The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 91 I want to take these people away

Chapter 91 I want to take these people away

Before Zhao Yun came to Huainan, Lu Bu had told him that he could pretend to be a commoner if he had to enter Shouchun.

It's a pity that Lu Bu's understanding of Zhao Yun is only some documents and materials he has read.

Many character details are unclear.

In fact, he should have thought a long time ago that Zhao Yun, who can single-handedly enter and exit Changbanpo seven times and seven times, must be very confident in martial arts, and his personality must be extremely arrogant.

Otherwise, he would never have made the crazy move of facing [-] Cao Jun single-handedly.

Of course, Zhao Yun voted for Lu Bu, and the Changbanpo part would definitely not happen.

However, according to his personality, he will never give up until he does something earth-shattering.

When he came to Shouchun this time, Zhao Yun made such a plan.

He was just talking nonsense, but Yang Hong, who was eager to lead Huainan out of trouble, really believed it.

"I haven't seen anyone, so how do I know what benefits I should give you?" Zhao Yun glared: "If you don't agree, then forget it!"

Putting on the posture of not wanting to talk to Yang Hong, Zhao Yun turned around and left.

If he was making a lot of noise outside the city, Yang Hong would be puzzled instead.

As soon as Zhao Yun left, Yang Hong became a little confused.

After the battle of Xiapi, Lu Bu, who had returned to his youth, came to Huainan and killed Yuan Shu in front of him and countless guards.

Yang Hong also considered sending troops to attack Xuzhou.

After Yuan Shucai's death, Huainan was unstable, and it was hard to predict the outcome of rashly sending troops.

He originally planned to wait until Huainan's position was stabilized before drawing on Lu Bu, but he didn't expect that Xuzhou would grow faster than Huainan in a short period of time.

Lu Bu, who once had only [-] remnants, quickly expanded his army to nearly [-].

There is no dispute that Lu Bu is the undefeated God of War.

He also has two fierce generals Zhang Liao and Gao Shun under his command.

Huainan fierce general Ji Ling even joined him.

Regardless of the lineup of generals or the morale of the three armies, Huainan is no longer Xuzhou's opponent!

Today's Huainan has long lost the prosperity of the past.

It's like a bad kid who has stabbed a big basket, surrounded by a group of angry villains.

If you stretch your head out, you will definitely get a beating, but if you shrink your head, you will definitely get a beating.

The only way to make Huainan survive is to win over one or two villains, and even become their vassal if they have to.

Zhao Yun has a strong physique and is very heroic in a silver armor and white robe.

Although he has never seen him before, Yang Hong is not blind.

From this attire and the aura exuded by Zhao Yun, he could also tell that this man outside the city was a strong general.

Lv Bu lacked people under his command, and according to Yang Hong's guess, with such a strong general, he would never be willing to send him to Shouchun to die.

After a few words, Zhao Yun lost his temper again, making him believe that as long as he can grasp it, it is not impossible to win over Lu Bu.

"Wait a minute, general!" Yang Hong shouted after Zhao Yun walked a few steps.

Looking back at the top of the city, Zhao Yun shouted: "I'm going to leave without sincerity, so what do you want if you stop me?"

Yang Hong was about to let someone open the city gate, Zhang Xun walked up to him: "Mr. Yang, what's going on?"

First, he briefly recounted what Zhao Yun and him said to Zhang Xun, and Yang Hong said: "Lv Bu wants the family members of Yan Xiang and Ji Ling, so we might as well take this opportunity to let him be cautious and dare not make Huainan an enemy. If you can convince Lu Bu, once Huainan is under siege, please send troops to help!"

"Lü Bu is capricious, how can we trust him?" Zhang Xun asked, "Could it be that Duke Yang plans to meet this person in person?"

"The general is in command of the three armies. Who else can replace me if I don't meet?" Yang Hong sighed, "The late emperor treated you and me well..."

The first emperor he mentioned was of course Yuan Shu.

"I know Yang Gong remembers the old kindness of the late emperor, but the situation is unclear, so you must not act rashly." Zhang Xun shouted to a general behind him: "Come here."

Will go forward.

Zhang Xun introduced: "This man's surname is Liu, and his name is Zhangli. He has been under my command for two years, and he is still able to do things well. It is better to let him go for Yang Gong, than Yang Gong is too close to the man outside the city."

Yang Hong thought for a while, and felt that what Zhang Xun said was also reasonable.

Frowning tightly and looking at Liu Zhangli, Yang Hong asked, "Do you know where Ji Ling and Yan Xiang's family members are locked up?"

"I was ordered to guard them for a few days, and I know where they are being held." Liu Zhangli replied.

"Then you go." Yang Hong said: "Lead the man outside the city to meet the family members of Yan Xiang and Ji Ling, and then ask him what benefits he will bring us."

Liu Zhangli took the order and left.

After waiting outside the city for a while, but Yang Hong still didn't reply, Zhao Yun became a little anxious: "Is there anything wrong with calling me? If it's okay, I really have to go!"

Zhao Yun urged, Yang Hong replied: "Wait a moment, general, I will arrange for my deputy to take you to meet the families of Yan Xiang and Ji Ling first, and we will talk about everything later."

The purpose of coming here is to bring back Ji Ling and Yan Xiang's family members, Zhao Yun has no intention of talking to him about things.

Glaring at the top of the city, Zhao Yun didn't reply.

A moment later, the city gate opened, and Liu Zhangli rushed out with more than a dozen Huainan troops on horseback.

When he came to Zhao Yun, he reined in his horse and said, "General, I take you to meet the person you want to meet by order of Duke Yang."

Zhao Yun made a gesture: "Please!"

As Liu Zhangli entered the city, Zhao Yun looked left and right all the way.

Although he is very confident in martial arts, he still needs to find out the way to save people and evacuate.

The family members of Ji Ling and Yan Xiang were indeed in the city.

They were held in a mansion.

After entering the house, Liu Zhangli ordered the two family members to be driven out.

The family members have obviously been frightened a lot these days.

After running out, they crowded each other and lowered their heads in fear and fear, not daring to raise their eyes to look around.

"This general, man, you have seen it." Liu Zhangli said to Zhao Yun: "Mr. Yang asked me to ask you, what are the benefits for us?"

"I want to take people away." Zhao Yun said calmly.

When he said these words, the men and women who were terrified subconsciously cast eyes on him for help.

"That's not allowed." Liu Zhangli said: "No one is allowed to take them away without the order of Duke Yang."

"You guy, how dare you stop me!" Zhao Yun glared without warning, and shot out with a long spear.

Poor Liu Zhangli didn't expect that the other party would strike suddenly, so he was stabbed so heartbroken that he fell off his horse.

The Huainan army in the courtyard was stunned by the sudden change.

Before they recovered their senses, Zhao Yun and the dozen or so people he brought suddenly staged an attack. First they overthrew the cavalry who followed Liu Zhangli, and then chased and killed the other Huainan troops.

Although the Huainan Army has dozens of people, what they are facing cannot be called a battle at all.

In just a few moments, dozens of corpses lay in disorder on the cold ground.

"General Ji and Yan Gong have joined Wenhou. Lu Wenhou ordered me to come to Shouchun just to rescue you." Astride his horse and raising his gun, Zhao Yun shouted to the men, women and children present: "Would you like to stay here and wait for death? Come out of town with me, you choose yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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