Chapter 321

Yuan Jun's vanguard arrived at the north bank of Yanjin. Gao Shun wanted to destroy them, but Zhou Yu stopped them.

In the barracks, Feng Ji was suffering with fear every day.

Strange to say, ever since Huang Gai told him that Ling Cao had a way to send him across the river, the general who picked him up here seemed to have disappeared, not showing up for several days.

Feng Ji felt more and more panicked when he couldn't wait for Ling Cao.

Feng Ji was flustered, Zhou Yu was actually waiting.

He is waiting for Zhou Tai to return from Dangshan.

Since Yuan Jun's head arrived on the other side, Zhou Yu came to the bank every day to look out.

Four or five days had passed since the first day when Yuan Jun arrived. Looking at the opposite bank, he found a dense crowd of people in the distance.

Seeing the army appearing in the distance, Zhou Yu swallowed, and Ling Cao who was beside him simply said: "Damn it! So many people..."

Although the Yellow River was separated and the distance was still very far, Zhou Yu and others could see from the army that stretched from heaven to earth in the distance that Yuan Shao brought at least [-] soldiers.

On the south bank of Yanjin, Zhou Yu's troops, including Gao Shun's camp, only had 2 people.

Just across the Yellow River, they were asked to defend the river bank with 2 people to prevent Yuan Jun from crossing the river...

Many people subconsciously think that it is impossible.

"Why are there so many here?" Gao Shun asked Zhou Yu, "General Zhou, there is such a disparity in military strength between the two sides, how can we fight this battle?"

"Since they have come, there is always a way to fight." Zhou Yu replied, "We will wait for Chuhou's order to come, and then we will decide how to deal with Yuan Shao."

"Zhou Tai doesn't know what he's doing either." The old general Cheng Pu said angrily, "If he doesn't come back, I'm afraid we've already started fighting with Yuan Shao."

"The distance from here to Dangshan is not close, but counting the distance, it should be back in two days." Zhou Yu finished speaking, and a soldier ran over: "General Zhou, General Zhou Tai is back."

Hearing that Zhou Tai was coming back, Zhou Yu hurriedly ordered: "Invite him to come quickly."

The soldier complied, turned around and left.

After a while, Zhou Tai came to Zhou Yu with a basket full of pears.

Seeing him carrying the pear, Zhou Yu frowned slightly: "Zhou Tai, what are you doing?"

"It was sent by the Marquis of Chu." Zhou Tai replied, "The Marquis of Chu said that Dangshan Yidai is rich in pears, and the pears there are crisp and sweet, so he asked me to bring a basket for General Zhou to taste."

"What time is it, Chuhou still has these thoughts." Zhou Yu shook his head, and then he asked Zhou Tai: "Have you asked Chuhou clearly, how should Feng Ji be punished? Kill him, or imprison him? "

"None." Zhou Tai replied: "The Marquis of Chu asked General Zhou to release him."

"Let go?" Zhou Yu was taken aback, and the other generals were also taken aback.

Huang Gai invited Fengji to go, the purpose was to get Fengji caught while escaping, and then Zhou Yu would have an excuse to kill or imprison him.

As for the news that Huang Gai intends to serve Yuan's family, he deliberately let go of one or two of his entourage, so he can also bring the news to Yuan Shao.

But Zhou Yu never expected that Lu Bu would ask him to let Feng Ji go...

"Are you sure Chu Hou said so?" Zhou Yu questioned Zhou Tai uneasy.

"I asked clearly, but I was afraid that I heard it wrong, so I asked again." Zhou Tai said: "Chu Hou really said that he would release Feng Ji. Although I also feel puzzled, but the order is like this."

After relaying Lu Bu's words to Zhou Yu, Zhou Tai pointed to the pears in the basket and asked, "General Zhou, these pears..."

"Give it to the generals, just keep two for me." Zhou Yu confessed.

"Okay!" Zhou Tai promised, "I will definitely pick the two biggest ones for General Zhou."

Lu Bu already understood what he meant, and Zhou Yu didn't bother to pay attention to Zhou Tai. He just frowned and wondered why he should let Feng Ji go.

"General Zhou, the Marquis of Chu wants us to release him, what should we do?" Gao Shun asked Zhou Yu.

"What else can I do?" Zhou Yu said: "I can only let him go according to Chuhou's wishes, but it will not be so easy to capture Fengji from now on."

"The Marquis of Chu must have his reasons for letting Feng Ji go." Gao Shun, who was the first to follow Lu Bu, said, "As long as General Zhou acts according to his wishes, things will become clear one day."

