Chapter 370
The night was dark, and Cao Cao didn't feel sleepy at all.

In his room, Guo Jia, Xun Yu, Xun You, Jia Xu and others sat in two rows.

Except for these wise men who have strategized and won thousands of miles, he did not invite any generals to attend.

"You all know the news from Pengcheng." Looking around at the crowd, Cao Cao asked them, "Who can tell me what to do to break Lu Bu?"

Guo Jia replied: "Earlier, Lu Bu was always suppressed and beaten by the lord. Now he intends to attack the lord for two reasons. As long as you find the crux, it is not difficult to break Lu Bu."

"Fengxiao, please tell me." Cao Cao signaled him to continue.

"Lü Bu dared to attack the lord because he reached an alliance with Yuan Shao." Guo Jia replied, "Yuan Shao was afraid of the lord in the past, for fear that the lord would threaten Hebei by holding a conference, but in his opinion, Lu Bu is weaker than the lord. Quite a few, rather than joining forces with the lord to attack Lu Bu, and then attacking each other, it is better to support Lu Bu to fight the lord, and when both sides are weak, he will gain the fisherman's advantage."

Cao Cao nodded sullenly: "What's the other reason?"

"As for the other reason why Lv Bu attacked the lord, he knew that the relationship between him and the lord had long been at odds." Guo Jia replied, "If there is a lord in the world, he will never have a good life. But there is him in the world. , the lord will also be worried every day, and he must always be on guard against him secretly doing unfavorable things."

"Feng Xiao only explained the reason for him to attack me, but he didn't explain the way to defeat him." Cao Cao said, "What I want is how to defeat Lu Bu, and further destroy him."

"My lord has also received news from Pengcheng." Guo Jia said, "Lu Bu planned to send troops in the near future, but he had to change his mind temporarily due to some accidents. Presumably the lord should know why he suddenly changed his mind. "

"Of course I know." Cao Cao frowned and said, "There are inferior armors in Lu Bu's army. If soldiers wear those armors to go into battle, they will undoubtedly lose their lives for nothing."

"My lord is right." Guo Jia replied, "Because of the armor, Lu Bu had to give up the idea of ​​attacking the lord in the near future, but we can get a lot of benefits from it."

Staring at Guo Jia, Cao Cao's face was still not very good: "Although there are some inferior armors, there are still many soldiers in Lu Bu's army. It is hard to say whether they can break through the defense line on their own initiative..."

"My lord only wants to attack Lu Bu from the outside, but we can do more than that." Guo Jia said: "We can also disintegrate from the inside and make Lu Bu difficult to care about. Let him be in chaos first, and then the army will go all out Advance, does he still have a way to resist?"

"I would like to hear more about it!" Cao Cao's interest was aroused by what Guo Jia said, and he quickly motioned him to continue.

"After the Armor incident, Lu Bu ordered that all those involved in the case be quartered, and their family members be reduced to official slaves." Guo Jia said: "These measures were indeed vigorous and decisive, but they also laid a lot of hidden dangers for him. At least Pengcheng is now When they take over the work of customizing armor in Lu Bu's army, they will be a little worried. If they don't satisfy Lu Bu, they will be like those who were killed by Lu Bu earlier, and they will be cut into five horses in the market fate."

Cao Cao nodded, but didn't interrupt, and the eyes of everyone sitting there were also focused on Guo Jia's face.

Guo Jia went on to say: "My lord, you only need to send some eloquent people to sneak into Pengcheng. Don't do anything else. Just look for those craftsmen, promise them generous benefits, and ask them to settle down elsewhere. As long as the craftsmen are gone, Lu Bu Who will he find to forge armor and weapons? Without armor and blades, how can he attack the Lord? In this way, Lu Bu’s army will be in disarray, and the Lord can take advantage of this opportunity to lead the army to fight eastward. If Lu Bu did not attack the Lord Before that, take away his Xuzhou first."

"Following filial piety is indeed a good strategy." Cao Cao has been in a bad mood recently since he received the news that Lu Bu planned to attack him.

The strategy proposed by Guo Jia made Cao Cao feel better immediately.

He laughed, and said to Guo Jia: "Leave this matter to Feng Xiao, how about it?"

"My lord, how dare I disobey!" Guo Jia got up and took Cao Cao's order.

In a good mood, Cao Cao asked the others: "What do you think of Fengxiao's strategy?"

Cao Cao had already handed over the matter to Guo Jia, so no one else would raise any objections.

Everyone responded one after another, "I will second the proposal."

