The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 429 I'm Not Interested in Being a Marquis

Chapter 429 I'm Not Interested in Being a Marquis

Lu Bu had been to the Xudu Palace before, and he also knew where Liu Xie lived, so as soon as his feet landed, he rushed towards the palace.

Seeing that he was about to rush to the door of the bedroom, he saw a group of Cao Jun standing outside the door, aiming at the window of the bedroom with their bows and arrows.

Cao Jun's bowstrings were not ordinary arrows, but rockets that were burning with flames.

Seeing this scene, Lu Bu yelled and rushed over at a faster speed.

Seeing that he was about to rush, he heard a shout from the side: "Lu Fengxian, your opponent is me!"

While rushing forward, Lu Bu turned his head and glanced in the direction of the shout.

He saw Xia Houyuan rushing towards here with a big knife in his hand.

Once the lucky arrow is shot, it is likely to cause a fire in the bedroom.

From Cao Jun's move to set fire, Lu Bu judged that Liu Xie should be inside.

If the emperor hadn't been inside, Cao Jun wouldn't have set fire to it in such a hurry.

They did this because they didn't want Lu Bu to get Liu Xie.

Rushing towards the archers, Lu Bu had to beware of Xia Houyuan who was coming up from the side.

Waving a broadsword, Xia Houyuan rushed towards Lu Bu, and was about to kill him.

When he was only two or three steps away from Lu Bu, he suddenly let out a loud cry, and the big knife came down on the top of Lu Bu's head.

Lu Bu didn't wield Fang Tian's painted halberd to block, but twisted his waist, and His Majesty swung the big knife to the top of his head.

When Xia Houyuan was about to charge past him on his steed, Lv Bu let out a roar, handed the halberd to his left hand, and punched the horse's head violently with his right hand.

If it was an ordinary person, punching a horse on the head would not do anything to the horse.

However, Lu Bu was no ordinary person. His fist hit the head of Xiahouyuan's horse. The poor horse didn't even have time to hiss before rolling and falling, and died on the spot.

Xia Houyuan on the horseback was not slow to react. When he realized that the horse was beaten to death by Lu Bu, he threw his sword on the ground and flew up into the air, avoiding the fate of falling on the hard ground with the horse.

If Xia Houyuan was the only one, even if he had a hundred lives, he would have already explained it here.

However, in order to rescue Liu Xie, Lu Bu ignored Xia Houyuan, so he could only rush to the row of Cao Jun with bows and arrows.

The moment he was about to rush, Cao Jun let go of the bowstring one after another, and the arrows whizzed towards the window of the bedroom, and fell into the room with flames.

How could Lu Bu give them a chance to shoot a second arrow when they reached the back of this row of Cao Jun? With the halberd dancing, dozens of Cao Jun were beheaded on the spot before they even had time to resist.

Holding a big knife, Xia Houyuan, who was about to take advantage of Lu Bu to slay the archers, stepped forward to fight him, but before he could take a few steps, he found that dozens of archers were wiped out by Lu Bu in an instant.

Pausing with astonishment on his face, Xia Houyuan swallowed subconsciously as he looked at Lu Bu who was holding Fang Tian's painted halberd.

"Go away!" Glaring him a hard look, Lu Bu shouted, "Are you waiting for me to kill you?"

After being yelled at by Lu Bu, Xia Houyuan came back to his senses.

He had no chance to kill Liu Xie. Anyway, he also set fire to the bedroom. If the puppet emperor had bad luck, he would probably be burned into coke.

Even if he was lucky and was rescued by Lu Bu in the end, Xia Houyuan had nothing to do about it.

Lu Bu was really too strong. Xia Houyuan had never seen such a strong general after fighting in the battlefield for many years.

In the inner courtyard of the palace, Tai Shici led paratroopers and soldiers were fighting with the Cao army guarding the palace. Lu Bu went to Liu Xie's bedroom alone, and saw with his own eyes a group of Cao troops shooting rockets into the bedroom.

The flames spread in the bedroom, and the cries of several men and women came from the room.

Judging from the voice, Lu Bu believed that one of these people was Liu Xie.

Liu Xie was still alive. Although the fire had already started, Lu Bu decided to rush into the palace and rescue Liu Xie.

He led the army to crusade against Cao Cao, most of which was to destroy Cao Cao's prestige, so as to achieve checks and balances between him and Cao Cao's forces.

There are also some reasons, that is, for Liu Xie.

If Liu Xie is taken to Pengcheng, from now on, the edicts issued by the Han royal family will all be sent out from Pengcheng.

Although the heroes of the world have long disrespected the big man, they still have to give some face to the public.

After all, when the general situation of the world is not yet clear, no one is willing to risk the crime of treason and become an open enemy of the Han royal family except for that idiot Yuan Shu!

