The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 363 Tell Zhang Shiping to Buy a Horse

Chapter 363 Tell Zhang Shiping to Buy a Horse

After seeing Zhao Yun, Lu Bu felt a lot more at ease.

When Zhao Yuncai arrived in the study, he saw that the white-robed general had strong resistance to handing over the military power of the air force.

When he mentioned that the air force glider would no longer carry out the mission of lurking and raiding, Zhao Yun's attitude changed instantly.

With courage and martial arts all over his body, Zhao Yun certainly didn't want to spend his life in the air force who had no chance to go to the battlefield.

Zhao Yun should be most interested in such a job as training cavalry and having the opportunity to train them into heavy cavalry with armor on their horses.

After persuading Zhao Yun, Lu Bu had a little more confidence in the transfer of the Air Force commander.

Early the next morning, he was planning to go out, and went to some blacksmiths to inquire about making armor for horses.

He went out of the room to greet Sun Ce, and was about to leave the mansion when a guard greeted him: "Report to Marquis Chu, Zhang Shiping is waiting in the outer courtyard, saying that Marquis Chu told him yesterday that he should come here today to ask for an audience."

Lu Bu glanced at Sun Ce and said with a smile, "Zhang Shiping is impatient. I did say yesterday that I wanted him to come today, but I didn't say I wanted him to come early in the morning. I didn't expect him to come earlier than me."

"The Marquis of Chu has a lot of business every day. If you come late, you may have to wait until when." Sun Ce replied: "Zhang Shiping is a merchant, and he has a lot of things to do. Of course, he doesn't want to wait all day. But once There is nothing he can do without waiting for Chuhou to go out. I don't think it's surprising that he came so early."

"Bo Fu invites him to the study." Lu Bu ordered, "I'll wait for him in the study."

"I would like to obey the general of the Marquis of Chu." Sun Ce bowed.

Sun Ce went to foreign aid to invite Zhang Shiping, while Lu Bu went directly to the study.

After coming to the study, Zhang Shiping came to Lu Bu under the guidance of Sun Ce.

Bowing to pay respects to Lu Bu, Zhang Shiping said, "I have met the Marquis of Chu."

"You came quite early. I was about to go out, but you blocked me." Lu Bu smiled slightly, and said to him, "If you have anything to say, let's talk after sitting down."

Zhang Shiping thanked him for sitting down, and took a seat next to him.

After he was seated, he said to Lu Bu: "It is the Marquis Chu who wants me to come here today, and he said that he will give me some instructions about the restaurant."

"You mean a restaurant." Lu Bu said, "I have two patterns here. You go to a blacksmith and a bricklayer to make them first, and then try to use them according to the usage method marked on the pattern to see if it works."

He took out a picture from his arms, Sun Ce stepped forward to take it with both hands, and handed it to Zhang Shiping.

Zhang Shiping took the picture, unfolded it and looked at it.

What was painted on the pattern was something he had never seen before.

However, next to the painted things, the names and usages are marked.

The round one with a long handle is called a pot, which can be used for frying and frying, while the other square table, Lu Bu, is called a stove.

Lu Bu also clearly marked the materials needed for the pot and stove.

"After making these two things, what should we do next?" Zhang Shiping asked.

"The next step is to think about the dishes." Lu Bu said: "It's too early to discuss these things now. After you have finished the overall preparation of the restaurant, I will discuss with you how to make the dishes."

"I understand." Lu Bu didn't intend to tell him how to cook the dishes right now, and Zhang Shiping didn't dare to ask more, so he asked him again: "I wonder when the Marquis of Chu will allow me to operate coal tickets?"

"Everything is waiting for the restaurant to be completed." Lu Bu said: "Of course you build the restaurant, I will of course tell you how to run it."

After waking up early in the morning, when he came to Lu Bu's residence, he only got a recipe for making a pot and stove. Zhang Shiping was not very satisfied with the result of his trip.

But Lu Bu refused to say more, and as a merchant, he didn't dare to ask too much, so he put away the picture and asked Lu Bu, "Dare to ask Marquis Chu, what should I do next?"

"Do you want to become the richest person in the world?" Lu Bu suddenly asked Zhang Shiping with a smile.

Zhang Shiping was originally a merchant, and what a merchant seeks only for profit is money, but he is not like some small merchants who only value short-term interests, and know what kind of money he deserves and what kind of money he should not get, that's why he messed around with Lu Bu. of wind and water.