After Jia Xu seconded the proposal, he said to Cao Cao: "My lord, I have a plan. Combined with Feng Xiao's plan, it will definitely make Lv Bu burn out, and Pengcheng, which he has been running for a long time, will never recover from it. Once Pengcheng falls, Lv Bu's men will The people's trust in him will also be greatly reduced, and the hearts of the army and the people will be slackened, so what else can he use to compete with the lord for the world?"

"Wenhe has any strategy, just tell me." Jia Xu said that he also has a strategy, which can be used in conjunction with Guo Jia's strategy. Cao Cao was even more delighted, and smiled and beckoned him to continue.

Jia Xu replied: "Yuan Shao joined forces with Lv Bu because Lv Bu is much weaker than the lord, and because he has coal mines under his rule, and Hebei's steel is more resilient with coal than with charcoal. The Yuan family in Hebei hopes that It is impossible to get more coal from Lu Bu, and it is impossible to take Xuzhou. The best way is to unite with Lu Bu and form an alliance with him. As long as we destroy Lu Bu's coal mines, he will definitely not have more coal to provide to Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao Being far away in Hebei, it is impossible to go to Pengcheng to find out what happened. There must be a rift between the two. The lord can take this opportunity to send troops to attack, but Yuan Shao has always been indecisive, and it is impossible to fully trust Lu Bu. It is almost impossible to send troops to rescue Lu Bu. possible."

"Fengxiao and Wenhe are really my arms." Cao Cao stood up, "I have made up my mind. According to Fengxiao and Wenhe's plan, I will send people to sneak into Pengcheng and destroy Lu Bu's coal mines and his craftsmen." Rooted. The soldiers of the three armies are ready to go out and send troops as soon as it is done!"

Everyone stood up and responded together: "My lord is wise!"

Cao Cao, who was still full of clouds before, got a way to defeat Lu Bu, and his mood suddenly improved.

He laughed and said to everyone: "It's getting late, you all go back to sleep."

Everyone retreated and left, Cao Cao shouted outside the house: "Zhongkang, come in."

While Cao Cao was discussing matters with the others, Xu Chu had been guarding the door. Hearing his greeting, Xu Chu walked into the room and said, "May I ask what you want, my lord?"

"Zhongkang has followed me for many days, do you know if Xu You has any beauties?" Cao Cao asked Xu Chu.

Unexpectedly, he would ask such a question, Xu Chu was stunned for a moment and then replied: "If you want to talk about Xu Du's beauties, they are all in the lord's back house. The final general really doesn't know where there are beauties."

Xu Chu said that he didn't know where there were beauties. Cao Cao laughed, nodded his nose and said, "I say Zhongkang is really honest. Although my wife in the back house is all beautiful, how can I match the harem of your Majesty today?" Compare?"

"My lord!" Cao Cao mentioned Liu Xie's harem, and Xu Chu hurriedly bowed and said, "Although your majesty's harem is very beautiful, the lord is a minister, and your majesty is a king, so there must be no arrogance."

"I'm just talking about it. Why should Zhongkang be so nervous?" Cao Cao waved his hand: "Speaking of His Majesty, I really miss him a little. You accompany me to see him."

"The night is deep, my lord wants to see His Majesty now?" Cao Cao mentioned that there was a beauty in Liu Xie's harem, Xu Chu already felt that something was wrong, and quickly persuaded: "Your Majesty should have gone to sleep. My lord wants to see you, why not wait until tomorrow..."

"I have discussed with the princes about the crusade against Lu Bu, and I should report it to Your Majesty immediately." Cao Cao waved his hands and said, "Zhongkang needless to say, if you refuse to accompany me, I will just find someone else."

Xu Chu had followed Cao Cao for many years, but it wasn't that he had much loyalty to the Han family, so he persuaded Cao Cao not to do anything foolish, just because he was worried that it would be bad for Cao Cao's reputation to spread it.

Cao Cao insisted on going to the palace, but Xu Chu didn't dare to persuade him anymore, so he could only reply, "My lord must go, and the last general will accompany me of course."

So he decided to accompany Cao Cao, Xu Chu was just worried that he would really do something treacherous.

Since the clothes belt edict, Cao Cao no longer has any respect for Liu Xie.

When Xu You asked if there were any beauties, and said that most of the beauties were in the palace, Xu Chu certainly understood what Cao Cao was thinking.

After following Cao Cao for many years, Xu Chu also knew that the lord was good in everything else, except for one thing.

That is, once you see a beauty, you can't hold back...

As a hero, Cao Cao's shortcoming is really terrible.

Cao Cao was very happy when Guo Jia and Jia Xu offered a plan to defeat Lu Bu.

Xu Chu had been by his side for many years, and he also knew that it was out of good intentions to dissuade him from going to the palace, so he didn't take it to heart.

