The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 407 I Didn't See It Clearly

Chapter 407 I Didn't See It Clearly

Lu Bu decided that he wanted to rush into Cao's army alone. Although the generals and counselors tried their best to dissuade him, he finally decided to do that.

They stationed overnight at a place not more than one mile away from Cao's army. Early the next morning, Lu Bu ordered the army to advance.

When he advanced to only three or four hundred steps away from Cao Jun, Lu Bu stopped, and the soldiers lined up behind him, posing for an attack.

Seeing Lu Bu approaching, Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun also came down from the hills, and led the generals of the Cao army to form a battle formation.

Riding his horse forward, Lv Bu reached a place one shot away from Cao Jun. He raised his painting halberd and pointed forward: "Cao Ren, Xiahou Dun, I'm here. If you two don't come to surrender, are you trying to resist and wait for death?"

"Lu Bu is going to be crazy!" Cao Ren replied, "We are waiting for you here under the orders of our lord, even if you bring thousands of troops here, so what? Could it be possible to break through the defense line of Lumen Pavilion? "

Lu Bu raised his face and laughed loudly, and shouted to Cao Ren: "Cao Zixiao, I see that you are a talent, so I can't bear to harm you. You say I can't break your defense, why don't we make a bet?"

"What do you want to bet?" Facing Lu Bu, Cao Ren still felt a little guilty, so he asked.

"Just bet that I will ride into your defense line alone, and then come back safely." Lu Bu said, "If I do it, you two will put down your weapons and surrender. If I can't, of course I will be punished by you." If you are harmed, there is nothing good for you.”

Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun glanced at each other, and they both saw hesitation in each other's eyes.

"Yuan Rang, what do you think?" Cao Ren asked Xiahou Dun in a low voice.

"Lv Bu fought in Dangshan earlier, and fought in and out of our army several times by himself." Xiahou Dun said: "Since he made such a bet, he must have absolute confidence in himself. I don't think we should fight with him." bet."

"If we don't bet with him, we are afraid that he will make fun of him, which will destroy our army's morale." Cao Ren said, "Why don't we just order the archers to shoot him when he comes in. I still don't believe him. He is fighting to death. Finally, is there still the ability to block arrows?"

"It's a way." Xiahou Dun frowned, and the look on his face showed that he was not so relaxed: "However, if we lose, how can we surrender to him?"

"Just ignore him when the time comes." Cao Ren said, "If we don't want to work, is it possible that he can still force us?"

"It's true." Xiahou Dun replied, "Zixiao thinks it's appropriate, so he will do it."

After discussing with Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren shouted to Lu Bu: "If you really fight in and out of our army, we can discuss surrender with you."

When he was talking, he didn't talk enough.

Discussing surrender is not necessarily surrendering.

Even if they lose, they can find some reasons to shirk and refuse to serve Lu Bu.

Lu Bu was also speechless at that time.

In the Xuzhou army formation, all the generals and counselors felt amused when they heard Cao Ren's reply.

Sun Ce muttered: "Cao Ren is really a character, and he can say such a clumsy reply. Is it possible that he thinks Chuhou is stupid, and he will believe that they will surrender?"

"The Marquis of Chu never thought they would surrender." Zhou Yu said, "The Marquis of Chu just wanted to find an excuse to go in openly. As for whether Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun would surrender after they came back, he didn't really care."

"Since we see that they won't surrender, the Marquis of Chu probably won't agree either." Sun Ce replied, "If it were me, I definitely wouldn't agree."

"So Bofu is not the Marquis of Chu." Zhou Yu replied, "The Marquis of Chu will definitely agree."

While discussing this matter with Zhou Yu, Sun Ce heard Lu Bu yell, "You guys said it, so let's do it like this."

Hearing Lu Bu's reply, Sun Ce looked at Zhou Yu in astonishment.

Zhou Yu curled his lips and said to Sun Ce: "Bo Fu, don't think too much about it. Tell the soldiers to be on guard first. Once Chuhou is in danger, we have to go all out to rescue him."

"I understand." Sun Ce nodded helplessly, and shouted to the soldiers: "Soldiers, get ready to attack!"

Lu Bu decided to ride into the enemy line alone, and the soldiers of the Xuzhou Army he brought felt that it was too childish.

Cao Jun has followed Cao Cao in battle for many years, and most of the army are warriors who have fought on the battlefield.

