The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 303 There are many things that need to be rectified

Chapter 303 There are many things that need to be rectified

Seeing the neatly stacked boxes, Lu Bu asked the steward who was following him, "Is this a place for mine craftsmen to change their clothes?"

"Exactly." The steward replied.

"Where is the bathing place?" Lu Bu asked again.

"It's right behind." The steward asked, "Mr. Chu, do you want to take a look first?"

"Take me to have a look." Lu Bu raised his hand.

The steward led him, Sun Ce and the others through the changing room to a room behind.

After entering this room, Lu Bu discovered that there was actually a huge wooden pond here.

The pool is filled with steaming water. Since the whole room is sealed, the water in the wooden pool is easier to maintain temperature for a long time.

"Don't you think it's boring here?" After entering the room, Lu Bu frowned slightly, and asked the steward.

"It's really stuffy." The steward replied, "That's why there are windows around the room for ventilation. Only when the craftsmen come up from the well, I will ask people to open the ventilation holes."

"Is there a vent?" The steward said there was a vent, so of course Lu Bu wanted to see it: "Open it and let me see."

The steward ordered the few people following behind, "Open the window quickly."

Several people stepped forward one after another, walked around the house, and opened more than ten windows.

When entering this room, Lu Bu didn't notice it because the room was filled with heat and the vents were in the same color as the wall.

When the window was opened and the cool wind came in, he nodded in satisfaction: "Who thought of these?"

"It's all Mr. Chen." The steward replied, "Only Mr. Chen has such wisdom. How could fools like us think of such ideas."

The steward said it was Chen Gong's idea, so Lu Bu didn't ask any more questions.

At the beginning, he led the army to attack Sun Ce in the south, and Chen Gong stayed behind in Pengcheng.

Coal mines are Xuzhou's main source of income, so of course it is impossible for him not to pay attention to them.

There was nothing wrong with the ground ventilation, the mine craftsmen entering the well, and the rising well. Lu Bu ordered everyone to go outside with him to change their clothes and prepare to go out of the mine.

Back outside, Lu Bu and the others changed their clothes.

Not only himself, but even Sun Ce and the guards who came here are tall and powerful.

Most of the miners in the mine are civilians who are relatively unsuitable for war.

Except for a few tall civilian husbands who are too old and no longer suitable for military service, most of the others are relatively short.

Lu Bu and the others were wearing the largest clothes, but they were still tied tightly, and it felt like they would stretch apart with a little force.

After changing his clothes, Sun Ce looked at Lu Bu: "I'm not very comfortable wearing this clothes, don't you think Chu Hou feels tied?"

Sun Ce is shorter than Lu Bu, and his physique is not as big as him.

Even he felt that the clothes were very tied up, and Lu Bu was of course even more uncomfortable wearing them.

After trying to stretch his arms, Lu Bu took off his shirt: "Wearing this suit, it's better not to wear it."

"The bottom of the mine is very humid and extremely dirty." The steward said quickly, "Chuhou is still wearing a piece of clothing, so it's easier to wash when he comes up."

"How do the craftsmen clean it after they come up?" Lu Bu asked, thinking of something.

"It's all cleaned in the pool just now." The steward obviously didn't understand what Lu Bu asked, and replied with a blank face.

"What I'm asking is what do they use to get rid of the soot on their bodies?" Seeing that the steward didn't understand what he meant, Lu Bu simply explained the question more clearly.

The steward suddenly realized, and hurriedly said to Lu Bu: "Reporting to Marquis Wen, after the craftsmen came up, they used green salt to rub off the soot on their bodies."

"Qingyan." Lu Bu frowned.

Before he invented toothpaste, people in this era hardly knew how to brush their teeth, and only a few nobles would use blue salt to clean their teeth.

Since the invention of toothpaste, it was first chosen by women in nobles and gentry families.

With the development of the local economy, people can afford toothpaste, so it is gradually popularized.

In addition to toothpaste, Lu Bu also invented mosquito repellent water, etc., but he did not expect to invent soap.

