The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 409 Zhecheng is the Second Line of Defense

Chapter 409 Zhecheng is the Second Line of Defense
The raging fire became more and more intense, not only the hill where Cao Jun was stationed was covered with thick smoke and fire, but even the surrounding hills were not spared.

After the fire, the nearby hills will not be able to recover their current verdure for at least ten years.

Lu Bu frowned tightly, staring at the burning hill.

While he was waiting for the news with a serious face, a fast horse came not far from him.

The cavalry on horseback turned and jumped down, came to Lu Bu, bowed to him and said, "Report to the Marquis of Chu, Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren led a small army of Cao troops to kill them from the top of the mountain. Our army could not stop them, let them go." off."

"Gone?" Lu Bu was stunned for a moment, and then asked the soldier who reported the news, "How long have they been gone?"

"About two sticks of incense." The soldier replied: "When I found them, I rushed to report, but unfortunately it was still too late."

"Since you came here when you found them, how do you know when they left?" Lu Bu frowned and asked the soldier.

The soldier replied: "We have few people. After Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren went down the mountain, no one could stop them. I haven't gone far, they have already broken out of the encirclement, so I know when to leave."

"Bo Fu took Zhou Tai over there to have a look." Lu Bu ordered immediately, and Sun Ce received the military order, greeted Zhou Tai, and led a group of Xuzhou troops to the direction that the soldier said.

Zhou Yu approached Lu Bu and said to him, "Chuhou, don't worry even if Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren leave. After this battle, the Cao army must be afraid of Chuhou. From now on, our army's advance will definitely be less hindered than it is now. Quite a few."

Glancing at Zhou Yu, Lu Bu said: "Cao Cao divides his troops to deploy defenses, and our army defeats them one by one. In fact, it is good for us. What I am really worried about is not that Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren are gone. What I am really worried about is that Cao Cao finds it difficult to resist. Our army personally led a large number of Cao troops to the decisive battle."

"The Marquis of Chu will attack Cao Cao, and a decisive battle with him is only a matter of time." Zhou Yu asked, "I wonder what the Marquis of Chu is worried about?"

"If Cao's army deploys defenses everywhere, our army will have an advantage in fighting them." Lu Bu said: "If they gather the army in one place, with Cao Cao's current strength, we will not have the strength to fight him. .”

"The morale of the soldiers is high, and I don't think it is particularly difficult to defeat Cao Jun." Zhou Yu said: "Chuhou has fought with Cao Jun in the past. When will the victory be as smooth as it is now?"

"It's still Gongjin who can talk." Lu Bu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said to Zhou Yu, "With your enlightenment, I feel much better."

"The Marquis of Chu didn't need to worry about anything." Zhou Yu said, "Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren are just two of Cao Cao's generals. Letting them get away won't have much impact on the Marquis Chu's plans. At most, they can only defeat them. Cao Cao has two more available people under his command."

"I understand what Gongjin means." Lu Bu nodded, "Actually, I never thought that Cao Cao could be completely wiped out in a single battle. Take Xu Capital from him and save His Majesty to Pengcheng."

"If Your Majesty knows Chuhou's thoughts today, he will be very grateful." Zhou Yu said to Lu Bu, "Bo Fu took Zhou Tai to check. If Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren did not escape, they would definitely be able to stop him."

"Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren escaped from the hills, how can we give them a chance to stop them?" Lu Bu smiled and shook his head: "I'm afraid they will have escaped far when they arrive."

Looking at the burning mountain, Lu Bu said nothing, but the expression on his face was very serious.

Zhou Yu, who was by his side, didn't speak any more, with the same serious expression on his face.

Both of them knew very well that Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren's escape did not have much impact on the overall situation of the battle, but they were able to recount to Cao Cao how Lu Bu deployed and the strategy he used to attack Cao Cao this time.

There are many counselors around Cao Cao, and after being described by others, they will definitely know how to get along with each other.

Knowing that Cao Cao's advisers could not be avoided, Lu Bu also knew very well that since he chose to go out, that day will come sooner or later, the difference is only one day earlier or one day later.

The escape of Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren only urged Cao Cao to make a decisive battle decision as soon as possible. l
Sun Ce took Zhou Tai away, and after more than two hours, seeing that the sun was about to set, they returned to Lu Bu's side.

