The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 343 Seeking Skin with a Tiger

Chapter 343 Seeking Skin with a Tiger
Lu Bu and Yuan Shao each went on strike.

Yuan Shao led the army back to Yecheng, while Lu Bu led the troops back to Pengcheng.

Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang, who led the army to Cangting, quickly got Yuan Shao's order.

Yuan Shao sent an order ordering them to withdraw their troops and return to Yecheng immediately, and not to advance half a step forward.

After receiving the military order, Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang invited Tian Feng and Cui Yan to the commander's account.

After taking his seat, Yuan Shang asked the two of them: "Tian Gong and Cui Gong, just now my second brother and I got an order from our father, asking us to immediately return to Yecheng. According to the two of you, what's going on?"

Tian Feng and Cui Yan glanced at each other.

"I think Lu Bu found the lord." Tian Feng said: "Cao Mengde attacked Dangshan twice before, but was blocked by Lu Bu. I think the lord should be shaken by this, so he issued this order. Unfortunately. How long will it take for the call to crusade against Cao Cao to spread throughout the world."

Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang looked puzzled and looked at each other.

"Does Duke Tian think that father will join forces with Lu Bu to attack Cao Cao?" Yuan Xi asked.

"If you don't fight Lu Bu, you must fight Cao Cao. The north has been pacified. If the Yuan family wants to make more achievements, they must break through the front line of the Yellow River." Tian Feng said: "My lord understands this truth, and Lu Bu also understands this truth. As for Cao Cao, he is even more important. Understood. Which of the two fights against the other now depends on who is more beneficial to unite with."

"Cao Cao is powerful, even without our Yuan family, it shouldn't be too difficult for him to attack Lu Bu." Yuan Shang said: "Could it be that father wants to unite with the weak Lu Bu to deal with the strong Cao Cao?"

"Lu Bu is not weak." Tian Feng sighed and said, "In the past year, he has gathered a lot of soldiers. Now Xuzhou has more than [-] soldiers and horses, and he has many strong generals and wise men. Although he is weaker than Cao Cao, But it is not as weak as it was during the battle of Xiapi. It may not be so easy for Cao Cao to destroy Lu Bu."

"Actually, it's useless to say anything." Yuan Xi sighed: "Father has conveyed the order here, and Xianfu and I can't refuse to follow. It is imperative to return to Yecheng, and now we have to consider how to go back?"

"The two young masters don't need to have any worries, just turn around and go back." Tian Feng said: "The enemy army on the opposite side also dare not come to pursue them."

"Why?" Yuan Shang said: "Since our army came here, the two sides have fought many times. Although our army is advancing slowly, we are still moving forward every day. If I were the enemy general, I would definitely take advantage of our army Retreat and launch a surprise attack from behind. Does Mr. Tian think that if we retreat, the enemy will not come after us?"

"Of course not." Tian Feng said: "The two sons got the military order from the lord, and the Xuzhou soldiers and horses on the opposite side should also get the military order from Lu Bu. Lu Bu and the lord have an agreement, who is willing to break up the alliance for a small victory? "

Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang glanced at each other again, and both brothers nodded.

"Since Mr. Tian thinks that the enemy will not launch a surprise attack from behind, I will order the army to return early tomorrow morning." Yuan Shang said: "Thanks to Mr. Tian and Mr. Cui for this expedition, otherwise, with the ability of my brothers , maybe it’s really not the enemy’s opponent.”

"The third son is too modest." Cui Yan said with a smile: "I think that the two sons can handle things safely even without the two of us."

Looking at Tian Feng, Cui Yan asked, "Does Yuan Hao think this is the case?"

"That's needless to say." Tian Feng replied with a smile: "The two young masters have a long-term vision, and sooner or later they will achieve great things. This time I followed the two young masters to Cangting, and I learned a lot from it."

"Tian Gong and Cui Gong don't praise us like this." Yuan Shang replied: "Our brothers are young, and we still need a lot of help in the future."

"You two sons, don't worry, as long as you need it, just talk." Cui Yan cupped his hands at the brothers.

Tian Feng also nodded.

After confirming to return to Yecheng the next morning, the four of them talked for a while, Yuan Xi said to Tian Feng and Cui Yan: "It's getting late, please go back first. I will discuss with Xianfu who will lead the army." Let's go first, whoever will stop."

