The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 316 Something Restrains the Air Force

Chapter 316 Something Restrains the Air Force

Lü Bu led his troops to Dangshan, and Zhao Yun led a team to leave that night to attack the surrounding cities.

In Dangshan County, Lu Bu was sitting in a room at the back of the official mansion.

An oil lamp was lit in the room, and the flickering light cast a dim yellow light on the room.

The furniture here is not the same style as in Xuzhou, but old-fashioned low tables and straw mats.

There is a soul in the body that came to this era after 2000. It is always difficult for Lu Bu to get used to the posture of kneeling and sitting.

Every time after sitting like this, he always felt numbness in his legs, and he needed to twist a few times to relieve it.

On the low table in front of him was a scroll of letters.

The slips record some content about Dangshan.

Although he used to live in the era after 2000, Keren's memory ability is always very limited.

Not to mention that he hasn't read many books, even if he has, he can't remember them clearly.

Having come to this era, it is impossible to have the opportunity to see relevant information after 2000. He can only learn about each place through the information that can be found now and records the past.

While looking at the content on the bamboo slips, Sun Ce's voice came from outside the door: "Has Marquis Chu slept yet?"

"Not yet." Without taking his eyes off the bamboo slips, Lu Bu responded casually.

Sun Ce gently opened the door and walked in. He was actually holding a tray with two yellow pears on it.

After entering the room, Sun Ce put the tray in front of Lu Bu: "Mr. Chu, these are local pears from Dangshan. I tasted two of them. They are indeed crispier and sweeter than the ones I have eaten before. Seeing that the lights are still on in the room of Marquis Chu, So I sent two over."

"Dangshan pears." Lu Bu looked up at the two pears on the tray.

In his impression, after 2000, Dangshan pears were indeed quite famous, but he did not expect that pears would already be planted here in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

"This year is turbulent, and the people can't even eat. If they don't open up land to grow food, how can they grow pears?" Picking up a pear, Lu Bu looked at it over and over again, and said, "Is it possible that people here eat pears?" Are you able to fill your stomach?"

"That's not true." Sun Ce replied: "In fact, the people here don't grow pears, and I don't know when someone planted a pear tree here. After it survived, many people came to pick pears and eat them. The pear pits I have eaten are thrown away at random, and many of them grow out. Over time, the Dangshan pear trees become forests, and even if no one pays attention to them, they can still grow very well."

"Pear trees have always been difficult to grow." Lu Bu said, "It's rare to grow a forest here just by spitting out the pears on the ground."

"What Chu Hou said is correct, I also think it is very interesting." Sun Ce replied: "If you change to another place, let alone throw away the pear pits so casually, even if you plant them on purpose, you may not be able to plant them. come out."

Lu Bu nodded, put the pear back, and suddenly asked Sun Ce, "Bo Fu, what do you think of that place in Jianye?"

"Jianye?" Sun Ce was taken aback by the question at first, and then said, "Mr. Chu's question made me ask. Although Wu County is not far from Jianye, I have never been there."

"I used to be the lord of Jiangdong, but I never went to Jianye." Lu Bu smiled slightly and didn't say anything more.

"It's getting late, so Marquis Chu should rest earlier." Seeing that Lu Bu didn't want to say anything more, Sun Ce bowed and left.

After Sun Ce retreated, Lu Bu stood up.

He came to the window.

It was already dark outside the window, except for the nearby vegetation, basically nothing else could be seen.

Cao Cao had already been repelled, and led his army to pursue him for a long distance, but he still failed to catch up.

Lu Bu knew that with Cao Cao's departure, Xuzhou would be in great trouble in the future.

The power of the Cao family is still very strong. In the battle of Dangshan, only part of the elite Cao army was wiped out.

As long as Cao Cao returns to Xudu, he can quickly gather strength and attack Xuzhou again.

Having defeated Cao Cao once, Lu Bu is not sure that he can defeat him a second time.

When I asked Sun Ce about Jianye, he didn't want to retreat to Jianye, but just wanted to find out whether Jianye could become a temporary place for him to conquer the world to settle his family.

However, Sun Ce has been in charge of Jiangdong for several years, but he has never been to Jianye once.

It really disappointed Lu Bu.

Dangshan has now been taken by him, and the surrounding terrain is very complicated. Using the terrain here, it is easy to deploy defenses to prevent Cao Cao from advancing eastward.

