The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 388 You might as well try it

Chapter 388 You might as well try it

Lu Su sent Cui Yan and Yuan Shang to their residence, and then returned to the government to ask to see Lu Bu.

In the gazebo in the back garden of the government mansion, Lu Bu was sitting there watching the fish playing in the pond.

Sun Ce stood beside him, turning his head to look away.

When he came outside the gazebo, Lu Su bowed and said, "Marquis Chu, I have sent Yuan Shang and Cui Yan to rest."

"Did the two of them say anything to you?" Turning to look at Lu Su, Lu Bu asked first, and then said, "Zi Jing, come to the pavilion and tell."

After going to the gazebo, Lu Su said to Lu Bu: "He is very dissatisfied with Chuhou's actions, especially Yuan Shang, and his dissatisfaction with Chuhou is beyond words."

"Poor Yuan Benchu ​​often tells people that Yuan Xianfu is the one who resembles him the most among his sons." Lu Bu smiled slightly and said to Lu Su: "He came to Pengcheng, and I only talked to him a few words before I knew this. The child is useless."

"What Chu Hou said is true." Sun Ce turned his head and said to Lu Bu: "When he entered the city, his words were often ridiculed, which made people feel very uncomfortable. If I hadn't stopped him, I'm afraid Zhou Tai will beat him up on the spot."

"The head of Zhou Tai's fist is the size of a bowl. If it hits Yuan Xianfu's face, he will knock it over in a few strokes?" Lu Bu said with a smile: "We can't let Zhou Tai really do it."

"I'm there, how can I let him do it." Sun Ce said: "But Yuan Xianfu's words are not pleasant, and I didn't give him a good tone."

"It turned out that I suffered from you. When I said how I saw me, my words were provocative." Lu Bu smiled slightly, and then said to Lu Su: "When they were in Pengcheng, Zijing took care of them. gone."

"The air force officers and soldiers have to practice every day. I'm afraid I can't entertain them wholeheartedly." Lu Su replied: "If I go to receive them, I'm afraid Yuan Xianfu will be even more dissatisfied."

"So what if he's dissatisfied? This is Pengcheng, not their Yuan's Yecheng." Lu Bu said, "First sharpen his temper, and when he calms down and has the attitude of wanting to talk to me, I will It’s not too late to see him again.”

"I understand what Marquis Chu means." Lu Su replied, "I will talk to them after practicing the air force every day."

"Zijing, don't go to see them too often." Lu Bu said, "Yuan Xianfu came to Pengcheng with arrogance, just because he expected that we would treat him as a distinguished guest. When he understands that I have no such intention at all, arrogance It should be almost worn out."

"Marquis Chu means..." Lu Su was not quite sure what Lu Bu meant, so he asked him a question.

"I mean, you don't have to stay with them all day." Lu Bu replied, "Before I see them, you go there every day and ask them if they have anything they need. Regardless of food and clothing, give them Take care of it, and as for the rest, you don’t need to talk to them.”

"I understand." After understanding what Lu Bu meant, Lu Su bowed and said, "I'll ask them later..."

"You have already been there today." Lu Bu interrupted him: "Even if you want to go, it will be tomorrow. You go so often that Yuan Xianfu thought we were currying favor with him."

Lu Su had never seen anyone who treated guests like Lu Bu before, and Lu Su asked in surprise, "Don't you worry about giving them their excuses by doing this?"

"The truth is that it will definitely fail. What's the use of worrying?" Lu Bu curled his lips and said to Lu Su: "You don't have to worry about so much, as long as you follow my advice, it will be fine."

"According to the wishes of the Marquis of Chu." Lu Bu repeatedly emphasized not to see Yuan Shao and Cui Yan often, so Lu Su had no choice but to agree.

Originally, receiving the two of them was an extra task, and Lu Su was not very willing to do it.

Especially that Yuan Shang, who always thinks about how to gain the upper hand when talking, makes people feel very disgusted.

Lu Bu doesn't recommend going there often, but Lu Su happened to be wishing for it.

When Lu Su left, Sun Ce said to Lu Bu: "The Marquis of Chu should actually let me receive them. If Yuan Shang speaks too harshly in front of me, I might really tear his face apart."

"That will be troublesome." Lu Bu said with a smile, "Yuan Benchu ​​and I are still allied. If his son is beaten in Pengcheng, how will I explain to him in the future?"

When the subject changed, he lowered his voice and said, "Even if Bo Fu wanted to beat him up, don't do it at this time. When I defeat Cao Cao, the days when the Yuan family will turn against us are still to come. Then you can think about how to beat him up." Yuan Shang, no one can control you."