In a battle with such a large army, the Xuzhou army, which has a superior number, may not necessarily be able to gain an advantage. If Lu Bu charged up alone, it would be really bad luck.

After receiving Sun Ce's order, not only the generals of the Xuzhou Army responded in unison and were ready to attack, but even the generals were ready to fight at any time.

Looking at Lu Bu again, Fang Tian swung his halberd, and he urged Chitu to rush forward.

Chitu is different from ordinary war horses. It runs like a whirlwind, and it rushes to the front of Cao Jun's formation in an instant.

Before Lu Bu charged, Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun were still thinking about letting the archers shoot arrows to kill him.

But they soon discovered that before the archers even had time to set up arrows on the bowstring, Lu Bu had already rushed to the front.

Looking at the scene in front of him in astonishment, before Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun could react, Lu Bu had already rushed into Cao's formation.

The halberd was flying, and Cao Jun who stood in front of him didn't even understand what was going on, and was swept away by Lu Bu.

Zhou Yu and the others who watched Lu Bu rush out with their own eyes were also stunned.

When Lu Bu rushed out, there were still thirty or fifty steps between him and Cao Jun.

It stands to reason that it would take a while to reach thirty or fifty steps.

But Lu Bu was like a gust of wind, and he rushed into Cao's army in an instant.

"So... so fast..." Zhou Yu muttered in disbelief, looked at Sun Ce and asked, "Bo Fu, did you know that Chu Hou's war horse was so fast?"

Sun Ce shook his head: "I only know that the Chitu is not an extraordinary horse, but I never thought it would be as fast as the wind..."

Lv Bu rushed into Cao's army and smashed countless Cao's troops.

Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun originally planned to order the archers to shoot him.

But he came and went quickly.

Before the two of them could react, Lu Bu had already killed back and forth, turned around and rushed out again.

Returning to the place where the horse was stationed earlier, Lu Bu pointed at Cao Ren with his bloodstained painting halberd: "Cao Zixiao, what else do you have to say?"

Cao Ren swallowed, and first looked at Xiahou Dun.

He found that Xiahou Dun was also confused, and he didn't recover from Lu Bu's rushing in and out.

"He...why is he so fast?" Cao Ren asked Xiahou Dun.

Xiahou Dun shook his head, his face was filled with the expression of you asking me who I would ask.

While Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun were still confused, the soldiers of the Xuzhou army who lined up behind Lu Bu cheered.

Although everything happened so quickly, few people even understood how Lu Bu entered Cao Jun's formation and how he got out, but the corpses of Cao Jun who were killed by him told everyone present that just now , Lu Bu did kill back and forth in Cao Jun.

The morale of the Xuzhou army was not low when they set off, and now they have witnessed Lu Bu's bravery, and the morale of the soldiers has reached its peak.

The cheers of the soldiers made Lu Bu feel very proud.

Except for him, it is impossible for anyone to understand why Chitu is so fast.

Ever since he practiced the halberd technique he got in the dream, not only his force has reached several times that of the previous one, but even the red rabbit horse seems to be like a god's help when he is riding it, coming and going like a gust of wind, making people fundamentally Can't find it.

"Lu Bu, what kind of demon technique did you use?" Xiahou Dun shouted, "We haven't seen it clearly yet, do you dare to do it again?"

"What if I do it again?" Lu Bu laughed, and shouted to Xiahou Dun: "See clearly, don't blame me for not saying hello!"

When Lu Bu was about to charge forward, Xiahou Dun opened his long bow and shouted to Cao Jun's archers: "Shoot the arrows and shoot Lu Bu to me!"

After receiving the order, Cao Jun's archers put their arrows on the bowstring one after another.

Compared with the last time, the only improvement of Cao Jun's archers is that they all put their arrows on the bowstring. Unfortunately, except for Xiahou Dun, no one fired even a feather arrow.

The arrow fired by Xiahou Dun only hit a phantom.

When the arrow landed, Lu Bu had already rushed into Cao's formation.

Fighting in and out again, Lu Bu returned to the original place and shouted to Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren: "I understand what you two are thinking, but you just want the archers to shoot me."

While he was shouting, hundreds of archers in Cao Jun's formation suddenly splattered blood on their chests and fell down one after another.

Killing so many people in an instant, and preventing the onlookers from seeing clearly what happened, Lu Bu immediately established the image of him as a god of killing in the hearts of the soldiers on both sides.