Since Xu Chuken went to the palace with him, of course Cao Cao would not pursue the dissuasion just now.

Accompanied by Xu Chu and escorted by a team of guards to leave Cao's house, Cao Cao went straight to the palace.

It was already midnight, when Cao Cao came suddenly, and Liu Xie, who was sleeping, got the report from the servant and hurriedly got up.

When Chang Shi reported, Fu Hou had already woken up.

Sitting on the bed, he leaned back and asked Liu Xie, "Does Your Majesty know why Cao Cao came to see him at this time?"

"I don't know what he wants to do." Liu Xie sighed and replied helplessly: "Maybe it's all his territory, you and I are here just to rely on others to be coerced by others, and it's not that he can come here whenever he wants. come over."

Liu Xie's words were helpless, but his expression was very bad.

She asked Liu Xie, "Could it be that Your Majesty just let Cao Cao mess around like this?"

"Don't let him mess around, what can I do?" Liu Xie said: "First, Dong Cheng and others faked the clothes and belts and implicated me. A few days ago, I ran into a regular servant who didn't know how to live or die, and he dared to do it." Assassinate Cao Cao. Although Cao Cao didn't do anything to me, he was definitely not happy in his heart. It is good luck that I can live to this day, so I dare to have other extravagant hopes?"

When Liu Xie replied, every sentence was filled with helplessness.

Fu Hou also knew that if he continued talking, it would only add to his troubles, so he just sighed lightly and didn't say another word.

Dressed neatly, Liu Xie hurried out to meet Cao Cao without thinking about washing up.

Seeing Cao Cao, he bowed and saluted: "Why is Mr. Cao coming so late?"

"Your Majesty, you don't need to be too polite." Cao Cao bowed his hands in return, and said with a smile, "I just thought of a way to defeat the traitor Lu Bu. I was refreshed, so I couldn't sleep, so I came here to share the good news with Your Majesty."

"Cao Gong Wenzhi martial arts, how can a mere Lu Bu be an opponent?" As the king of a country, Liu Xie actually flattered Cao Cao.

Cao Cao laughed, and said to Liu Xie: "Your Majesty can still speak, and people can't help but feel refreshed."

"It's getting deeper and heavy, and Mr. Cao asked the room to talk." Liu Xie made way for Cao Cao.

Not being polite to him, Cao Cao went straight into the house.

After entering the room, he asked Liu Xie, "Did Your Majesty go to sleep just now?"

"Exactly." Liu Xie replied: "I have already fallen asleep, and when I heard that Mr. Cao came, I didn't dare to delay, so I hurriedly got up and came to meet him, without even taking a shower."

"Your Majesty's favor to me, I will remember in my heart." Cao Cao grinned, and then bowed his hands to Liu Xie: "I have found a way to defeat Lu Bu, I am very happy, I wonder if I can have a few drinks with Your Majesty? "

When he was sleeping and was disturbed by Cao Cao, Liu Xie was actually very upset.

But people have to bow their heads under the low eaves. Although he is the emperor of the Han Dynasty, maybe Cao Cao's world is after all.

Life is in the hands of Cao Cao, how dare Liu Xie refuse his proposal.

"If Mr. Cao is interested, I should accompany him." Not daring to refuse Cao Cao, Liu Xie immediately agreed.

"Wine is the purest thing. Your Majesty should wash up before drinking." Cao Cao said to Liu Xie, "I just need to arrange a few palace ladies to dance for fun."

"I'm going to ask Gong'e to come to cheer you up." Cao Cao wanted to watch Gong'e dance, but Liu Xie dared not say a word, so he hurriedly responded and told the attendant: "Call some Gong'e to come and dance for Cao Gong. "

When Liu Xie ordered the attendant, Xu Chu frowned slightly.

When he came to the palace, he was not worried about what Cao Cao would really do to Empress Fu.

No matter how much Cao Cao likes beauty, no matter how Liu Xie is just a puppet emperor, he will not reach out to the current empress.

After all, disrespect to the empress, once spread, would be a crime of treason that the whole world would condemn.

What Xu Chu was most worried about was that Cao Cao asked Gong'e to dance for fun. Although Gong'e's status was low, they were people in the palace after all.

Although he wanted to persuade him, Xu Chu knew that he was in the palace, and there were many things he could never say.

Liu Xie ordered the attendant to invite Gong'e, and he bowed to Cao Cao: "I go to change clothes and wash first, and ask Cao Gong to forgive me."

As the emperor of the Han Dynasty, he was so humble in front of Cao Cao. Even Xu Chu could not help but despise Liu Xie a little bit more.

Liu Xie resigned tremblingly and left, and after a while, a regular attendant arrived with five sleepy maids.

(End of this chapter)

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