If he hadn't come to the mine, thinking that the craftsmen in the mine needed relatively mild washing products when they came up from the mine, it might be difficult for him to think about soap.

Before coming to this era, Lu Bu had seen how to make soap.

Materials for making soap are also easy to find in this era.

With this thought in mind, he already thought of making soap when he returned to Pengcheng.

It's just that for him now, it's more important to go down the mine to take a look at the environment.

Although the deep clothes worn by people in the late Eastern Han Dynasty had trouser legs, the two trouser legs were separated, which is not the same concept as the trousers of later generations.

The deep clothes grow up and cover the trouser legs. Others look like they are wearing a whole suit, but in fact, part of it is a vacuum.

Lu Bu had thought about changing the style of this kind of clothes a long time ago, but he never took the time.

Coming to this age, he has found that many things need to change.

It's just that with his own strength, it is difficult to turn the world around and bring many things that will not appear until later generations to this era.

The clothes were too small to be worn on the body at all, so Lu Bu could only be shirtless and tie them around his waist.

He greeted Sun Ce and the others, and under the guidance of the steward, they walked towards the mouth of the well.

In coal mines after 2000, there are very few inclined shafts at the entrance of the well, and most of them are vertical shafts that go straight up and down.

The vertical shaft has a large tank like an elevator, which can lift or lower dozens of miners at a time.

There are many conditions for drilling a shaft, the most important of which is a high degree of mechanization.

Of course, it was impossible to have a high degree of mechanization at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and it was impossible for Lu Bu to drill a more convenient shaft in this era.

The artisans in the mine go in and out of the mine through the inclined shaft.

The coal mines mined from it are also carried up one by one by manpower.

When going down the well, Lu Bu and others passed by many craftsmen carrying coal.

A wind lamp was hung on the craftsmen's chest, but the opening of the wind lamp was very small, also to prevent the flame from coming into direct contact with the air below the mine.

Xuzhou Coal Mine has not had any major casualties since its establishment. Even if there are occasional casualties, they are all caused by factors such as roof collapse and landslides.

Before going down the well, the steward ordered someone to bring the lantern, and Lu Bu realized that something was wrong.

No matter how small the opening is, it is still a lantern after all.

It is impossible to block the contact of the flame with the air in the mine because of its small opening.

Coal mines are different from many mines. Along with the production of coal, there is also a gas called gas.

If the gas concentration exceeds 5.00%, it will explode when it encounters an open flame.

So far, no explosion has occurred in the Xuzhou coal mine. One is luck, and the other is that the mine is not too deep, so it is relatively difficult for gas to accumulate.

It was very clear that if the problem of going down the well with open flames was not resolved, a serious safety accident would happen sooner or later, Lu Bu's face turned gloomy.

But he didn't blame the steward.

At the beginning, he only temporarily chose to use fireflies as the light source in the well.

The light of fireflies is very weak, and it can't illuminate too many areas at all.

And its most fatal weakness is that in autumn, fireflies will disappear completely, and it is not a long-term plan to expect to capture them as lighting tools.

Although his face was not very good-looking, Lu Bu did not blame the steward, and led the people all the way down the mine.

When they first entered the mine, fresh air was blown in by an air duct behind them, and Lu Bu and the others could still feel a bit of coolness, which was not very uncomfortable.

The deeper you go into the mine, the less cool wind is blowing in from the mouth of the mine. Later, not only do everyone feel hot and dry, but they also feel a little stuffy when breathing.

"The wind from the wellhead doesn't seem to be able to reach this place." Lu Bu stopped and looked around with the light of the wind lamp: "If there is no ventilation for too long, none of the artisans below the mine may be able to get up."

"The wind really can't reach it." The steward replied, "But the wind blows in from the mouth of the well, and the craftsmen can still catch their breath inside."