"General Gao is right." Zhou Yu nodded and told Ling Cao, "Go and see Feng Ji, he will definitely beg you to send him across the river. He got enough benefits there to send him there."

"What benefits do you want?" Ling Cao asked.

"Feng Ji is someone close to Yuan Shao. No matter what you say about his life, his life is worth more than ten or twenty gold beads." Zhou Yu said: "You promise him, the person who sent him will first cross the river to get the gold beads. Take the pearl and send him there."

"A dozen or twenty buckets of gold beads?" Ling Cao looked astonished, "What if you refuse to give it to me?"

"Life is more important than money?" Zhou Yu said, "A person like Feng Ji must value life very much. Don't talk about ten or twenty dou of gold beads, as long as he can get it, it will be a hundred dou , he is also willing to give it."

"Since this is the case, why didn't General Zhou just ask him for a hundred dou?" Gao Shun said, "If there is a hundred dou of gold beads, the soldiers in the army can eat and wear better."

"If you want the soldiers to have better food and clothing, ten or twenty dou is enough." Zhou Yu replied, "It's not that I don't want so much, but that he can't give that much. If you ask too much, I'm afraid that in the end we will If you want to let him go, you will be too hard to let go."

Gao Shun understood Zhou Yu's meaning, cupped his hands and said, "It's still General Zhou who understands, if you follow me, I'm afraid things will be done badly."

Zhou Yu smiled slightly, and instead of responding to Gao Shun, he told Ling Cao, "General Ling, go see Feng Ji now."

"I'll do it now." Ling Cao agreed, turned around and walked towards the barracks.

Feng Ji has recently been upset about not being able to see Zhou Yu and not being able to leave here.

Huang Gai pointed out a way out for him, but he couldn't wait for Ling Cao.

He would let his followers watch outside the tent every day, and once Ling Cao came, he would report to him immediately.

Several days passed, when Feng Ji was almost desperate, a follower from outside the tent ran in: "Feng Gong, Ling Cao is here."

Hearing that Ling Cao appeared, Feng Ji hurried out of the tent.

He saw Ling Cao walking towards here from a distance at a glance.

It's just that he didn't seem to be looking for Fengji, and he was about to pass by outside the tent.

"General Ling." Feng Ji greeted Ling Cao.

Turning his head to look at him, Ling Cao asked, "Fang Gong called me, is there anything I need to convey to General Zhou?"

"I don't mean anything else." Feng Ji chuckled, and said to Ling Cao, "I just want to know, when will General Zhou be free to see me?"

"It's hard to say." Ling Cao replied: "General Zhou has been very busy recently, and I have been asking, but he always said to wait."

If Huang Gai hadn't reminded Feng Ji in advance, Ling Cao's explanation would really make sense.

Having already made up his mind to leave, Feng Ji said to Ling Cao with a smile: "General Zhou refuses to see me, can General Ling come and talk with me? I have been here for several days, and I only spend time with a few followers every day. One place is almost suffocating."

"I still have some military affairs. Although it's not particularly important, I still have to do it." Ling Cao said with some embarrassment: "It's only a few days..."

"Don't." Feng Ji said hastily: "I won't delay General Ling for too long, I'm just talking."

As he spoke, he winked at a follower.

The entourage immediately ran into the tent, took out a cloth bag from inside, and handed both hands to Ling Cao.

"The general took me across the river. I always wanted to thank you but I didn't find the opportunity." Feng Ji said with a smile: "This piece of nephrite is the best one. Please accept it with a smile."

If Zhou Yu hadn't said that he would benefit from Feng Ji, Ling Cao would definitely not have bought this piece of nephrite.

Since Zhou Yu meant to blackmail Fengji, he stopped being polite and said half-heartedly, "This...isn't very good..."

Seeing that Ling Cao wanted to accept him but was afraid of getting into trouble, Feng Ji hurriedly said: "The general just accept it, it's just a little thought, it's nothing."

"Then I would like to thank Feng Gong for his kindness." Ling Cao smiled and took the bag containing the nephrite.

He took out the nephrite jade from his bag and looked at the sun.

Nephrite jade is crystal clear and feels silky soft in the hand, it is indeed a rare treasure.

"General Ling, can you come to the tent and have a talk?" Feng Ji asked Ling Cao.

Ling Cao replied: "Since I'm invited by my father, I'd rather be respectful than obedient."

He let go, and Feng Ji quickly stood beside the curtain: "General Ling, please!"

