Chapter 402
Lü Bu led his army across Dangshan Mountain and marched westward.

After walking for several days, Lu Bu heard the faint sound of water flowing in the distance.

He asked Sun Ce beside him, "Did Bo Fu hear the sound of water?"

"I didn't hear it." Sun Ce replied: "There is no river nearby, Chuhou must have heard it wrong."

Listening carefully, Lu Bu shook his head: "No, there should be the sound of water flowing. Send a few people to investigate and find out what this place is."

Sun Ce ordered the guards on the side: "Send someone to investigate and find out what this place is."

The guard responded, selected a few people, and went to investigate with them.

Lu Bu could hear the sound of water flowing nearby, but Sun Ce didn't quite believe it.

It can be seen from the expressions on the faces of the people nearby that, except for Lu Bu, no one heard the sound of the water anymore.

There was no river or any other source of flowing water in sight.

Lu Bu could hear the sound of the water, and it would be really surprising if he found the river.

The guards who went to investigate soon returned.

When they arrived in front of Lu Bu, the guard said, "I report to the Marquis of Chu that one mile from here is Suishui.

Hearing that Sui Shui was just one mile away, Sun Ce asked Lu Bu in astonishment, "Could it be that Marquis Chu heard..."

"It should be." Lu Bu smiled and said to Sun Ce, "I can hear the sound of water a mile away, and I can hear other sounds as well."

"Did the Marquis of Chu discover such ability in the past?" Sun Ce was puzzled and asked Lu Bu.

It's not that he hasn't seen so-called capable people, but he can't remember anyone who can hear the sound of water a mile away like Lu Bu, so he couldn't resist asking this question.

Lu Bu replied: "I didn't notice it before, but after this expedition, I always feel that I can hear farther and see more clearly."

Sun Ce was stunned: "The Marquis of Chu really has the help of a god and a man. The world has been in chaos for so long, and sooner or later he must be ruled by the Marquis of Chu."

Lu Bu laughed loudly: "Unifying the world is not easy. Cao Cao, whom we are going to conquer now, is a big trouble."

Just as he was talking, two fast horses came in front of him.

Seeing the two galloping horses, Sun Ce said to Lv Bu, "Lord Chu, the scouts from the front are back."

From the movements of the scouts galloping their horses, Lu Bu could see that they must have detected something, and his face became serious.

Two scouts came up and saluted Lu Bu, and one of them said, "Report to the Marquis of Chu, Lumen Pavilion is not far ahead. Cao Cao ordered Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun to set up defenses there, just waiting for our army to pass."

"Have you found out how they deployed their defenses?" Lu Bu asked.

"Cao Jun is heavily guarded, we can't detect it." The scout said: "But from a distance, Cao Jun has set up something on the nearby hillside, otherwise their army would not be stationed against the hill."

Signaling the two scouts to retreat, Lu Bu said to Sun Ce: "Stand with your back against the hill, you must either retreat when the battle is unfavorable, or deploy something on the hill. The scout's analysis is correct. Go and get Zhou Gongjin When someone invites you, just say that I have something important to discuss with them."

Sun Ce agreed, turned his horse and walked to the back of the team.

After a while, he led Zhou Yu, Xu Shu and other staff to arrive.

Seeing the crowd, Lu Bu said, "Not far ahead is Lumen Pavilion. The troops led by Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun are deployed there, ready to meet our army. The scouts reported that they were stationed against the hills. What do you think of this?"

(End of this chapter)

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