When Lu Bu rushed into the bedroom, the fire had already spread.

The bedroom was full of flames and thick smoke.

Thick smoke echoed in the room, and it couldn't escape no matter what, it dazzled people's eyes.

Lu Bu swung his painting halberd, and ruthlessly swept towards the wall behind him.

The halberd swept across, and the solid wall was swept down by him, and the thick smoke in the room suddenly gushed out from the collapsed place.

Although a lot of thick smoke poured out, the visibility in the bedroom was still very poor.

He raised the painting halberd and thrust it upwards violently. The moment Lu Bu withdrew his hand, the roof also collapsed.

The thick smoke was moving upwards, the roof collapsed, and a lot of smoke came out from the broken hole, and the visibility in the bedroom was much better.

The smoke was not so thick, and it was no longer as choking as it was when he rushed in. Lu Bu shouted at the top of his voice, "Left General Lu Bu has come to rescue you, may I ask where your Majesty is?"

After Lu Bu shouted, Liu Xie's voice came from a corner of the room: "General Lu, save me!"

Rushing over following the sound, Lu Bu saw two people curled up in the corner.

The woman curled up in the corner was dead, probably choked to death by the thick smoke, and the dying man was Liu Xie, who he wanted to save this time.

Pulling Liu Xie up, Lu Bu threw him on his back and rushed out of the bedroom.

Rescued by Lu Bu, Liu Xie pointed at the palace and cried, "Queen! The queen is still inside!"

"Is the queen next to your majesty?" Lu Bu asked.

Liu Xie replied: "Exactly, when the fire broke out, the queen blocked me, so I was not burned to death by the fire or smoked to death. General Lu is brave, go and save the queen!"

Liu Xie begged Lv Bu to rescue the empress, Lv Bu sighed and said to him, "I have seen it just now, the empress has long since passed away..."

Liu Xie, who thought Empress Fu was alive, received such a reply, it was no less than a lightning strike on his head, knocking him to death, and even half of the three souls walked away.

After staring blankly at Lu Bu for a while, Liu Xie suddenly covered his face and burst into tears.

Although Liu Xie was rescued, Lu Bu knew that Cao Jun was coming here in a steady stream.

Regardless of courtesies, Lu Bu grabbed Liu Xie by the collar, lifted him up, put it on his back, and was about to take him to find Tai Shici and the paratroopers.

Being carried by Lu Bu, Liu Xie struggled on his back and shouted: "General Lu, put me down quickly!"

"Your Majesty, don't mess around, the queen is dead." Lu Bu said, "The most important thing right now is to keep His Majesty safe..."

"I want to go down to kill people." Liu Xie, who was being carried by Lu Bu, gritted his teeth and said, "Cao Cao deceived me. First he killed my concubine Dong, and now he killed the queen. If I don't kill this thief with my own hands, it will be hard for me." Get rid of the hatred in your heart!"

Liu Xie gritted his teeth when he said these words, but Lu Bu found it funny.

Having been a puppet emperor for so many years, when he saw Cao Cao, it was like a timid mouse meeting a vicious cat.

After being bullied for so many years, he didn't dare to resist, and after being rescued by Lu Bu, he clamored to kill Cao Cao. This great Han emperor's ability to adapt to the wind is really not comparable to ordinary people.

Although he felt that Liu Xie was funny in his heart, Lu Bu didn't say anything, and handed him a long sword: "Your Majesty uses this sword to defend himself. I brought a team of soldiers from the sky to save His Majesty. There are everywhere in Xudu City. They are all Cao Cao's people, Your Majesty has to follow me to guard the palace."

"General Lu hasn't defeated Xudu yet?" Lu Bu said that he had come to save him from the sky, but Liu Xie asked with a disappointed face.

"Although not yet, but it will be soon." Lu Bu said: "I learned that Cao Cao was trying to murder His Majesty, so I made such an arrangement. I really don't feel at ease if someone else comes, so I came here myself. Fortunately, I came in time and rescued His Majesty, but it's a pity for the Queen..."

Speaking of the word queen, Lu Bu sighed with compassion.

Liu Xie, who was crying until he lost his human form, calmed down now.

He said to Lv Bu: "General Lu is really the minister of the great man. If it weren't for the general, I would have died in the hands of Cao thief today, and the great man's foundation would also be destroyed in his hands."

"Your Majesty is the Ninth Five-Year Lord, so of course the blessings are equal to heaven." Lu Bu said: "Even if I don't come to rescue, someone else will come to rescue.

There were shouts of killing everywhere in the palace, and the paratroopers and Cao Jun who rushed into the palace had already been killed in chaos. ,

Seeing that the momentum of the chaos was difficult to control, Lu Bu gave up looking for Tai Shici, and took Liu Xie into a side hall.

