The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 374 To Cultivate Different Talents From Now On

Chapter 374 To Cultivate Different Talents From Now On

Since Lu Bu occupied Pengcheng, he has built many facilities in the city, some of which are similar to the schools of later generations.

It's just that these schools still accept the children of the gentry, unless the children of the common people are particularly outstanding, it is generally difficult to enter the school.

Lu Bu accompanied Liu Hong on the streets, and he could let the procession pass by some of the schools.

Passing through those schools, Liu Hong asked Lu Bu in a group: "Is there any special significance for Chu Hou to build such strange places in Pengcheng?"

"I don't know what Liu Gong thinks is weird?" Lu Bu smiled slightly and asked Liu Hong.

"I passed by several places just now. Although I didn't go in, I saw some halls similar to teaching places." Liu Hong said: "Places like this are usually in Haoxiong's home, and I haven't seen them yet." By building in the street market..."

"The school in Haoxiong's family is just to teach the children skills so that they can better take over the family business." Lu Bu replied: "In fact, I have been thinking about one thing a few days ago. There are thousands of people, and there are also dull and There are differences in intelligence. Let’s not talk about the stupid ones, but only those who are smart. Most of the gentry’s children have been taught since childhood. Unless they are stupid by nature, they all have some foresight. But among the common people, it is inevitable that there will be some extremely intelligent people. Young man. If these people are allowed to stay in the countryside to plow the fields or make a living in the street market, I always feel that their abilities are wasted. If these people can be discovered from the people, find capable people to teach them , will be my side's help in the future. It is because of these thoughts that people built the school. I wonder what Liu Gong thinks about this matter?"

"The virtuous and the stupid don't care about the poor and the poor, and the teaching career doesn't care about the rich and the rich. The way Chuhou is doing now will surely get many great talents that can be used in the future." Liu Hong said: "Just doing this way, I am afraid that other heroes in the world will not agree."

"It doesn't matter whether they agree or not." Lu Bu curled his lips and said indifferently: "Even if they agree, they won't help me. If they don't agree, I don't need to care about their feelings. I care, In fact, how does a sage like Liu Gong view this matter?"

"I'm not a sage." Lu Bu bluntly said that Liu Hong was a sage, and he quickly waved his hands and said humbly, "It really makes me feel ashamed to be so flattered by the Marquis of Chu..."

"Mr. Liu, do you want to go to the school to have a look?" Liu Hong spoke modestly, but Lu Bu didn't want to be too polite with him, so he changed the subject and asked.

"Chuhou is willing to let me take a look, of course it's the best." When mentioning the school, Liu Hong really wanted to take a look, so he hurriedly agreed.

"The ones just now are in the past." Lu Bu said, "Fortunately, there are many schools in Pengcheng, so it won't delay Liu Gong's going."

He then gave Sun Ce instructions: "Tell the school in front that I will accompany Liu Gong to check and ask them to make some preparations."

Sun Ce agreed and was about to leave when Liu Hong said, "Don't bother Chuhou. It's best not to tell us in advance when we go to the school. We go directly to see what we really want to see. If the person hasn't arrived yet, let's go to the school." The academy knows that Marquis Chu is going to go, so they will definitely prepare for it. But if we are prepared, what we saw in the past may not be what we want to see."

What Liu Hong said really surprised Lu Bu.

He used to think that if he wanted to check somewhere, the best way would be to kill him suddenly, without giving him a chance to prepare there.So ordering Sun Ce to inform the school was nothing more than wanting them to perform better, so that Liu Hong could see the good side of the school.

However, Liu Hong didn't give him the opportunity to order the school to prepare at all, and directly said that he had to look at the real side.

Although Lu Bu was not very relieved about the school in front of him, since Liu Hong had already mentioned it, it would not be good to insist on Sun Ce going to inform him.

He said to Sun Ce: "Liu Gong wants to see the real side of the school, so Bo Fu doesn't need to inform him."

Once the master of Jiangdong, Sun Ce had seen many scenes in the past.

Of course he understood Lu Bu's thoughts, so he agreed and stepped aside.

After walking along the street for a while, Lu Bu and others came to the gate of a school again.