But Lu Bu didn't know whether Cao Cao would choose Dangshan as a breakthrough point for his eastward advance in the future.

Is it a good thing to deploy defense here too early, or is it a waste of material and military resources?

Standing at the window for a long time, Lu Bu couldn't figure out what he should do.

After defeating Cao Cao, he was a little confused about how to go in the future.

Lu Bu entered Dangshan, and Cao Cao retreated all the way under the escort of Yu Jin.

Reunited with Guo Jia and others, he decided to return to Xudu first, and wait until the army was reassembled before attacking Xuzhou.

On the way back to Xudu, Cao Cao looked back.

He brought [-] soldiers with him when he came, but when he returned, there were more than half of the soldiers around him.

Cao Cao knew that during the Battle of Dangshan, his barracks and supplies were completely burned by Lu Bu's air force, but at that time most of the soldiers were not in the barracks, they were just scattered by Lu Bu's subsequent rush down the mountain...

"Feng Xiao, we have suffered a big loss this time." Walking forward, Cao Cao said in a very bleak tone: "If I had known that Lu Fengxian was so good, I would never have fought him lightly, let alone think about it. They trapped him to death on the hill. Fortunately, we were not able to trap Lu Fengxian to death, but he broke it for us."

"In fact, my lord should know where we lost this time." Guo Jia said: "If Lu Fengxian didn't have an air force in his hands, we would never have lost to him."

"What Feng Xiao said is correct, but how could he not have an air force?" Cao Cao said, "I thought that Lu Fengxian's air force was just fabricated to myth him. It wasn't until the last battle in Dangshan that I realized I believe that he not only has an air force, but also has a large number of air forces, which is far beyond my imagination."

Guo Jia frowned, as if thinking about something.

Cao Cao asked, "What is Feng Xiao thinking?"

"I'm just thinking about how we can destroy Lu Fengxian's air force." Guo Jia replied: "If we can have a sharp weapon to destroy the enemy and make it difficult for him to use his air force, then the two armies will confront each other in the future, so that we won't be harassed by him." So many benefits."

"Feng Xiao is right." Cao Cao smiled wryly and shook his head: "The Air Force is flying in the sky. What can we do to shoot down the people flying in the sky?"

"Has your lord ever shot a bird with an arrow?" Guo Jia asked suddenly.

Cao Cao was startled at first, then smiled wryly: "Could it be that Feng Xiao didn't see that their air force flew into the air, and our arrows couldn't have shot so high."

"My lord only saw the power of the air force, but didn't see their disadvantages." Guo Jia smiled slightly, and already had an idea: "When I return to Xudu, I will create something for my lord, which will definitely be able to restrain Lu Bu's air force. "

Guo Jia said that he could create a weapon that could restrain the air force. Cao Cao's eyes lit up and he asked him, "What exactly are you talking about?"

"This thing can project stones, and it can knock stones into the air." Guo Jia replied, "I plan to name it Thunderbolt Chariot."

"Thunderbolt car?" Cao Cao looked at Guo Jia in astonishment. He could only imagine a stone flying into the air, but he couldn't imagine how the stone flew up.

From Cao Cao's eyes, Guo Jia saw confusion.

He said to Cao Cao: "Your Majesty, don't worry about this. When I arrive at Xudu, I will be able to deliver the thunderbolt chariot to the Lord in a short time. Besides, I plan to make a batch of crossbows, all of which can be adjusted in height. .If the enemy is coming from the air, the crossbow can shoot the arrow towards the air. If the enemy is coming from the front, the crossbow can also shoot the enemy like a strong crossbow."

The ordnance described by Guo Jia is indeed an unimaginable existence for Cao Cao.

He asked Guo Jia, "Why didn't Feng Xiao mention the crossbow and thunderbolt chariot when we went out earlier?"

"It's not that I didn't mention it, but I didn't expect it to be used at that time." Guo Jia replied: "Although I heard that Lu Bu has an air force under his command, there is no solid evidence to prove it is true, so I can only look at it first. Take a look, and then make a plan."

Cao Cao nodded, then sighed again: "If Feng Xiao had built these two weapons earlier, so many soldiers would not have died."

"In fact, it was built earlier, and we must have been caught off guard in the first battle of Dangshan." Guo Jia replied: "Lu Bu and us have been confronting each other for several days, and he has always refused to send an air force to harass the barracks. With a fatal blow."

Guo Jia frowned slightly, and continued, "Of course, Lu Bu did it."

