The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 80 He's here to find trouble

Chapter 80 He's here to find trouble
Zhen Mi Bingxue is smart, if it were another person, she might be blocked by her words.

It's a pity that she faced Lu Bu.

Moreover, Lu Bu has changed his soul.

Laughing, Lu Bu whispered, "Miss is beautiful and beautiful. If I can kiss Fangze, even if I put the name of a hero in the whole world in front of me, I won't even look at it."

"What about Wen Hou?" Lu Bu's response made Zhen Mi feel very uneasy.

"Miss should not understand what men want to do to women." Lu Bu said with a mean smile on the corner of his mouth, "but don't worry, miss. I have no interest in prostitution in the wild. I don't like forcing women to be theirs." If you don't want to do something, unless Miss is willing, I won't do it lightly."

"Since this is the case, I'm afraid Wen Hou won't have a chance." Zhen Mi replied softly.

"I just said I wouldn't do it lightly, I didn't say I definitely wouldn't do it." Approaching Zhen Mi, Lu Bu lowered his voice, "Miss may not have heard a saying, if you want to get a woman, the best way Just go deep into her."

Looking at Lu Bu in astonishment, Zhen Mi looked terrified.

Although she hasn't left the cabinet yet, she is a woman after all.

Women are naturally enlightened about men and women earlier.

When a man reaches a certain age, he may not know what to do with a woman.

However, when women reach their youth, they often understand that they are born to tolerate men, and pay the price of reproduction for the tolerance again and again.

Although the sunset is beautiful, it stays for a short time.

The sky gradually dimmed as the sun sank below the ground in the distance.

Lu Bu said to Zhen Mi: "It's not early, miss should go back to rest early, and I have to hurry tomorrow."

Zhen Mi lowered her head and didn't say anything, she just bowed.

The soldiers had set up tents and some were cooking dinner.

Back at the camp, Lu Bu happened to bump into Zhao Yun.

He had seen Lu Bu and Zhen Mi talking by the river a long time ago, and Zhao Yun came up to him: "Hou Wen went to Zhongshan, and it was enough to save people, why did you snatch Miss Zhen back?"

When he first met Lu Bu, Zhao Yun always wondered why he wanted to rob Zhen Mi.

Zhao Yun felt a lot better when he raised the question in his heart.

Lu Bu smiled indifferently: "The Zhen family is a big Zhongshan family, do you know that?"

Zhao Yun nodded.

"The Yuan family in Hebei and the Zhen family have entered into a marriage contract, you also know that?"

Looking at Lu Bu in astonishment, Zhao Yun didn't respond, but his eyes became more and more puzzled.

"I know you must be very confused. I want to understand why I snatched Miss Zhen's family knowing that the Zhen family and the Yuan family had a marriage contract." Lu Bu said: "The Yuan family has been funded by the Zhen family for many years. The Zhen family entered into a marriage contract for nothing more than to get more benefits. The Zhen family wanted to cling to the powerful, while the Yuan family wanted to win over the rich. This marriage is just a disguised transaction of power and money, but anyone who has the slightest sense of responsibility to the world , don’t just sit back and watch it happen.”

Zhao Yun was stunned: "So Wen Hou snatched away Miss Zhen's family just because the deal couldn't be completed?"

Lu Bu nodded solemnly: "For so many years, I've been used to conquests on the battlefield, and the separation of wives and children. Where do countless tragedies in the world come from? Isn't it because the buying and selling of officials back then made power and money interchangeable?" Change? Although my ability is not very strong, it is absolutely impossible to sit back and watch this kind of thing happen in front of my eyes."

"What does Marquis Wen plan to do with Miss Zhen's family?" Looking at Zhen Mi who was walking towards the camp, Zhao Yun asked.

"Send it to the back house first, and let Madam take care of it." Lu Bu replied: "As for how to arrange it in the future, we can only take one step at a time!"

In fact, he had long thought that if a peerless beauty like Zhen Mi was not taken into the back house, it would be a waste of money!
He must accept it, but he just needs to find a suitable reason and timing, so that others can't think that he snatched Miss Zhen's family just for the sake of sex.

"It turns out that Hou Wen has already made plans." Zhao Yun cupped his hands and bowed: "As long as it is useful, please speak clearly!"

Gently patted Zhao Yun's arm, and Lu Bu smiled affectionately: "Zilong said that, but he is out of touch with me. I have long heard that Zilong is capable of getting acquainted. Now that you and I can work together, it is also because of love. We How many years older than Zilong Chi, just call me big brother from now on."

Looking at Lu Bu's young face, Zhao Yun was a little embarrassed.

Although his actual age was not young, that face was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

Zhao Yun, who is in his early 20s, calls Lu Bu the eldest brother...

It's okay to know, but if someone who doesn't know the inside story hears about it, all the prestige that has been accumulated with great difficulty will be lost.

"It's getting late, you and I go back to the tent to talk." After greeting Zhao Yun, Lu Bu walked towards the tent first.

In the next two days, Lu Bu led the team to rush to Xiapi unhurriedly.

Back in Xiapi City, Chen Gong and others were already waiting outside the city gate.

Seeing Lu Bu, Chen Gong whispered, "Cao Cao sent someone here, saying he wanted to see Marquis Wen."

Before leaving, he had expected that Cao Cao would send someone, so Lu Bu asked, "Who is here?"

"It's Xiahou Dun who came." Chen Gong whispered: "Back then Xiahou Dun was shot blind in the left eye by General Cao Xing under Wen Hou's command. He doesn't like Wen Hou very much, so he has to be careful."

"Apart from Xiahou Dun, is there anyone else coming with us?" Lu Bu asked.

"There are only a few followers, and no one else."

"Xiahoudun's charge is okay, but he's far behind with his brain." Lu Bu asked again, "Did Gongtai not deal with him?"

"Wen Hou is not here, and I don't know how to plan. How can I deal with it?" Chen Gong shook his head: "Xiahoudun came this time to ask Wen Hou why he let Liu Bei run away, why he killed Chen Deng and his son, and when? Attack Huainan."

"How did you answer?" Knowing that Chen Gong could not refuse to explain, Lu Bu asked.

"Report truthfully." Chen Gong said: "It's just that the death of Chen Deng and his son was not explained. It's better for Marquis Wen to reply in person."

"Where is Xiahou Dun?" Lu Bu asked.

"I just live in the official residence." Chen Gong said: "I just received him on the day he came, and then I mostly handed it over to General Gao Shun."

Lu Bu looked at Gao Shun: "What does General Gao think of Xiahou Dun's temper?"

"Very irritable." Gao Shun replied: "A few times he actually dared to yell at me. If it wasn't for his refusal to cause trouble for Marquis Wen, I really wanted to wring his head off."

"Xiahou Dun is here to find trouble." After listening to Gao Shun's reply, Lu Bu said to Chen Gong: "The real messenger is yet to come."

"The only thing I missed was that I didn't tell Wen Hou this sentence, but Wen Hou noticed it." Chen Gong asked, "What is Wen Hou planning?"

"Ignore him and just hang out." Lu Bu said, "If he asks, he will say that I just came back and I am busy with business, and I will see him after two days or so."

(End of this chapter)

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