Knowing that the two brothers had other things to talk about, Cui Yan and Tian Feng understood the interest, got up and said goodbye and left.

After the two left, Yuan Xi asked Yuan Shang, "What does Xianfu think?"

"What?" Yuan Shang obviously didn't understand what he meant.

"How about the two of them?" Yuan Xi asked, "Can you keep it for your own use?"

"I think it's enough." Yuan Shang replied: "Don't look at what they said, if you really want to use them, I'm afraid they won't be able to be used."

"What is the reason for Xianfu to say that?" Yuan Xi asked again.

"After so many days in the expedition, didn't the second brother find out that they were always inseparable from us. Although it seemed that they obeyed our orders in everything, I couldn't understand what they were actually thinking. Presumably the second brother I can't understand it." Yuan Shang replied: "These two people are the most frightening."

Yuan Xi nodded: "Especially that Tian Yuanhao, since he came to the army, I have never understood him. I have never seen clearly what he wants."

"Tian Yuanhao has never had the same thoughts as us." Yuan Shang shook his head: "What he really wants is to make meritorious deeds on the battlefield, and then use these credits to embarrass his father."

Yuan Xi was stunned: "He has such thoughts, why didn't Xianfu remind me earlier?"

"If I had reminded my second brother earlier, where should Tian Yuanhao be at this time?" Yuan Shang didn't answer, but asked back.

When asked by him, Yuan Xi didn't know how to respond.

If he had seen that Tian Feng would not be of one mind with them, he would never have stayed in the army.

Tian Feng had offended Yuan Shao earlier, as long as the two brothers refused to take him in, they would definitely be imprisoned by Yuan Shao again, even life and death were hard to say.

"Since we know that he is not of one mind with us, why does Xianfu take him in?" Yuan Xi asked puzzled.

"Second brother only saw one floor, but didn't see the other floor." Yuan Shang chuckled and said to Yuan Xi: "The so-called tolerance is great, Tian Feng is difficult to be closed by us, it should be seen by many people The eldest brother knows that he is here with us, so he will definitely not take precautions. But the others know that we have taken him in and given him a chance to make meritorious deeds. Do you want me to explain who the people are leaning towards?"

When Yuan Shang explained, Yuan Xi already understood.

But he still pretended to be suddenly enlightened, and said to Yuan Shang: "Xianfu is extremely intelligent, it really is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Some things you see, my elder brother can't see it at all...

"It's not that brother didn't see it, but he didn't want to see it." Yuan Shang smiled slightly, and said this sentence with meaning.

Yuan Xi chuckled and didn't say any more.

No matter from which point of view, he has no possibility of inheriting the Yuan family.

Although they were born of the same mother as Yuan Tan, the relationship between Yuan Xi and Yuan Tan is not as close as that of Yuan Shang, who is a half-brother.

From the bottom of his heart, he hoped that Yuan Shang could inherit the great cause of the Yuan family.

Yuan Shang inherited the Yuan family, and he can gain a lot of benefits from it.

If it is Yuan Tan who inherits the Yuan family, Yuan Xi is really not sure what he can get from it...

Instead of thinking about the students helping the eldest brother, it is better to consider their own interests and unite with the third brother Yuan Shang.

Now Mrs. Liu, the head of the Yuan family's rear house, is Yuan Shang's biological mother.

Helping Yuan Shang can also gain some favor with Mrs. Liu, which is definitely beneficial to Yuan Xi and has no disadvantages.

Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang decided to withdraw their troops and left Cangting early the next morning.

Just as Tian Feng expected, the Xuzhou army did not chase after them, but not long after they withdrew, they followed and withdrew.

Yuan Tan was the one who was most repulsed by the retreat.

When he came to Mount Tai, he had fought against the Xuzhou army many times.

The counselors of both sides offered their own strategies, and the generals fought each other on the battlefield, and thousands of soldiers died in the battle.

If he didn't take Mount Tai, Yuan Tan would be really unwilling.

What's more complicated is that he captured several cities in Mount Tai, and the Xuzhou army also sneaked into Qingzhou and captured several cities in Qingzhou.

If the two sides withdraw their troops in this way, the spheres of influence will be intertwined, and there will still be friction sooner or later.

Sitting in the commander's tent, Yuan Tan asked Xin Ping, Xin Pi and the others: "Father suddenly sent an order to lead the army to retreat. What do you think I should do about this matter?"