After entering the side hall, the shouting outside seemed to be quieter. Liu Xie heaved a sigh of relief and asked Lu Bu: "General Lu has done a great job in saving him, how do you want me to reward you?"

Before he was completely out of danger, Liu Xie actually showed the emperor's spectrum, and Lu Bu suddenly understood Cao Cao a little bit.

The emperor in front of him changed his face too quickly. When he was rescued, he was still crying to save the queen, but he never mentioned it again.

Lu Bu rescued him, and according to his respectful attitude towards Cao Cao in the past, he should be grateful to Lu Bu tremblingly.

But he put on a condescending posture and asked Lu Bu what reward he wanted.

"I'm a courtier, so it's only natural to rescue Your Majesty." Lu Bu said, "Your Majesty don't need to worry about it. We are not out of danger yet. Don't you think it's too early for His Majesty to reward you?"

"What General Lu said is true." Lu Bu was right, and Liu Xie had no choice but to relax his attitude, and said to him: "General, as long as you can protect me and leave Xuchang safely, I will make you a great general. Command the world's soldiers and horses!"

The cake given by Liu Xie is indeed not small. The general has a high status and is in charge of the military power in the world.

As a general, the entire military affairs of a big man can be controlled in his hands, which can be said to be extremely honorable.

However, these honors belonged to the former great generals of the Han Dynasty. Now Liu Xie himself is a troubled emperor with no foundation. What is the value of the great general he named?
"I don't want a general." Lu Bu said to Liu Xie, "Save Your Majesty, but I actually want to ask Your Majesty for a title."

"Nobility?" Liu Xie was cold for a while, and then suddenly said to Lu Bu: "The Marquis of Chu is indeed a little younger, why don't I make you a Marquis of the Central Plains!"

"It's still a Marquis!" Lu Bu shook his head with a contemptuous smile, "If I don't want to be a Marquis, what kind of title does His Majesty plan to give me?"

When Lu Bu asked this question, he was already making his words very clear. He didn't want the title of Marquis, and the only thing that attracted him was the title of king.

Looking at Lu Bu and Liu Xie in astonishment, he asked, "General Lu wants to be king?"

"Does Your Majesty feel that my achievements are not enough?" Lu Bu asked Liu Xie.

Liu Xie, who was still arrogant in front of Lu Bu just now, vaguely felt something.

He looked at Lu Bu in astonishment: "The general came to save me, could it be..."

"I don't want anything else." Lu Bu curled his lips: "I just think that the title of Hou is ugly and unworthy of the stage, and I want to find the title of king from His Majesty."

"Although Lu Bu's tone was not very strong, Liu Xie felt that this man in front of him would never be easier to get along with than Cao Cao.

He subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and said to Lu Bu: "General Lu really wants to be king, how about I make you king of Chu?"

"Success!" Lu Bu said, "The place I occupy is the land of Wu and Chu, and Pengcheng, where King Xiang ruled, was the place where King Xiang ruled. It would be appropriate to make me King of Chu."

"I will issue an edict now." Lu Bu was quite satisfied with the title of King of Chu, and Liu Xie immediately said, "General Lu is formally canonized as King of Chu!"

"Isn't it too childish for Your Majesty to issue an edict here?" Lu Bu said, "There are only the two of us here, and I am the only one who knows about His Majesty's edict. In the future, I will go out and tell the world that I am not the Marquis of Chu but the King of Chu." , Your Majesty thinks, how many people in the world will believe me?"

"Where is the imperial edict, can there be a fake?" Realizing that Lu Bu was not easy to provoke, Liu Xie's attitude suddenly softened, and his tone of speech was somewhat humble, without the condescending arrogance just now.

"If someone says that I forced Your Majesty to issue an edict, how can I wash it clean?" Lu Bu smiled and said to Liu Xie: "If your Majesty thinks of my merits and feels sorry for not rewarding him, then follow along with me. Get out alive by my side. When I go to Pengcheng, I want to ask His Majesty to issue an edict in front of everyone, and announce to the whole world that I will be crowned King of Chu!"

"The general can do whatever he wants." Lu Bu openly begged for Wang Jue, and Liu Xie was already very disturbed.

Although the one in front of him didn't bring any soldiers, he himself was the number one warrior in the world.

Don't talk about other things, just talk about the fire, how would anyone else dare to go in and save people?

Lu Bu just went in. Not only did he go in, he also poked two big holes in the bedroom!

The solid walls and roof were as fragile as tofu in front of him. Liu Xie asked himself, in this world, he probably would never find another person who could check and balance Lu Bu.

(End of this chapter)

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