"It's enough to have the words of Marquis Chu." Sun Ce replied: "When that day comes, if I catch Yuan Shang, I will definitely tear his mouth open and let him talk nonsense!"

"Bo Fu is so angry, is it because Yuan Xianfu said something that you can't accept?" Sun Ce's reaction made Lu Bu find it interesting, so he asked casually.

"If I hadn't said something I shouldn't have said, how could I argue with him?" Sun Ce replied, "If Cao Cao hadn't targeted the Marquis of Chu everywhere, as long as he is willing to join us in attacking the Yuan family, people like Yuan Xianfu, I will definitely I will kill him ten times a day!"

"A person has only one life, and if you kill him once, you will die." Lu Bu said with a slight smile, "Don't be angry with Bo Fu. Arguing with someone like him will only make you feel bored."

"I'll listen to the Marquis of Chu." Although he answered, Sun Ce's tone was still not very good.

Lu Bu, Sun Ce and others were dissatisfied with Yuan Shang, and Yuan Shang, who had already lived in the building, was also very dissatisfied with them.

Following Cui Yan into the room, Yuan Shang said annoyedly, "If Cui Gong hadn't stopped me today, I would have ridiculed Lu Bu and others."

"What good does it do the third son to ridicule Lu Bu and others?" Cui Yan asked him.

He was taken aback by Cui Yan's question, and Yuan Shang replied: "They are too rude. I just said a few words, and then they put us here, and no one paid any attention to them."

Yuan Shang blamed Lu Bu and others for being rude, and Cui Yan also had something to say.

If he hadn't provoked first, how could Lu Bu hand them over to Lu Su?

"Lu Zijing arranged for the two of us to be here, and I don't know when he will come and lead us to meet Lu Bu." Cui Yan said: "The third son should send someone first to tell the master about Lu Bu's request... ..."

"Thirty thousand sets of armor." Yuan Shang replied: "He thinks our Yuan family is an armor shop? Don't say so much, even if it is three hundred sets, I don't want to give it to him."

"The third son dare not say that." Cui Yan persuaded: "[-] sets of armor do not consume much copper and iron. But we can exchange a lot of coal from Pengcheng. The coal is transported to Hebei, and the refined steel forged is Much stronger than using charcoal..."

"Lv Bu formed an alliance with our Yuan family, or does he want to use the name of the Yuan family to intimidate Cao Cao? We have already been used by him, is it possible to provide him with armor again?" Mentioning Lu Bu, Yuan Shang was annoyed, he Frowning, he replied to Cui Yan in an annoyed manner.

"My lord wants us to come to Pengcheng because I asked Lü Bu for coal." Yuan Shang looked willful, and Cui Yan knew that it was difficult to persuade him, but he was still trying to persuade him: "He and Cao Cao have become deadly enemies, Lv Bu Crusading Cao Cao is also beneficial to the Yuan family. Even if this matter is told to the lord, thirty thousand sets of armor should be sent."

"Is Cui Gong helping Lu Bu or helping me?" Yuan Shang frowned, and asked Cui Yan in an even worse tone.

Cui Yan replied: "The third son is a member of the Yuan family. Is it possible that I will help outsiders? It's just that this matter is indeed beneficial to the Yuan family. Please also learn from the third son."

"I see." Cui Yan repeatedly asked Yuan Shang to put the overall situation first, and he had no choice but to say: "Then follow Cui Gong, but Lu Bu and Sun Ce have taunted me this time, and I will ask them for it sooner or later!"

"In fact, everyone in the world is very clear that Lu Bu's alliance with the lord is just to deal with Cao Cao." Cui Yan said: "Once Cao Cao is defeated, he will be useless to the lord. When the Yuan family crusades against Lu Bu in the future, will the three You still have to worry about not having a chance to punish them?"

Looking at Cui Yan, Yuan Shang didn't say anything.

He frowned slightly, and said to Cui Yan: "I'll send someone to tell my father about meeting Lu Bu today. If my father is really willing to send [-] sets of armor, I don't need to say anything else. If my father refuses Send it here, Cui Gong can't blame me."

"When we met Lu Bu, he already made his words very clear." Cui Yan said: "He wants to use coal to exchange [-] sets of armor with the lord, and the armor must not be crudely made. Otherwise, he will return the armor. Thus refusing to send out coal. The third son has to inform the lord of these important matters."

"I see." Yuan Shang waved his hand impatiently, and said to Cui Yan: "You don't need Cui Gong to worry about this matter, I will arrange it properly."