"My lord has issued an order, so of course the eldest son must obey." Xin Ping said: "It's just that both sides have obtained some cities at the moment. If they withdraw their troops now, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble in the future."

"What you said is exactly what I'm worried about." Yuan Tan said: "We have to find a way to make the situation here a little easier, and then we can evacuate."

"Since the lord sent someone to tell the eldest son to withdraw his troops, Pang Shiyuan must have received an order from Lu Bu." Simpi said, "Why don't the eldest son send someone to contact Pang Shiyuan and see what he has to say."

"Speaking of these days, we haven't gotten any benefits." Yuan Tan said: "Although we have captured many cities in Mount Tai, we lost more in Qingzhou than we gained in Mount Tai. Send people over to discuss with Pang Shiyuan Discussing this matter, I am afraid that he will not agree."

"I don't think Pang Shiyuan has any reason not to agree." Xin Pi continued: "They have occupied the cities of Qingzhou. As long as our army guards the Taishan Pass in the future, those cities will not even be able to deliver supplies. I don't believe how long they can last." Until then, even if Pang Shiyuan wants to give us the city, we may not accept it."

"That is to say, although they occupy a lot of cities, we are actually the ones who have the upper hand?" Yuan Tan asked.

"Of course." Simpi replied: "If the eldest son can trust me, I would like to go to see Pang Shiyuan, analyze the pros and cons with him, call the city with him, and then both sides will strike."

Yuan Tan nodded: "Then you go, but remember, when talking to Pang Shiyuan, don't provoke him too much. Once you anger him, I can't send troops to rescue you immediately."

"Don't worry, eldest son." Xin Pi got up and saluted, and walked out of Yuan Tan's handsome tent.

When Xin Pi left, Yuan Tan told the others: "You should all be prepared earlier, the withdrawal of troops is just around the corner, don't give Pang Shiyuan a chance to attack."

Everyone took orders to leave, but Xin Ping remained in the tent.

Yuan Tan looked at him: "Why don't you know how to prepare?"

"Mr. Chang." Xin Ping said, "I don't think it is possible for Pang Shiyuan to attack our army right now."

"Why?" Yuan Tan said: "Although the two sides have ceased fighting, it is not impossible to take advantage of the last profit."

"If there is no interest involved, the eldest son thinks the lord will easily truce with Lu Fengxian?" Xin Ping asked.

Yuan Tan frowned slightly, and asked him, "What do you mean by that?"

"I don't mean anything." Xin Ping said: "I just remind the eldest son that today's truce is actually the lord's plan to unite with Lu Bu to attack Cao Cao. It won't be long before the eldest son should get a new order from the lord."

"Fight against Cao Cao?" The order sent by Yuan Shao did not mention the crusade against Cao Cao. Yuan Tan asked in puzzlement, "We just joined forces with Cao Cao to fight against Lv Bu. If we join forces with Lv Bu to fight against Cao Cao at this time, wouldn't the world think that Capricious?"

"Conquest in troubled times is only for profit." Xin Ping replied: "If the lord hadn't united with Lu Bu, why would he send such an order suddenly? I think the lord must have obtained benefits from Lu Bu that Cao Cao could not give."

Staring at Xin Ping for a long while, Yuan Tan kept frowning tightly.

Xin Ping went on to say: "As for the opinions of the world, does the eldest son think that the lord will care?"

After Xin Ping made these analyzes, Yuan Tan already understood.

He asked Xin Ping: "So you think George went to see Pang Tong and brought back some bad news?"

"Certainly not." Xin Ping replied: "Pang Shiyuan should also be thinking this time, how to speak to the eldest son about the withdrawal of troops."

Yuan Tan nodded. After Xin Ping's analysis, he probably understood it.

Therefore, the reason for this peace talk is that Yuan Shao decided to form an alliance with Lu Bu to attack Cao Cao in consideration of actual interests.

"I probably understand what my father meant, but I don't quite understand why he would unite with the relatively weak Lu Bu and choose to be an enemy of Cao Cao." Yuan Tan said: "No matter how I think about it, I find it incredible."