"That's because the mine is not deep enough." Lu Bu said: "What we are mining now is actually the most surface coal. The most surface coal has a large ash content and a low combustion value. The real good coal is further below. Eight to thirteen tanks are used. When mining reaches that depth, it is impossible to bring fresh air to the underground with the blast from the wellhead. At that time, not only will the craftsmen have to suffocate below, but it will also be easy to go down the well with an open fire. Caused a gas explosion."

Although I have been in charge of the mine for a long time, there are many things that the steward has not encountered.

Especially the gas explosion that Lu Bu mentioned was completely unfamiliar to him.

But he also knew that what Lu Bu said was correct, as the mine got deeper and deeper, the fresh air poured in from the well head would be less and less able to reach the working face.

Once there is not enough air, not to mention that craftsmen cannot mine coal, it is not even certain whether they can survive underground.

The further down he went, the bigger the problem Lu Bu saw.

The support of the mine is still using wooden beams.

It is no problem for Asai to use wooden beams, but if Shenjing uses wooden beams, the wood will not be able to bear the pressure at all.

Once the support column breaks, it will collapse or collapse in pieces.

At that time, no matter how many craftsmen are inside, they will all be buried firmly.

"It's okay on the ground, but it's not like that at all underground." Accompanied by the steward, Lu Bu and others were about to walk to the coal mining face, when they heard the sound of clanging knocks, he said to the steward: " You haven't experienced a large-scale accident in a coal mine. You know, a coal mine can bring us money, but it is also a tiger that devours human life. If you don't pay attention, it will eat people, and it will eat many people at once. "

After Lu Bu said this, he nodded his head incessantly.

In fact, there have been accidents in the Xuzhou mine, and people have died.

It's just that not many people died in the past, and he and other managers only made some rectifications for the accidents that happened, and didn't improve much.

The steward didn't know, and Lu Bu didn't mean to blame him when he said this.

With the existing means, it is simply impossible to mine deeper coal mines.

Seeing the embarrassment on the steward's face, Lu Bu patted his arm lightly: "I can't blame you for these things. I didn't get everything done. When I get everything done, if you can't do it again, I will But to arrest and kill people.”

Hearing that Lu Bu didn't mean to blame, the steward was relieved.

But at the same time, he was also worried. After all, Lu Bu said that one day in the future, when he had prepared all the facilities related to the coal mine, and if there was any casualty accident, he would arrest the person in charge and decapitate him.

Although the income of managing the coal mine is high, the whole family can live a good life.

However, the head on the item might not be gone anytime soon, the steward subconsciously wanted to touch his neck, but he didn't dare in front of Lu Bu.

Although everyone was wearing lanterns, the alley was still very dark.

Lu Bu glanced at the steward again, and beckoned everyone to go to the working surface.

When mining coal mines, Lu Bu adopted the mining method of later generations.

First open the channels from both sides, one of which is the air outlet and the other is the air inlet.

The mined coal is sent out of the mine through the air inlet.

He originally designed it well, thinking that as long as the blower is in place, the air inlet will always stay cool, and the air outlet will be relatively dirty and stuffy.

When he got to the bottom of the mine, Lu Bu realized that what he had thought before was indeed too naive.

The wind poured into the mine from the ground cannot reach the working face at all.

The only function of the wind brought in by the wind bag is to bring some fresh air down the well, so that the working surface can barely breathe.

When Lu Bu arrived, the craftsmen stopped their work one after another.

Walking towards the craftsmen, Lu Bu asked, "How do you deal with eating and drinking water when you go to the mine?"

"Someone brought the water down." One of the craftsmen replied, "We will also bring some ourselves. It's too hot here, and we're already sweating before working. We need to drink a lot of water every day."

"Where to eat?" Lu Bu asked, "Should we eat at the top, or just below?"

"Mr. Chu may not know that the food smells especially good when you bring it down." The craftsman replied, "Things that are tasteless on the top seem to be completely different here."

Before coming to this era, Lu Bu really heard people say that eating under the mine is indeed more delicious than eating on the ground.

Although the craftsman didn't say it directly, he already understood that these people like to take food down the well.