Although Yuan Shang agreed, Cui Yan was very worried about him.

After sending Yuan Shang back to the room, Cui Yan wrote a letter and called the personal guards to the room.

Passing the letter to the guard, Cui Yan said: "This letter must be handed over to the lord. Anyone who says that it will be handed over on your behalf must not be believed. Remember, remember!"

"Don't worry, Cui Gong, I will definitely hand over the letter to the lord." The guard took the letter and turned to leave.

Cui Yan felt relieved after writing a letter to Yuan Shao himself.

When Yuan Shang arrived in Pengcheng, he provoked Lu Bu and others with words. Not only did he not get any benefits, but he was also ridiculed by Lu Bu and Sun Ce respectively.

To say that the third son of the Yuan family has always been pampered by Yuan Shao, and he always looks arrogant.

If Cui Yan hadn't come to Pengcheng with him, I really hope that he can suffer a few small losses, at least he can learn to be tolerant of others.

Lu Bu ordered Lu Su to send them to the building, and Cui Yan knew that in the next few days, they would not have the chance to see Lu Bu again until they got a reply from Yuan Shao.

After thinking about this level, Cui Yan felt calm.

Sending someone to send a letter to Yuan Shao, he lay down in the room, and fell asleep after a while.

Just as Cui Yan thought, in the next few days Lu Su would routinely come to greet them and ask them what they needed, but Lu Bu never showed up and there was no news that he wanted to see him and Yuan Shang.

Four or five days passed, and Yuan Shang was a little anxious. Lu Su came to the building again, and he grabbed him and asked, "Lu Zijing, let me ask you. When will Lu Fengxian be willing to see us?"

"The Marquis of Chu is busy with affairs, so there is nothing to talk about with the third son now." Lu Su replied, "The Marquis of Chu said that when Duke Yuan's reply comes to Pengcheng, he will talk to the third son and Mr. Cui Haosheng."

"Gong Cui and I came to Pengcheng to meet him at the order of our father, but he actually said he had nothing to talk about?" Feeling slighted, Yuan Shang asked angrily, "Could it be that he wants me to break into the house to look for it? "

"I advise General Xianfu not to do that." Lu Su replied, "The Marquis of Chu and Duke Yuan are currently in an alliance, and they should coordinate with each other. If the third prince forcibly breaks into the residence of the Marquis of Chu and annoys him, we can only I am afraid that the alliance will not last long."

"Are you threatening me?" Frowning tightly, Yuan Shang glared at Lu Su fiercely.

"Don't dare." Lu Su said: "Third Young Master is honorable, how dare I threaten him with words. I'm just telling the truth. If Third Young Master insists on doing this, I will never stop him."

Lu Su said that he would not stop him, but it left Yuan Shang with no steps to go down.

Cui Yan smoothed things over and said, "Zijing is right. We have already sent someone to report Chuhou's request to the lord. Within two days, Hebei should be able to send back the news. Is it okay to ask to see General Lu at that time?" Late."

Knowing that if he continues to mess around, he won't be seen by others, and Lu Su obviously didn't intend to leave a step for him, Yuan Shang turned pale and didn't say much.

"If you two don't have any needs, I'll leave first." Lu Su cupped his hands at the two of them, and left.

Watching Lu Su go away, Yuan Shang said: "The people under Lu Fengxian are really rude. There was a Sun Bofu before, and there will be Lu Zijing. When I find an opportunity in the future, I will definitely make them look good."

When he said that Lu Bu's subordinates were rude, Cui Yan only thought it was funny, but he couldn't say anything more.

Ever since he came to Pengcheng, Yuan Shang has been making Lu Bu feel uncomfortable, being left out and no one would let him go, and he couldn't stand it anymore, saying that others were rude.

Thinking so in his heart, Cui Yan could only say to Yuan Shang: "Don't be angry with the third son, they are rude, we just need to be more polite. As long as we don't be rude to them, even if it spreads outside in the future, no one will You can tell us half a word."

"Cui Gong is right." After being aggrieved for several days, Yuan Shang finally calmed down a lot. He nodded and said, "From today onwards, I won't talk to the idlers like Lu Bu's subordinates. What's the matter?" , Cui Gong stepped forward to deal with it."

"Since you have entrusted me with the matter, Third Young Master please don't worry." Cui Yan said: "Discussing coal for armor with Lu Bu, I will definitely not let the Yuan family suffer."

"Coal for armor." Yuan Shang sneered: "He has a good idea, but I'm afraid my father won't agree."

Hearing something from Yuan Shang's words, Cui Yan's face changed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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