"The Marquis of Chu is mighty!" The generals of the Xuzhou Army gave cheers that shook the world, while everyone in the Cao Army was panicked, holding their weapons nervously, fearing that Lu Bu would rush over again and take their lives away.

"Defend, defend, don't give the enemy an opportunity." Cao Ren was the first to react, and shouted to Cao's soldiers.

"It is agreed that I will fight in and out, and you will surrender to me." Lu Bu shouted to Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun, "Now you are not keeping your word. If you spread the word, wouldn't it make the world laugh out loud?"

"Both of us are generals of the lord's department. The leader of the army is guarding here. We can only die in battle. How can there be any reason to surrender?" Cao Ren replied: "If you have the ability, you can take our heads. Might convince us to switch to your account."

Lu Bu curled his lips, showing a somewhat aggrieved expression: "I thought you two were honest and honest people, but I didn't expect that you were also dishonest idiots. Since the two of you refused to surrender, I'll break it down again tonight. Array!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Lu Bu returned to his army.

Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren were terrified.

They witnessed Lu Bu's ability with their own eyes.

Coming and going like a gust of wind, not to mention fighting him, even trying to see him clearly is not easy, if he wants to come, I'm afraid the soldiers really can't resist.

Lu Bu turned around and went back, not very fast.

Looking at his relaxed back as if walking in the garden, Xiahou Dun murmured, "When did Lu Fengxian become so scary?"

"He is capable, we have to admit it." Cao Ren said: "However, no matter how terrifying he is, we still can't relax in the slightest. If we can't stop him here, Xuzhou will be a bit more risky."

"Should we let the soldiers retreat to the hillside?" Xiahou Dun asked Cao Ren hesitantly.

"Withdraw to the hillside?" Cao Ren asked, "Why?"

"Lü Bu attacked the hillside, he needed to attack upwards." Xiahou Dun replied, "I think as long as there is a hillside as a buffer, he should not be so fast again."

Looking back at the hills behind him, Cao Ren frowned and said to Xiahou Dun: "Yuan Rang is right. The hillside can not only serve as a buffer, but the trees on the hill will also block his way forward. I think it is better for the soldiers to retreat. It's perfect for the hillside."

"Since Zixiao has no objection, let's let the soldiers retreat up the hillside." Cao Ren agreed, and Xiahou Dun immediately ordered the soldiers to retreat up the hillside without delay.

Cao Jun made a move, but Xuzhou Jun didn't catch up.

When Lü Bu returned to the front of the formation, Zhou Yu asked him, "Marquis Chu, the enemy has already retreated, should we go after them?"

"I said to attack them at night and wait until night." Lu Bu said: "They don't have many troops. If they launch a strong attack at this time, they will definitely be defeated. It's just that it is too easy to break through, and the road behind is not easy. How about Wait until night to let them understand that when I say to defeat them, we can break their defense. In this way, the Cao army behind will panic when they see us, and it will only take time to defeat Xu. .”

"Clearly inform the enemy army to break the attack at night, and if they really break it at that time, this matter will definitely spread to the ears of other Cao troops." Zhou Yu nodded: "But in this way, Chuhou will make it more difficult for himself."

"Cao Jun has deployed a lot of ordnance on the mountain to defend the air force. I don't use the air force, and I have designated the time to destroy them." Lu Bu twitched his mouth slightly, and said to the generals: "Whether Cao Jun's fighting spirit can be destroyed depends on the attack tonight." how."

"The Marquis of Chu entered Cao Jun's formation twice, but we couldn't see how to get in and out." Xu Shu said to Lu Bu: "I opposed the Marquis Chu's single-handed challenge to Cao Jun earlier. From this meeting, it turns out that I was indeed wrong."

"Yuanzhi is not the only one who opposes the Marquis of Chu riding alone to challenge Cao Jun." Zhou Yu also said: "The Marquis of Chu is so brave, and the Chitu is like a heavenly horse. Defeating Cao Cao is only a matter of days. The situation in the world, it seems It's probably stable."

Lu Bu laughed, and said to the two of them: "Gong Jin and Yuan Zhi don't want to say that. Although I can fight in and out of Cao's army by myself, I can't completely beat Cao Cao by myself." Destroyed. Whether we can defeat Xudu depends on the unity of your heart and mind, and the concerted efforts of the soldiers to make things happen."

"I am willing to follow the Marquis of Chu!" Everyone bowed to Lu Bu one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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