"It's too hot here. If you feel unbearable, don't hold on." Lu Bu told the craftsmen: "Eating in the well is delicious, but it's very hot here. People always work in the heat. I can't stand it."

"Thank you, Marquis Chu, for your concern!" All the craftsmen agreed.

Lu Bu nodded, and his eyes fell on the support of the working surface again.

The working surface here is certainly not as complicated as the working surface of later generations.

At least on the side walls of the working face, there is no special facility for extracting gas.

Looking back at the sealed side, Lu Bu asked the steward, "How do you fill in the empty space?"

"Most of them are filled with yellow mud." The steward replied: "As much coal is sent out, as much yellow mud has to be sent down from above. The craftsmen are indeed very hard."

"You're right, but these are not unsolvable." Lu Bu nodded: "Let's go up first, and I've written down what needs to be rectified here, but it will take a lot of work to rectify. When you mine coal, Try to only mine shallow."

Lu Bu proposed to go to the mine first, and the steward hurriedly replied, "I have written down what the Marquis Chu said, and I will tell the craftsmen to look at it, and try to only mine shallow coal."

When leaving the working surface, Lu Bu looked around while walking.

The more he looked, he found that compared with the real coal mine, this coal mine still lacked a lot of things.

First, he had to solve the lighting problem below the mine.

If the craftsmen are allowed to work in the mine with wind lanterns, sooner or later there will be big mistakes.

Secondly, he had to solve the ventilation and gas extraction process. Although Chen Gong installed two wind bags at the mouth of the well, the wind delivered by the wind bags could not solve the problem of underground air supply at all.Moreover, the gas accumulates under the mine, and if it is not pumped out, the concentration will only increase.It's only a matter of time before something happens.

Of course, the filling of the goaf is also a big problem for Lu Bu.

In later mined-out areas, mud was injected into the ground through high pressure to achieve the purpose of filling.

If the goaf is not filled, the ground subsidence is still a trivial matter, but if it causes a chain reaction and causes the underground mine to collapse, it will be a major event...

Back on the ground, under the sunlight, Lu Bu saw that the faces and bodies of Sun Ce and others were all black.

Everyone looked very embarrassed.

He laughed, pointed at Sun Ce and said, "Bo Fu, do you know how dark it will be?"

With soot all over his face, Sun Ce's appearance could no longer be distinguished clearly.

He also smiled awkwardly, and said to Lu Bu: "Actually, Marquis Chu is not much better than us. He just went down for a walk, but he didn't expect to come up like this."

Everyone's faces were dark, and of course Lu Bu knew that he would not be much better.

He asked the steward, "Is there a bronze mirror here?"

"Yes." The steward quickly replied: "There is a place for bathing, so that the craftsmen can see if they are clean."

"Take us over there to have a look." Lu Bu waved his hands, "Let General Sun and the others see what he has become."

The steward agreed, and led Lu Bu and others to the room where they changed their clothes.

After everyone took off their dirty clothes, he led Lu Bu and others to a cage.

Open the cage, and there are more than a dozen bronze mirrors inside.

Of course, the bronze mirrors here are relatively rough polished, not as delicate as the bronze mirrors in the homes of officials or gentry.

Picking up a bronze mirror, the steward held it in both hands and handed it to Lu Bu.

Taking the bronze mirror and looking at it, Lu Bu found that the face in the mirror was black and white.

Under the mine, he could still distinguish everyone clearly.

When he got to the ground, he could see people more clearly, but it was difficult for him to distinguish them.

Seeing himself in the bronze mirror, Lu Bu smiled and shook his head: "We just went down for a walk, and it's dirty like this. Craftsmen spend all day in the mine, I'm afraid not only their faces are dirty, but their faces are also dirty." Breathing in the breath, it also carries carbon dust."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, none of them knew what Lu Bu meant.

Even the manager who manages the coal mine all year round didn't understand the deep meaning of his words for a while.

