The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 35 The hot potato can be given away

Chapter 35 The hot potato can be given away
It wasn't long before Gao Shuncai returned to the barracks, and he came to ask to see him again this time, he must have something urgent.

Lu Bu pinched Diao Chan's chest with both hands, and put his lips next to her ear: "I'll go see General Gao first, and after my wife's good business is over, we can study together to make a baby and come out to play."

"Since I was a young man overnight, I've become more and more unscrupulous." Diao Chan pursed her lips and smiled: "It's important to hurry up and do serious things."

Standing up to leave, Lu Bu returned to the front yard.

Gao Shun was already waiting there.

Seeing him coming, Gao Shun stepped forward.

"What happened?" Lu Bu asked Gao Shun.

"I just got the news that Yan Xiang and Ji Ling fled Shouchun with Chuanguo Yuxi and have entered Xuzhou." Gao Shun replied: "If you want to intercept them, you can stop them in the Louting area."

"Stop them." Lu Bu thought for a while, and told Gao Shun, "You must live, and you must bring me the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom."

"I'll do it now." Gao Shun agreed.

Gao Shun resigned, and Lu Bu told the guards: "Bring the public platform, I have something important to discuss with him."

Not long after, Chen Gong arrived.

"Did Gongtai get the news that Yan Xiang and Ji Ling entered Xuzhou with the Chuan Guo Yuxi?" Lu Bu asked just after he entered the door.

"Have Yan Xiang and Ji Ling escaped from Shouchun?" Chen Gong obviously didn't get the news, and his face was astonished.

Lu Bu asked, "Where do you think they will go?"

"Should be going to Hebei." Chen Gong replied: "Hebei Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu come from the same clan, the possibility of the two of them voting for him is relatively high."

"I've asked Gao Shun to intercept them, and we must capture the two of them alive to snatch the Chuanguo Yuxi." Lu Bu said, "Whether you can get more breathing opportunities depends on this time."

"What does Marquis Wen want the jade seal for?" Chen Gong looked surprised: "Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor because of the jade seal. No matter who gets it, it will bring countless disasters. There are only disadvantages and no benefits. It is better to let them go."

"If I don't keep the jade seal, how can there be disasters?" Lu Bu smiled indifferently: "I know it is a hot potato, and it is impossible to keep it with our current strength. If I want it to be useless, there will always be someone want it to work."

"Could it be that Wen Hou is planning to give it to..." Chen Gong suddenly understood.

"Give it to Cao Cao." Lu Bu said, "Cao Cao is next door to us, and I have always been most worried about him. As long as he is happy and doesn't come to trouble us in the future, I will have enough time to strengthen Xuzhou. "

"Wen Hou has such a plan, I would like to go to Xudu." Chen Gong asked for his order.

"I have to go in person in Xudu, otherwise, how can there be any sincerity?" Lu Bu said, "You have betrayed Cao Cao in the past, and he didn't have a good impression of you. Letting you go might make things worse."

"I did betray Cao Cao back then, but he didn't have a good impression of Wen Hou." Chen Gong said: "Xu is not Shouchun. Once he tries to be unfavorable to Wen Hou, it may not be so easy to leave."

"Since I decided to go, I never thought of running back." Lu Bu grinned: "In my creed of life, the word failure does not exist. If you don't do it, you must do it!"

Chen Gong didn't say a word.

What Lu Bu said is indeed domineering, but his reputation in the eyes of the world is very bad.

Especially Liu Bei and others, they spread everywhere that he was a family slave with three surnames.

He voted for Ding Jianyang first, and then he killed his adoptive father for a red rabbit and switched to Dong Zhuo.

Later, he killed Dong Zhuo for Diao Chan...

Breaking promises and forgetting righteousness for profit has long been a label on Lu Bu's face.

If he goes to Xudu, the risk is really not small.

"Did Gongtai think that I once voted for Ding Jianyang and Dong Zhuo?" Seeing the unnatural look on Chen Gong's face, Lu Bu asked.

"No!" How could Chen Gong admit it, and quickly responded: "I'm just worried about Wen Hou's safety."

"Back then, I was young and came from a humble background. I recognized my adoptive father just to gain a good future." With all the memories of Lu Bu, he can understand the helplessness of this three-surnamed slave: "From now on, I will never be someone else's son." , will only be someone else's father!"

"Wen Hou has this kind of mind, why worry about the uncertainty of the world!" Infected by Lu Bu's emotions, Chen Gong bowed to him.

Gao Shun led a group of soldiers to leave Xiapi.

He sent several scouts to find out the whereabouts of Yan Xiang and Ji Ling.

When he was about to reach Louting, he got the news that the two of them were about to pass by.

"Set up a tripping rope on the official road, be sure to stop the two of them." Gao Shun instructed the soldiers.

The soldiers moved one after another, and soon set up more than a dozen tripping ropes on the official road.

Crouching on the side of the road, Gao Shun and the others stared in the direction of Huainan without blinking.

Before long, several fast horses appeared in their field of vision.

"All ready!" Yan Xiang and Ji Ling appeared, and Gao Shun reminded the soldiers to pay attention.

The galloping people were getting closer and closer, and Gao Shun could see that Ji Ling was at the front.

When Ji Ling and others came to the tripping rope, Gao Shun roared: "Pull!"

The soldiers who were waiting in battle tightened their ropes one after another.

More than a dozen tripping ropes suddenly tightened.

Caught off guard, Ji Ling and the others tripped over their horses.

The war horses neighed and flew out one after another.

The huge horse fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of smoke and dust.

"Don't move!" Gao Shun led the soldiers to rush up.

His head was bleeding from the fall, and just as Ji Ling was about to get up, Gao Shun stepped forward and put the halberd on his throat.

Glaring at Gao Shun angrily, Ji Ling gritted his teeth and said, "Gao Shun, how dare you bully me!"

"You're not my master, why don't you dare?" Gao Shun smiled contemptuously, and ordered the soldiers: "Tie them all up and take them away!"

The soldiers stepped forward and tied Yan Xiang, Ji Ling and a few of their followers tightly.

It was already midnight when Gao Shun escorted Ji Ling and others back to Xiapi.

Lu Bu was sleeping soundly, when he got the report he sat up.

"Husband still going out so late?" Drowsy, Diao Chan put an arm on his lap.

"Madam's hand is really in the right place." Gently pinching her cheek, Lu Bu smiled wickedly: "If I do this again, I can't help but run a red light. It's not easy to wash the blood when it's so bloody."

Although she didn't understand what running a red light meant, Diao Chan understood the latter sentence.

She quickly moved her hand away: "My husband has been working hard for the past few days..."

"Be patient for a few more days, and there will be more mature seeds." Lu Bu got up and put on his clothes: "At that time, try to plant them once."

"My husband is a hero, it would be great if I could be more serious." Diao Chan opened her eyes and stared at Lu Bu who was getting dressed.

"I can be as serious as I want in front of others." Lu Bu put on his armor and said, "When I'm with my wife, it's hard to salute each other when we have sex. Let me say that my wife spread her legs, I'm going to sow seeds."

Diao Chan smiled lightly: "The more you talk about your husband, the less serious you are. It's better to get down to business quickly. I'll wait in the room."

"It's still cold, so you don't need to get up." Before going out, Lu Bu said, "Warm me under the bed, and when I come back, I will hug my wife and sleep peacefully."

(End of this chapter)

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