When he came to Lv Bu, Sun Ce said, "Chu Hou, when we arrived, the fighting there was over. Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren were nowhere to be found. Although our soldiers tried their best to stop them, they only killed a few Cao soldiers who were trying to escape. Soldier."

"If the soldiers there can stop Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren, their reputations will be in vain." Lu Bu said: "Command the soldiers, let everyone take strict precautions, and don't let Cao Jun escape again. "

Looking back at the hill that was still emitting black smoke, Sun Ce said: "The vegetation on the mountain has been completely burnt, and even birds and animals will not survive. Even if Cao Jun is still on the mountain, they will definitely be burned. Turned into coke. In fact, Chuhou doesn't need to care about whether Cao Jun will escape down the mountain."

"I hope so." Lu Bu nodded, and said to Sun Ce and the others: "Let's rest on the spot tonight. Tomorrow morning, choose a few people to accompany me up the mountain."

Sun Ce and the others responded, and accompanied Lu Bu to look up the mountain for a while, and did not return to the camp until the sky darkened.

That night, the lieutenant generals of Lu Bu's army put on strict guard against the possibility of Cao's army robbing the camp.

In fact, Lu Bu and the soldiers knew very well that the nearby Cao army had already fled, and it was impossible for anyone to come to rob the camp.

In order to prevent emergencies, the generals still patrol at night in shifts.

Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun escaped from the mountain and got past the Xuzhou army's interception. They looked back, and there were only four or fifty Cao troops behind them.

Xiahou Dun said angrily, "Why didn't we expect Lu Bu to set fire to the mountain?"

"Even if you think about it, what can you do?" Cao Ren said, "If we set up our defenses like that, once Lu Bu leads his troops to charge up, there will be no chance of counterattack."

"It's fortunate that Zixiao found something wrong, otherwise we would have been stuck on the mountain." Riding his horse forward, Xiahou Dun said angrily, "Lü Bu is deceitful, if I find the opportunity, I will definitely take his head !"

"Don't think about taking Lu Bu's head." Cao Ren said, "Let's think about what to say to the lord when we see him."

His face was very ugly, Xiahou Dun didn't say anything more, and continued to move forward together with Cao Ren.

As he was walking, a group of people suddenly rushed out in front of him.

One of the leaders shouted, "Who is here?"

Seeing that it was a group of Cao troops rushing forward, Cao Ren shouted: "I am Cao Ren, and you are under the command of General Yu Jin?"

Recognizing Cao Ren's voice, the leading Cao Jun officer hurried up to meet him.

Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun also slowed down.

The officer bowed his hands to them: "The two generals are not in Lumenting, why are you here?"

"Is General Yu here?" Cao Ren didn't answer him, but asked if Yu Jin was there.

"The general is discussing military affairs with Duke Xun in the army." The officer replied, "I'll send someone to report to the general."

Cao Ren said: "No need to report, General Xiahou and I will go find him."

The officer did not dare to disobey, and ordered the soldiers following behind to make way for Cao Ren and others.

Watching Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun ride their horses with dozens of Cao Jun who were in a panic, one Cao Jun asked the officer in a low voice, "Lieutenant, what's going on with the two generals?"

"Can't you see?" The officer glared at him and said, "They must have lost Lu Menting and came here to look for our general."

"Lost Lumenting?" Cao Jun who asked the question was taken aback: "I heard that Lu Bu just arrived at Lumenting, how could he take it down so quickly?"

"The current Lu Bu is not the same as when we were attacking Xiapi." The officer said: "When he comes here, he has a good mind. If he can save his life, don't bite the bullet and rush up. I heard that Lu Bu is brave enough He is almost a god-man, and the army under his command is also completely different from the past. In the past, he was attacked by the lord of our family, but now he leads the army to attack the lord, which shows that his power is not comparable to that of the past."

The soldiers of Cao Jun who were following behind him glanced at each other and responded in low voices.

"It's not something we should care about, don't look too much." The officer greeted Cao Jun who was following behind him: "Follow me and continue to patrol."

Everyone responded, followed behind the officer, and continued to inspect the surrounding area.

Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun came to Yu Jin's camp. When they heard that they were coming, Yu Jin, Xun You and several other generals came out to welcome them.

With them was Xiahou Dun's younger brother Xiahouyuan.