Stopping, he said to Liu Hong: "If Liu Gong sees something unsatisfactory later, please testify in time, and I will urge the school to try to change."

"Chu Hou is able to run these schools in Pengcheng, which is different from other heroes." Liu Hong said: "If it is true what Chu Hou said, even virtuous common people can go to the school to learn some skills in the future, it is indeed a good thing Just for this matter, I feel that ordinary people can't do it, how can I see anything unsatisfactory."

"But there are always some unsatisfactory things in everything people do." Lu Bu always had a smile on his face, and he said to Liu Hong: "Shi Yuan should have roughly stated the purpose of my inviting Liu Gong to Pengcheng. .”

"General Pang did tell me some things, but not too much." Liu Hong replied: "It's not that I don't want to do what Chuhou wants me to do, but I'm just worried that I won't do well. Let Chuhou ask me to do it." Disappointed in me!"

Laughing, Lu Bu said, "Mr. Liu doesn't have to have these burdens at all. From the day I decided to invite Mr. Liu to Pengcheng, I was sure that Mr. Liu was one of the people I was looking for."

"I'm just obsessed with arithmetic, and I don't have any extraordinary skills." Liu Hong still said modestly: "Arithmetic is a lot of fun for me, but it is very boring for more people. I I'm afraid that in the future, if you really pass on the ability in the school, it will make the students who come here feel boring..."

"Liu Gong's teaching is of course to teach those students who are interested in arithmetic." Lu Bu replied: "If you have no interest in arithmetic, no matter how capable Liu Gong is, I am afraid that he will not be able to teach them anything. Everyone has different preferences. , the things they are good at learning are not the same. Some people are good at strategy, I will let them learn more about the art of war and strategy, and make achievements on the battlefield in the future. Some people are good at making mechanisms, and I will let them learn the art of mechanisms. For those students who are interested in arithmetic and can achieve success after being taught by Mr. Liu, it is of course to let them go further in arithmetic."

The reason why there are so many schools in Pengcheng is nothing more than evaluating and measuring what each student is suitable for learning, and then assigning them to different schools in the future to learn the skills they are interested in.

If Lu Bu's statement is placed after 2000, it will definitely be sprayed by some people.

After all, even though the technology was advanced in that era, teaching courses was very painful.

In order to meet the exam, countless people are learning skills that will never be used in the future.

Before coming to this era, Lu Bu had doubts.

Such a teaching mechanism with eyebrows and beards can easily cultivate "student gods" who can only take exams but have little ability at all.

So he put quotation marks around the word Xueshen, just because he thinks that people who can only take exams but have no skills at all are not of much use.

After all, the driving force behind the development of the entire society is productivity, and the strength of productivity ultimately depends on whether everyone can give full play to their expertise.

It is the real tragedy for a student to have a talent beyond ordinary people in a certain field, but because of the painful exams, he has to focus on many subjects that are completely unnecessary.

When he first established the school, he thought about it as he said to Liu Hong.

The school imparts ability, and does not require the students in it to learn everything well.

As long as they know one skill, they can calmly deal with everything assigned to them, which is what Lu Bu wants most.

The same thing, if you say it after 2000, you will be criticized completely, but when you say it in front of Liu Hong, this celebrity who is famous for arithmetic nodded in agreement: "The arrangement of Chuhou is indeed true. It couldn't be more suitable. I have seen a few students who are quite interested in arithmetic in the past, because learning arithmetic has nothing to do with their pursuit of official titles in the future, and most of them gave up..."

"As long as you come out of the school, it is not difficult to be an official." Lu Bu replied: "What I want is talent, not a single talent. Even if you only learn arithmetic, you can become a leader in the school." The outstanding ones will be appointed by officials in the future."

Liu Hong looked at Lu Bu in astonishment, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

Having been an official for many years, he knew very well that his ability to be in the officialdom had nothing to do with his obsession with arithmetic.

What can really keep him going in the officialdom is actually some of his experience in being an official,

I never thought that learning arithmetic would give me the opportunity to be an official. Liu Hong asked Lu Bu, "Does Chuhou think that people who are proficient in arithmetic can also be officials?"

