Chapter 291
Coming to the gate of Fengji's house again, Guo Jia did not pretend to faint this time, and walked into the house accompanied by Xu You.

Since Xu You left earlier, Feng Ji has been waiting here for him to bring Guo Jia.

The attendant reported that Guo Jia had come, and Feng Ji ordered someone to invite him to a side room in the outer courtyard.

Generally speaking, there are several places to choose from for the host to receive guests.

The most common one is in the front hall of the home, where guests are mostly received in a more formal manner, neither being particularly intimate nor showing respect.

It is relatively rare to be in the study, and the guests who can enter the master's study must be very close to the master of the house, otherwise it is impossible to be invited to be a guest in the study.

What is even rarer is the side room in the front yard.

Undoubtedly, the side room is just a very inconspicuous hut in the courtyard.

Most of the rooms like this are arranged for servants to live in, and are rarely used to receive guests.

There is a side room in Fengji's house that is used to receive guests, because he has a high status in Hebei, and many people want to establish a relationship with him, so that they will be less troubled when doing things.

Feng Ji usually meets people who try to get involved in the side room in the front yard to show that he doesn't want to see them.

Even so, there was still an endless stream of guests who came to visit his home, which made Feng Ji a headache.

Sitting in the side room, Feng Ji didn't wait for a while, when he heard a servant reporting outside the door: "My lord, Guo Fengxiao has come to see you."

"Please come in." Feng Ji greeted.

After giving the order, he waited for a while, but no one came in, so he couldn't help but feel puzzled.

Looking at the closed door, Feng Ji shouted again: "Why don't you invite Mr. Guo to come in and talk?"

The servant's reply came from outside: "Report to the lord, Guo Gong refused to enter the house, saying that he wanted to meet the lord outside."

Now that he has come, Guo Jia refuses to enter the house, which makes Feng Ji feel a little puzzled.

He stood up and walked to the door.

Opening the door, he saw Xu You standing outside with Guo Jia.

Guo Jia also worked as an aide in the Yuan family in his early years, but later he felt that Yuan Shao could not use him, so he gave up his official position and returned to his hometown, and was later hired by Cao Cao.

Since he worked in Yuan's family, of course Feng Ji knew him.

Looking at Guo Jia, Feng Ji asked, "Since Feng Xiao is here, why doesn't he come in and talk?"

Guo Jia cupped his hands and said: "If I would have walked in a few years ago, I absolutely cannot enter this room now. Please forgive me."

"What does Feng Xiao mean by saying that?" Feng Ji frowned slightly: "Could it be that you dislike my side room here?"

"Feng Gong also said that this is just a side room." Guo Jia replied: "Although I don't understand etiquette, I also know that guests should be received in the front hall to show respect. The side room is just to meet some low-level people. I came to Yecheng this time as an envoy of the Cao family. If I entered this room, what would the face of the Cao family be like?"

He then asked Feng Ji again: "Could it be that Mr. Feng is really looking forward to being an enemy of the Cao family so much?"

Feng Ji was at a loss when questioned bluntly by Guo Jia.

Smiling, he said to Guo Jia: "I see a lot of people here on weekdays, but I didn't expect many. If it wasn't for Feng Xiao's reminder, I would almost lose my manners."

"Feng Xiao, please come to the front hall to talk!" Feng Ji gestured and personally led Guo Jia to the front hall.

Feng Ji originally planned to give Guo Jia a bad start, but unexpectedly, he was robbed by Guo Jia.

The advantage he had originally was lost because of a small mistake, so he had to lead Guo Jia to the front hall.

Entering the front hall, Feng Ji sat down first, and then greeted Guo Jia and Xu You: "Feng Xiao and Zi Yuan, please sit down too."

Guo Jia and Xu You thanked each other and sat on the ground on both sides of the room.

"Feng Xiao's intention to come to Yecheng, Ziyuan had already told me about it before." After sitting down, Feng Ji didn't go round and round, and directly cut into the topic: "To tell you the truth, I really think that the Yuan family should Let's attack Cao's family first, clear the obstacles to crossing the Yellow River, and then map Lu Bu."

"When Feng Gong said that, did he admit that the Yuan family had plotted against the Central Plains?" Guo Jia asked Feng Ji.

"The world is in such chaos, my lord has to do something with the sincerity of helping a big man." Feng Ji calmly smiled and replied: "Cao Mengde is sitting on a large army, and my lord can't ask him to hand over his military power. Are you willing to do that? The only way to unify the world and revitalize the Han Dynasty is to send troops to conquer."

Guo Jia listened to Feng Ji expressing his opinion expressionlessly, without interrupting.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Feng Ji went on to say: "Today's world is in chaos. In the troubled times, the weak prey on the strong. Our Yuan family is strong enough, so we can beat whoever we want?"

"That's not necessarily the case." Guo Jia finally smiled and shook his head. He said to Feng Ji: "As far as the moment is concerned, our Cao family is indeed no match for the Yuan family. But the Yuan family wanted to cross the Yellow River and defeat the Cao family, but It's not that easy either. Once the two sides go to war, it will last for at least three to five years, and at most for decades, and the war will be endless, and the people will suffer, but they will benefit the other person for nothing."

"The person Feng Xiao mentioned was Lu Bu?" Before he could tell who it was, Feng Ji had already mentioned Lu Bu's name.

"What kind of person does Feng Gong think Lu Bu is?" Guo Jia didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

Feng Ji thought for a while and said: "Lv Bu fled Chang'an back then and took refuge in Hebei. I don't have a deep impression of him. I only know that he is brave but has little strategy. A little advantage can make him turn against each other. It is precisely because of this that the lord knew he was capable, but he still wanted to kill him. Out of fear, Lu Bu escaped from Hebei and went to Xuzhou, and Feng Xiao should know more about what happened later than me."

"Since then, has Feng Gong seen Lu Bu?" Guo Jia asked again.

Feng Ji shook his head: "If he didn't come to Hebei, how could I have seen him?"

"Do you know how old Lu Bu is now?" Guo Jia asked again.

"Less say it's more than forty years old." Feng Ji replied: "When he came to Hebei, he was already in his 30s. Now that these years have passed, he should be over forty years old."

"It really should be like what Feng Gong said." Guo Jia smiled and shook his head: "After the Battle of Xiapi, Lu Bu went to Xudu, and I saw him there. He was supposed to be in his forties, but now He looks like a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old. Has Feng Gong ever thought about how to explain the past?"

He had also heard rumors about Lu Bu being young overnight, but Feng Ji still didn't quite believe it. Guo Jia suddenly raised it, which surprised him: "Is Feng Xiao's story true?"

(End of this chapter)

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