"People's internal organs can't stand the dirty things outside." Seeing that they didn't quite understand, Lu Bu continued: "The craftsmen are working below, and there is too much coal powder, all of which are sucked into their stomachs, is there any good thing? I think the coal mine needs to be rectified not only those we have seen, but also many that we have not seen. What I want is a building that can not only make money, but also treat every craftsman here as his own family. coal mines, not coal mines that don’t care about the lives of craftsmen for the sake of money.”

"I've written down what the Marquis Chu told me." The steward quickly agreed.

Lu Bu said in his heart that many things can't be done with hard work, and new technologies have to be figured out to solve them. With the management here, if he can handle everything, why would he need to think about these things?

Although he thought so in his heart, he didn't say it out, and told the steward: "You are all here to wait, Bo Fu and I will go take a bath first, and feel the bath here."

Everyone who went down the mine with him responded one after another, and Lu Bu, who was already naked, led Sun Ce into the bathing room.

The mine is different from other places. There are too many craftsmen who need to bathe here, and it is impossible to prepare many wooden barrels for them to bathe.

In the bathing room, there is only a pool made of wood.

After getting out of the pool, Lu Bu sat in the pool, took a deep breath and exhaled, "Whether it's cold or tired, as long as there is such a pool of water, soaking in it will really make people feel better." Feel refreshed."

"Has Marquis Chu been to a hot spring?" Sun Ce asked Lu Bu when he entered the water.

"Of course I have been there." Lu Bu replied, "How can there be so many hot springs in the world, why can't I go all the way to find a hot spring just to take a dip?"

"That's true." Sun Ce sat down in the pool, splashed water on his body, and said to Lu Bu: "Actually, when Marquis Wen goes back, he can also have someone build such a pool. Although more water is used, it can be soaked really well. Much more refreshing than wooden barrels.”

"We feel refreshed, but the craftsmen in the mine don't necessarily think so." Lu Bu said: "It's not difficult to build such a pool. The problem is that I built it, and how many times can I use it? And the whole pool of water is placed there to be cold. , isn't it such a pity?"

"With such a pool, is it possible that the Marquis of Chu has to wash it himself?" Sun Ce said, "It's not impossible for wives to use it after it's built."

"It's true." Lu Bu stretched his arms and stood beside the pool: "When the current crisis is resolved, I will have someone build a pool in the back house. If it is built now, if we can't defend Xuzhou, wouldn't it be Built for Cao Mengde and Yuan Benchu?"

Turning his head to look at Sun Ce, he grinned: "The terrible thing is, I built it. Not only will they not be grateful to Dade, but they will tell the world how extravagant I am. In Xuzhou's perilous situation, let me Man builds pools for his own enjoyment."

Sun Ce chuckled.

What Lu Bu said is indeed true. If they failed to defend Xuzhou, when Cao Cao and Yuan Shao captured Pengcheng and saw the pool built, they would definitely say that he was extravagant and wanted to build such a big pool at home. bath.

"Does Marquis Chu have no confidence in defending Xuzhou?" Sun Ce asked Lu Bu.

Lu Bu curled his lips: "In terms of confidence, I really don't have it. Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde each have countless elite soldiers. In terms of numbers, we may not be smaller than Cao Mengde. But in terms of numbers, we are not as good as Yuan Benchu. And Cao Mengde's men The elite soldiers and generals are the elite who have experienced the battlefield, our soldiers..."

Speaking of this, Lu Bu shook his head with a smile: "Except for a few new elites, most of our soldiers are stragglers. Once the situation on the battlefield is unfavorable, I'm afraid they will flee immediately..."

Ever since he followed Lu Bu, Sun Ce had never seen him so unconfident in his opponents.

Turning to look at him, Sun Ce asked, "If you really can't keep it, what will Marquis Chu plan?"

"All the family members of the officials have been sent to Jianye, so of course I will go to Jianye." Lu Bu replied, "There is a natural danger along the Yangtze River in the east of the Yangtze River. As long as we guard there, we will be able to lead an army to fight back sooner or later."

