The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 451 No one can bully you and me anymore

Chapter 451 No one can bully you and me anymore
Lu Bu refused Yan Liang and Wen Chou to enter Xuchang.

Although the two generals were brave, they didn't dare to make any mistakes when facing him who was even braver.

The two sides confronted each other for several days, and Yecheng issued a military order, asking them to withdraw their troops immediately and stop entanglement with Lu Bu.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou withdrew their troops and left.

On the top of the city, Lu Bu looked at the Hebei army that was gradually receding, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Chen Gong came behind him: "King Chu, the Hebei army has retreated, what should we do?"

"Cao Mengde hasn't been eliminated yet." Lu Bu replied, "With him around, I always feel uneasy."

"The meaning of Marquis Chu is..." Chen Gong understood what he meant, but still asked a question.

"Destroy Cao Cao first, and then plan other things." Lu Bu replied: "Cao Cao is the hero of the world. When he is destroyed, the north has fallen into our hands."

"Could it be that Marquis Chu forgot Yuan Shao in Hebei?" Chen Gong looked astonished, "Yuan Shao defeated Gongsun Zan, and now he is in full swing..."

"It's a great achievement. If you don't know how to use people, what can you do if you are in the sky?" Lu Bu sneered: "Go and arrange it. Cao Cao will be chased and his head must be taken off."

Chen Gong took orders, and several teams left the city that day to chase after Cao Cao.

A few days later, Diao Chan came to Xudu.

Hearing that his wife had come, Lu Bu went to the city gate to meet him in person.

The couple met very cordially.

Stepping forward and holding Diao Chan's hand, Lu Bu said, "Madam came all the way, it's really hard work."

"It's really hard for my husband to lead the army in battle." Diao Chan replied, and then said: "I heard along the way that my husband solved Yan Liang and Wen Chou and entered Xudu, and they were forced to retreat. Now the soldiers and horses of several groups I'm chasing Cao Cao, and it shouldn't be long before I can take his head..."

"Ma'am, don't be too optimistic." Lu Bu smiled and shook his head, "Although Cao Cao has been defeated one after another, he has many capable men under his command. It is not so easy to destroy him."

Accompanying Lu Bu into the city, Diao Chan's face was full of worry: "My husband was almost killed by Cao Cao. If I don't kill him, I am afraid that he will come back..."

Lu Bu nodded: "Madam is worried, but I am also worried. But Madam, please remember one thing, no matter what, it is enough for me to worry, you don't have to think about it."

Diao Chan smiled and nodded: "With my husband here, I am not afraid of anything."

The couple came to the former Cao family mansion.

It has long been Lu Bu's residence.

The two entered the room, and Lu Bu was hugged by Diao Chan: "Ma'am, I miss you so much..."

"I also miss my husband..." Nestled in Lu Bu's arms, Diao Chan said quietly: "Every time my husband goes to war, my heart beats non-stop..."

"The emperor has fallen into my hands. From now on, I can also coerce the emperor to command the princes." Lu Bu replied with a smirk: "Cao Cao used the Han Dynasty, can I not?"

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Diao Chan said: "No matter what, I believe that my husband can do it."

"Of course." Lu Bu replied, "From now on, no one will bully you and me again. Only I decide people's life and death, and no one can control my fate!"

Lu Bu picked Diao Chan up and said, "Madam, what I want to do is to have a few more children with me, so that our family will prosper!"

(End of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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