The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 299 It's Time to Turn Your Face

Chapter 299 It's Time to Turn Your Face

When Lu Bu came to the front hall, Mao Jie had been waiting for a long time.

Mao Jiesheng was thin and dry, while Lu Bu was almost two heads taller than him.

Seeing Lu Bu, Mao Jie bowed and said, "I've seen the Marquis of Chu."

"Mr. Mao." Lu Bu said to him with a smile on his face, "It must be very hard to come from a long distance, please sit down and talk."

Mao Jie responded, and then sat down.

After taking his seat, he asked Lu Bu: "I heard that Marquis Wen intends to send all the family members of Xuzhou to Jianye. I wonder if there is such a thing?"

"It seems that Duke Cao got the news." Lu Bu asked, "Dr. Mao came to Pengcheng this time, he was ordered by Duke Cao to question him, right?"

Lu Bu clarified the topic, and Mao Jie didn't intend to make any more detours.

He asked Lv Bu: "The Marquis of Chu suddenly moved everyone to Jianye, so there is nothing to explain?"

"Explain?" Lu Bu shook his head with a smile: "I explained, will Mao Gong believe it? Even if Mao Gong believes, will Cao Gong believe it?"

Mao Jie was taken aback by his question.

Before coming here, Cao Cao had already figured it out. Perhaps Lu Bu's relocation of his family members from Pengcheng was intended to be detrimental to the Cao family, and Cao Cao was already ready to attack Lu Bu.

Persuading Lu Bu to stay with his family was nothing more than asking him to be cautious. When facing the coalition forces of Cao and Yuan, he couldn't calmly deal with it in order to stabilize the back house.

Although he was taken aback by Lu Bu's question, Mao Jie was Cao Cao's staff after all.

He just thought about it for a while, and then said to Lu Bu: "If Marquis Chu doesn't tell me, I won't be able to figure out the reason anytime soon. If Marquis Chu says, maybe I will believe it. As long as I believe it, I will talk to you when I go back." As soon as Mr. Cao said it, he would probably be able to believe it."

"If I say that I sent away all the family members in Xuzhou to cooperate with Duke Cao in a decisive battle with the Yuan family, will Mao Gong believe it or not?" Lu Bu asked in a low voice.

Mao Jie replied: "Of course what Chu Hou said is credible. It's just that I think there is another possibility."

Staring at Mao Jie's face, Lu Bu asked, "What else does Lord Mao think is possible?"

"Another possibility is that Marquis Chu intends to rebel against the Cao family and fight to the death with the lord." Mao Jie said, "After all, Marquis Chu declared his allegiance to the lord, and he has not really done anything for the Cao family until now. We made these arrangements secretly. It doesn't feel weird either."

When Mao Jie said this, Lu Bu always looked at him with a smile on his face.

After he finished speaking, Lu Bu asked: "What Lord Mao said, should also be what Duke Cao meant?"

"I don't know what the lord means, and Chuhou's plan is just a guess." Mao Jie replied: "If there is something wrong, please forgive me."

"Forgive me?" Lu Bu smiled coldly: "Mao Gong said so many things that made me bear the name of disloyalty and injustice, and you still want me to forgive?"

Leaning forward slightly, the smile on Lu Bu's face became a little weird: "Mr. Mao came to Pengcheng this time, is he going to tell me that Mr. Cao is actually afraid of me, and he hasn't done anything until now, just waiting for an opportunity?"

Mao Jie's expression turned a little pale, he stood up abruptly, glared at Lu Bu angrily and asked, "What does Marquis Chu mean by saying that?"

"What can I mean?" Lu Bu's smile was even weirder than before: "I just want to ask Mr. Mao, is Mr. Cao already planning to attack me?"

"Chu Hou said so, does it mean that he really wants to betray the lord?" Mao Jie's eyes widened: "It seems that the lord's guess is indeed correct..."

"It is enough to have Mr. Mao's words." Lu Bu stood up unhurriedly: "I really planned to cooperate with Mr. Cao to deal with the Yuan family, but Mr. Mao came to Pengcheng this time, but I had to do something else. Make another plan."

"What do you want?" Mao Jie became nervous when he realized that there was something in Lu Bu's words.

"It's not that I betrayed the Cao family, but that the Cao family planned to do me a disservice." Lv Bu snorted coldly: "At the beginning I was willing to serve Cao Mengde, not because I couldn't beat him, but because I felt that the world would be unified sooner or later. When it comes to the general trend of the world, He is the most likely to unify. Looking at it now, I really misjudged the person."

Speaking of this, Lu Bu walked up to Mao Jie and looked down at him: "Since Cao Mengde intends to harm me, I can only give it a go. No matter who he has allied with, as long as he intends to deal with me, I will never let him go so easily succeed."

Lu Bu lowered his head, Mao Jie raised his face, and the two looked at each other.

Staring into Mao Jie's eyes, Lu Bu always had a weird smile on his mouth: "There is one more thing I have to remind you, don't stare at me like this, if you get offended by me, I will goug out your eyeballs." come out."

The brighter he smiled, the more guilty Mao Jie felt.

After licking his lips, Mao Jie subconsciously turned his face aside, not daring to look at Lu Bu again.

Seeing him turn his face away, Lu Bu snorted, turned and walked out.

When Lu Bu stared at him, Mao Jie felt that his whole body was oppressed by heavy pressure, and he was almost out of breath.

It wasn't until Lu Bu walked away that he heaved a sigh of relief.

Leaving the front hall, Lu Bu said to Sun Ce who was waiting outside: "Mao Jie's visit this time gave me a good opportunity to turn against Cao Mengde."

Sun Ce nodded: "Has Marquis Chu thought of how to deal with it? After all, Cao Mengde has many generals and many resourceful men by his side. He is not so easy to deal with."

"I will have a battle with Cao Mengde sooner or later." Lu Bu replied, "Actually, you and I are very clear that this battle is inevitable."

He then asked Sun Ce: "How is the drill of the Jiefan soldiers?"

"It hasn't been long since the Jiefan soldiers were assembled. Although they have made some progress compared to before, they have not reached the level I want." Sun Ce replied: "However, when the Marquis of Chu wants to use them, I can take them out for a battle. "

Smiling slightly, Lu Bu didn't speak, but just patted his arm lightly.

Back in the back house, Lu Bu went directly to the study.

Diao Chan and the others had been sent away, and Lu Bu was in charge of escorting, and he secretly sent other people to follow. Even if Cao Cao made arrangements, it would not be so easy to do anything to the family members in Xuzhou.

Lu Bu is really not particularly worried about those family members who have left.

Back in the study, after Lu Bu sat down, he picked up the half-finished crossbow.

I only read about the Zhuge crossbow from the information, but Lu Bu did not get the method of making the repeating crossbow.

The strong crossbow has begun to take shape, but he has not yet found a way to automatically wind the strong crossbow.

Although he was stuck in the link of rewinding the crossbow, Lu Bu did not give up.

He knew that there must be a way to make the repeating crossbow, but he hadn't found the right method yet.

After flipping through the half-finished crossbow for a while, a solution suddenly came to Lu Bu's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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