After changing the subject, Lu Bu went on to say: "Of course, if I can keep Xuzhou, I still don't want to lose it. After all, I have been running Xuzhou for a long time. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and the place is prosperous and prosperous. There are also many resources here. Not only It is Xuzhou, and even Huainan, Lujiang and other places that we have just won, have a lot of usable wealth."

Lu Bu has a cognition after 2000, of course he knows what is rich in these places he captured.

In the area of ​​Huainan, on the bank of the Huai River past Zhongli, a kind of river mussel is abundant.

The clam is broken open, and the pearl can be taken out from the inside.

Just pearls can bring him a lot of wealth.

What's more, there are rich mineral resources in Huainan and Lujiang areas. There are not only coal mines, but also iron ore with huge reserves.

As long as these places are secured, Lu Bu will not only be self-sufficient in the future, but also be able to sell finished or semi-finished products to foreign goods.

Such a precious land, Lu Bu said he didn't want it, even he himself wouldn't believe it!

After soaking in the water for a while, Lu Bu stretched out his hand to Sun Ce: "Bo Fu, pass me the green salt."

The blue salt used by the craftsmen to clean the soot when taking a bath is placed next to it.

Sun Ce took it and handed it to Lu Bu.

After receiving the green salt, Lu Bu poured some on his hand, then rubbed it vigorously on his face.

Green salt has a strong decontamination effect. It can be rubbed on the face, which will make the face feel hot and painful.

After washing once, Lu Bu plunged into the water.

When his head came out, he wiped his face and asked Sun Ce, "Is there any coal dust on my face?"

Sun Ce took a closer look and said to him, "There are still some..."

Taking another handful of green salt, Lu Bu rubbed the corners of his eyes, his entire face and forehead vigorously again.

He felt that the rubbing was almost done, so he washed off the black water on his face like last time.

After rubbing it with green salt three or four times in a row, his skin felt burning pain, and he finally washed his face clean.

While Sun Ce was washing his face, Lu Bu took a small handful of green salt in his hand.

Looking at the green salt, he was even more determined to invent soap as soon as possible, so that the artisans working in the mine would not use this skin-depleting cleanser all year round.

When Lu Bu and others left the mine, they changed into their own armor one by one.

Compared with when they went down the mine, they looked more energetic at this time.

Riding in the front, Lu Bu asked Sun Ce who was following him, "Bo Fu came to the coal mine this time, what do you think of this place?"

"I only heard that the coal mine is where the Marquis of Chu's treasures lie, but I didn't expect that it would be so hard to work here." Sun Ce said, "I just came out of the mine and washed it, and my face is still burning with pain."

"There are too many problems here." Lu Bu said, "If we don't solve them as soon as possible, I'm afraid something big will happen sooner or later."

Sun Ce, who can be said to know nothing about coal mines, looked at a loss.

He looked at Lu Bu, although he was puzzled, he didn't ask anything.

Lu Bu smiled slightly: "Since the coal mine was built, I have been leading the army outside, and I really haven't taken care of it. If I didn't go to the mine today to look around, I don't know what happened when something big happened."

"The big thing Chu Hou said is..." Sun Ce finally couldn't help asking.

"Except for the coal in a few places, it can be mined on the ground, and most of the coal mines have to be dug underground." Lu Bu said: "The coal mines in Xuzhou are like this. Since they are underground, various situations will definitely happen..."

He originally wanted to explain to Sun Ce the accompanying gas of coal, as well as the pressure brought by low pressure to the roadway, which could easily lead to accidents such as gas outbursts, roof falls, and landslides.

In addition, the further down the mining, the more complicated the situation will be.

If the underground river is accidentally dug through, not even a single craftsman in the coal mine can come out alive...

Coal mines are indeed a dangerous place!

Knowing that Sun Ce didn't have the cognition after 2000, and he wouldn't understand these things if he told him, Lu Bu stopped explaining and grinned at him: "As long as Bo Fu knows that working in a coal mine, he may lose his life at any time. What we can do for the craftsmen is to try our best to solve the hidden dangers that are easy to lose their lives in advance."