"Why not?" Lu Bu asked Liu Hong with a look of surprise, "Does Liu Gong think that being proficient in arithmetic is not a talent?"

"Of course it's ability." Liu Hong replied, "It's just that arithmetic doesn't help me a lot when I'm an official. In the past, I only made some deduction when I was an official..."

"If Liu Gong became an official because he was proficient in arithmetic, the government he was assigned to was also based on arithmetic, which could provide Liu Gong with better deduction opportunities. I wonder if Liu Gong can understand the nine chapters of arithmetic more thoroughly?" Lu Bu With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he asked Liu Hong a question.

If Liu Hong had such conditions back then, his attainment in arithmetic must have been higher than it is now.

Looking at Lu Bu in astonishment, Liu Hong asked, "Is there such a government?"

"It is true that there was no such thing in the past, but there will definitely be one in the future." Lu Bu said confidently, "In the various places under my rule, in the future, every kind of thing may make some officials. I will not hide it from Mr. Liu. At the same time as the invitation, I also ordered Yan Xiang to go to Xiliang, and invite Ma Jun, who is good at mechanics, to Pengcheng. Once he arrives in Pengcheng, I will also arrange an official position for him. It is more suitable for the conditions of studying organ techniques."

When looking at Lu Bu, Liu Hong's eyes were even more astonished.

He never thought that there would be a hero like Lu Bu in the world, who would be appointed as an official by him who only knows how to count and Ma Jun who has no other skills except making organizations...

Looking at Lv Bu in astonishment, Liu Hong didn't know what to say. Lv Bu said to him, "We've arrived outside the school, Mr. Liu might as well go in with me to have a look."

When Lu Bu mentioned visiting the school, Liu Hong responded and walked into the school gate together with him.

Entering the school, I saw a very spacious front hall.

Unlike the front halls that Liu Hong had seen before, there was not even a single pillar in the hall here.

In the buildings at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, pillars were used indoors to support the houses.

At this time, the construction technology is not very developed, and if the pillars are not erected indoors, the possibility of the house collapsing is not small.

At first the function of the pillars was only to support the house, but later it evolved into different pillars to confirm the different identities of the owners.

This is the first time Liu Hong has seen such a front hall without even a pillar.

When Lu Bu and others arrived, the stewards of the school rushed out to welcome them.

He bowed to everyone first, and he followed behind with his head down.

Liu Hong, who walked into the front hall, looked around every corner of the house and asked the doubts in his heart: "Why are there no hall pillars here?"

When the school steward came here, he had the same doubts.

However, no one answered his doubts, so he could only hold back in his heart and stop raising them.

Although he had gotten used to the front hall without pillars, the steward didn't know how to respond to Liu Hong, so he could only lower his head and dare not speak.

Fortunately, Lu Bu personally rescued him.

Lu Bu said to Liu Hong: "In the early days there were pillars in the room, because it was impossible to support the roof with the beams and rafters alone. With the pillars in the house, it can also make the house more stable. I once asked the craftsmen to think about it. How can the pillars be removed, and the roof supported by the four walls, beams, and rafters alone."

"It seems that Marquis Chu has succeeded." Liu Hong said, "It's just that this kind of house without hall pillars will always make people feel a little less dignified..."

"Nobility lies in the person, not in how many pillars there are in the house." Lu Bu said with a slight smile, "No matter how many pillars there are, if the people who live inside have bad conduct, they won't be honorable in the eyes of the world. "

Since seeing Lu Bu, some of the remarks he heard were enough to subvert cognition, and the expression on Liu Hong's face was extremely complicated.

He had also heard of Lu Bu's name in the early years, but what he heard at that time was not good.

The so-called public opinion makes gold, no matter how good the conduct is, people are criticized by the world so much that everyone thinks what they hear is the truth, and people lose interest in finding out what this person is. In the eyes of the world, people are no longer worth mentioning, and people even have an inexplicable resentment when they mention him.

When he came to Pengcheng, although the content of the conversation with Lu Bu was not extensive, Liu Hong felt that his previous perception of Lu Bu seemed to be completely wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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