Seeing the two people's faces were black and gray, looking very embarrassed, Xia Houyuan asked straight away: "What happened to brother and Zixiao? How could they be so embarrassed?"

Xia Houyuan is a straightforward person, he won't beat around the bush with slippery hands.

When he started asking this question, Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren's faces felt hot.

Sighing, Xiahou Dun replied angrily: "Don't mention it, Lu Bu led the army to Lumenting, and we fought him for only one day before we were defeated by him. Most of the soldiers were buried in the sea of ​​fire. Zixiao and I only brought dozens of people .”

Glancing at Cao Jun who was following Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun, Xun You asked, "How did Lu Bu defeat the two generals?"

Cao Ren told everything that happened after Lv Bu led the army to Lumenting, and then said to everyone: "Lv Bu is really capable. We deployed it like that, and he was destroyed in just one day..."

"Deploy like the two generals, and I can break it in a day." Xun You frowned and said, "The two generals planned to use the thunderbolt chariot and crossbow on the hill to destroy Lu Bu's air force at first, but he arrived. However, he did not plan to use the air force at all, but his only son charged twice. His two charges not only made the soldiers feel timid, but even the two generals were a little more afraid of him. The two generals You shouldn't, you shouldn't have retreated to the mountain, and you gave Lu Bu the opportunity to set fire to the mountain."

What Xun You said made Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun even more annoyed.

Yu Jin said: "This is not a place to talk, I invite the two generals to come to my tent and give a detailed account of what happened today."

Inviting the two of them to come in and talk, Yu Jin undoubtedly gave Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun a step up.

Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren complied, and followed the crowd into Yu Jin's tent.

When they arrived in the tent, they recounted everything that happened in Lumenting.

Everyone sighed when they heard it.

"Lv Bu fought against dozens of strong generals of our army alone in the battle at Dangshan." Yu Jin said: "Now he has repeated his old tricks at Lumenting, fighting in and out of our army twice, which shows that he is the most beloved in the world. The name of a fierce general is not groundless."

"Any reputation must have a source." Xun You said: "Lu Menting has been lost, and now we have to consider how to stop Lu Bu in Zhecheng."

"The terrain around Zhecheng is much flatter than that of Lumenting Pavilion." Cao Ren said, "I think it's better to tell my lord how Yuan Rang and I lost Lumenting, and ask your lord to make a decision."

"Of course my lord will send someone there." Xun You said, "Zhecheng is the second line of defense against Lu Bu. Although the terrain here is flat, we have a city to defend. Compared with Lumenting, this place is not without advantages .”

"If you can't deal with Lu Bu with your back on the mountain, how can Zhecheng stop him?" Xiahou Dun asked Xun You, "Did Gongda have other plans to stop Lu Bu from Zhecheng?"

"That's not the case." Xun You replied, "I don't have a suitable solution either. The best way now is to send out a group of troops and station them on the hills outside the city, echoing the army inside the city. If Lu Bu besieged the city, the city would The soldiers outside can attack and harass the enemy at any time. And if they attack the soldiers outside the city, the defenders inside the city can also find an opportunity to fight out of the city. In any case, Lu Bu won’t be able to win favors in Zhecheng.”

"With Gongda around, Lu Bu's attack on Zhecheng should not be as easy as taking down Lu Menting." Cao Ren said, "Unfortunately, the Lord didn't assign wise men to me and Yuan Rang."

"Lu Menting has been lost, and it's too late to say anything now." Xun You said, "The two generals should not always think about this matter, in fact, the two of you came to Zhe City, which actually increased the defense strength here. "

"I would like to lead the troops outside the city and meet them inside the city at any time." Xiahou Dun stood up and said to Xun You, "I also ask Gong Daquan."

"No!" Xun You waved his hand and said, "Yuan let the general stay in the city, and leave the city to the general."

Looking at Yu Jin, Xun You asked him: "Dare to ask General Yu, are you sure that when Lu Bu attacked Zhecheng, he would lead the soldiers to inflict heavy damage on them from behind?"

"Fighting alone with Lu Bu, I'm definitely not his opponent." Yu Jin answered honestly, and he said to Xun You: "If the leader lays an ambush outside the city first, and then kills him from behind when he besieges Zhecheng. , but I have some confidence."

(End of this chapter)

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