Even if Lu Bu explained it clearly, it is impossible for Sun Ce to understand without this understanding.

When Lu Bu said such a vague concept, Sun Ce was even more confused.

But he had already explained, and Sun Ce didn't want to ask more questions, so he could only follow him to the direction of Pengcheng.

It was still early when we left Pengcheng and arrived at the coal mine.

After delaying in the coal mine for so long, they returned to Pengcheng, dusk had come.

After entering the official residence, Lu Bu told the guards: "Bring Chen Gongtai here and tell him that I have something important to discuss with him."

After the guard left, Sun Ce asked him, "Marquis Chu, it's already getting late, so inviting Chen Gongtai over, isn't it a bit..."

"What's the matter?" Lu Bu interrupted him.

"The matter of the coal mine does not happen overnight. I think the most urgent thing to do right now is to train soldiers and horses as soon as possible to prepare for the coming powerful enemy." Sun Ce said: "In case Xuzhou cannot be kept, what Wenhou did in the coal mine, But it doesn't make any sense."

"Bo Fu is right." Lu Bu nodded, "However, the matter at the coal mine must be resolved as soon as possible. I have prepared everything I need now. In case Xuzhou cannot be defended, I will send soldiers before leaving A fire was also set on the coal mine. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao don't know how to mine coal mines at all, as long as they dare to take over, I can conclude that the craftsmen who die in it every year will definitely not be a small number."

Staring into Sun Ce's eyes, Lu Bu continued to ask, "Could it be that Bo Fu thinks that besides us, there are other people who can transport coal up from the mine?"

"Before Chuhou, no one mined coal." Sun Ce replied, "Since Chuhou thinks it should be done, I dare not say more."

"Strong enemies are coming, and what I am most worried about is not that they are too strong, but that we are unstable." Lu Bu said: "In the battle of Xiapi, I suffered from the losses of my family. There was a mistake at the time, and it was much more difficult to fill the vacancy then than it is now."

What Lu Bu said was impeccable, Sun Ce could only nod his head.

He waved his hand at Sun Ce: "You're tired after staying with me for a long time. You have to come to practice the Troubled Soldiers. It's been very hard recently. You should go back earlier and rest, so you don't have to take care of me here."

Sun Ce agreed and withdrew.

After leaving Lu Bu's study, Sun Ce walked not far along the path, and he saw Chen Gong hurriedly walking towards this side under the guidance of the guards.

Seeing Sun Ce, Chen Gong asked, "Where is Bofu going?"

"It's getting late, and the Marquis of Chu wants me to go back and rest first." Sun Ce replied.

"Does Bo Fu know why Chu Hou called me here?" The guard just said that Lu Bu had something important to discuss with him, but he didn't explain what it was. When he saw Sun Ce, Chen Gong naturally wanted to ask about it.

"I don't know exactly what Chu Hou asked Mr. Chen to do." Sun Ce replied, "It's just that today he took us to the coal mine, and he mentioned it by the way, saying that there are many things that need to be rectified. If we don’t do it now, there may be big problems in the future.”

Although Sun Ce didn't quite understand what he said, Chen Gong thought it over right away. Lu Bu invited him here because he was dissatisfied with the coal mine.

After saying goodbye to Sun Ce, Chen Gong came to Lu Bu's study.

After entering the room, he saluted Lu Bu: "I heard that Chu Hou went to the coal mine today?"

"Exactly." Lu Bu came to him to discuss matters related to the coal mine. He asked first, so he stopped beating around the bush and said to him: "I went to the coal mine and saw the wind that the public platform ordered people to install it. Bags and bathing pools for craftsmen."

"I wonder how Marquis Chu thinks?" Chen Gong asked.

"Of course it's excellent." Lu Bu replied, "If Gongtai didn't do these things, I'm afraid people wouldn't be able to enter the mine at all. But I also think there are too many things that need to be rectified now, and you need to allocate some manpower. Here we are, and I'll oversee the construction myself."