Speaking of whether he would like to be the richest person, Zhang Shiping was taken aback for a moment, and then said to Lu Bu: "How many people who do business don't want to be the richest man in the world?"

"As long as you want to become the richest man, things will be easy." Lu Bu said: "Start running the first restaurant, and when it is done well in the future, restaurants will bloom everywhere. Just sitting at home, the daily income is better than that of you running around. More."

"I understand what the Marquis of Chu said." Zhang Shiping responded with a bow, "But I only manage restaurants, so I really can't think of how to become the richest man in the world..."

"Just running a restaurant is actually achievable." Lu Bu said to Zhang Shiping: "But the business is too monotonous, and even if you become the richest man, you will not be safe. I still have a lot of things for you to do in the future, especially the farm factory. Wait until these Once you do that, you won’t be able to see mere coal anymore.”

"Farms, factories?" Zhang Shiping swallowed. Although he had never heard of these, he could imagine that they must be extremely profitable places.

He has no concept of factories yet, but the farm can understand that a lot of land must be taken away.

Since Lu Bu wants to make him the richest man in the world, the allocated land cannot be too little.

Perhaps at that time, most of the land in the world will have to sell the grains and mulberry hemp grown on it through his hands.

"How?" Zhang Shiping looked astonished, before he woke up from the blueprint drawn by Lu Bu, Lu Bu asked him: "With these, can you become the richest man in the world?"

"Yes! Of course I can!" Zhang Shiping hurriedly replied, "I just don't know why Chu Hou wanted to support me instead of other people..."

"The reason is very simple." Lu Bu said: "You know how to share benefits, and you came to Xuzhou when I was most in danger and needed money. With these two things alone, I have no reason to support others. Ever since you came to Xuzhou for me Since the day you sold toothpaste, you have been tied to me. Although I can give you endless wealth, I will also earn the benefits of conquering the world through you. But I also have something to tell you clearly, in many From the people's point of view, you, Zhang Shiping, have already been branded as Xuzhou. No matter where you go, when people see you, the first thing they think of is that Xuzhou is me!"

What Lu Bu said is not sensational.

Zhang Shiping had already discovered that this situation was happening, so he didn't go out to make a living in person very often these days, most of the time he handed things over to his subordinates, and he took control and made some decisive decisions.

"To be honest, have you ever thought about leaving Xuzhou?" Lu Bu suddenly asked Zhang Shiping.

Zhang Shiping replied: "Back to the words of the Marquis of Chu, Xuzhou is the foundation of my profit. How could I leave here?"

"You should know, that's not what I asked." Lu Bu said, "Tie together with me, once Xuzhou is wiped out by someone, all the wealth you earn will become like a flower in a mirror. Possession and wealth will also become a cloud with my failure."

"The Marquis of Chu is invincible in martial arts." Zhang Shiping replied, "Although there are many heroes in the world, I think we should gamble."

"Just like when you bet on Liu Xuande back then?" Lu Bu smiled slightly and said to Zhang Shiping, "I know you supported Liu Xuande in the early years, that's why he grew so fast later..."

"Back to the Marquis of Chu, I did support Liu Bei in the early years, but I didn't expect him to achieve nothing and just run away." Zhang Shiping said: "Thinking about it now, all that money was wasted."

"You also know that Liu Xuande has a grudge against me, and I must kill him." Lu Bu said to Zhang Shiping, "From now on, it's better not to have too much contact with him."

"What the Marquis of Chu explained, I will definitely remember it in my heart." Zhang Shiping quickly stood up and agreed.

"Actually, if you don't come to me, I plan to go to you." Lu Bu said to Zhang Shiping: "In the early years, you sold horses for a living. I want to ask you, how many war horses can you bring from the north? How long does it take to mobilize the horses?"

"Chuhou Mingjian." Zhang Shiping replied: "When I sold horses back then, most of the horses transferred from the north to the Central Plains were actually poor horses. Whether it was the Huns, Qiang people, Jie people, Di people, or Wuhuan and Xianbei, Although they have many good horses in their hands, they are absolutely unwilling to sell them to us. Even if they sell some to us, the price will be sky-high. It’s just an inferior horse that can’t be sold. If I send someone to buy it, I can buy thirty to twenty thousand horses, and I’m afraid that Chu Hou will not like it.”