"When does Feng Xiao think it's best for us to send troops again?" Cao Cao asked Guo Jia again.

"The lord returns to Xudu, wait for me to build the crossbow and thunderbolt chariot, then gather troops and horses, and attack Xuzhou again." Guo Jia replied: "Although our army suffered a disastrous defeat in the battle of Dangshan, Lu Bu did not win a complete victory. If he wants to defeat us, the most important thing to do is to deploy defenses on the territory he has just occupied. Once he deploys defenses, the weakness of weapons will be completely exposed before our eyes. At that time, the lord will not be able to fight wherever he wants?"

When Guo Jia was talking, Cao Cao's eyes were always on his face. When he stopped talking, Cao Cao nodded and said, "I understand what Feng Xiao said. When you return to Xudu, you first take the thunderbolt car and the pedal Let me build the crossbow. When the mass production is successful, we will attack Xuzhou again."

"My lord, don't worry, I will definitely deliver the crossbow and thunderbolt chariot to my lord." Guo Jia bowed.

Deciding that Guo Jia could create the two weapons to contain the air force, Cao Cao urged the horse to go faster.

Seeing him walking fast, the generals and aides who were following him, of course, all speeded up their horses to move forward.

The people on horseback were fine, Cao Cao speeded up, and the most depressed were the infantry who followed.

The walking speed of a person is not as fast as that of a horse. Not long after Cao Cao accelerated his speed, the soldiers who were running and marching behind him looked somewhat embarrassed.

Running too fast, their physical strength must not be able to keep up.

If you run too slowly, you will be easily thrown off by Cao Cao.

The soldiers can only try to maintain a uniform acceleration.

Cao Cao rode away for a while.He glanced back and saw the soldiers following behind, panting one by one, he finally slowed down.

"My lord, it will take a few days to get to Xudu from here, even at a fast pace." Guo Jia caught up with Cao Cao and reminded: "My lord, it's better to slow down. The soldiers have traveled hard, and most of them can't keep up."

Guo Jia mentioned the soldiers, and Cao Cao slowed down.

He said to Guo Jia: "If it wasn't for Feng Xiao's reminder, I would really have neglected the soldiers."

"Send the order." Cao Cao shouted: "Soldiers, hurry up and make sure to return to Xudu within three days."

From where they were, it would have taken at least two or three days to go, if they rode fast.

Cao Cao ordered that he must arrive within three days, didn't he tell the soldiers that no matter how hard they worked, returning to Xudu was the top priority, and anyone who couldn't afford to go back in the shortest time would deserve it even if he was left here. "

After the order was issued, the soldiers could only continue to gallop forward in silence.

In the battle of Dangshan, Cao Cao was defeated.

When the news reached Yuan Shao's ears, he was leading the army towards Yanjin.

Seeing that it was only tens of miles away from Yanjin, a fast horse came in front of Yuan Shao.

After listening to the scout's report, Yuan Shao waved his hand.

The scout retreated, and he said to Feng Ji and others beside him: "I just got the news that Cao Cao was intercepted by Lv Bu in Dangshan, the barracks and rations were burned to the ground, seven out of ten soldiers, now they can only return to Xudu in embarrassment. "

"Cao Cao lost?" Feng Ji asked in surprise.

"Defeated." Yuan Shao nodded: "To be honest, I never thought that Cao Cao could be defeated so thoroughly. This time he attacked Xuzhou, I was still worried that he would arrive in Pengcheng after him. Now it seems that my worries are not at all. whatever is necessary."

"What the lord said is true." Feng Ji replied: "Cao Cao is strong outside but capable in the middle. Although he has made some achievements in recent years, compared with the lord, he is far behind. The military report said that it was the one guarding Yanjin who joined Lu Bu. Zhou Yu not long ago. I feel that as long as someone can be sent there, Zhou Yu will gain some benefits, maybe he will sacrifice Yanjin and ask my lord to cross the river and march into Pengcheng."

"Are you familiar with Zhou Yu?" Feng Ji proposed, and Yuan Shao asked him.

"I'm not familiar with Zhou Yu." Feng Ji replied: "Since the lord came to Yanjin in person, I think Zhou Yu should already be afraid. Just send someone there to recruit him."

Yuan Shao curled his lips in disbelief, and asked aside, "Which of you is familiar with Zhou Yu?"

The staff who came here with Yuan Shao looked at each other in blank dismay, but none of them was willing to take on the responsibility of persuading Zhou Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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