Entering Fengji's tent, Ling Cao asked: "Fenggong invited me in to talk, and gave me a piece of nephrite. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Ling Cao explained the mystery with a single word, and Feng Ji no longer concealed it, and said with a bitter face: "I beg General Ling to save my life."

"What is Feng Gong talking about?" Ling Cao pretended to be stunned, and asked Feng Ji: "It's so good, why do you want me to save your life?"

"General Ling should know what will happen to me if I stay here any longer." Feng Ji said: "No matter how busy General Zhou is, he won't refuse to see me for a few days. His purpose should be only one, which is to wait until Yuan Gong launched an attack and took my head to sacrifice the flag."

Ling Cao pretended to be puzzled and asked, "What proof does Feng Gong have for saying this?"

"Where do you need any evidence?" Feng Ji replied: "Isn't what happened now enough to prove my guess?"

"I don't think so..." Ling Cao pretended not to understand, and said to Feng Ji: "Could it be that Feng Gong thinks too much?"

"Whether I think too much or not, I ask General Ling to save me." Feng Ji said earnestly: "As long as the general is willing to rescue me, I will agree to whatever you want from me."

"What does Feng Gong mean by rescue?" Ling Cao asked hesitantly.

Hearing the turning point from his words, Feng Ji said: "As long as General Ling is willing to send me across the river, it will be a favor to me, and I will definitely repay it in the future."

"This..." Ling Cao's face showed embarrassment: "I'm afraid it's not easy to handle..."

"What do you think is difficult for the general?" Feng Ji hurriedly asked.

Ling Cao replied: "There are some small boats on the river that I dispatched, but these boats have special personnel to take care of them. I also have to take care of them when I send Fenggong across the river. But I am just a general in the army, and I don't have any boats on hand. so many……"

At this point, Ling Cao didn't continue talking.

Of course Feng Ji understood that he wanted money, so he hurriedly asked, "May I ask General Ling, how much money does it take to manage things smoothly?"

"Twenty buckets of gold beads." Ling Cao said, "I can't do anything less than this."

As soon as Ling Cao opened his mouth, Feng Ji's head was full of black lines.

Twenty buckets of gold and beads, not to mention a few small boats, can feed an army for a long time.

Feng Ji has already understood, Ling Cao made it clear that seeing him in danger, he opened his mouth to ask for benefits.

"There are so many, I'm afraid..." Feng Ji was in trouble.

Seeing that he was hesitant, Ling Cao replied, "If Fenggong thinks it's too much, I can't help it. Please ask Fenggong to find someone else to help."

He turned around and was about to leave, Feng Ji hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: "Who does General Ling want me to go to for help? It's just that twenty dou of gold beads are really too many, the general can see if he can ask for less?"

Feng Ji wanted him to ask for less, Ling Cao sneered and said, "Does Feng Gong buy vegetables at the market? He also brings people to bargain? I have already said that if you want to cross the river, you have to go up and down. There is no twenty Dou Jinzhu, please find another master!"

Huang Gai reminded Fengji to ask Ling Cao for help, and he only knew Ling Cao when he came here.

There was no other way at all, so Feng Ji had no choice but to say to Ling Cao: "General Ling said the same thing, but I don't have so many gold beads in my hand, please ask the general to send me across the river first, and I will send them over when I have all the funds." .”

"Feng Gong thinks well." Ling Cao said with a sneer: "Send you across the river, and I will bear all the benefits I promised to others. If they can't get it from me, they will shake it off to General Zhou." , I'm afraid life will be difficult."

He cupped his hands and said to Feng Ji: "I don't think Feng Gong has any plans to go back. That's all I've said, and I won't say any more. Farewell!"

Ling Cao was about to leave again, Feng Ji hurriedly said: "Why don't you send my entourage back first, let them bring Jin Zhu over here, how about General Ling sending me back?"

Feng Ji was relieved, and was willing to send the golden beads over first, Ling Cao immediately said: "As long as the golden beads arrive, I will definitely send Feng'an to the other side of the river."

"Thank you, General Ling." After being slashed severely, Feng Ji's heart twitched in pain, but he still thanked Ling Cao.

"You don't have to thank me, Feng Gong. If you want to thank me, thank you for those twenty buckets of gold beads." Ling Cao said with a smile: "If they didn't play a role in it, I'm afraid Feng Gong will really stay here in his life. "

What Ling Cao seemed to say unintentionally just confirmed Huang Gai's previous reminder, and Feng Ji secretly rejoiced that he had met Huang Gai before.

But thinking of those twenty buckets of gold beads, the muscles on his aching face twitched.

(End of this chapter)

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