Chapter 381

Zhang Shiping assigned the craftsmen what to do in the future, and also arranged for some notices to be posted in the market, recruiting those women who had nothing to do at home to work in the arsenal.

The notice was posted that day, but there was not even a woman who came to apply for it.

Expecting this to happen a long time ago, Zhang Shiping came to the government to ask to see Lu Bu that night.

Just as Lu Bu was about to leave the study and go to the back house, Sun Ce walked in and said, "Let me report to the Marquis of Chu, Zhang Shiping, please see me."

"He came to see me because he couldn't recruit people." Lu Bu had already guessed Zhang Shiping's intentions, and said to Sun Ce, "Invite him in."

Sun Ce withdrew and led Zhang Shiping back a moment later.

After meeting Lv Bu, Zhang Shiping said with a bitter face, "I have assigned work to the craftsmen according to the method taught by the Marquis of Chu. The work in the arsenal is easy to deal with, but it is not easy to recruit unemployed women. The notice will be posted for half a day. , there is not even a single woman who came to apply for it."

"I've already guessed that it's impossible for a woman to apply for the post after one day." Lu Bu smiled lightly and said to Zhang Shiping, "The arsenal can't handle this matter, and the government has to do it."

"Chuhou means that the government should intervene and arrange for women to work in the arsenal?" Zhang Shiping asked in astonishment.

"Of course." Lu Bu replied: "How many women in the world can read? When the notice is posted, even if some women are curious about what is written on it, no one is willing to tell them. Women have always been vassals of the family. They No one cares about what they think. They can’t read or understand notices, and no one told them, so of course no one would be quick enough to go to the arsenal to apply for a job? What’s more, the craftsmen in the arsenal are all men, and who would send their women to the arsenal? There?"

"Since Marquis Chu knows, why do you want me to recruit women?" Zhang Shiping asked Lu Bu in surprise.

Lu Bu replied: "Men have their own things to do, while women stay at home to help their husbands and teach their children to do some sewing and mending. After many years of war, a man can marry many women. It is difficult for many men to support their families. It’s actually not easy. If there are women who can go to the arsenal to earn money to supplement their families, most of them are willing to agree. It’s just that they need to know that their women will not be bullied by others in the arsenal, or they will not be bullied by others in the arsenal. Collusion into adultery."

"What Chu Hou said seems to be very reasonable." Zhang Shiping suddenly said: "If it is true, even if the government goes to persuade, I am afraid that many people will not allow women to go to the arsenal..."

"That depends on whether the arsenal can make them feel at ease." Lu Bu said, "You go back first. Tomorrow night at the latest, there will definitely be women who will come to the arsenal to apply."

Lu Bu was very sure of what he said. Although Zhang Shiping was dubious, he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he could only reply, "With the words of Marquis Chu, I feel relieved."

"It's getting late, you go back first." Lu Bu said to Zhang Shiping: "Whenever there are women going to the arsenal, you have to receive them. Although they can't live in the factory, they still have to prepare a room for rest. No matter men or women, If you have been busy for too long, you will feel tired, and it is much better to have a place to rest than to have nowhere to go."

"The Marquis of Chu allocated so many places to the arsenal at the beginning, so it is not difficult to build some houses for the women who are about to enter the factory to rest." Zhang Shiping replied: "I will go back and make arrangements..."

"There are so many houses, go back and plan." Lu Bu said, "Women recruited from outside the city may enter the factory together with men. If there is such a situation, we must arrange accommodation for them."

"Marquis Chu means..." Zhang Shiping was puzzled by Lu Bu's sudden statement.

Lu Bu waved his hand: "It's getting late, and we can't talk about anything tonight. Wait until there are more people applying for the job tomorrow, and it's not too late to think about other things."

"I'll resign first." Lu Bu meant that Zhang Shiping should resign first. He has been in business for many years, and of course it is impossible for him not to have such vision, so he hurriedly resigned and left.

When Zhang Shiping left, Lu Bu got up and walked out of the study.

Sun Ce followed behind him and sent him to the back house.

"Marquis Chu." Sun Ce said to him following behind Lu Bu, "I got news today that Cao Cao has no intention of sending troops to attack Xuzhou. It seems that we have enough time to prepare armor for the soldiers."

"It seems that Cao Cao is ready to fight me to the death." Lu Bu nodded after hearing this.

"I don't quite understand." Sun Ce asked him, "It should be a good thing that Cao Cao didn't come. Why does Marquis Chu look worried?"

"If Cao Cao raises an army, we can deploy soldiers to defend along the way." Lu Bu replied: "Our army repelled Cao Cao twice in succession. If he comes again, the soldiers have a lot of confidence in repelling him. Cao Cao led the army to attack Xuzhou, but instead It is the most unwise choice. Now that he has not led the army to attack Xuzhou, he must have already deployed defenses in various places. When our army is fully armored, Cao Cao should also be ready. In this way, when we attack Xudu, it will be It is restricted everywhere, which is extremely detrimental to our army."

After Lu Bu's analysis, Sun Ce also felt that the matter was indeed very serious.

He said to Lu Bu: "When I go to the battlefield, I would like to lead the Xiefan soldiers to relieve the worries of the Marquis of Chu."

"Jiefanbing is the elite that I want to keep by my side." Lu Bu patted his arm lightly, and Lu Bu said: "What you have to consider is not bringing Jiefanbing to share my worries, but leading Jiefanbing to follow me." Stabilize the central army by my side. If the central army is stable, the three armies will be stable. To attack Cao Cao, what you have to do is much more important than leading the troublesome soldiers to be the vanguard."

At the entrance of the back garden, Lu Bu told Sun Ce: "It's getting late, so you should go back earlier and rest."

Sun Ce agreed and watched Lu Bu go to the back garden before he turned and left.

When he came to the back garden, Lu Bu thought about it and went directly to Mrs. Gan's residence.

It was already night, but Mrs. Gan's room was still lit.

When Lu Bu arrived, Mrs. Gan, who had already removed her make-up, hurried out to greet her, although she hadn't fallen asleep yet.

When she arrived in front of Lu Bu, she bowed and said, "I have met the Marquis of Chu."

"It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?" Lu Bu asked her when he entered the room.

"I can't sleep either." Mrs. Gan replied, "I was reading in the room, but I didn't expect Marquis Chu to come."

"I just finished dealing with the matter at hand. I passed by here and saw the lights on, so I came to have a look." Entering the room, Lu Bu said to Mrs. Gan: "Madam, please sit down and talk to me first. "

(End of this chapter)

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