." Lu Bu asked Chen Gong, "Do you think locusts are interested in him?"

"There are locusts everywhere, I don't think Zhang Shiping may be interested." Chen Gong shook his head.

Lu Bu ordered: "Go back to the government, you prepare some condiments for me, and then invite Zhang Shiping, I will have a good talk with him, I don't believe he is not interested in locusts."

Chen Gong hadn't figured out how Lu Bu could trick Zhang Shiping into agreeing to monopolize the locusts.

Nowadays, there are locust plagues everywhere, and the most indispensable thing is locusts.

If Zhang Shiping is willing to take over this, it is clear that he has been cheated by Lu Bu, and he will not have to do it as a businessman again.

Lu Bu returned to the government, and Chen Gong and others withdrew.

He personally led Big Qiao and Little Qiao to the back garden.

Upon receiving the news of Lu Bu's return, Diao Chan came out with Zhen Mi and Gan Mi.

Seeing Lu Bu, all the wives bowed.

Diao Chan greeted, "My husband is back."

"I'm back." Lu Bu grinned at him, "I haven't seen you for a long time, does Madam miss me very much?"

"It's natural to miss my husband." Diao Chan looked at Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao behind Lu Bu: "These two behind your husband are..."

"Your new sisters." Lu Bra said to Diao Chan and other wives after passing Big Qiao and Little Qiao, "They are the daughters of Qianshan Qiao's family, and I have taken them into the house."

Diao Chan used to be a singer, but since meeting Lu Bu, her fate has changed.

For her, it is reasonable for a man to flirt with women outside, or even marry a new wife.

Although she would feel unhappy in her heart, Diao Chan would never say it out loud.

She smiled and went forward to hold the hands of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, and sized them up from head to toe: "The two younger sisters are indeed beautiful, and the sisters brought back by your husband are all peerless beauties. "

"Zhang Shiping will come to see me later." Lu Bu said to Diao Chan, "I'll leave them to you."

"Don't worry, my husband, when we get home, will our sisters be wronged?" Diao Chan asked with a smile, "Which sister's room will my husband rest tonight?"

"I just came home, of course I want to pamper the eldest lady." Lu Bu chuckled.

"In front of the sisters, my husband is still not serious." Diao Chan smiled and greeted the wives: "The two younger sisters, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, just came, and they settled down for them first, and then they all went to my room to talk. .”

The ladies left and Lu Bu went to the study.

The furnishings in the study are completely different from when Lu Bu occupied Pengcheng earlier.

Before he left for the expedition, he had drawn a lot of furniture patterns.

From beds to cabinets, to desks, dining tables and even chairs and benches.

Each one is designed by him.

There is a grand master's chair behind the desk.

The Taishi chair with armrests is really comfortable to sit on.

Sitting on the grand teacher's chair, Lu Bu casually picked up a book on the table and flipped through it.

Since Cai Lun developed papermaking, using paper as a writing tool has become a habit of some gentry.

The paper produced by the rough papermaking process is very difficult to write on, and in terms of cost, Caihou paper is not much cheaper than silk.

Using paper as a recording medium is also what many gentry do to show their wealth.

As for books bound into volumes, there are very few of them.

However, there are several such books on Lu Bu's desk.

What he picked up was a bound edition of "The Art of War by Sun Tzu".

After reading a few pages of Sun Tzu's Art of War, Lu Bu suddenly remembered something.

When he passed Yijing, he saw a fairy in pink in his dream, and the fairy taught him a set of halberd techniques.

After practicing that set of halberd techniques, Lu Bu felt that although it was very subtle, it didn't help him too much.

After all, he was already the number one fighter in the world!

What you get from a dream cannot be so simple.

With this understanding, Lu Bu took out the book that recorded the halberd technique again.

He flipped through it carefully, trying to find different places in the book.

The title page of the book is very thin, and there is no possibility of something being caught.

After looking through it again, Lu Bu was a little disappointed.

No matter how he looked at it, this book was just a simple halberd method, and there was nothing he expected.

He was flipping through a book in the study, when Zhang Shiping's voice came from outside the door: "Zhang Shiping has met Marquis Wen."

"Come in and talk." Putting the book aside, Lu Bu raised his head and greeted him.

Zhang Shiping walked into the room and bowed to Lu Bu as a big gift.

Walking into the study, Zhang Shiping saluted Lu Bu again.

"Sit down and talk!" Lu Bu motioned him to sit down.

Sitting in the room, Zhang Shiping said: "Hou Wen summoned me, I didn't dare to delay, so I came here quickly. I don't know what the Marquis Wen wants me for?"

"Have you made a lot of money recently?" Lu Bu asked him with a slight smile.

(End of this chapter)

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