"The eldest son thinks it is unbelievable, but I think it is very normal." Xin Ping said: "Actually, the lord has been hesitant to join forces with Cao Cao. Everyone knows that Cao Cao has conquered many heroes in recent years. His position in the Henan area is becoming more and more stable. If he is allowed to grow like this, sooner or later he will become a serious problem for the Yuan family. Compared with Cao Cao, although Lu Bu cannot be underestimated, his strength is relatively weak Quite a few. Combined with Cao Cao to defeat Lv Bu, in the future there will be a battle between the lord and Cao Cao for the benefit of each other. You can contact Lv Bu to defeat Cao Cao, but with Lv Bu's strength, it will be difficult to compete with Hebei. The reason why the lord arranges this is also out of interest considerations."

Yuan Tan nodded silently. He completely understood what Xin Ping said, and he also figured out that since his father sent someone to send the military order, Pang Tong must have received Lu Bu's order at this time.

Deciding that Pang Tong would not cause too much trouble in this matter, Yuan Tan was relieved a lot afterwards.

On the other side, the Xuzhou military camp.

In recent days, Pang Tong, Zang Ba, Sun Guan and others led troops to fight against Yuan Tan. Although they did not suffer much, they did not gain any benefits.

Chen Dao led the Baiyan Army to Qingzhou long ago.

According to the news from Qingzhou, it was the Baixuan army who captured the city and captured the territory, which caused Yuan Jun a lot of trouble.

The battles between the two sides in Mount Tai and southern Qingzhou have fallen into a stalemate.

Pang Tong's original plan was not complicated. Since Yuan Tan could not be defeated immediately and the Taishan war could be ended as soon as possible, then he would be dragged here, and the two sides would be exhausted.

In the Dangshan area, Lv Bu fought and won victoriously, and the situation of the entire war has actually become clearer.

As long as Pang Tong and others can drag Yuan Tan here, the battle to defend Xuzhou will eventually end in Xuzhou's victory.

But at this time, Lu Bu sent a message that Pang Tong should be ready to withdraw his troops. Once Yuan Tan left, he would return to Pengcheng immediately and stop entanglement with Yuan's family on Mount Tai.

After receiving the order, Pang Tong invited Zang Ba and Sun Guan to the tent.

"The Marquis of Chu sent the news." Pang Tong said to Zang Ba and Sun Guan: "He wants us to prepare early, and withdraw back to Pengcheng immediately when Yuan Tan retreats."

"Yuan Tan will retreat?" Zang Ba and Sun Guan who didn't know the situation looked astonished. Zang Ba asked, "How did Marquis Chu know that he would retreat?"

"Isn't the reason obvious?" Pang Tong said to Zang Ba and Sun Guan: "It must be that the Marquis of Chu has reached a peace agreement with Yuan Shao, and it is very likely that we will join forces to deal with Cao Cao in the future."

Zang Ba and Sun Guan were even more puzzled: "Yuan Shao was fighting us with Cao Cao earlier, why did he suddenly change his mind?"

"Benefits." Pang Tong said: "It's all about benefits. Yuan Shao must think that joining forces with Cao Cao to fight against the Marquis of Chu is not as beneficial as joining the Chu Marquis to fight against Cao Cao. Besides, compared to Cao Cao, our strength is indeed They are quite weak. It is easier to defeat Cao Cao with Chu Hou, and then Yuan Shao will attack us instead of destroying Cao Cao."

"Yuan Shao still has such plans." Sun Guan frowned, and asked Pang Tong: "Chu Hou is willing to join forces with him, can't you see this clearly?"

"Of course Marquis Chu can see clearly, that's why he united with Yuan Shao." Pang Tong smiled slightly.

Sun Guan and Zang Ba were even more confused.

The two looked at each other, and Sun Guan asked: "Since the Marquis of Chu can understand clearly, why did he join forces with Yuan Shao? I heard that Cao Cao didn't get any benefits in the battle of Dangshan..."

"Cao Cao didn't get any benefits in the battle of Dangshan, but what about the situation of the other four groups?" Pang Tong said: "The Marquis of Chu understood that the Yuan family and the Cao family jointly attacked Xuzhou. Join forces with Yuan Shao to defeat Cao Cao, and when Cao Cao is defeated, Xuzhou will only have to deal with Yuan Shao's family. If you seek skin from a tiger, you will still have skin to seek. If we let the two tigers come to feed us, we will have nothing but death."

While talking about this, a guard outside the tent reported: "I want to report to General Pang, Simpi has come to see me."

(End of this chapter)

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