"When the Marquis of Chu led the army, I went there every three days." Chen Gong replied, "Every time I go to the mine, I feel a little creepy, and I always feel like something is missing..."

"It's less than a star and a half." Lu Bu nodded: "Gongtai thinks it's creepy, because it feels that something big will happen there sooner or later."

"After Chu Hou said so, I also feel that it is like that." Chen Gong said: "The mine is too hot, and the craftsmen are working in it, so it is inevitable that something will happen."

"It's just sweltering, and I don't need to ask the company to come here." Lu Bu said: "The mine needs to build a lot of infrastructure. You first assign some manpower to me, and then I will tell you to buy some things. In the future, not only the mine It can be used, and it can be handed over to Zhang Shiping to take it out and sell it. It will definitely make more money than selling toothpaste."

When Lu Bu mentioned the toothpaste, Chen Gong's eyes lit up.

When he invented toothpaste, almost no one favored it, but in the hands of Zhang Shiping and others, toothpaste became a very popular item.

Toothpaste is no longer a luxury that only nobles and gentry can afford. Even ordinary people use it to clean their mouths.

Lu Bu said that he can make something that sells better than toothpaste, of course Chen Gong wanted to know: "Dare to ask Marquis Chu, what is more profitable than toothpaste?"

"Has Gongtai ever used acacia?" Lu Bu didn't answer directly, but asked this question.

Chen Gong asked with some astonishment: "Could it be that Chuhou is planning to sell the acacia locusts?"

"Of course not." Lu Bu shook his head: "Acacia is something that can be taken from birth. Although it is convenient, there are not many stocks. It is as difficult as going to the sky to spread the acacia. What I want to do is a kind of soap called soap." thing."

"Soap?" Never heard of this term, Chen Gong asked suspiciously: "I don't know what is the use of this kind of thing?"

"I just mentioned acacia, but Gongtai forgot about it." Lu Bu smiled slightly: "Soap is used for washing clothes and bathing, and can remove more dirt. I didn't think of making it at first, but I just went The mine, like the craftsmen, used green salt, so they felt that they had to make something like this as soon as possible."

"I wonder what Marquis Chu needs?" Chen Gong asked.

"Find some fat from pigs, cattle and sheep, and get me some alkali powder." Lu Bu said, "It would be great if I could find some flower petals, spices, etc."

"I'll order someone to do it now." Chen Gong agreed, and then asked Lu Bu: "I don't know what kind of people Chuhou needs?"

"Stonemasons, blacksmiths and carpenters, find me some skilled workers." Lu Bu ordered: "It is best to find some cobblers and tailors. In addition, buy some more burlap for me, and send them to the mine first. Useful from time to time.”

"It's easy to find stonemasons, cobblers, and tailors." Chen Gong said with some difficulty: "But carpenters and blacksmiths are not easy to allocate nowadays."

"What's going on?" Lu Bu asked, "Xuzhou is so big. Could it be that there are no carpenters and blacksmiths?"

"Did the Marquis of Chu forget that he ordered to make a thousand repeating crossbows within a month?" Chen Gong said: "The carpenters and blacksmiths in Xuzhou are busy with this matter. They want to allocate A few, it’s really not easy.”

"There are so many carpenters and blacksmiths in Xuzhou. If they can't make a thousand repeating crossbows a month, they might as well farm outside the city." Lu Bu said, "I don't need many people. There are three or two carpenters and two blacksmiths. That's fine. Could it be that three or two people can't be dispatched?"

"Three or two people shouldn't be a problem." Chen Gong replied, "I'll go and arrange for Marquis Chu."

Lu Bu nodded and watched Chen Gong leave.

Leaving the study, Chen Gong didn't care that it was getting late, and immediately went to collect everything he wanted for Lu Bu.

PS: In order to avoid ineffective updates in the future, starting from today, we will change the five updates every day from [-] words to one update every day with [-] words.Since chapters are calculated based on the number of words, a large chapter of [-] words is equal to five small chapters of [-] words. To avoid confusion, I will explain it here.

(End of this chapter)

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