"You have already said that all these years in the Central Plains, the soldiers ride inferior horses." Lu Bu said: "Of course I have seen the same war horses. I have never seen good things, and ordinary ones are in my eyes. It’s already great. Don’t worry about whether the horses are good or bad, buy me [-] war horses.”

"Thirty thousand horses?" Zhang Shiping said in astonishment: "Even if it's just a poor horse, the price of so many war horses is not cheap..."

"Of course I know the price is expensive." Lu Bu smiled and said to Zhang Shiping: "As a merchant, I still don't believe that you don't know how to lower the price. What's more, I have given you so many opportunities to make money. Is it possible that you still want more money?" Taking advantage of me on the price of the horses?"

"The Marquis of Chu doesn't know anything." Zhang Shiping replied, "Let's not talk about the price of the horses themselves, only that they are transported back from outside the pass. War horses need someone to take care of them, and they have to be fed with fodder and soybeans every day. If only fodder is given but not Soybeans or black beans, war horses will not grow fat, and it is difficult to run like flying on the battlefield."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Lu Bu leaned forward slightly, staring at Zhang Shiping without blinking.

Feeling uncomfortable being looked at by him, Zhang Shiping said: "I just told Chu Hou that it is not easy to buy a war horse. Since Chu Hou wants to buy it, of course I can't earn any benefits. Chu Hou will only pay for the war horse itself. As for the price, as for the manpower, fodder, soybeans, etc. spent on transporting it back, I will bear it all."

"I knew you were the most caring." Zhang Shiping promised to bear all the manpower and horse feed. Lu Bu smiled, sat up straight and said to him: "Actually, you should also understand that I can't buy war horses often. Except In addition to buying war horses, I would like to ask you, can you buy some good horse breeds from the north and breed them in the Central Plains?"

"The Marquis of Chu's plan has actually been done a long time ago." Zhang Shiping replied, "However, there is a saying that I don't know if the Marquis Chu has heard of it."

"Speak." Lu Bu signaled him to continue.

Zhang Shiping said: "Oranges are oranges in Huainan, and oranges in Huaibei. Even if we buy good horse breeds and breed them in the Central Plains, after three or two generations, the horse breeds will degenerate and become ordinary poor horses. So after so many years Therefore, the Central Plains imperial court would rather buy back poor horses from the north than breed horse breeds in the Central Plains.”

Lu Bu nodded while holding his chin, and said to Zhang Shiping: "What you said makes sense. When I settle the world in the future, I will definitely open up a pasture in the north. I will also leave it to you to take care of my war horses."

In front of Zhang Shiping, Lu Bu's blueprint is getting bigger and bigger.

If you want to change to someone else, you may feel that he is a bit unrealistic, but as a merchant, what Zhang Shiping hopes most is to meet a hero like Lu Bu.

Only ambition can prompt heroes to conquer the world.

As a businessman investing in Haoxiong, he certainly didn't want Lu Bu to just flee all the way like Liu Bei, spending a lot of money and food, but he couldn't see any prospect of investment at all.

It was also for this reason that Zhang Shiping refused to devote himself to Liu Bei.

"How long will it take to send the horse back?" Lu Bu asked again.

Zhang Shiping thought for a while, and said to Lu Bu: "Back to the words of the Marquis of Chu, I calculated the distance and the time it would take to purchase. The shortest is half a year, and the longest is eight or nine months. I should be able to send all the horses to Pengcheng."

Although he was in a hurry to use the horses, Lu Bu knew that there was no rush for this matter.

He said to Zhang Shiping: "I will give you half a year. After half a year, I will see [-] war horses come to Xuzhou."

"Don't worry, Marquis Chu." Zhang Shiping cupped his hands and said, "I will urge those who handle the matter to raise funds as soon as possible."

"There is another very important point." Lu Bu then said to Zhang Shiping: "Although I know that they are poor horses, I don't want those old and disabled horses. All horses must be strong and strong. They don't have to be fast, but they must not be too weak. You must know that the life and death of cavalrymen on the battlefield is often determined by the horses they ride."

"I understand what Marquis Chu means." Zhang Shiping replied, "I will arrange a few reliable people to go over this matter, and I will definitely do my best to choose the most suitable horse for Marquis Chu."

"I sincerely want you to make money, don't cheat me." Leaning his body forward slightly again, Lu Bu said to Zhang Shiping: "It takes a long time to build trust, but to destroy it, one thing can be done. "

(End of this chapter)

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